When they came to the downstairs of Tongzi where Hu Wenjing lived, Zhang Xiao went upstairs and called Hu Wenjing to come down, and then they sat in the back of the car together.

Li Feng glanced at Hu Wenjing, who was very beautiful. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't ask any more questions. Learning to shut up is the basic quality of a driver.

"Let's go, go directly to the capital." Zhang Xiao said to Li Feng.

"Okay." Li Feng started the car, and the car drove straight out.

Hu Wenjing was still a little uncomfortable at the moment, and she was too embarrassed to act too close to Zhang Xiao in front of the driver Li Feng.

Zhang Xiao dialed Du Debiao's phone number and asked, "Senior Brother Du, has the courtyard house been renovated?"

"It's all been renovated, come and see it when the time comes, you'll definitely be satisfied, but it's a bit more expensive." Du Debiao said with a smile.

"That's good. I'll transfer the money to you at that time. I'm going to the capital today. Let's go to the master's place for dinner tonight." Zhang Xiao said happily.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, the master called me, and I will tell the master." Du Debiao then hung up the phone after saying a word.

Zhang Xiao called Xu Zhiyuan again. Although Xu Zhiyuan didn't urge him, Zhang Xiao could tell from the tone of his recent conversation that he was already very anxious.

"Mr. Zhang, the college entrance examination is over, how did you do?" Xu Zhiyuan asked on the other end of the phone.

"It's okay. I'm going to the capital today. Come over in three days and we'll talk about it in detail." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Zhang." Xu Zhiyuan thanked repeatedly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao smiled and said to Hu Wenjing, "Sister Jing, where are you going to play?"

"I'm going to see all the scenic spots in the capital. If you're busy, I'll go by myself." Seeing that Zhang Xiao seemed busy, Hu Wenjing said with a smile.

"That's fine. If I have time, I will accompany you." Zhang Xiao didn't say much, after all, Li Feng was still ahead.

There was nothing to say along the way, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in the capital.

Looking at the newly decorated courtyard house, Zhang Xiao was immediately satisfied.

Not only the solid wood gate has been repainted, but even the courtyard walls have been repainted. Entering the courtyard, Zhang Xiao was even more surprised, because all the old things before had been replaced and decorated, but the courtyard still remained. antique.

Zhang Xiao led Hu Wenjing around, showing off with satisfaction, "Sister Jing, isn't the house nice?"

"It's very good. I didn't expect you to have such a big house now." Hu Wenjing said enviously.

"Hehe, this is given to me by my master. I'll go to my master's place later, you can go with me." Zhang Xiao invited.

"I won't go. I'm tired after driving for a long time. I want to rest early." Hu Wenjing didn't want to run around with Zhang Xiao, so she directly refused.

Zhang Xiao also understood Hu Wenjing's scruples, so she first moved the things brought in the car into the house, and then drove towards Mo Wenxin's residence, while Hu Wenjing stayed in the courtyard alone.

Arriving at Mo Wenxin's courtyard, Zhang Xiao found out that his mistress was there and did not stay in the provincial capital.

"Master, Master." Zhang Xiao shouted with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao is here, your master was still talking about you just now." Xing Yulan said happily when she saw Zhang Xiao entering the room while she was putting food on the table.

"Master, what are you talking about me again?" Zhang Xiao sat down on the sofa unceremoniously, poured a cup of tea and drank it down, and said.

"How is your college entrance examination? What major do you want to apply for?" Mo Wenxin asked with a smile, but the twinkle in his eyes made Zhang Xiao vigilant.

"The college entrance examination is not bad. I want to apply for a major in investment management. After all, the company I run is an investment management company." Zhang Xiao didn't hide anything, and said in every possible way.

"Don't you want to study archaeology?" Mo Wenxin said with some disappointment.

"At that time, I will take elective courses or take time to attend, and with your teaching, what can others teach me? It is enough to have your teaching." Zhang Xiao smiled and flattered the master , said cheerfully.

"Let's eat, you are the only one who can talk." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

Everyone likes to hear good things, and Mo Wenxin is no exception.

After eating, Zhang Xiao didn't stay long, took a taxi and returned to the courtyard.

After entering the door, Zhang Xiao plugged the door from the inside and went back to the main house, and found that Hu Wenjing was turning on the air conditioner, wearing silk pajamas, lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV, and the TV was playing the latest Yongzheng Dynasty .

Hu Wenjing's hot and seductive body made Zhang Xiao very jealous, and hugged him into his arms as soon as he entered the room.

"Oh, you're sweating all over your body, go take a shower, it's so dirty." Hu Wenjing struggled twice, pushed it away, and said with a charming smile.

"How about going to wash together?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"I've washed it, you go quickly." Hu Wenjing blushed pretty, and pushed it towards the bathroom.

Zhang Xiao hugged Hu Wenjing's face, kissed it vigorously, and then went into the bathroom humming a little tune.

Looking at Zhang Xiao's back, Hu Wenjing couldn't help feeling hot, her face turned red and her eyes blurred.

Men usually take a shower very quickly. After ten minutes, Zhang Xiao came out wearing a bath towel and wiping her slightly long hair with a towel in her hand.

Zhang Xiao is not interested in the Yongzheng Dynasty played on TV, but she still gets tired of being with Hu Wenjing.

"Sister Jing, I may be busy these two days, and I don't have time to accompany you on a tour. Will you go by yourself or accompany me when I get some time?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile as he held Hu Wenjing in his arms.

"You can go with me when you have time. It's so hot today, I don't want to go out." Hu Wenjing held Zhang Xiao's disheveled big hand and said leisurely.

"Do you have a driver's license?" Zhang Xiao suddenly asked with a smile.

"Yes, but I haven't driven a car much." Hu Wenjing twisted her body, her pretty face flushed.

"Then let's go buy a car tomorrow. It will be much more convenient to go out then. At the beginning, I will let Li Feng stand by and watch for you." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, we can go for a ride when I get proficient." Hu Wenjing said excitedly.

"Well." Zhang Xiao didn't care about spending money on buying a car and a house at this time, after all, these expenses are nothing to him now, "Let's go to sleep in the house, it's getting late, and we have to get up early tomorrow morning. "

"It's still early, let's watch TV again." Hu Wenjing blushed pretty and said absent-mindedly.

"A moment in spring night is worth a thousand gold." Zhang Xiao turned off the TV, laughed and walked towards the bedroom with Hu Wenjing in his arms.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao woke up before six o'clock. Looking at Hu Wenjing who was exhausted and still asleep, Zhang Xiao covered her with a blanket and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. He found that his body was getting worse and worse. It's getting stronger.

Zhang Xiao washed up briefly before exercising in the yard.

Zhang Xiao didn't take a shower until he was sweating all over his body, and went out to buy breakfast. There were soy milk and fried dough sticks, and he also bought two portions of boiled rice.

When Zhang Xiao returned to the house with breakfast in his hands, Hu Wenjing was already awake and was washing up.

Zhang Xiao put the breakfast on the dining table in the living room, took out the bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen and set them up, and shouted, "Sister Jing, it's time to eat."

"Here we come." Hu Wenjing then agreed and then there was no movement.

Zhang Xiao shook her head, knowing that this is a common problem of women, as if she couldn't meet people without makeup.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiao was full that Hu Wenjing came over from the room.

Even though Zhang Xiao already knew Hu Wenjing's charm well, he couldn't help sighing at this moment that he was beautiful and delicious. Hu Wenjing at this time really made his eyes shine.

A pair of charming eyes, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless face with a touch of rosy, sexy lips like roses, and she is dressed in pale yellow The corset dress and white high-heeled sandals make her tall and straight figure even more attractive.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help swallowing, not hiding his desire at all.

"Death." Looking at Zhang Xiao's fiery eyes, Hu Wenjing couldn't help but feel joy in her heart, and she looked like a woman who pleases herself.

"Hehe, you are so beautiful today." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but took a step forward and hugged her into her arms.

"Don't make trouble, it's early in the morning, don't you have to go out later?" Hu Wenjing knocked off Zhang Xiao's big unruly hands, twisted her graceful figure, walked to the dining table, and ate breakfast.

Zhang Xiao didn't know that it was not the right time, so she sat opposite Hu Wenjing and watched him eat.

"Today we'll go buy a car first, and then go back to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and fill up the refrigerator. After all, we're going to live here for a long time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, do you know where there is a car seller?" Hu Wenjing ate with small mouthfuls, her squirming lips gave off a different kind of temptation.

"I really don't know, let me call and ask." Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, thinking that now is not the time when 4S stores will be everywhere in the future.

Zhang Xiao walked to the phone in the living room and dialed the number of senior brother Mo Boqi.

"Who, you called early in the morning to keep people from sleeping." Moboqi was very angry, and he still didn't wake up from his voice.

"Eldest brother, it's me, Zhang Xiao. The sun is drying your butt and you haven't gotten up yet?" Zhang Xiao looked at his watch, it was already past eight o'clock.

"What's the matter with you kid, tell me quickly." Moboqi said angrily.

"Brother, I want to buy a car, do you know where it's sold?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"Why are you buying a car? You're under the age, and you can't even get a driver's license. Don't you want to drive without a license?" Moboqi was sober now, and couldn't help asking.

"It's too inconvenient to not have a car, and it's not a problem to ask you to borrow a car every time you need it." Zhang Xiao sighed and said.

"Okay, it's up to you, what kind of car are you going to buy?" Moboqi asked while getting dressed.

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