Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 124 Corporate Adjustment

Zhang Xiao grabbed the phone on the table and dialed the internal number of Zong Rui's office.

"Brother Rui, come over to my place, I have something to discuss with you." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Zong Rui finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Zong Rui looked at Sun Meiqi, the director of the personnel department in front of him, and was very angry, because there were only [-] people in the company at the moment. What these people did, only God knows.

"Hurry up and inform. If there are still so many people in the meeting at three o'clock, I don't know how the boss will lose his temper." Zong Rui waved to Sun Meiqi helplessly and said.

"I see." Sun Meiqi replied and left in a hurry.

Zong Rui sighed, he didn't know what these people were thinking, they were usually free and undisciplined, but now the boss is here and still doing the same thing, isn't it just for nothing.

Zong Rui came to Zhang Xiao's office, sat across from Zhang Xiao's desk, and asked with a smile, "Boss, why are you looking for me now?"

"It's like this. I think there are one or two legal counsels in each investment group, so why not set up a legal department and gather these lawyers to work together?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"When the company was first established, there was only one investment team, so the legal affairs were directly placed in the investment team. Later, after the investment department was expanded, in order to keep confidential, each team was equipped with legal affairs. I am planning to recruit them these days. Come out to form the legal department." Zong Rui said after seeing a proposal and handing it to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao opened it and saw that here was a report on the adjustment of the company's departments and personnel. Apparently, Zong Rui had planned for a long time, but Zhang Xiao was not very satisfied with some of the adjustments, so he said, "I found that the company's investment department Some of them have experience in securities investment, so I plan to divide the investment part into two departments, the first investment department and the second investment department. What do you think of primary markets such as companies and enterprises?"

Zong Rui immediately understood Zhang Xiao's plan. This is to start to enter the secondary market. It is not just financing for some companies like now. This kind of risk is high and the return time is long. It will give the company several times the return, but it still makes him very stressed.

But entering the secondary market is different. You can make profits through continuous transactions, although you may also lose money, but after all, you can use technology to control risks. Zong Rui has rich experience in this area.

"Boss, you finally agreed to open a secondary market trading account. I thought the company wasn't involved in this aspect." Zong Rui said excitedly.

"I also made a decision after thinking about it recently. After all, if the company wants to develop sustainably, it is obviously too simple to rely solely on angel investment, and in many cases it takes a long time to return, which will affect the enthusiasm of the company's personnel, so I plan to open Securities account, but you have to go through all these procedures." Zhang Xiao's mentality has relaxed a lot at the moment, after all, he has made such a large amount of money, throwing it in the bank is not a long-term solution.

"Don't worry, I will try to handle it as soon as possible." Zong Rui said excitedly.

"In addition, I'm going to increase the company's registered capital to [-] million, so you go through the formalities, and I'll inject capital at that time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem." Although Zong Rui was a little surprised by Zhang Xiao's sudden increase in registered capital, he didn't ask too much. After all, the entire company is now owned by Zhang Xiao, and no equity changes are involved.

Three o'clock was coming soon, Zong Rui left Zhang Xiao's office and headed for the large conference room on the third floor.

At this time, there were more than 40 people sitting in the large meeting room, some of them were in the company all the time, and some rushed over after receiving the notice, but there were still more than 20 people who hadn’t arrived. whats the matter.

Although Sun Meiqi knew what was going on, she didn't reveal it to the outside world, she just looked like she was watching a play.

Zhang Xiao entered the conference room at three o'clock sharp and sat in the middle, with Zong Rui sitting next to him.

"The meeting starts now. This is Zhang Xiao, the boss of our company. Welcome." Zong Rui said.

Everyone in the company looked at Zhang Xiao, who was sitting at the head, and applauded enthusiastically.

"Hi everyone, due to various reasons, I just met with you today, but I am not satisfied with the current situation of the company, to be honest, the meeting at three o'clock, only 48 people came to the conference room, and [-] I didn't show up personally, I don't know why, after the meeting, Director Sun of the Personnel Department reported to me the attendance of the personnel." Zhang Xiao looked calm, as if talking about a trivial matter.

The meeting room was silent at the moment, and those who came were secretly glad, and couldn't help gloating at those who didn't come to the meeting.

"Okay, now let the general manager Zong Rui talk about the company's next adjustment work." Zhang Xiao glanced at the number of people present, and didn't bother to say any more.

Zong Rui's face was also a bit ugly. After all, Zhang Xiao's dissatisfaction is normal, and he, the general manager, is the first to bear the brunt, so he said: "The company's next investment direction is divided into two types, one is angel investment, the enterprise Equity investment-based primary market, in addition, the company will establish a second investment department that focuses on stock trading, and those who are willing to do so should apply to the HR department after the meeting, and then Mr. Zhang will personally interview and review."

"The company has established a legal department, and the legal personnel of each investment group will be uniformly assigned to the legal department, and the director of the legal department will be selected from among you."


The meeting went on quickly and ended before four o'clock. The main reason was that Zhang Xiao had no desire to speak. The lack of numbers was his biggest dissatisfaction with the company's work.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao called the heads of various departments to a small meeting room beside him. He needed to see how these people approached their work, attitudes determine everything.

"Director Sun, the personnel department is responsible for the company's attendance. I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation." Zhang Xiao didn't like Sun Meiqi very much, because he found that Sun Meiqi had inaction in the company's attendance. He can't stand it.

"Mr. Zhang, some people couldn't attend the meeting today because some people from the investment department went out to do project investigation work, and they couldn't be notified at all. That's why this happened. I..." Sun Meiqi was still worrying I justified myself, but I didn't see Zhang Xiao's face getting uglier.

"You don't need to say it, you go to the finance department to settle your salary now, and you won't need it tomorrow." Zhang Xiao interrupted Sun Meiqi with a wave of her hand, and said directly.

Sun Meiqi was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that she would be fired. As the director of the personnel department, the salary of more than 2000 yuan a month is not low. After all, countless laid-off workers are pushed to the market, and many people can't find them. Work, she is very satisfied with this job, she doesn't have to work overtime, it is okay to not come if there is something to do, but at this moment, because of Zhang Xiao's words, she was fired.

"Why?" Sun Meiqi asked loudly with some dissatisfaction.

"There are so many reasons, but since you asked, I'll make it clear to you." Zhang Xiao stood up, picked up the attendance sheets from the past few months and threw them on the table in front of Sun Meiqi, and said.

"For several months, attendance has been falsified, and the company's attendance system has been faked. As the director of the personnel department, don't tell me that you don't know what's going on. Not only that, but you yourself, as the director of the personnel department, took the lead in absenteeism and forged There are only a few application forms for attendance and going out, I don't know how you are a director."

Sun Meiqi didn't expect Zhang Xiao to know the company's situation so well. She wanted to get away with it, but she didn't expect that the first fire of Zhang Xiao's arrival would burn her head, which made her feel bitter.

Sun Meiqi also knew the seriousness of the matter at this moment, and couldn't help looking at Zong Rui, hoping that Zong Rui would say something for her, but Zong Rui didn't seem to see her asking for help, and sat there expressionlessly.

Under Zhang Xiao's gaze, Sun Meiqi had to leave the meeting room.

After Sun Meiqi left, Zhang Xiao said to Feng Xinru, the director of the finance department: "I have read the accounts of the finance department, and found nothing wrong, but I hope that this aspect will be strictly checked in the future, after all, we will deal with the tax department in the future. In addition, we need to recruit some experienced accountants, after all, with the launch of investment projects, we will send on-site accountants for many projects.”

Feng Xinru breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. As an old man who has worked in accounting for more than 20 years, what she fears most is the distrust of her boss. After all, it means layoff and unemployment: "I know how to do it, boss."

"I took a look at the project investigation of the investment department, and it is very rough. You must know that when we are doing project or corporate investment, we must have a deep understanding of the project target and other investigations, not superficial." Zhang Xiao said to Li Haonian, director of the investment department .

Li Haonian also knew that his work was not good enough, but he was noncommittal about Zhang Xiao's comments, but he still had the attitude he should have. After all, Sun Meiqi's fate was a lesson for him.

After the heads of these departments left, Zhang Xiao and Zong Rui sat face to face. Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression: "The company's attendance system must be strictly implemented, and the free and undisciplined atmosphere must not continue."

Zong Rui nodded and said: "Because there were too many things in the project some time ago, the management of attendance was neglected, which led to the current situation."

"This is also very normal. This happens to many companies at the beginning." Zhang Xiao didn't intend to hold on to it. After all, Zong Rui is quite competent so far, but there are not many bright spots, and he seems quite satisfactory.

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