After more than four hours of travel, Zhang Xiao finally got off the car at the roadside in front of his house. After paying the driver, the taxi turned around and left, while Zhang Xiao walked home with the suitcase on his back.

Along the way, neighbors kept talking to Zhang Xia, and Zhang Xiao also responded one by one, saying hello politely. After all, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. In many cases, neighbors are needed to help with farm work at home.

After returning home, Zhang Xiao found that her mother, Yang Lan, was at home alone. Only then did she realize that today is Friday, and her younger siblings and father have all gone to school.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little emotional. During this period of time, he was so absorbed in studying at school that he forgot the exact time, even the day of the week. Only the countdown on the back blackboard kept reminding him of the time until the college entrance examination.

Sitting at the small table, Zhang Xiao was eating the dumplings cooked by his mother while chatting with his mother. Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Xiao persuaded his mother again to stop farming.

"Mom, don't plant the land at home, let's see if the neighbors or relatives want to plant land, let them plant it directly." Zhang Xiao said to his mother.

"Xiaoxiao, what do you want me to do without farming, and I don't know how to do other jobs." Yang Lan didn't want to lose the land, after all, in her mind, the land is the root.

"Mom, you usually just grow some vegetables, enough for the family to eat and drink. Now the prices of wheat and corn are not high, and the prices of fertilizers and machinery are rising year by year. You can't make any money from growing food. Besides, farming is really tiring, and the most important thing is that our family is not short of that money now." Zhang Xiao persuaded earnestly, after all, he didn't want his mother to be too tired and suffer from illnesses all over her body in her later years.

"You don't need to worry about it. Your dad and I can finish the work in the field by ourselves without your help. You don't need to talk about it, and don't think that farming is not good. You can exercise your body." Yang Lan was very stubborn. Said.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Zhang Xiao, he didn't try to persuade him any more. He knew that it would be difficult for his mother to let go of the idea of ​​farming. After all, it was her job for her mother, and no one wanted to lose her job unless she had a better job.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao had an idea, that is, when the company was on the right track, it would be good to let her mother supervise it for herself, at least her mother was trustworthy.

After eating, Zhang Xiao went to the newly bought house base to look at the houses. The main body of one of them has been completed, waiting to be dried for decoration, and the main frame of the other house is being built.

"Uncle, how long will it take to finish this?" Zhang Xiao found the uncle who was working and asked.

"It will be almost in August, and it will be almost October if we add decorations." The uncle said.

Then Zhang Xiao chatted with his uncle for a while, seeing that he couldn't help much, so he went home.

After returning home, Zhang Xiao realized that he really had nothing to do, so he simply started studying again.

After a day at home, Zhang Xiao took the bus back to school. If it wasn't because she was underage, Zhang Xiao would have wanted to buy a car. It would be inconvenient not to have a car.

After returning to school, the results of the second-mode exam have been released and posted on the school bulletin board.

After Zhang Xiao put the things back in the dormitory, he went to the bulletin board to check his grades, and found that his grades ranked first in the school with a total score of 734 points. Who is high and who is low.

However, when he had dinner and studied by himself in the evening, he learned from the class teacher Li Yuliang that Xiao Yueyin's test score was 721 points, which was [-] points lower than his.

Zhang Xiao also heaved a sigh of relief. After all, he had tried his best in this second-model exam. If he still couldn't surpass Xiao Yueyin, then he really had no better way.

After all, there are only so many high school courses, and 730 four points is almost the limit score. It is almost impossible to improve, and it is very difficult to maintain this score.

However, the grades of the rest of the class were not very satisfactory, which also made Li Yuliang furious at the class meeting, and Zhang Xiao was inevitably mentioned, becoming a role model for Li Yuliang to learn from.

Zhang Xiao felt very helpless for the envious and hateful eyes of the students.

Because Zhang Xiao joined the class suddenly during the final exam last winter, he is not familiar with his classmates, and Zhang Xiao has no interest in actively communicating with them. Except for a few classmates around him, his interaction with other people Not many.

Zhang Xiao looked at all this indifferently. After all, everyone is a passer-by in life. After the college entrance examination, there will not be too many classmates who can meet with each other.

At this time, the college entrance examination is only 56 days away, and the writing on the back blackboard is clearly written, like a reminder to drive everyone forward.

As a provincial key high school, the students of the Provincial Experimental Middle School naturally have excellent grades. The goal of every regular enrolled student is the country's first-class university, and the provincial city university is their last choice.

This is especially true for Zhang Xiao's special class. Their eyes are higher, and their eyes are fixed on the top ten colleges and universities in the country.

After the second-mode exam, many students became very anxious, quarrels or even fights happened from time to time because of a trivial matter, but Zhang Xiao turned a deaf ear to these. Find out all the extracurricular books you have arrived, read them, and write them down.

Zhang Xiao, who was immersed in the sprint stage, did not realize the change in the attitude of the students around him, and the knowledgeable students asked him more questions. Not only that, but the organized study notes were circulated by many students.

Zhang Xiao felt helpless looking at the dilapidated notebook, but it also showed that his study notes were still very useful.

Time passed quietly, and summer seemed to come overnight. Zhang Xiao, who was still wearing school uniforms, found in the morning that everyone had taken off their spring and autumn school uniforms and put on short sleeves.

Girls in the school, their clothes are getting cooler and cooler. Girls in the third year of high school already know how to dress themselves up. Even in this intense study time, they still cannot avoid dressing themselves up.

Looking at these young and beautiful classmates, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but look at them with admiring eyes, imagining their beauty when they were young.

Soon the three-mode exam came as scheduled. At this time, there were only more than 20 days before the college entrance examination, but fortunately, the three-mode exam was just a symbolic exam. There was no ranking and no announcement of the results. It became the same as daily intensive training. Did not cause the slightest disturbance in the school.

In addition to studying, everyone discussed more about the return of Hong Kong Island than study. This moment of national celebration is coming.

But Zhang Xiao knew that it would be accompanied by the arrival of the Southeast Asian financial crisis and the beginning of the country's take-off.

But Zhang Xiao can't take care of these for the time being, the college entrance examination is coming soon, and he will usher in the first big exam in his life.

For the college entrance examination, Zhang Xiao has put in a lot of effort. From the end of the high school entrance examination to the present, Zhang Xiao has learned all the high school courses in one year, and has stabilized her academic performance at the top of the school. Hardship only he knows.

The countdown on the back blackboard changed from double digits to single digits, and the numbers kept getting smaller.

On July [-]st, Hong Kong Island returned to China, and the school also organized a grand welcome ceremony. However, as senior high school students who are about to graduate, they still have to study hard for the college entrance examination, so the lively scene at night can only be heard.

Zhang Xiao is already used to this, and his daily task is to spend time in the sea of ​​books and questions, and he doesn't want to waste a single cent of time, and Zhang Xiao often has to sort out the day's study income when he returns to the dormitory.

There are not a few days like this.

In the evening of that day, the sky was full of sunset clouds, dyeing the playground of the Provincial Experimental Middle School red. Guo Yaxin made an appointment with Zhang Xiao on the playground, and the two walked side by side.

The students around are also walking in twos and threes. Now, the teachers of the school basically no longer care about these adolescent boys and girls. The most important thing now is to adjust their mentality to prepare for the college entrance examination.

"Zhang Xiao, I'm going to study abroad." Guo Yaxin said first.

"Congratulations, studying abroad is very popular now, but why don't you go out after finishing your high school courses?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile after being slightly taken aback.

"I want to go out early. As for the high school courses, I will continue to study in the preparatory class." Guo Yaxin said with an inexplicable expression, tucking some strands of hair scattered in front behind her ears.

"That's okay. Congratulations in advance. Which country are you going to?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"America, I heard it is the most developed country in the world. Do you want me to go?" Guo Yaxin turned her head, looked at Zhang Xiao seriously and said.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile, "It doesn't matter whether I think about it or not. In fact, our relationship is not as close as I imagined. I always feel that even if we like each other, we may not be together."

"A person's life is very long. We will like many people in our life, but the vast majority of people are just passers-by in life."

"However, I also really hope that you can go out and have a look, go out of Yu Province, go out of the country, go to the country where it is said to be sent to, and meet more people of all kinds, see more beautiful scenery, and meet more each other. The person I like. At that time, if we still miss each other, I think that is the real love. At this time, I think you should not stop the pace of making yourself more aggressive for anyone, It's unfair to both of you."

After hearing what Zhang Xiao said, Guo Yaxin stopped in her tracks, looked at Zhang Xiao seriously, and said, "I understand, I will live seriously, and when I come back five years later, we will see if we are still the same as before. joy."

After finishing speaking, Guo Yaxin ran into the distance, her short ponytail fluttering behind her.

Zhang Xiao stood on the spot, looked up at the gradually dimming sky, and could faintly see a few stars shining.

And the sunset glow in the sky gradually collapsed, forming a large dark cloud.

Zhang Xiaoli was lonely and speechless on the playground, not sure what he was thinking.

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