Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 112 Hidden Bid Opening

Zhang Xiao laughed, and knew that he was daydreaming. This is a symbol of the country, and it can be owned by private individuals.

Zhang Xiao bought a book introducing the Shwedagon Pagoda, and while visiting the Shwedagon Pagoda, he found the corresponding content in the book to increase his knowledge.

"Little brother, you are too serious. It's just sightseeing, not study. Why are you so serious." Moboqi said helplessly.

"It's just to increase the knowledge. It's always good to know more when you have time." Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, because he has an excellent memory. After seeing it once, the Shwedagon Pagoda will be engraved in his mind again. There will also be introductions in books.

After turning around, Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi came to the antique market not far away. When they got here, the bodyguards behind them also consciously stepped up their guard. The problem is also the most troublesome for them.

However, Zhang Xiao was in high spirits, and kept buying some antiques and other gadgets on the carpet or in the shop. The prices varied from high to low, but compared to Zhang Xiao's current net worth, it was just a drop in the bucket.

The same is true for Mo Boqi, picking out some antiques from time to time, until it got dark, Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi got in the car and headed back to the hotel together.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao sorted out the bidding form, calculated the bidding amount, and made the bidding plan for the next two days before going to bed.

Waking up early the next morning, Zhang Xiao found that there were more people going to the jade trading center, and some bosses of jewelry companies who hadn’t shown up a few days ago also came in person. chain reaction.

In the morning, after Zhang Xiao bid for a piece of wool in the second paragraph, there was nothing else to do. Zhang Xiao went to the antique market again with nothing to do. Until the afternoon when the hidden bid opened, it was still the original auction hall, but the open bid auction The time was changed to morning.

There are more than 2000 people in the auction hall at the moment waiting for the results of the hidden bid opening, and even some jewelry and jade bosses who came late have no seats, but it doesn't matter if there are seats at this time, the first stage of the hidden bid has ended .

After one night and one morning of statistics, the auction results of the first paragraph have been calculated, and the results of the winning bid are just waiting to be announced.

"Little brother, are you nervous?" Sitting next to Zhang Xiao, Mo Boqi said with a smile.

"It would be a lie to say that I'm not nervous, but since the bidding is over, we can only wait for the result. It's my luck, but my life is my loss." Zhang Xiao said with a smile while leaning on the back of the chair with ease.

"The bid is opened, the bid is opened."

While Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi were chatting, someone had already shouted, and the big screen began to display the woolen material number and the corresponding ID number and amount of the winning bidder.

Looking at the dazzling numbers above, Zhang Xiao also had some headaches. At first he thought that the numbers of wool fabrics were arranged from front to back, but unexpectedly they were arranged in a messy manner. This made Zhang Xiao very unaccustomed to it, but there was no way around it. I can only endure it.

Zhang Xiao patiently began to look for the fabric number of his bid on the big screen.

"You don't need to look here. Now that the result is out, we can go to the window to check with the ID number." Moboqi said with a smile, and dragged Zhang Xiao to the window. It was really late and there was a long queue Team.

While walking, Mo Boqi also took the opportunity to explain the rules to Zhang Xiao. Before the bid opening, no one can inquire about the winning status of the bid, but after the bid opening, they can go to the window with their ID number to inquire about the number of the wool they won the bid. The woolen materials that win the bid can directly sign the "Bid Winning Contract" and make payment at the window.

Looking at the swarming crowd, Zhang Xiao stopped in her tracks, pulled Moboqi aside by the way, sighed and said, "Brother, there are too many people here, why don't we deal with it tomorrow?"

"There will be more people tomorrow. You must know that there will be bid opening tomorrow. The more people come, the more people there will be. Okay, let's hurry up and queue up." Mo Boqi said and was about to drag Zhang Xiao into the queue.

Zhang Xiao took out the VIP card from his wallet, waved it at Mo Boqi and said, "Let's go to the office inside and ask if it's possible to go inside. If not, we'll come back in line."

"VIP card? Where did you get it?" Moboqi asked in a low voice.

"It was given to me by Minister Wei Xing. It can be regarded as a reward for two public releases." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"This is a good thing. The VIP card has a lot of privileges, so you should take good care of it." Mo Boqi said enviously. After all, as a jewelry and jade owner, he is very aware of the value of the VIP card. There are not many people in China who have a VIP card. They are all bigwigs in the jewelry industry, and it is incredible that Zhang Xiao can get one.

Zhang Xiao smiled and didn't say much, but headed towards the back office with Mo Boqi.

"Mr. Zhang, why are you here? Is there something wrong?" the official said with a smile when he saw Zhang Xiao coming in yesterday.

"That's it, Mr. Bo Cheng, I want to check the winning status of the hidden bid, but there are too many people at the window, so I want you to do me a favor and see if I can check here." Zhang Xiao asked politely road.

"Of course you can. You are Minister Weixing's guest and our VIP, so you should enjoy such treatment." Bo Cheng obviously knew that Zhang Xiao had a VIP card, so he agreed without hesitation, "Come with me, I Let the staff look it up for you."

Afterwards, Bo Cheng led Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi to the office beside him, and asked the staff to check Zhang Xiao's winning bid.

When Zhang Xiao saw that the staff was actually making inquiries on the computer, he suddenly thought that the computer has started to heat up at this time, and many domestic enterprises and government units have already started to use it. However, the country is still in the early stage of development, but it is a good opportunity to participate. .

"Mr. Zhang, you won a total of five pieces of wool, and you need to pay a fee of 240 US dollars. Do you apply here or go to the window later." Bo Cheng said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao, who was thinking about the development direction of the computer, was suddenly awakened, and said quickly: "Of course it is done here. By the way, you can also help my big brother check his winning bid, let's go through it together."

"Okay, no problem." Bo Cheng respected Zhang Xiao, and asked the staff to help Mo Boqi inquire about the winning bid.

Moboqi won the bid for a total of three pieces of wool, which were within his acceptable range.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao began to sign the "Bid Winning Contract", and after paying the fee, he left the office with Mo Boqi, who had also completed the formalities, and walked outside.

After arriving outside the jade trading center, Zhang Xiao thought of the three rough stones that did not win the bid, and couldn't help but feel a little pity. You must know that the three rough stones contained a lot of energy, and the quality of the jade would not be bad, but This is also a helpless thing, after all, he doesn't know other people's quotations, how to bid, all this can only depend on financial resources and luck.

However, there are still two rough stones to be auctioned tomorrow. Zhang Xiao doesn't have much thought about this at all, because the price of rough stones of similar quality is higher as you go to the end. They are all jewelry and jade owners who have nothing before. After all, no one is willing. Go back empty-handed.

Just as he was about to take the car back to the hotel, he saw Minister Wei Xing walking over with a few people.

"Mr. Zhang, please stay." Minister Weixing shouted to Zhang Xiao.

"Minister Weixing, hello." After shaking hands with Weixing, Zhang Xiao asked, "What do you need from me?"

"It's like this. Didn't we originally plan to appraise that piece of jade the day after tomorrow? But now the situation has changed. Something happened to the piece of wool that was originally planned to be dissected on the spot tomorrow morning, so we had to find a piece with good quality. If the quality is good, it will be used as the raw material for the on-site dialysis tomorrow morning." Minister Wei Xing said while pulling Zhang Xiao's arm.

"Okay, it just so happens that I don't have anything to do right now." Zhang Xiao didn't refuse either, but greeted Mo Boqi and asked him to go back to the hotel first.

"Then you pay attention to safety." Mo Boqi was a little uneasy, and asked.

Zhang Xiao nodded and got into Minister Weixing's car. Minister Weixing ordered the driver to drive.

In less than 10 minutes, the car arrived at a manor, and Minister Weixing led Zhang Xiao to the backyard of the manor.

Zhang Xiao looked at the rough emerald stone in the backyard under the awning with some shock, because this rough emerald stone was really too big, as big as an off-road vehicle, no wonder Minister Wei Xing didn’t dare to make up his mind to cut the stone. A large rough jadeite must be worth a lot.

When Zhang Xiao pressed his hand on the rough jadeite, the chain of life immediately reported the energy contained in it, 52!

It was Zhang Xiao who had to be shocked when he encountered an item that contained more than 50 energy.

"Minister Weixing, how much did you pay for this rough stone?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"This was left by my father ten years ago. The price at that time was about 3000 million U.S. dollars." Minister Wei Xing frowned. After all, he bought this rough stone with so much money, but he never dared to unravel it. The biggest reason It is that no one can tell its specific value, so I have never dared to explain the stone.

"Then what is your current psychological price, that is to say, you will be satisfied with how much jade you can pay for the stone after cutting the stone." Zhang Xiaoyou continued to ask.

"As long as I can get 6000 million US dollars of jade, I can accept it. After all, the 3000 million at that time is almost doubled even if it is placed in the bank." Minister Weixing said with a sigh, but he also understood that the rough stone Things, the value is really hard to say.

It is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade, let alone such a huge rough stone, and no one can say for sure.

Zhang Xiao observed carefully around the rough stone, and occasionally shone it with a strong flashlight, trying to see the clues.

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