"Mr. Zhang, I want to know the reason? Why wait until after the college entrance examination?" Xu Zhiyuan was neither angry nor anxious, but calmly wanted to know the reason.

"The reason is very simple. I will take the college entrance examination this year. After I go back this time, I should stay in school until the end of the college entrance examination." Zhang Xiao did not hide her identity. After all, after returning to China, there are countless people with money and connections. A way to find out his identity.

Xu Zhiyuan was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang Xiao to be a student who was going to take the college entrance examination, he couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid I can't wait that long, after I go back this time, there will be people in my family who will object to me continuing to run the jewelry company. "

Zhang Xiao said calmly: "This is your own business, you need to deal with it yourself, even if you get the jade from me, it can't change the fact that you have offended Gu Tianxin, and you have to walk the road you choose to finish him on your knees." .”

Xu Zhiyuan nodded and said, "I understand the truth, but I hope we can be friends, so that I have the confidence to face the family's questioning."

"Friend?" Zhang Xiao laughed at himself and fell silent.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking that Liu Haijun said the same thing not long ago, but unfortunately he left in a blink of an eye without even saying hello.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't speak, Xu Zhiyuan also became silent. In fact, he was in a hurry to go to the doctor, but he still felt that Zhang Xiao could help him, which was also his intuition.

After Zhang Xiao was silent for a long time, she slowly said: "Mr. Xu, what you have to do now is to return to the company to stabilize your control over the company. As for other external conditions, they are not important, and I can't help you with that." .”

Xu Zhiyuan nodded and said: "Mr. Zhang may not know that our company has gained very little from the jadeite public offering this time, so now I just need to find a channel that can provide high-quality jadeite sources, and I will be able to tide over the difficulties. In my opinion, you are With this strength."

Zhang Xiao didn't expect that his weight in Xu Zhiyuan's heart would be so high, but he really needed a channel to sell high-quality jadeite. After all, Moboqi's jewelry company was limited in strength and could not afford too many high-quality jadeite.

Zhang Xiao himself has no intention of opening a jewelry company, so it is very important to find a channel that can eat the high-quality jade in his hands, and the Xu Group has this strength, but Zhang Xiao doesn't know much about Xu Zhiyuan, After all, the two didn't have any intersection before, and this involved the issue of mutual trust.

"I can provide fine jadeite to you, but what price can you offer?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"The market price has gone up by [-]%. This is my greatest sincerity." Xu Zhiyuan directly made an offer that Zhang Xiao couldn't refuse.

"Yes, I promise to sell you some of the high-quality jadeite I will get in the future." Zhang Xiao did not hesitate, and agreed directly. After all, for him, the high-quality jadeite must be sold, and he is not planning to engage in the jewelry industry.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao and Xu Zhiyuan made a rough plan for the subsequent transaction.

The plane took off quickly, during which Zhang Xiao and Xu Zhiyuan also ate an in-flight meal, making up for their lunch.

After arriving in Shanghai, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and the lights had just come on.

The translator and the bodyguards have completed their task by sending Zhang Xiao safely to the country. They are going to fly back to Yangon to join Mo Wenxin and the others.

Xu Zhiyuan had already asked the people from the jewelry company to arrange everything, and Zhang Xiao didn't show any politeness to him, and directly checked into the Hilton Hotel with Xu Zhiyuan.

After Zhang Xiao took a shower and changed into spring clothes, he heard a knock on the door, and Zhang Xiao opened the door.

"Mr. Zhang, let's have dinner together?" Xu Zhiyuan stood outside the door and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm just hungry." Zhang Xiao agreed directly, since he was going out to eat.

Afterwards, the two went to a Cantonese restaurant not far from the hotel and asked for a small private room.

After Zhang Xiao and Xu Zhiyuan sat down in the private room, Zhang Xiao asked Xu Zhiyuan to order four special dishes and a bottle of Moutai.

"Mr. Xu, how long will it take for the rough stones auctioned at the public auction to be shipped back to the country?" Zhang Xiao really didn't know much about this, so he asked while he was free.

"Under normal circumstances, it's only about a month. I'm not in a hurry here. The company has no shortage of high-quality jadeite. I'm looking for you mainly to find a channel to replace Gu Tianxin." Xu Zhiyuan also told the truth, and didn't shy away from anything.

"That's fine, because I may seldom come out after returning to school, so some things need to be arranged in advance." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Then you leave me a contact information, after all, I still need to contact you." Xu Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, wrote down her mobile phone number on a piece of paper and handed it over, and said, "This is my mobile phone number, but when I go back to school, you'd better call from 01 noon to 30: 09, or after 30:[-] p.m."

Xu Zhiyuan nodded, and wrote down the contact time on a piece of paper.

Afterwards, the two stopped talking and started chatting, and while chatting, they expected Gu Tianxin.

"What can Gu Tianxin say? He is indeed a good player in betting on stones, but he is too greedy and wants to control the domestic jadeite rough trading market. Although there are some jewelry and jade merchants in the country by his side, there are also more If people don't like him, I don't like him."

"But it is undeniable that he has indeed hoarded a lot of rough jadeite and high-quality jadeite over the years. It is precisely because of his hoarding that the price of the jadeite market is currently inflated. However, the Myanmar government is now controlling the rough jadeite more and more. The stricter it is, the more profit it will make him several times." Xu Zhiyuan began to talk about Gu Tianxin.

Zhang Xiao also had to admit at this moment that Gu Tianxin's success was not accidental. Obviously, he had a deep understanding of the jadeite market, and he knew how to obtain wealth. Coupled with the support of some jewelry and jade bosses, he is indeed at the peak of his power at present, but Zhang Xiao didn't care about this, after all, he didn't have this ambition.

Speaking of which, jadeite is only a branch of the jade section of the antique market, and the transaction volume is only so large every year, and it is impossible to increase much. After all, there are only so many people who like this section.

After eating, the two went back to their rooms to rest.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao bid farewell to Xu Zhiyuan. Xu Zhiyuan was also going to fly back today, but he even helped Zhang Xiao buy a ticket to the provincial capital at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Xiao dragged his suitcase and drove directly to Citibank.

When Zhang Xiao came to Citibank, after expressing his willingness to pay the cashier's check, he was led to a VIP room, where a beautiful woman in her 30s was in charge of receiving him.

"Hello, sir, I'm Li Shuang, the account manager. May I help you?" Li Shuang looked at the young man in front of him and asked with a smile.

"It's like this. I have some cashier's checks from your bank that need to be cashed. I wonder if they can be processed here?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Yes, sir, please show the cashier's check, and I will handle it for you immediately." Li Shuang said immediately.

Zhang Xiao nodded, took out a large stack of cashier's checks from his backpack, and immediately shocked Li Shuang, the amount was too scary.

"Please wait a moment, sir. I will contact our bank supervisor immediately. The amount you want to cash is too large, and I have no authority." Li Shuang said hastily.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao was also a little depressed at the moment, and didn't expect it to be so troublesome to cash the cashier's check.

After Li Shuang made a phone call, a foreigner in his 60s came in a short while later.

"Hello, sir, this is our president." Li Shuang introduced.

After Zhang Xiao shook hands with the foreign old man, he handed the cashier's check to him, and said, "I want to cash the cashier's check, but I don't know what procedures to issue."

Subsequently, Li Shuang was responsible for the translation work.

Zhang Xiao and the president of Citibank reached an agreement, that is, Zhang Xiao opened a bank account with Citibank, and then they could cash the US dollar promissory note and convert it into national currency.

After finishing all this, Zhang Xiao's bank account had an extra 500 million national currency and 5000 million U.S. dollars, and then Zhang Xiao transferred all the national currency in it to his bank card.

Then Zhang Xiao rejected the old man's invitation to eat. After leaving Citibank, he ate at a restaurant outside before rushing to the airport.

It wasn't until [-] o'clock in the evening that Zhang Xiao returned to the provincial capital. After taking the taxi back to school, Zhang Xiao felt that the past ten days were like a dream. Although the rapid growth of wealth made him happy, he still felt a little unreal .

After returning to school, Zhang Xiao first found Li Yuliang, the class teacher, to sell the vacation, and then went back to the dormitory directly.

After washing up, Zhang Xiao fell asleep quickly on the bed. The running around these days made him feel tired both physically and mentally.

When Liu Lu and Sun Peng returned to the dormitory, seeing Zhang Xiao who had fallen asleep, they couldn't help but relax a lot.

However, Zhang Xiao still woke up, and asked in a daze, "School is over?"

"Yes, I just finished my evening self-study. Where have you been these days? I haven't seen you for almost half a month." Liu Lu sat down on Zhang Xiao's bed and asked curiously.

"Some things have to be dealt with, and I took ten days off." Zhang Xiao leaned against the wall and said weakly.

"Zhang Xiao, you're going to take the college entrance examination soon, aren't you in a hurry?" Sun Peng put the towel in his hand on the balcony and said with a smile.

"There's nothing to be anxious about, and it's useless to be anxious." Zhang Xiao said indifferently.

"You are amazing, but in the last one-mode test, your score was not the first in the provincial capital, and a girl in a foreign language surpassed you!" Sun Peng said gloatingly.

"Really? Then she is really good." Zhang Xiao also felt a little surprised, after all, he thought he did well in the first-match test.

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