Judging from the outer stone skin, this giant raw stone is undoubtedly the wool of the old pit, there is no doubt about it, but such a large piece of wool is really hard to see, Zhang Xiao has increased his knowledge.

After observing around, Zhang Xiao found that this rough stone was really good, no wonder it could be sold at a high price of 3000 million US dollars, but it was because the price was too high that no one dared to cut it into stone, but Zhang Xiao was It is very exciting, not for anything else, just for the 52 Yuan Neng, it is worth his gamble, although Yuan Neng can be prostituted for nothing, but if it can contain so much Yuan Energy, the jade in the original stone must also abnormal.

Of course, it is also possible that the quality of the jade inside is not high, but the quantity is large.

"Minister Weixing, this rough stone is very good. I think it can be dissected, but you have to make up your own mind." Zhang Xiao walked to the side under the shade of a tree, sat opposite Minister Weixing, and took a sip of tea After that, he said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think the jade inside is worth 6000 million US dollars?" Minister Wei Xing was still hesitant. After all, the amount involved was too high. The idea of ​​this rough stone.

"Minister Wei Xing was joking. It's hard for a god to break an inch of jade. Who can say for sure." Zhang Xiao shook his head and smiled, "It may be worth a lot of money, or it may not produce much jade after cutting it. All of this It's all unknown."

Minister Wei Xing's face was a little dignified. After all, this matter is really hard to decide. After a long time, he said: "If I auction it, what do you think the highest price he can get?"

"That's hard to say, but Minister Weixing, I still don't recommend auctioning it, because this rough stone has been auctioned once ten years ago, and if it is auctioned, it will be the second auction, and the price may not necessarily exceed 3000 million. You must be very clear about the reason." Zhang Xiao shook his head, he was not optimistic about the second auction.

Rough stones are usually decomposed after being auctioned. It cannot be said that there are no such stones that have not been decomposed for ten years after being auctioned. There are very few of them. Many things are for hoarding, and there are still people like Minister Weixing. , I don't know how much the emerald contained in the original stone is worth.

Once the rough stone in this situation is auctioned for the second time, it means that the previous buyers are not optimistic about the rough stone. It turns out.

Minister Wei Xing also knows that once the auction is held again, not only the price of the rough stone will not go up, but also the lack of funds in the family mine may be exposed. This is his biggest concern.

That's why Minister Wei Xing wanted to take advantage of such a grand event as the jadeite fair to dissect this rough stone on the spot. Once the high-quality jadeite is unearthed, it will definitely be sold at a high price. After all, this is the period of the jadeite fair, and Zhang Xiao The news of the emperor's purple jade has been unraveled all over the world, and it is a good time.

However, Minister Weixing also has a lot of scruples, that is, once the rough stone is cut, the news of the lack of funds in the mine will definitely not be concealed. At that time, someone will definitely make trouble. Although he is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Mines, it is not impossible. opponent.

Minister Wei Xing's hesitation Zhang Xiao saw in his eyes, although he had the intention to buy this rough stone, but when he thought that he had already issued the top-quality jadeite twice in a row, it was only a matter of time, once this piece of jadeite rough produced top-quality jadeite again, He really couldn't explain clearly, and it was inevitable that he would be watched by others, and that would be a big trouble.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know if you are willing to buy this rough stone. I know your master is Master Xin, who is a well-known figure in the jade world." Minister Wei Xing used an honorific title for Zhang Xiao, obviously seeking something .

Zhang Xiao raised his brows slightly, but he couldn't do things in the name of his master, but he was still very optimistic about this piece of jade, after thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao asked, "I don't know how much Minister Wei Xing plans to price? "

"5000 million US dollars is a price I can afford." Minister Weixing said a price, which was 6000 million less than the 1000 million he said before, but it was still not low.

Zhang Xiao was not sure what kind of emeralds could be produced, so she shook her head and said, "Minister Wei Xing, I am just the master's apprentice. I haven't graduated from the master yet, so I can't act on behalf of my master. This will disappoint you." gone."

Minister Wei Xing also sighed, because the price of this piece of rough jadeite is too high, there are not many jewelry and jade bosses who dare to accept it, maybe even none.

5000 million U.S. dollars, according to the current exchange rate, it is 3000 million national currency. This is not a small amount. You must know that many large enterprises now have an annual net profit of only tens of millions. Zhang Xiao dare not gamble like this, even if he This time I gained a lot from the Jade Fair, but it was earned after taking a lot of risks.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao bid farewell to Minister Weixing, and Minister Weixing asked the driver to take him back to the hotel.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the hotel, he told Mo Boqi about the Big Mac rough stone at Minister Weixing's house.

"Hey, I didn't expect that 3000 million rough stone was still there. I thought it had been dissected." Moboqi said with some surprise.

"Brother, do you know this rough stone?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I heard from my dad that this was a big event that caused a sensation in the entire jade industry at that time. You must know that the 3000 million US dollars at that time was really not a small amount. I heard that many people participated in the auction at that time, and finally it was 3000 million Wan took a picture, but he didn't expect that the one who took the picture turned out to be Minister Weixing's father." Mo Boqi sighed.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, this was something he hadn't expected, after all he thought not many people knew about it.

Moboqi then said in confusion: "It shouldn't be. Since it has been hoarding for ten years, why don't you continue hoarding it? You must know that although jadeite has increased a lot in recent years, it is far from When you reach the peak, as long as you keep hoarding, there is always a chance to make money.”

"Maybe it's because of lack of money, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sell it now." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

Moboqi was taken aback for a moment, and then he slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "This shows that the mine of Minister Wei Xing's family is short of funds, otherwise he would not have the idea of ​​this rough stone, I will call immediately on this matter." Tell my dad."

As soon as Mo Boqi finished speaking, he called Mo Wenxin and said, "Dad, now the mine of Wei Xingjia, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Mines of Myanmar, is short of funds. Do we have the ability to intervene?"

"Where did you get the news? Is the news accurate?" Mo Wenxin was very calm and unmoved at all. After all, there are too many false news, and many of them are false.

"Zhang Xiaogang came out of Minister Weixing's family. The family of Minister Weixing spent 3000 million US dollars to take down the rough stone of the Big Mac. I heard from Zhang Xiao that Minister Weixing plans to sell the rough stone of the Big Mac. It is even possible. Tomorrow morning, we will cut stones at the entrance of the jade trading center." Mo Boqi was a little excited, but he still explained the matter in detail.

"I see. I'll check the flight situation. If there's a plane, I'll fly there today. Also, don't spread the word about it. After all, it's very important." Mo Wenxin made a decision after a little thought. After all, it is the biggest dream of countless jewelry and jade merchants to become a shareholder of an emerald mine. Only in this way can it be possible to continuously obtain rough jadeite and ensure the supply of jadeite raw materials.

But it is a pity that Myanmar is the country that produces the highest quality and the largest number of jadeites in the world. This country has now fully controlled the mining and selling of jadeite veins for tax purposes, and the development rights of jadeite mines are even controlled by the Ministry of Mines. , This also makes many jewelry and jade owners have to go through the jade public market to obtain rough stones.

Although the smuggling of rough stones in northern Myanmar is very rampant, under the crackdown of the military government in recent years, the smuggling of rough stones has become more and more difficult. Jewelers and jade merchants who used to rely on smuggling to obtain rough stones from far away in China have to participate in the jadeite fair.

After Mo Boqi hung up the phone, he asked Zhang Xiao not to spread the news to the outside world. After all, it involved such an extremely sensitive matter as the shares of the emerald mine.

Zhang Xiao nodded and agreed, but his mind was still on the giant rough stone. After all, although the energy contained in it was prostituted by him for nothing, he still looked forward to the emerald inside.

But thinking of the possibility of cutting the rough stone of the Big Mac tomorrow morning, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to stop thinking about the rough stone of the Big Mac.

Early the next morning, after dinner, Zhang Xiao dragged Mo Boqi to the gate of the jade trading center, and saw that the giant rough stone had indeed been transported over, and someone had already started to fix it in place. Under a super-large stone cutter, it is obvious that preparations have begun very early.

At this moment, there were not many people around the Jieshi site, so Zhang Xiao hurriedly dragged Mo Boqi to find a place that must be in the shade for a while, and said with a smile: "Brother, today we will definitely use this giant raw stone Jieshi You have to take a good look and gain experience, after all, this kind of opportunity is unique."

"Of course, such a large piece of rough jadeite is almost rare in a hundred years, but it will be difficult to say in the future. I heard that this place has started to use large mechanical equipment, and often a hill will be bulldozed in a short time." Mo Bo Qi said with a sigh.

"Brother, jadeite is a non-renewable resource. As the mining of jadeite veins becomes faster and faster, the price of rough jadeite will definitely increase in the future. It seems that you have to stock up on a batch of high-quality jadeite or rough stones as soon as possible." " Zhang Xiao suggested to Mo Boqi.

At the same time, Zhang Xiao also wants to go to various jade trading markets after returning to the country to sweep up a wave of rough stones, buy good ones and hoard them, and sell them when the price of jadeite rises in the future. It will be a profitable business.

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