Seeing Zhang Xiao coming out, Mo Boqi breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Why did you come out now? What happened?"

Zhang Xiao glanced at the crowds around him and said nothing, but after getting into the car with Mo Boqi, he said: "The woolen material I auctioned today is today's bidder, and the organizing committee wants me to continue tomorrow." Jieshi, I agree."

"Biao Wang? How much did you spend?" Moboqi Shuangyang stared round, and asked in disbelief.

"More than 5207 million." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You're amazing!" Moboqi was speechless for a moment, and only then did he realize the gap between himself and Zhang Xiao. He didn't have the guts to spend more than 500 million dollars to shoot a piece of wool.

Zhang Xiao smiled, but felt helpless in his heart. He wanted to live a low-key life, but it seemed impossible. Since the reality did not allow him to live a low-key life, he would live a high-key life.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao and Mo Wenxin made a phone call and made a detailed report on their situation.

"Xiaoxiao, I can't give you much help with your affairs over there. Everything depends on you. The most important thing is to pay attention to safety. Maintaining a good relationship with the organizing committee is beneficial to your future development. It will be of great help, maybe you can open a mine in Myanmar in the future.” Mo Wenxin said in a deep tone, not that he can’t help, but that he wants to let go, after all, he can’t always protect them.

"Master, I understand, don't worry, I will take care of everything." Zhang Xiao said solemnly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao began to discuss with Mo Boqi about the hidden bid betting. After all, this is the big deal. The previous auction was just an appetizer. Although Zhang Xiao also succeeded, it was not a surprise.

"Brother, how many times the price of the hidden bid in previous years was the reserve price, and how much was the highest bid?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's hard to say. Every piece of wool is different. There is no specific amount. The wool that performs well is the highest bidder. It can easily reach tens of millions of dollars. If it does not perform well, it may still fail the auction. It is not clear. But generally it’s about twenty times the reserve price.” Although Mo Boqi has participated in many jadeite public auctions, the previous few times he came to buy full-scale high-quality jadeites, and did not participate in the auction of bright and dark bids. This is also the first time to participate in this year, and it is also a bit of a headache at the moment.

Zhang Xiao also has a headache at the moment. The auction time for the hidden bid is too long. The first auction will start tomorrow. For a whole day, no one knows how much others will pay. There may be a loss, and if the price is low, it may not be taken at all.

Zhang Xiao originally wanted to discuss it with Liu Haijun, but he gave up, because Gu Tianxin was more interested in Liu Haijun, and it was impossible for Liu Haijun to help him at this time, and he might even sell him.

"Brother, don't think too much about it. Let's just cut half of the value we understand about wool and bid. If we win the bid, we won't lose money as long as we sell jadeite. It doesn't matter if we don't win." Zhang Xiao suggested.

"Will the bidding price be too high?" Moboqi said with some melancholy.

"High is definitely high, but as long as it's worth the money, it's fine, and if you don't take pictures of the high-quality emeralds you need for more than a year now, your jewelry business this year will definitely be suppressed and you won't be able to raise your head." Zhang Xiao said calmly He analyzed it, and he was sure that as long as Mo Boqi could conduct the auction according to his layout, he would definitely make a profit without losing money, unless the wool that was auctioned was too unexpected.

"I'll think about it again." Moboqi was obviously more cautious, unwilling to put all his eggs in one basket, and still harbored illusions.

Zhang Xiao didn't try to persuade him any more, but started sorting out the numbers of the fabrics he wanted to shoot.

Moboqi sighed, feeling a little heavy, but he really couldn't make up his mind. Once the 1000 million US dollars was spent and he couldn't get enough high-quality emeralds, his jewelry company would definitely collapse in a short time.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi got up at six o'clock, and just after breakfast, they were picked up by the car of the organizing committee. Today they are going to cut yesterday's standard king, and the ceremony is more serious than yesterday's Jieshi Grand, even many bosses have been notified by the organizing committee in advance.

Arriving at the open space at the gate of the Jade Trading Center, Zhang Xiao began to draw lines on this three-ton piece of wool. Relatively speaking, this piece of wool looks very unusual from the outside, and there is a small window on it. , there are purple spots mixed in it, like purple stars, very charming, so the reason why many jewelry and jade merchants auction this rough stone is to bet that this rough stone can produce noble royal purple jadeite.

Royal Purple Jadeite is an extremely rare type of jadeite. In the past countless years, only a small amount of it was produced. In ancient times, it was exclusively used by the royal family. And this piece of wool has a certain possibility of cutting out Purple Jadeite. This is a gamble that everyone wants to take. reason.

Red jadeite, green jadeite and purple are the most expensive, this is the jargon in the jadeite industry, if a piece of royal purple jadeite can be produced, it will be a major event that will shock the jade industry.

The length of this piece of material is about 1.5 meters, and the width is almost one meter. It is almost an oval shape. There is a window on the top side, but there is no sign of emerald, but there are some purple crystal particles. A lot of experience No matter how rich the stone gambler is, it is from here that this piece of wool may be violet emerald.

On the other side directly opposite the rubbing surface, there is a wicked lock that makes all those who are proficient in stone gambling tremble. The length of the whole evil lock almost runs through the entire piece of wool. The height is nearly two meters. Most people bet that the lock is not very deep, otherwise no one would dare to bid on it.

"Xiaoxiao, are you sure?" Mo Boqi frowned, he was actually not optimistic about this piece of jade, because the evil lock on this piece of jade was really disgusting, not to mention that most of the violet jadeites were middle-grade. Emerald is far from being able to compare with his reputation. After all, royal purple is already a theoretical existence, and few people have ever produced pure royal purple.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and began to draw lines along the edge of the evil lock. He planned to cut a knife directly from the evil lock, and looked at the depth of the evil lock. After all, the final value of this stone still depends on the depth of the evil lock. In fact, once the evil lock penetrates too deeply, then this piece of wool will be completely useless.

At this time, many jewelry and jade bosses came. Seeing that Zhang Xiao was cutting stones, they were all very interested. After all, Zhang Xiao’s performance yesterday was amazing enough. Who knew that he would dare to cut stones today? Not to mention that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Just like Gu Tianxin back then, the Jadeite Fair was held for nine days, and he cut seven pieces of wool, all of which rose sharply, establishing his title of Jade King in one fell swoop.

This stone gambling is all about winning and losing. No matter how famous you are, once you cut a piece of wool, you will definitely lose your reputation. Fame is known all over the world.

Zhang Xiao's reputation has spread throughout the jadeite world with yesterday's piece of wool, which is why so many people came today. They also want to see if Zhang Xiao is the next Jade King. After all, Gu Tianxin also It has been 12 years since he became famous, and it is time for the old and the new to change.

Gu Tianxin stood on the side of the periphery, looking at Zhang Xiao with a gloomy expression. Not only did he think of himself back then, but he was also so high-spirited. Achievements are countless times higher than they are now.

The people around were talking about it, but Zhang Xiao was unmoved at all. He drew the line steadily with his hand, which was well-proportioned and straight, showing his superb skill in drawing lines, which is not something ordinary people can do.

After drawing the line, after Zhang Xiao communicated with the staff of the organizing committee, the organizing committee immediately arranged for the forklift driver to adjust the position of the wool and fix it under the huge stone cutter. After several adjustments, the wool was finally fixed up.

Zhang Xiao immediately boarded the operating platform of this large stone cutter and began to operate it.

After the start button was pressed, the stone cutter started running immediately, making a "buzzing" sound, and then Zhang Xiao controlled the huge stone cutter to cut towards the wool.

If this knife goes down, it will be clear at a glance whether it will rise or cross.

At this moment, the introductory voices all around stopped, and they were quietly observing the results of the stone cutting.


Half an hour later, Zhang Xiao pressed the stop button of the stone cutter, and the alloy grinding wheel spun idly and made a trembling sound, like a drum, and stopped shockingly.

At this moment, the answer is about to be revealed, and everyone's eyes widened to see clearly the situation of the section.

The cut piece of wool with the evil strands was checked aside by a forklift, and the cut surface was immediately revealed to Zhang Xiao's eyes. There was already a faint purple tinge on it, but there was still no emerald, but it was obviously very close, and There is no penetration of evil locks on it, and it looks extremely smooth.

After Zhang Xiao washed the cut surface with water, his eyes stared at the faint pattern inside, and his heart beat faster.

Moboqi also rubbed his eyes at this time, staring at the faintly revealing pattern in a daze.

But the people around couldn't see this pattern, they could only see that there was no emerald.

"It must have been cut to pieces. I didn't see the emerald."

"Who can say for sure, the thickness has only been reduced by one-third, and the evil strands have been completely cut off. Although no emeralds can be seen, it can't be said to be broken."

"Although I haven't seen the emerald yet, it's very close. Just rub it again, and the emerald should come out."

"Look, it's hard for a god to cut an inch of jade, you only know when you cut it."


At this moment, Zhang Xiao was using a bright flashlight, carefully observing the trend of the pattern inside, and then began to draw lines, but this time the lines were a little conservative, because he was afraid of hurting the jade inside.

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