Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 120 The end of the college entrance examination

Life must go on, no one can do without anyone.

Besides, Zhang Xiao's feelings for Guo Yaxin were very complicated, so he was only depressed for a while when Guo Yaxin left.

Zhang Xiao's mood can't be called good, but it's not bad either. After all, the sadness of parting is something that he must experience in life, and he has long been used to it.

On July [-]th, the day before the college entrance examination, almost all the local students had already gone home, and the students in the first and second grades also had their summer vacation.

Provincial Experimental Middle School is one of the test sites, and the teaching building has been cleaned up and completely closed.

Zhang Xiao also moved all the things in her classroom back to the empty dormitory, and even packed some items, only to take them away after the college entrance examination.

Zhang Xiao, like some classmates who live in other places, did not leave school, but still lived in the dormitory.

In addition, Zhang Xiao is lucky, his test center is in the Provincial Experimental Middle School, which saves him the trouble of running back and forth.

After Zhang Xiao lay in the dormitory for a while, the heat became unbearable. After taking a shower in the bathroom, Zhang Xiao changed into clean clothes and wandered around the school in the shade of the school. Much cooler.

Speaking of which, Zhang Xiao came to Provincial Experimental Middle School for a year, and didn't take a good tour of the campus. This is just a good time to say goodbye, Zhang Xiao thought so in his heart.

Looking and thinking while walking, Zhang Xiao thought a lot.

Among them are not only the students from the first year of high school, such as Guo Yaxin, Shen Biyu, Liu Lu, and Sun Peng, who have a lot of intersections, but also the students who are not very familiar with the graduating class of the third year of high school, and even the English teacher Hu Wenjing.

All random thoughts circulated in my mind, and many thoughts continued to shuttle back and forth. Finally, my mind was fixed on the matter of the college entrance examination.


On July [-]th, it was raining lightly.

It seems that the college entrance examination will rain every year, and this year is no exception.

Zhang Xiao woke up early and carefully checked the admission ticket and pencil eraser.After getting the necessary things such as ballpoint pens, I went to the cafeteria and had some breakfast, then returned to the dormitory and waited for the opening of the teaching building.

At eight o'clock, the door began to let people pass, and Zhang Xiao also went to the toilet, and walked towards the teaching building with the test supplies bumped into the transparent bag.

Zhang Xiao walked into the examination room, arranged the admission ticket and examination supplies, sat upright and waited for the examination to start.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's heart is calm, and there are no distracting thoughts or tension in her heart, just like a normal exam.

The language test started, and the test papers were distributed.

Zhang Xiao first filled in the name and admission ticket number on the test paper and the answer sheet, and then opened the test paper to check the content of the test questions.

When Zhang Xiao saw this part of the composition, he was slightly taken aback, because this year's college entrance examination composition mode has changed, and it has become two compositions, one large and one small, which he did not expect.

But Zhang Xiao didn't care, it's just a composition, as long as the intention is clear, the scores are roughly the same.

The language test is based on the usual accumulation, and Zhang Xiao, who does not lack accumulation, answered the questions very easily, from front to back almost overnight, without any deviation.

Although the composition is divided into one small and one large, but because the first one is only a narrative essay of [-] words, and the second one is a conceptual essay of [-] words, Zhang Xiao finished it quickly.

Looking at the time, there was still half an hour before the end of the exam. Zhang Xiao checked and found that there were no omissions or mistakes, so she sat quietly in the classroom and waited for the exam to be handed in.

After the exam, the rain became heavier. Zhang Xiao took an umbrella and went to the cafeteria for dinner. In the cafeteria, he met Guo Zhihao, who was a service teacher in the school.

"How was the exam?" Guo Zhihao asked.

"It's okay, there's no problem." Zhang Xiao said in a well-regulated manner.

Guo Zhihao nodded and left without asking any further questions.


Mathematics exam in the afternoon.

The difficulty of the mathematics test paper is not high, and many of them are classic questions.

From sets to functions to trigonometric functions, Zhang Xiao did it very quickly, and a lot of practice at ordinary times improved his speed of solving problems.

Soon, Zhang Xiao solved the last big problem, which was a problem about the equation of a circle.

For this kind of topic, Zhang Xiao should not do too much, after reading the topic, he will solve it quickly.

Then I looked at the test time, and there were more than 40 minutes before the test was over.

Zhang Xiao first checked all the questions and put the answers on the answer sheet. After finding that there was nothing missing, he continued to check the second time. Zhang Xiao did not hand in the paper in advance, because even if you hand in the paper, you will not be able to leave the school .

Soon, the exam was over, Zhang Xiao handed in the paper and left the classroom.


The next day, it continued to rain.

English in the morning and physics in the afternoon.

The English test in the morning was not difficult for Zhang Xiao. On the contrary, it was not as good as the usual mock test paper. Zhang Xiao finished the test paper without any feeling.

The physics test in the afternoon, the physics test paper is quite difficult, at least Zhang Xiao thinks so, and the content of electricity is relatively more, but Zhang Xiao finished the test paper very quickly.

After leaving the examination room, the sky finally cleared up, but the moisture on the concrete floor was transpiring, making it even hotter. Zhang Xiao went straight back to the dormitory, which was much cooler at the moment.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao left the school, and headed towards the Tongzilou where Hu Wenjing was located by a strange coincidence.

Knocking on the door, Hu Wenjing opened the door. Seeing Zhang Xiao, she hurriedly pulled him in. After looking around, she found that there was no one in the corridor, so she was relieved and locked the door.

"Why are you here? Don't you have an exam tomorrow?" Hu Wenjing said with some complaints.

"I miss you, come and have a look, I'm going to the capital after the exam tomorrow, I'm afraid I won't have time to say goodbye to you then." Zhang Xiao put her in his arms and said with a smile.

"Oh, how time flies." Hu Wenjing couldn't help but sighed, thinking of Zhang Xiao when he first came to school last year.

"Yeah, a year has passed in a blink of an eye." Zhang Xiao also felt that time passed quickly, and a year had passed before he was ready to do anything.

"What are you going to do in the capital now?" Hu Wenjing turned on the electric fan, finally there was wind in the room, and there was a hint of coolness.

"I told you before that I opened an investment company in Beijing, and now I have found a project that I need to deal with." Zhang Xiao actually received a call from Zong Rui half a month ago, but he asked him to wait until the college entrance examination Finish.

"Can I go with you?" Hu Wenjing asked a little shyly.

"Of course." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation. After all, he and Hu Wenjing seldom get together. Taking advantage of the summer vacation, they can play together for a while.

Hu Wenjing was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's answer, and couldn't help but kiss Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao smiled and hugged Hu Wenjing.

It was after nine o'clock in the evening that Zhang Xiao got up and walked towards the school. After all, the relationship between the two of them can't be known to others, so it is natural to avoid it more.


On the morning of the third day, chemistry exam.

When the chemistry test papers were issued, Zhang Xiao knew that the test questions were not difficult after a rough look. They came from front to back, in order, and solved each question one by one, and soon reached the last question.

The last question in the chemistry paper is about carbon 60. The content of this question includes not only chemistry, but also some knowledge of mathematics. This makes Zhang Xiao feel a little strange, but later generations have many opinions about carbon 60. Zhang Xiao Just know.

Soon, Zhang Xiao worked out the question, and then checked the test paper again. After finding that there were no problems, he scribbled the answer on the answer sheet.

Zhang Xiao looked at the time. There was still half an hour before the end of the exam. Zhang Xiao opened the test paper and began to check again, waiting for the paper to be handed in.

Half an hour passed quickly, the whistle for handing in the papers sounded, and Zhang Xiao handed in the papers and left.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the dormitory, she felt a sense of relief all over her body. After all, the college entrance examination was over.

Zhang Xiao started to pack everything. After all, he was leaving school today. Although he had to go to the school to fill out his volunteer application, Zhang Xiao didn't plan to live in the school.

As for scoring, Zhang Xiao planned to buy a set of college entrance examination papers and answers to estimate the score after arriving in the capital, and then just tell the class teacher Li Yuliang the estimated score.

Of course, he still needs to come back to fill in the college entrance examination volunteers, and he will just bid farewell to the teachers at the school.

After packing up his things, Zhang Xiao called Mo Boqi and asked him to send a driver to the school to pick him up in the afternoon. After all, he needed to bring a lot of things to the capital.

As for throwing it away, Zhang Xiao has no such plan, after all, he will still use these things when he was in college.

And the books and notes are all his accumulation since high school, and he is even more reluctant to throw them away, maybe his younger siblings will still be able to use them in the near future.

After eating the last meal in the school cafeteria, Zhang Xiao returned to the dormitory and waited for the driver sent by Moboqi to pick him up.

Zhang Xiao was lying on the bare board bed, looking at the school dormitory where he lived for a year, Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking wildly.

While Zhang Xiao was thinking wildly, Li Feng had already driven to the downstairs of the dormitory.

Hearing the sound of the car downstairs, Zhang Xiao came out and saw Li Feng opened the car door, got out of the car, and walked towards his dormitory.

Zhang Xiao and Li Feng stuffed all the things in the dormitory into the car Li Feng drove, then locked the door of the dormitory, went downstairs, looked at the dormitory where they lived for a year, and felt emotional.

Zhang Xiao sat in the back row and told Li Feng to go to the Tongzi Building not far away first. After Li Feng agreed, he started the car and drove towards the outside of the school.

After leaving the school gate and passing through the bustling crowd, Zhang Xiao sat in the car and looked at the gate of Provincial Experimental Middle School. The sun shines through the clean air and shines on the rain-washed sign on the gate, shining brightly.

Suddenly there was a trace of emotion in Zhang Xiao's heart, it was parting, longing, and reluctance.

Goodbye, high school days.

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