"Twenty-five million. This gentleman bid twenty-five million. Is there any other bid?" Lu Hao on the auction stage didn't seem to see the dispute below, but asked.

"500 million for the first time, 500 million for the second time..."

"Twenty-six million." Gu Tianxin couldn't care less about getting angry with Xu Zhiyuan anymore, and shouted.

"Twenty-eight million!" Xu Zhiyuan shouted without thinking, as if money was just a number.

Gu Tianxin looked at Xu Zhiyuan angrily, who knew that Xu Zhiyuan cursed directly: "If you are old, you can add more money if you have the ability, and whoever doesn't add grandson."

"Holy shit, awesome, Jade Crazy is completely insane, even dare to offend the Jade King!"

"Crazy Yu is about to be imprisoned again, it's best to imprison him for a few more years this time."

"What do you know, Tianyuan Jewelry of the Xu family was already under the management of Crazy Yu a month ago, Crazy Yu has now been confirmed by the Xu family to stand alone, he is now the treasure of the Xu family, three generations of the Xu family The only person in charge of the family property." A fat jewelry owner said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Really, I didn't hear the news."

"But why is this jade lunatic offending the Emerald King? I'm afraid he won't be able to survive in the jade world."

"Who knows about the madman's world."

The people around were talking about it, but Gu Tianxin was suffering at the moment and couldn't tell it. More than 3000 million, how does this make him bid, and this piece of jade belongs to Zhang Xiao's boy, the higher the price, the greater Zhang Xiao's harvest.

But if he didn't make an offer, his reputation would be completely rotten within a short while. Even a junior could not compete, and his title of Jade King would be in jeopardy.

Gu Tianxin turned his head to the jade merchant beside him and said, "Old Han, please lend me 1000 million for payment later, and I will give you the money tomorrow."

"You are polite, I have 500 million here, you can use it as you like." Boss Han said very carefully.

Gu Tianxin felt relieved when he heard it, and raised his number plate and said slowly, "3000 million."

At this time, the competition between the two is already a battle of spirits, one is the Jade Crazy who is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, and the other is the Jade King who is for his own fame and status.

"Three thousand and one million." Xu Zhiyuan's face became more serious, and his tone was no longer as calm as before. This time the jadeite public offering is the first major event for him to take charge of Tianyuan Jewelry, and he must not mess it up.

"Thirty-two million." Gu Tianxin refused to budge, obviously relying on the abundant wealth accumulated over the years.

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi looked at each other, but they laughed from the bottom of their hearts. After all, they thought that this piece of jade could be auctioned off for 2000 million yuan, and they didn't expect such a surprise.

"Thirty-three million." Xu Zhiyuan was already under a lot of pressure at this moment, but he couldn't give up on this piece of jade, so he could only bite the bullet and push forward, but there was also a trace of impatience in his heart.

"Three thousand and four million." Gu Tian's heart sank like water, he just wanted to join in the fun, but who knew he was put on the beam.

"Three thousand and four million five million." This time it was not Xu Zhiyuan who bid, but Guo Meifeng, because he got a hint from his father around him. After bidding, she smiled and said to Gu Tianxin: "Old man, junior Meng Xiang Jewelry Guo Meifeng, the younger generation loves this piece of jade so much, I hope the senior will give it to the younger generation."

Gu Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief immediately, this gave him a step down, so he said with a smile without hesitation: "A gentleman doesn't take away people's love, I won't bid for the old man."

At this moment, Xu Zhiyuan looked at Guo Meifeng with some depression. He knew that this was the step Guo Meifeng gave him, but he didn't appreciate it, so he snorted coldly and said, "You can take it if you like it."

"Thirty four million for the first time!"

"Thirty four million for the second time!"

"450 million for the third time, a deal! Congratulations to this lady, please go through the formalities."

Auctioneer Lu Hao didn't care about the sweat on his face, so he rang the auction gavel without hesitation, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Guo Meifeng took a financial officer of the company to go through the formalities to pay the money, and the jewelry and jade owners who participated in the auction left the venue one after another bitterly, and Gu Tianxin also left with a group of people at this moment. He became an adult and was scolded by a young man pointing at his nose, this was something he never expected.

At this moment, Xu Zhiyuan also sat on the chair a little depressed and didn't bother to move. After all, he also suffered a secret loss and owed a huge favor.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi were smiling, and it could be said that they had won a complete victory.

The emerald that was auctioned for 30 yuan was worth 450 million yuan as soon as it changed hands. A hundred times the profit is enough to make people crazy. This is the charm of betting on stones, which is thrilling and exciting.

One knife is poor and one knife is rich, one knife is shocking, and one knife is the end of the world.

After a while, Guo Meifeng came out, and Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi also went inside to go through the formalities under the leadership of the staff, and it was time to harvest.

Moboqi also began to give out red envelopes to everyone present, one thousand dollars per person, even the soldiers who guarded them. Suddenly everyone was beaming, and even the guards with guns laughed.

After completing the formalities, Zhang Xiao had more than 270 million US dollars of Citibank certificates in his pocket. The reason why he used Citibank was because Citibank has branches in China and can handle all businesses.

More than 270 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to more than 7000 million national currency, this is simply a sudden wealth.

After leaving the auction hall, Zhang Xiao took the bodyguards and started wandering around leisurely, while Mo Boqi still needed to see the original stone, after all, he still got nothing so far.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao took the auction number plate and came to the auction hall. Today, he will take the second piece of wool in his hand, and now he has the confidence to not be afraid of others cheating him.

Wool No. 4534 has a base price of 1037 US dollars, which is the same as the base price of the previous No. 4534 wool. However, there are obviously many people who are eyeing this piece of wool today. Quite a few, once the price was increased by 35 US dollars, and some were increased by [-] US dollars. Not long after the auction started, the price of No. [-] wool reached [-] US dollars. This let Zhang Xiao know that there are many masters in the stone gambling And he was the cheater.

Zhang Xiao has not bid, but is constantly observing, and at the same time quietly checking whether there is anyone watching him by his side.

Time passed, and 10 minutes before the end of the auction, the price of No. 4534 wool has reached 120 million US dollars, and it is still rising, and the range has also hit a lot. There are many times when the price is increased by [-], and even When someone raised the price by [-], Zhang Xiao scratched his head with some headaches, not knowing how much he should input.

What Zhang Xiao didn't know was that in another auction hall, Gu Tianxin was also observing the price change of No. 4534 wool, and the number and price had already been entered on the auction machine in his hand. The price he wrote down was 400 million. Just wait until the auction is about to end and press OK.

Not only Gu Tianxin, but also many people are staring at this piece of wool. Obviously, there are many people staring at the wool fabric No. 4534, and the prices prepared are also varied, but they are all between 400 and [-] million US dollars.

One minute before the end of the auction, Zhang Xiao gritted his teeth and entered a high price of 1, and then pressed the OK button.

After Zhang Xiao finished the operation, the time also jumped to the last five seconds. At this moment, hundreds of fingers pressed the OK button on the auctioneer at the same time, and the numbers on the big screen jumped crazily for an instant. Up, no one can see the final result clearly.

When the countdown reached zero, everyone in the auction hall breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of the result, today's open bid auction is finally over.

"Fuck, it's so expensive, it's crazy."

"Fuck, I missed again."

"I hit it, I hit it."

When the numbers on the big screen stopped beating, countless voices sounded at the same time, some people were happy and others were worried, and many people did everything for the numbers on the screen, and even borrowed a lot of money, and even bought it together. of.

When Zhang Xiao looked at the price of No. 4534 wool on the screen, which was 520, he immediately knew that he still had this piece of wool in his hands. If it wasn't for the money he made from cutting stones, he wouldn't even be eligible for the auction.

After Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he hurried inside to go through the formalities, because it was only then that he found out that his price was the highest, that is to say, he became the King of Ming Bidding today.

In order not to be noticed, Zhang Xiao hurried in. When he handed in the auction number plate, the answer inside was different from yesterday: "Mr. Zhang, please go forward five meters to the next door. Office procedures."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't care, and went directly to the office next door.

After entering the office, a short middle-aged Burmese man said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, we meet again. Congratulations on becoming today's standard king. I wonder if you would like to analyze this stone tomorrow morning?" Woolen cloth?"

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then she refused, "I'm not planning to dissect this piece of wool tomorrow, but to consign it back."

"Mr. Zhang, please don't worry, as a VIP of our organizing committee, we will consign the emeralds that come out of catalysis for you free of charge, and you can enjoy a [-]% discount on the price of all the rough jadeites you have auctioned afterwards. Whether it's an open bid or a hidden bid." The middle-aged man continued to persuade.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood that the organizing committee gave him such a discount for the sake of publicity, and there are many benefits in it, but Zhang Xiao still hesitated, after all, if he cut out top-quality jade one after another, it would be a different kind for him Trouble, he can't make up his mind.

"Mr. Zhang, if you agree, your identity information will be registered in the database of our Burmese jade fair, and you will become a lifetime VIP. You can come to the jade fair at any time without an invitation letter in the future!" The middle-aged man saw Zhang Xiao After hesitating, he quickly continued to increase the size.

"Okay, I agree." Zhang Xiao thought of Gu Tianxin's threat at this moment. With Gu Tianxin's status in the domestic Jade Association, he might not get an invitation letter in the future.

The middle-aged man immediately expressed his gratitude to Zhang Xiao, and signed the "Bid Winning Contract" with Zhang Xiao as quickly as possible, and after Zhang Xiao paid all the money, he personally sent him to the gate of the jade trading center.

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