While Zhang Xiao was chatting with Mo Boqi, Gu Tianxin led the young man towards Zhang Xiao, and behind him were a lot of businessmen, who seemed to have pomp and circumstance. The status in the jade world is not comparable to that of Zhang Xiao, a young shrimp who has just started. Although Zhang Xiaoqie has gained a few pieces of material and gained a lot of fame, it is not worth mentioning in front of Gu Tianxin.

"Zhang Xiao, I heard that you went to see this rough stone yesterday, what do you think?" said the young man beside Gu Tianxin.

Zhang Xiao looked at the young man, from Mo Boqi he knew that the young man's name was Gu Feng, he was Gu Tianxin's grandson, he was one year younger than Zhang Xiao, but he was already in the first year of high school, he was considered a rising star in the jade world.

"I don't make any judgments. It's hard for a god to judge an inch of jade. All the results will be known when the stone is released." Zhang Xiao didn't want to have any conflict with him. After all, in his opinion, he was a generation older than Gu Feng, and he could do it. Do not come out to bully the small.

Gu Feng was obviously looking for trouble, and said with a sneer at this moment: "I thought you had some unique insights, so you're just a nouveau riche who made his fortune by luck."

Zhang Xiao glanced at Gu Feng, and stopped talking. At the same time, he knew that Gu Feng was deliberately looking for trouble, but he also persuaded him. After all, in the eyes of others, he represented Mo Wenxin's face, so he turned to Gu Tianxin cupped his hands and said: "Gu Gu, this is abroad, I hope Gu Gu will discipline him."

Gu Tianxin snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry about it."

Seeing Gu Tianxin's attitude, Zhang Xiao stopped talking and let Gu Feng chatter beside him.

Moboqi is also very angry at the moment, but this is a foreign country after all, and he doesn't want to be said to be disregarding the overall situation after doing something.

As the number of people increased, Gu Feng also stopped talking. After all, it was really meaningless for him to sing a one-man show alone, but he became more and more angry when Zhang Xiao ignored him, thinking that it was Zhang Xiao's contempt for him.

Sometimes people are like this, and the resentment towards a person may be because of a small thing.

At seven o'clock, the giant rough stone on the stone platform finally began to understand the stone. Because it is an old pit jadeite rough stone, it did not divide it into two as soon as it came up, but cut it from one side about [-] centimeters the outer skin.

After all, it is a super-large stone cutter, which cuts off the outer skin with one knife, and there is no need for a second knife.

It took only ten minutes before and after, and almost everyone stared at it with wide eyes. After all, although the skin was cut, it was [-] centimeters removed, which is not too small.

With the movement of the forklift, the [-]-centimeter-thick stone skin was moved aside, and two smooth cut surfaces appeared in front of everyone.

Black lines, light green crystals, and white crushed stones are all displayed on the cut surface, but the most important emerald is not a single trace.

"Is it broken?"

"It should have collapsed, after all, it has already been cut by more than 20 centimeters."

"What, you still can't figure out how to produce jadeite with such a big rough stone? This is just the beginning! There will definitely be jadeite in the future."

Everyone was discussing, but their discussions did not affect the actions of the stone-cutter on the stage. They moved another [-] centimeters in between, and the stone-cutter began to operate again.

Zhang Xiao frowned tightly. He felt that something was wrong. After all, he thought there should be enough jadeite in the rough jadeite with energy of 52 yuan, otherwise it couldn't be explained, but this might just be the beginning.

After another ten minutes, the second piece of rough stone was cut out, and the result was still exactly the same as last time, with no trace of emerald.

Suddenly, there was an uproar all around, because according to the news from the publicity, this giant rough stone is an old jadeite grown in an old pit. It was taken away by someone at a price of 3000 million ten years ago. I didn't see a single bit of emerald in the two knives, isn't this a joke?

"Impossible, the jadeite planted in the old pit is undoubtedly, it shouldn't be forty centimeters and there is no jadeite!"

"Is it true that the rough jadeite from the old pit will produce jade? Don't take it for granted. Are there still few people killed by the old pit?"

"That's right. It's obviously broken now. It seems that we should be careful when auctioning."


The people around talked a lot, and Master Jieshi on the stage was no longer calm, but after Minister Wei Xing came on stage and whispered to him, Master Jieshi continued to cut the stone, this time he directly cut the stone in the middle, obviously If you want to make a clean break, life or death depends on this knife.

Regardless of the sweat on his face, Master Jieshi started the stone cutter, manipulated the stone cutter blade and began to cut along the line in the middle.

This time it took a full half an hour to cut it from the middle. As the forklift moved the two halves of the rough back, everyone held their breath, wanting to see the cut surface clearly.

"Damn it, isn't it? It's really broken. There is no emerald at all."

"Whose rough emerald is this, and the 3000 million US dollars just disappeared?"

"Whoever bought this jade won't faint in the toilet."

"This is really hell!"


The discussion of countless people started to make the surroundings become noisy, and Minister Weixing's heart has completely sank at this moment, because this is the last hope of his family's mine, and it is gone now, so the emerald mine has insufficient funds I believe that the news of her will soon be hidden, and she will be bitten severely by then.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao saw a vast expanse of whiteness on the cut surface, and couldn't believe her eyes. What is the reason for this, or is it that the emerald has not come out yet, and it is in one of the pieces that has been cut in half?

Do you want to take a gamble? It shouldn't cost much to buy these two batches of rough jadeite at this time, but if you buy it, you must cut it here. Whether there will be any trouble, Zhang Xiao thinks a lot.

But looking at the crowd that had started to disperse, Zhang Xiao said to the guarded soldiers in front of him, "Call me Minister Weixing, I have something to discuss with him."

"Mr. Zhang, please wait a moment." The soldier obviously knew Zhang Xiao, and after saying something, he walked towards the stage.

Not long after, Minister Wei Xing came over, his face was a little pale, and he said, "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

"I want to buy these two pieces of cut jadeite rough. I don't know how much you are bidding now?" Zhang Xiao asked directly without being polite.

After all, without Minister Wei Xing's consent, no one can take away a piece of rough jadeite, even the rough jadeite that has already been scrapped.

"Mr. Zhang, this has already been scrapped. Do you still want to buy it?" Minister Wei Xing thought that Zhang Xiao was offering bribes in disguise, because in his opinion, these two rough jadeites were already scrapped and worthless.

"Minister Weixing, just ask for the price, I really will buy it." Zhang Xiao said seriously.

"Okay, you can just give me 100 million dollars." Minister Wei Xing said a little decadently,

"100 million?" Zhang Xiao said with some doubts.

"Two 100 million US dollars, I can help you with the consignment procedures and customs clearance documents." Minister Wei Xing thought that Zhang Xiao thought it was too expensive, so he reduced it by half.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao understood Minister Weixing's worry, so he said with a smile: "Okay, 100 million is 100 million, but you need to worry about the procedures, and I will follow you to go through the payment procedures."

"Okay, you come with me." Minister Weixing's affection for Zhang Xiao suddenly increased. After all, 100 million US dollars is already a lot. Although it is only one-thirtieth of 3000 million US dollars, it is a kind of compensation after all. It is undoubtedly a timely rain for him who is in desperate need of money.

With Minister Weixing's endorsement, many procedures were done very quickly, and it was completed in a short while, and Zhang Xiao also transferred the certificate of 100 million US dollars to Minister Weixing.

After doing all this, Zhang Xiao's heart finally felt at ease. He had a strong feeling that he had definitely found a treasure this time. As for what kind of emeralds could be produced, he could only find out after the cut stones came out.

When Zhang Xiaocong walked to the dark mark area, Mo Boqi was already waiting for him.

"Zhang Xiao, what's the use of buying two pieces of waste rock for 100 million US dollars?" Mo Boqi couldn't help complaining to Zhang Xiao. After all, it was 100 million US dollars, nearly 900 million national currency.

"Brother, the reason why I bought these two halves of jade is to wake myself up, to make friends with Minister Wei Xing, and the third and most important point is that I believe this giant jadeite is not It's completely unreasonable to produce a single piece of jade." Zhang Xiao said seriously in a low voice.

Looking at Zhang Xiao with a serious face, Mo Boqi felt that he had lived in vain for so many years, but he was not as clear-headed as Zhang Xiaolai, so he couldn't help but sighed.

Zhang Xiao began to write the bidding price on the bidding form at this moment. After all, this is the third and last hidden bidding. As long as the bidding is completed tomorrow morning, the jadeite public auction will be more than half over, although there will be an open auction later. , but that has nothing to do with Zhang Xiao, there is no wool in it.

However, there is also an auction of high-quality jadeite, Zhang Xiao must participate, because the emperor's purple jadeite will also be included in the auction as the finale of the auction, which is Zhang Xiao's most important harvest.

However, Zhang Xiao is also very curious about the number of woolen materials that will be the winner of the jadeite public offering this time. Although Zhang Xiao is not interested in those half-opened pieces of half-gambling materials, everyone has curiosity, and he is no exception. , I want to see what price will appear in this year's jadeite public bidding king, and which company will fall into it.

After Zhang Xiao put the bidding document in his hand into the bidding box, nothing happened. After all, there is no need to look at the original stone now, and the bidding form has also been submitted. All that is left is to wait, and he only voted for the opening of the second paragraph of the afternoon. One piece, but we can go through the formalities together after the bid opening results of the third paragraph come out.

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi, who had nothing to do, strolled together and walked to the front of the half-opened pieces of fabric. Zhang Xiao squatted down and began to look carefully. After all, he had bet on these pieces of wool He is not interested, but now that he has time, he can take a look at it, which can be regarded as gaining knowledge.

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