"Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi are fine. Anyway, I'm not short of money, but I have a car, so I can get a license plate." Zhang Xiao joked.

"It's not easy to find, how about this, I'll find you later and take you to see the car, don't let someone deceive you then." Moboqi said with a smile.

"Then thank you, big brother." Zhang Xiao also knew that smuggling cars were rampant at this time, and she would be tricked if she was not careful.

"Thank you." Moboqi cursed with a smile and hung up the phone.

"My elder brother will come over in a while, and he will take us to see the cars. Which one do you like, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi?" Zhang Xiao said to Hu Wenjing with a smile.

"I don't know, that kind of car is beautiful?" Hu Wenjing was a little confused at the moment. After all, she really didn't know much about cars. The reason why she took the driver's license test was because the school and the driving school organized activities to take the free test.

Zhang Xiao's face was filled with black lines, did he choose the car based on its beauty?Sure enough, women's money is the best to earn. As long as they are beautiful, they can be bought. As for performance, as long as they can run.

"Forget it, I'll choose for you when the time comes." Zhang Xiao simply decided on his own.

Then Zhang Xiao suddenly realized that the company didn't have a car yet. Although he didn't know what the company relied on for travel, it was time to buy a car for decoration, so Zhang Xiao called Zong Rui again.

"Brother Rui, where are you now? Are you busy?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Boss, I'm coming to the company soon. What do you have to do?" Zong Rui didn't know what Zhang Xiao meant by calling at the moment. He looked at his watch and he was slightly relieved that it was not time for work yet.

"What's your name, boss? You can just call me by my name in the future. If you have nothing to do, then you can bring the materials of the projects you are looking for and come to my courtyard." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, I'll go to the company for an early meeting." Seeing that Zhang Xiao was not in the company, Zong Rui felt relieved for the time being.

After Zong Rui returned to the company, he didn't go back to the office directly, but stayed at the sign office.

Now that Zhang Xiao has arrived in the capital, it will be a matter of time before he comes to the company, and he is really worried about the company's discipline. The phenomenon of arriving late and leaving early for work happens from time to time. Xiao could come to the company at any time, so he had to take care of such surface matters as attendance.

After all, Zhang Xiao handed over all the company to him, whether it is recruitment or projects, as long as he puts forward all the things, Zhang Xiao is satisfied, and now the company has invested in three projects, and it has not yet made a profit. , and even continued to lose money, which made Zong Rui not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

The company's working hours are from 65:[-] am to [-]:[-] noon, and from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm, and now it will be [-]:[-] am, and the number of people who came to the company is only a dozen people, which makes Zong Rui's face very ugly. You must know that the company now has [-] people, and less than one-fifth of them are here now.

"Li Xuejiao, come here." Zong Rui called to a staff member of the personnel department.

"General Manager, are you looking for me?" Li Xuejiao hurried over and said anxiously.

"I want to ask, are there always so many people who are late?" Zong Rui's face was ugly, and his tone was naturally not good.

"General Manager, that's not the case. Some colleagues have applied for out-of-office work, so they usually don't need to sign in." Li Xuejiao was a little powerless to find a reason for these late colleagues.

"Go and bring me the company's attendance sheets for the past few months, and I'll take a look at everyone's attendance." How could Zong Rui not know Li Xuejiao's little thoughts, but he also had his own way.

Li Xuejiao suddenly felt bitter, but he had to listen to Zong Rui's orders, so he had to obediently hand over the attendance sheets of the last few months to Zong Rui.

Zong Rui opened the attendance sheet and looked at it, and was immediately annoyed, because this month's attendance sheet only had a dozen people sign in every day, and the attendance sheets of the previous few months were all fake, except for the previous signature. The latter is obviously added.

Zong Rui put away the attendance sheet, and said to Li Xuejiao, "Notify everyone in the company to hold a meeting in the conference room in half an hour."

"Okay, I'll notify you right away." Li Xuejiao hurriedly ran out, hurrying up to notify someone.

Li Xuejiao first went to various departments to inform the people who had already arrived. After the meeting in the meeting room, she took the time to call the leaders of several research teams to inform them.

All of a sudden, the whole company jumped up and down. Seeing this chaos, Zong Rui scratched his head with a headache.

Zhang Xiao didn't know what was going on in the company, so she couldn't avoid getting bored with Hu Wenjing after dinner, but Hu Wenjing still had pain between her thighs as an excuse, and she was determined not to let Zhang Xiao succeed.

Zhang Xiao had no choice but to suppress the desire in his heart, and went to the room in the backyard to check the status of the stone cutter.

The stone cutter installed in the backyard room is divided into three types, large, medium and small. Not only that, but also many machine accessories are readily available. Obviously Du Debiao knows this very well, and Zhang Xiao nodded with some satisfaction.

He is more satisfied with the expansion of the back door. It doesn’t matter if the jadeite is smaller, and the larger ones weigh several tons. It is still very difficult to pass through the back door with only a manual hydraulic vehicle. Then the enlarged back door can be used for small and medium-sized forklifts. It is imperative.

Du Debiao obviously has a lot of experience in the transformation of the courtyard house. The enlarged rear door can not only enter and exit the car, but also small and medium-sized forklifts, which is obviously more convenient for cutting stones here in the future.

When Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing were watching in detail in the courtyard, Mo Boqi walked in and was surprised when he saw Hu Wenjing. It seems that the relationship between the two is very close.

"Little brother, this is..." Mo Boqi asked directly without hesitation.

"I'm Hu Wenjing, and I'm Zhang Xiao's god-sister. You are Xiaoxiao's elder brother, right? Xiaoxiao often tells me about you." Before Zhang Xiao could speak, Hu Wenjing stretched out her hand and said.

"Hi Miss Hu, I'm Mo Boqi, Zhang Xiao's elder brother." Mo Boqi just shook Hu Wenjing's hand lightly and said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Hu Wenjing stopped talking.

"Eldest brother, have you found a place to buy a car?" How could Zhang Xiao not know Hu Wenjing's careful thoughts, and said with a slight smile.

"I found a friend who specializes in import and export trade. Let's go. I'll take you to see what kind of cars are available." Moboqi kept a secret and didn't say where the car was bought.

"Brother, wait a moment. The general manager of my company will be here in a while. This time, I want to buy a car for the company as a front." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone call to Zong Rui and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's wait in the house, it's getting hotter and hotter." Moboqi was fat, and he was most afraid of heat, and he started sweating before nine o'clock.

Not long after, Zong Rui drove over. As soon as he saw Zhang Xiao, he gave Zhang Xiao the specific information of the three projects invested by the company before, and then said very ashamedly: "Boss, I am ashamed of your trust in me." , These three projects have not made any money so far.”

Zhang Xiao didn't mean to embarrass Zong Rui, because he still values ​​these three projects, but Zhang Xiao still wants to read the specific conditions of these three projects before making plans: "Let me take a look first, and I won't talk about these today. , buy a car later, you drive and follow us."

Zong Rui didn't object, and drove behind Moboqi's vehicle.

When getting in the car, Mo Boqi sat in the co-pilot and gave up the rear seat to Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing, which made Hu Wenjing's pretty face blush slightly.

While on the road, Zhang Xiao carefully looked at the investment status of these three projects. One of them is a microelectronics company, which mainly produces circuit boards. Big, but Zhang Xiao has doubts.

The second project is a comprehensive hypermarket project, which is the so-called supermarket. The reason for not making money is simple, it has not opened yet.

The third is a small state-owned enterprise restructured. Its main business is glass production. It has just started investing and has not yet implemented specific operations.

There is nothing to be seen from these investigation reports. Zhang Xiao plans to continue to invest after sorting out all three projects in the next time. Moreover, he needs to understand the company's current specific operating conditions and personnel recruitment.

Not long after, the vehicle stopped in a large circled parking lot in the suburbs.

"Old Mo, welcome." A middle-aged man in a black T-shirt greeted Mo Boqi with a smile as soon as he got off the car.

"Old Li, you are really planning to sell cars here. There is no place in front of the village and no shops in the back. I don't know what you think." Looking at the endless place in front of him, Mo Boqi didn't understand Li Zhiting's words. idea.

"Old Mo, let's not talk about this for now, let me introduce you." Li Zhiting did not follow up on Mo Boqi's words, but changed the subject.

"This is my junior brother, my father's closed disciple, and the other two are his friends." Mo Boqi only introduced Zhang Xiao, but did not introduce Hu Wenjing and Zong Rui, after all, he was not very familiar with him.

"Hello, President Li." Zhang Xiao and Li Zhiting shook hands and said with a smile.

"You are Lao Mo's little brother, that is my little brother, let's go, let's go to the exhibition hall to look at the car." Li Zhiting said with a smile after taking a look at Zhang Xiao.

The showroom is a huge factory building, which has been renovated and divided into several areas, and Zhang Xiao found that the cars are not divided according to the brand, but according to the purpose of the car.

This made Zhang Xiao's eyes brighten up. Zhang Xiao didn't know whether it was Li Zhiting's idea or the current market, but it was still very beneficial for Zhang Xiao to choose a car.

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