When Zhang Xiao checked the few and a half yuan of gambling wool, many bosses got the news. After all, Zhang Xiao is already famous online, and his appearance will naturally make people vigilant.

But fortunately, Zhang Xiao didn't stay for long. After seeing it, he left the jade trading center with Mo Boqi, which made many people feel relieved. At the same time, some of them also realized that Zhang Xiao had become a young jadeite. He is the leader of his generation, after all, his few shots are surprising.

After returning to the hotel, since it was still early, Mo Boqi simply called together all the staff who came to Myanmar this time and organized a dinner. After all, for him, it will be over after the opening of the bid tomorrow.

This meal lasted until after seven o'clock in the evening, and it was less than an hour before Mo Wenxin's plane arrived.

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi took their bodyguards, took three cars, and headed towards the airport together.

After arriving at the airport, it didn't take long for Mo Wenxin to come out with two bodyguards. Mo Wenxin looked a little tired, so the group returned to the hotel soon.

After arriving at the hotel, Mo Wenxin asked the company's staff to leave, and began to ask about what happened in the jadeite public offering, especially about Minister Weixing, and asked in detail.

"It seems that the hole left by the old Bakan has not been filled up to now. In other words, everything is still because of the scrapped giant jadeite." Mo Wenxin said in a deep tone.

"Master, what do you say?" Zhang Xiao didn't understand why Mo Wenxin said that.

"Bakan is Weixing's father. In order to auction off this giant jadeite rough back then, Bakan not only mobilized most of their family's funds, but also took part of the funds from the emerald mine to make up 3000 yuan. million dollars."

"From the information in the past few years, it can be seen that since the auction of the rough jadeite, their family's mine has never expanded, and they are just living on their old capital. It seems that they can't even eat their old capital now." Mo Wen Xin explained to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and understood that his master Mo Wenxin must have been eyeing the Weixing family's mine, otherwise he would not have known such details.

"This is the biggest danger of betting on stones. It is not easy to say that one is poor and one is rich. How many jewelry companies have fallen on stone betting, but jewelry companies are inseparable from betting on stones. Don't go too far. Gambling on stones will only become more important in the future, because high-quality jadeite will become more rare as the number of rough stones decreases." Mo Wenxin continued to speak after taking a sip of tea.

"That's right, after all, betting stones are the source of emeralds. Without betting stones, there would be no emeralds!" Mo Boqi couldn't help sighing.

Mo Wenxin shook his head and said: "In fact, jadeite is a very rare mineral resource. A long time ago, jadeite mines sold jadeite to the outside world, but due to the limited conditions back then, sometimes there was no high-quality jadeite produced in a year. , This caused many mines to close down one after another, and it was not until the emergence of stone gambling that the mines were maintained, even now, if the mines only sell finished jade, they will soon go bankrupt."

Zhang Xiao understood now that the stone betting was only to dilute the cost of jadeite, but it was the wisher who took the bait, which did not cause too much enmity. Well, it's just a lesson learned. Of course, there are some people who lost their fortunes. That's because they don't have much self-control, and the number of people is small, so they can't cause much social reaction.

After a while, the waiter of the restaurant brought up Mo Wenxin's food, and Mo Wenxin was not polite. While eating, he discussed with Mo Boqi how to invest in the Weixing family's emerald mine. Zhang Xiao was completely reduced to a spectator. So I started to serve the service of serving tea and pouring water.

Waking up the next morning, Zhang Xiao recovered immediately. After taking a bath, Zhang Xiao went to ask Mo Boqi to eat, but Mo Boqi didn't get up at all, and the room of the master Mo Wenxin was also the door. locked.

Zhang Xiao sighed, and went to the restaurant for dinner with the translator and bodyguards.

After eating, Mo Boqi waited until after nine o'clock. After washing up, he went to the jade trading center with Zhang Xiao. At this time, the third stage of the secret auction had already opened, and Zhang Xiao took Mo Boqi to go. The back office went through the formalities.

In the second and third paragraphs, Zhang Xiao took part in a total of three pieces of wool, but still missed one piece, which cost 470 million US dollars.

So far, Zhang Xiao has captured eight pieces of wool in this secret auction, and spent 710 million US dollars.

Counting it, Zhang Xiao came to the jadeite auction this time, not only did he not spend any money, but he also made a lot of money. Not counting the emperor's purple jadeite at tomorrow's boutique jadeite auction, Zhang Xiao still has more than 1000 million US dollars on him at the moment.

Zhang Xiao signed the "Contract for Winning the Bid", and set the mailing address at a courtyard in Beijing. Then he just waited for the delivery, and Zhang Xiao also left his mobile phone number to facilitate their contact.

So far, Zhang Xiao has gained a lot from participating in the jadeite auction this time, and Mo Boqi also bought six pieces of jadeite, spending 1000 million US dollars for seventy-seven eighty-eight, and the harvest is not bad. As for how many high-quality jadeites can be cut out, Zhang Xiao himself was not sure.

After finishing all this, Zhang Xiao went back to the lobby, waiting quietly for the opening of the jadeite bid king.

At this time, the number of people in the auction hall has decreased a lot. After all, many people went home after spending all their money. The people here are all jewelers who are preparing to participate in tomorrow's fine jade auction, and they are also large-scale jewelry companies. .

A total of six and a half yuan of materials were prepared for the jadeite public auction as the finale of this public auction. Although Zhang Xiao was interested in these few pieces of wool, she finally gave up the idea. After all, these are some large-scale jewelry auctions. The group, they are rich and powerful, it is not something Zhang Xiao can compete with.

With the entry of officials from the Organizing Committee of the Jadeite Public Offering on the rostrum, the host also picked up the microphone and announced the emergence of the Jadeite Public Offer bidder.

At this time, on the big screen, behind the six wool numbers are countless numbers that are changing, and everyone's eyes are focused on it.

When the numbers on the big screen stopped, it caused commotion among countless people in the auction hall.

The auction hall seemed to be bombed, there was a bang, everyone's exclamations and discussions rose to the sky, as if they wanted to lift the roof of the auction hall.

"Damn it, you're crazy, you're all crazy!!!"

"It's amazing. With so much money to gamble, aren't you afraid of going bankrupt?"

There are six sets of data displayed on the big screen, each of which is more outrageous than the other, and the price is frighteningly high.

"No. 1268 bid, winning price: [-] million US dollars, winning bid number..."

"No. 2288 bid, winning price: [-] million US dollars, winning bid number..."

"Bid No. 1688, winning price: US$[-] million, winning bid number..."

"No. 1866 bid, winning bid price: [-] million US dollars, winning bid number..."

"No. 2688 bid, winning price: [-] million US dollars, winning bid number..."

"No. 2188 bid, winning bid price: [-] million US dollars, winning bid number..."

The six figures appeared dazzlingly on the big screen like this. Looking at these figures, the jewelry and jade bosses present were not excited, but rather panicked. The price of jadeite raw stones has skyrocketed, but the sales of jadeite jewelry Whether the price can be raised so much is still unknown.

In the Burmese public offering last year, the bid price at that time was only more than 1000 million U.S. dollars, but in less than a year, the price of the bid king has almost tripled. The jewelry and jade industry has said hello, and the market positioning of jade jewelry will be reshuffled.

The one that has been challenged is naturally the most popular jewelry—diamonds. Once the price of 600 million US dollars is released, the status of diamonds will be in jeopardy. You must know that diamonds can be made artificially, but the particularity of emeralds is destined to be artificially made. It will never be so uncanny.

"Fuck, the winning bid numbers are all the same! It can't be a company winning the bid."

"That's right, I just saw it too!"

"This is the serial number of the Zhou Group, no wonder it is so rich and powerful."

"That's Zhou Hongmin, the president of the Zhou Group. As expected of the No. [-] jewelry company in Southeast Asia, it's a big deal."

"What's the use of being generous? The price of these six rough jadeite stones is so high, it's unknown whether they can make money."

This is the way the world is, if someone praises it, others will dislike it, but this time the Zhou Group raised the price of the rough jadeite so much, which really touched the interests of too many people.

Although the wealth and wealth of Zhou's jewelry deterred many opponents, it also caused public outrage and received hostility from many jewelry and jade bosses. Although these jewelry and jade companies are not big, they are not afraid of Zhou's group when they unite, so many of them started Thinking of the law, he accused Zhou's jewelry of being wrong.

Zhou Hongmin, who was sitting in the front row, was also a little restless at the moment. Although he was not afraid of these small jewelers, when the number of people reached a certain level, it was not a question of whether to be afraid, but a question of whether it was worth it.

All the mouths of gold, accumulating and destroying bones.

No one person or group can resist this kind of power. Zhou Hongmin now realizes that he is in serious trouble, and the Zhou Group's troubles will follow.

Then, as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Mining, Minister Weixing delivered a speech, and at the same time explained the auction items of the fine jadeite auction tomorrow morning, and at the same time distributed a beautiful booklet to everyone present, and the emperor The purple jadeite appeared in front of everyone on the cover, and its noble aura made everyone fall in love with this emperor purple jadeite.

And Zhang Xiao, as the owner of this piece of jadeite, also made this case in front of the world's jewelers for the first time, making everyone pay attention to this 17-year-old boy.

Once famous all over the world.

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