Zhang Xiao didn't expect his introduction to appear in this exquisite brochure. Fortunately, there was only a very brief introduction on it, only his name, gender, nationality and age.

Coupled with the tens of thousands of people in China who have the same name as him, he is not afraid of these people investigating his identity in a short time, but this also gave him a warning, that is, security issues must be put on the agenda, after all, this There are still big problems with public security at the time, and Zhang Xiao doesn't want herself or her family to be targeted and regret later.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Zhang Xiao was picked up by someone sent by the organizing committee, and Mo Boqi also rushed to the auction venue. More than 1000 million U.S. dollars was lent to Mo Boqi.

The auction started on time at nine o'clock in the morning, and Zhang Xiao sat on the rostrum as a guest. Although she sat on the rostrum, Zhang Xiao was just a toolman, just witnessing the handover of the emperor's purple jadeite at the last moment.

There are not many high-quality jadeites in this auction, only twelve pieces. Among them, the most valuable one is the emperor purple jadeite provided by Zhang Xiao. This is the only one since ancient times. The reserve price of the auction is set at 3000 million.

Starting from the first auction item, perhaps due to the influence of yesterday’s bidding price, today’s jade prices are generally on the high side, at least 30.00% more expensive than what Zhang Xiao knew. The higher the reason.

The main reason is that jadeite is a special ore, which is not easy to form, and 90.00% of the world’s output comes from Myanmar. Therefore, after Myanmar controls the export of jadeite, the price of jadeite will naturally rise. Coupled with the reasons for non-renewable resources, even more It is boosting the price of jadeite.

Zhang Xiao was a little bored on the rostrum, and began to observe the identities of the auctioneers. He found that these large jewelry groups were well-known even in later generations, such as Zhou's Group, Zheng's Group, etc.

At this moment, in order to get more high-quality jadeite, they have to increase the price to buy. After all, there is only so much jadeite produced every year, and the amount of high-quality jadeite determines their market share.

This is a battlefield with no winners, and the ultimate beneficiary will be the Burmese government, which controls the source of rough jadeite.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't care about these things. All he cared about was what price his piece of Emperor Purple Jade could fetch.

The auction went on quickly. After all, the price of emeralds was there, and if the price was increased too much, it would be unprofitable in the end.

When Zhang Xiao's emperor purple jadeite was carried up, it meant that the auction had come to an end, and it was also the most important finale of the auction.

The reserve price of the auction is US$3000 million, and each increase must not be less than US$100 million.

However, Xu Zhiyuan, the jade lunatic from the Xu Group, was the first to make the bid. The first bid was 4000 million U.S. dollars, which shocked everyone.

"Forty-one million." Zhou Huimin glanced at Xu Zhiyuan, and then helplessly raised up the number plate in his hand. This is what he must take. As the No.100 in the jewelry industry in Southeast Asia, if he can't take this unique jade In the hands, it will have a great impact on its reputation.

"5000 million." Xu Zhiyuan deserved to be a jade lunatic, he didn't play cards according to common sense at all, and raised the price recklessly, just like a naughty child.

"Fifty-one million." Zheng Yubing, the director of the Zheng Group, spoke out. He was afraid that if he waited a little longer, he would not even have the chance to bid.

"6000 million!" Xu Zhiyuan held up his number plate and shouted loudly.

There was an uproar at the auction site, and everyone looked at this jade lunatic who didn't play cards according to common sense. It was crazy. This is US dollars. 1000 million US dollars is equivalent to 500 million national currency. People broke down.

However, Zhang Xiao understands Xu Zhiyuan's meaning somewhat, that is to suppress the opponent with an extremely crazy auction posture, so that the opponent dare not bid, so that he can follow the trend and take it into his hands. If the opponent fights him to the end, he will Let go at any time and let the other party suffer a dumb loss.

"Sixty-one million!" Zhou Hongmin, the president of Zhou's Group, also knows himself at this moment. The auction of six rough jadeites has already consumed too much of his funds. Facing the aggressive jade lunatic, he is a little powerless.

"7000 million!" Xu Zhiyuan was still as arrogant as ever, as if money was just a number to him.

However, Zhang Xiao once estimated this piece of jade according to the price of imperial green. If all of it is carved, you can get a finished product of at least 8000 US dollars. The real price of Emperor Purple Jade should be around [-] million.

Of course, it also depends on the market's acceptance of purple jadeite, but considering people's pursuit of purple, it should not be a problem.

Zhou Hongmin remained silent. He himself has no intention of competing at this moment. He knows that it will be difficult to make money from this piece of jadeite, but he is sitting here, representing the Zhou Group, so he must sell this piece of jadeite. It was won because the Zhou Group is the number one jewelry company in Southeast Asia. Even if it loses money, it cannot let this unique jadeite be obtained by other jewelry companies.

"Eighty-five million!" Zhou Hongmin directly called out the highest price. In his opinion, this price will not lose money, but it is not easy to make money. It belongs to the business of spending money and selling.

The entire auction site was silent, and even Lu Hao, who was in charge of the auction, was a little dazed at the moment, it was too crazy, and he just stood there in a daze.

The price increase of 500 million made everyone look at it, but it was a pity that before they recovered, the price reached a new high.

"9000 million!" The bidder was a blond woman in her 30s, and Gu Pan had a different style.

"Ninety-five million!" Xu Zhiyuan yelled out the limit price in his heart, which was also the highest price he could accept. lost.

"Ninety-six million!" The blond woman immediately added 600 million dollars after Xu Zhiyuan called for the price, completely extinguishing Xu Zhiyuan's courage to fight.

Speaking of it, Xu Zhiyuan was very unlucky. After coming to the Jadeite public market this time, he not only gained little, but also offended Gu Tianxin. He would be attacked and opposed by many people in the company when he returned to China, but he looked at Zhang on the stage at the moment. Xiao, suddenly understood one thing, that is, Zhang Xiao has already ordered two top-quality jadeites. In this case, as long as Zhang Xiao can befriend Zhang Xiao well, there may be hope for everything.

"[-] million!" Zhou Hongmin opened his eyes slightly at this moment, as if light burst out from his eyes, he would never allow other foreign companies to get involved in the jadeite market, that would only make the market more chaotic and disorderly.

Although Lu Hao was even more shocked at this time, he finally came to his senses. Seeing that no one raised the price after 30 seconds, he said, "This gentleman bid [-] million, is there any bid?"

After waiting for another 30 seconds, seeing that no one spoke, Lu Hao finally rang the auction gavel.

"[-] million first time! [-] million second time!"

"[-] million for the third time! Deal!"

"Congratulations to this gentleman, you have won the auction of this unique piece of emperor purple jadeite. Let us all congratulate him and congratulate the Zhou Group for becoming the winner of the emperor purple jadeite!" Lu Hao's voice was very infectious, and the auction room rang at this time. There was warm applause.

Zhang Xiao was finally put into use at this moment. Zhang Xiao came to the stage and exchanged procedures with Zhou Hongmin, which also represented the change of owner of Emperor Ziyuui.

After the auction, Zhang Xiao and Zhou Hongmin went to the back office to go through the formalities.

"Mr. Zhang, which company do you work for now?" Zhou Hongmin asked with a smile.

"I started a small company by myself, so I think I started a business." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Zhou Hongmin could see Zhang Xiao's cautiousness, so he didn't say anything more. After all, there are still many opportunities to meet in the future, especially since Hong Kong Island is about to return, it will be more convenient to communicate.

After going through the formalities, Zhang Xiao got a Citibank cashier's check worth 500 million U.S. dollars, which can be withdrawn directly at the Citibank in Shanghai, China.

After all the formalities were completed, Zhang Xiao collected a lot of tax receipts. After all, the tax can still be offset after returning to China.

After everything was done, Zhang Xiao was ready to go back to China. After all, everything was done, so there was no need for him to stay any longer. Mo Wenxin and Mo Boqi obviously had other things to do and they would not return to China for the time being.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the hotel, Mo Boqi had already returned. Since he didn't get the jade at auction, he also returned the money to Zhang Xiao. At this moment, Zhang Xiao's cashier's check in his hand had reached [-] million U.S. dollars, which made Zhang Xiao unable to bear it. Some excitement.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao headed directly to the airport with a translator and two bodyguards. He was going to catch the 12:30 noon flight to Shanghai.

It was already eleven o'clock at the moment, and with the early boarding, there was not enough time. However, there were not many vehicles at this time, and there was no traffic jam on the road, but the airport was quickly felt.

When they arrived, they directly checked in for the boarding pass and started to board the plane. The timing was just right. Zhang Xiao's seat was in the first class cabin, while the bodyguard and translator's seats were in the business class cabin. They were separated after boarding the plane.

Just when Zhang Xiao was about to take a rest, a young man walked up to the seat beside him and sat down, and said, "Mr. Zhang, we meet again, I'm Xu Zhiyuan."

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I didn't expect to meet here, what a coincidence." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile when he saw it was Xu Zhiyuan.

"It's not a coincidence. I asked you for this, so someone specially arranged it." Xu Zhiyuan said very frankly and sincerely, because that's how he behaves, simple and direct, at least he thinks this is the best way efficient.

"I understand your purpose of looking for me, but I don't think I can help you in a short time, the earliest will be after the end of the college entrance examination in July." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

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