Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 111 Emperor Purple Emerald

Zhang Xiao's drawing made many people puzzled, because Zhang Xiao drew four lines, and each line was on a different side, as if he wanted to fully understand the emerald.

However, no matter how confused they were, no one said a word. After all, this piece of jade belonged to Zhang Xiao, and it was up to Zhang Xiao to decide how to interpret the stone.

The person who operated the stone cutter was replaced by Mo Boqi. After all, he is more proficient in unscrambling stones, much more experienced than Zhang Xiao.

Accompanied by the screeching sound of the stone cutter, pieces of stone skins were continuously separated, and more and more people were watching around, because they could see that Zhang Xiao wanted to fully decompose this rough stone, not just cut out the emerald .

"It's really violets. Damn, it's soaring, and the water should be glass, and the color is bright, which is against the sky." Everyone around began to discuss, after all, the best violet emerald Very rare, never seen such a large piece.

"Fuck it, Zhang Xiao's luck is really against the sky."

"Continuous cuts and consecutive rises, it's awesome."

"It's amazing, no one can beat it."

Zhang Xiao, who was jealous of everyone, wished to snatch that piece of jade from him, but it was just thinking about it, the soldiers with live ammunition all around were not easy to mess with.

Moboqi didn't care about the sweat on his body, and continued to wipe the skin of the emerald, obviously to get all the emerald out.

At this moment, the weight of this rough jadeite is only more than 300 kilograms. Although it still cannot be moved, it can be moved with Zhang Xiao's help.

The officials of the organizing committee also ran over at this moment, not only that, but also mobilized more soldiers to maintain order.

After another hour, the piece of violet jadeite was finally released. Under the sunlight, the violet jadeite exuded an attractive purple light, and part of it was made of glass, making it even more alluring. mind.

This is the real emperor purple jadeite. Although it only accounts for one-fifth of the whole piece of jadeite, its value is extremely sky-defying. It can be said that this is the first piece of emperor purple jadeite of such a large size, which is a precedent in the jadeite world , of great historical significance.

The organizing committee immediately began to use silk pads on the fair scales and began weighing.

The entire piece of jadeite weighs 150 kilograms, and the most valuable one is the [-] to [-] kilograms of glass on top. Although the bottom is not as high as glass, it is also high in ice. The value of this piece of jade can be said to be immeasurable.

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to auction this piece of jade?" an official of the organizing committee said with a smile on his face, wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

"The auction, but the time is set for the high-quality jadeite auction in three days' time. I hope the organizing committee can help me notify all jewelers and jade dealers in the world to come to bid." Zhang Xiao knew that he couldn't keep such top-quality jadeite. Auctioning it out is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Zhang, we will definitely handle this matter to perfection." The officials of the organizing committee showed a satisfied smile. After all, this is the best opportunity to promote the jadeite public offering.

The official of the organizing committee immediately announced the time and place of the auction to everyone present, and all the people present scattered away immediately, and they wanted to notify the company in response.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao and the official came to the office and went through the formalities of entrusting the auction.

Just when Zhang Xiao was about to leave, the official answered a phone call, stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, I received a call from the Minister of Mines. The Minister will be here in a while. Please wait a moment."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then sat back down again, and said with a smile: "Then I will wait for a while."

Not long after, an old man in his 60s walked in, exuding a fierce aura all over his body, and he could be seen at a glance as a soldier.

The official of the organizing committee who was originally sitting on the sofa quickly stood up, saluted and shouted respectfully: "Minister Weixing."

Minister Weixing nodded to him, and then said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, hello, these two days, Mr. Zhang has cut out two pieces of top-quality jadeite in a row. It is really gratifying."

Minister Wei Xing spoke fluent Chinese, which surprised Zhang Xiao, but there are indeed many people who speak Chinese in Myanmar.

"Minister, you're being polite. It's just luck." Zhang Xiao said with a smile on his face.

After Minister Weixing sat down on the sofa, he waved his hand to signal Zhang Xiao to sit down, and then continued to speak: "The reason why I came here this time is that I hope Mr. Zhang can help."

"Please tell me, if I can help, I will definitely not refuse." Although Zhang Xiao didn't know what it was, she still wanted to talk about it.

"Mr. Zhang, there is a rough emerald stone in my house. It was taken by my father ten years ago, but due to various reasons, there is no solution. I would like to ask Mr. Zhang to find out the value of this rough emerald stone. It's not worth breaking it into stone." Minister Wei Xing said with a smile.

"Minister Wei Xing is very polite. I can help you to find out, but you have to make your own decision on whether to resolve the stone." Zhang Xiao knew that this was an opportunity for him to make friends with this minister, although this relationship may not be useful for the time being. However, there is nothing wrong with being able to make friends. After all, he will come to the Jade Company in the future. With the endorsement of a big man like Minister Weixing, many things will undoubtedly be much easier.

"Then I will thank you very much." Minister Weixing nodded with a smile, then took out a card from the briefcase he was carrying and handed it to Zhang Xiao, and said: "This is a VIP card, Mr. Zhang You can bring your friends to participate in future jadeite fairs at any time, without the invitation of the organizing committee."

Zhang Xiao took a look and knew that it was a special chip card, which should have stored his personal information. He put it in his wallet with some excitement. He was very happy with the arrangement of Minister Weixing. As for the voucher, although his information was entered into the information database before, it is not as convenient as this VIP card after all.

The two agreed to appreciate the rough stone owned by Minister Weixing in three days, and then Minister Weixing left, and Zhang Xiao also returned to the secret auction scene at this time. After all, the first dark auction of jadeite wool is coming to an end today.

In Zhang Xiao's first section of jadeite wool, there are a total of eight pieces of jadeite wool that Zhang Xiao is interested in. After Zhang Xiao maximized the value of its performance, he began to bid at half the price. Of course, there were adjustments up and down to ensure that he could winning the bid.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little distressed when bidding one after another. After all, he would have to pay real money at that time, but Zhang Xiao also understood that there would be no gain without paying, not to mention that he had a rough idea of ​​the value of these bids. It is estimated that as long as the bid is won, there will be absolutely no loss of money, but I don't know how many pieces can be won.

And Mo Boqi was also bidding. Many bids were provided to him by Zhang Xiao, but he was obviously much more cautious than Zhang Xiao. He only bid for four pieces of wool, and the price was still based on Zhang Xiao's opinion.

Just for the first paragraph of wool, Zhang Xiao wrote a total price of more than 740 million US dollars on eight bidding sheets, which made him a little unbelievable, but he still wanted to win as many bids as possible, but Then in the second paragraph, he only saw one piece, and in the third paragraph, there were only three pieces, so the money needed was much less.

However, since the winning bid for the first piece of jadeite wool will be announced tomorrow, it will not affect his bid. In addition, there will be an auction of the emperor's purple jadeite later, which will bring in another large sum of money. Zhang Xiao is not afraid of paying the money. Sometimes money is not enough.

Zhang Xiao put the notebook in his hand into the bag and clapped his hands. Today's secret auction has all been bid, so Zhang Xiao is completely relaxed at the moment.

"Brother, have you finished voting?" Zhang Xiao found Mo Boqi and asked him with a smile.

"I finished voting, but I always feel uneasy in my heart." Moboqi said a little restlessly.

"Don't worry, there should be no problem. Let's go and go back to rest. Since you have already bid, you don't have to think about it." Zhang Xiao really let go at this moment, and felt much more relaxed.

"Well, it's still early, why don't we go outside for a walk." Moboqi also laughed, mainly because the recent business pressure has made him a little out of control, but at this moment he will be Zhang Xiao is infected, and most of the things that are over have to be let go. Only in this way can he go into battle lightly, and the efficiency of doing things may be higher.

"Brother, do you have any good suggestions?" Zhang Xiao's thoughts moved, and it would be good to go out for a walk.

"Let's go to the Shwedagon Pagoda. It is a must-see for all tourists in Yangon, and there is an antique market next to it. We can go there after we come out of the Shwedagon Pagoda." Mo Boqi said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's appreciate the grandeur of the Shwedagon Pagoda."

The Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon is the national symbol of Myanmar. Together with the Borobudur Tower in Indonesia and Angkor Wat in Cambodia, it is known as a treasure of oriental art and a world-renowned pagoda.

Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon is also known as "Shwedagon Pagoda" and "Shwedagon Pagoda". "Rui" means "gold" in Burmese, and "Great Light" is the ancient name of Yangon. Burmese people regard the Shwedagon Pagoda as their pride.

Originally, Zhang Xiao thought it was the Burmese bragging about the Shwedagon Pagoda, but when Zhang Xiao came near the Shwedagon Pagoda, he was immediately shocked by the magnificence of the Shwedagon Pagoda. It really is a well-deserved reputation.”

The 110-meter-high Shwedagon Pagoda stood in front of Zhang Xiao like that. At this moment, Zhang Xiao felt as if he was standing under a 30-storey high-rise building. People are so small. Around the huge golden pagoda, there are still Dozens of small golden pagodas guard the Shwedagon Pagoda. The golden color is everywhere in the eyes, which strongly impacts Zhang Xiao's visual senses and gives him a sense of grandeur and magnificence.

"The circumference of the base of the Shwedagon Pagoda is 427 meters, and the top of the tower has a finely crafted metal eaves. There are 1065 golden bells and 420 silver bells hanging on the eaves, and 7000 rare red and sapphire diamond balls are inlaid. There is a famous gold steel diamond weighing 76 carats. The body of the tower has been gold-pasted many times, and the gold on it has weighed 7000 kilograms." Moboqi said with a sigh.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing: "This is the most valuable antique, it would be great if I could buy it."

"You're talking in your sleep." Moboqi couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a smile.

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