Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 11 The reason for rebirth

After a long time, Zhang Xiao finally returned to normal, and his headache completely disappeared. It seemed that everything that happened just now was just a dream, but the clothes soaked in sweat and the water stains under his body told him that it was not a dream, but his dream. Things that have actually been experienced.

Zhang Xiao was a little confused, not sure what was going on?

Regarding the feeling that life was worse than death just now, Zhang Xiao really didn't want to experience it a second time, so why did this cause such a severe headache?

Is it a sequelae of a concussion?Or the hidden danger of rebirth, Zhang Xiao didn't know. After a long time, Zhang Xiao regained some strength and came to the mirror in the house. He finally found some clues, that is, there was a blue line on his forehead. invisible.

Zhang Xiao felt that this cyan pattern was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiao was shocked and felt a little unbelievable, because he finally knew what the cyan pattern was. It was a necklace he got by chance after graduating from university. It was made of unknown material, but it was extremely tough. He's been wearing it all the time.

He once thought it was a treasure, and asked some antique appraisers to appraise it for it, but he didn't get any explanation. Someone also bid to buy it, but Zhang Xiao disliked his bid for being too low, so there was no transaction.

Maybe my own rebirth has something to do with this necklace?

Zhang Xiao thought so, but he couldn't figure it out, why did he suddenly have a severe headache, and what did it have to do with this necklace?

How did this necklace come into his body? Could it be that he brought it here after his rebirth?

Zhang Xiao couldn't figure out all these things. He touched the cyan lines with his hands, but he didn't feel anything. Not only that, with his stroking, the cyan lines disappeared again, and nothing abnormal happened.

Zhang Xiao was thoughtful, and actually had a rough guess in his heart, that is, when he was in a car accident in his previous life, the blue necklace was covered with blood, that's why he was reborn. As for the deeper reason, he couldn't guess it either.

But Zhang Xiao knew that as long as he didn't die, he would figure it all out one day.

As for the headache, it can only be attributed to the sequelae of the concussion. This reason should explain the reason why the headache exists. Of course, he also hopes that the headache will not happen again in the future, but this does not depend on his will.

Zhang Xiao looked at the sky, and there was still some time before evening. He hurriedly fetched a basin of water, washed off the dirt on his body, changed his clothes, washed the clothes he took off, and hung them on the clothesline superior.

Zhang Xiao, who had done all this, was a little confused. If he had just been reborn, his ideal was to make up for the regrets of his previous life, but after experiencing the headache just now, Zhang Xiao was a little confused about his future.

The unknown is the root of all fear. Zhang Xiao is not afraid of death after experiencing death. What he fears is the disappointment and pain of his relatives.

Zhang Xiao knows that everything is just fantasy now, and he knows nothing about what will happen in the future. There will be a lot less regret in dying.

With this thought in mind, Zhang Xiao decided not to shrink back, but to prepare to show what she knew in an open and aboveboard manner, to give herself as much strength as possible, and perhaps be able to fight crises in the future.

Zhang Xiao began to look through all the books at home. Whether it was the books left by his father when he went to the teacher's school or some reading materials at home, Zhang Xiao read them eagerly. He wanted to absorb some nutrients and enrich them as much as possible. own knowledge.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao came to school with her younger brother Zhang Kai on a bicycle with her schoolbag on her back.

Zhang Kai went to the classroom for class,

And Zhang Xiao also came to the classroom, waiting with all the students for the chartered car to go to the county for the exam.

After class teacher Li Hanyu called the names, he began to ask them to check the items used in the exam.

Admission ticket, pen, 2B pencil, eraser, compasses, ruler, set square.

Zhang Xiao was no exception. After checking, he put it back into his schoolbag.

Then I started to get on the bus according to the list. Since there were 65 people in the second class of Zhang Xiao, plus three teachers who took the test, two buses were needed to sit down. Zhang Xiao got on the third bus with half of the students, and the rest The classmate got on the No. [-] car.

There are a total of 6 classes in the school, and a total of [-] buses are used to set off.

The sound of crackling firecrackers was heard at the gate of the school, as if wishing all the candidates a smooth exam and a title on the gold list.

Zhang Xiao looked at all the scenes that were exactly the same as in the previous life, and his mood changed slightly. Unlike the excitement of the previous life, he was extraordinarily calm. Looking at the joyful faces of his classmates, he understood their excitement.

Although Zhang Xiao was not in such an excited mood, the singing of the students soon rang out on the bus, and all kinds of familiar songs began to flutter along with the driving of the bus. Zhang Xiao closed his eyes, enjoying this rare time.

For many students who didn't even go out of the town, the county seat also belongs to the city. Even if they are going to take the exam, they still have a lot of ideas about going to the county seat for a stroll.

Xinglin County is located in the northern part of Henan Province, with a population of 10,000+. People go out to work as their main source of income. It is a small inland county.

The county seat at this time is just a small town that only takes half an hour to walk from north to south, and only 10 minutes to walk from east to west.

Candidates from the No. [-] Middle School have all stayed in the second guest house, and the conditions are not bad, but it is said that they chose this place because there is a Confucian temple behind the second guest house, and worshiping the sage of Confucius here can bless the examinees with smooth exams.

After all the students moved into the room, Zhang Xiao headed towards the Confucius Temple under the enthusiastic guidance of the students.

This Confucian temple occupies a small area, with only three halls. One main hall is dedicated to Confucius and his disciples, and two side halls next to it are dedicated to Yan Hui and his son and Zeng Dian and his son respectively.

Zhang Xiao doesn’t know if this Confucian Temple is complete. It is not complete, because it is very different from the legendary Confucian Temple, and it should not have been repaired for a long time. The house is dilapidated, there are cracks on the sculptures, and dust and spider webs are everywhere. Like a dilapidated temple.

Even so, due to the high school entrance examination, many parents and students came to worship, which seemed lively, and there were even some security guards to maintain order, but maybe this was the reason for the Confucius Temple, many people silently offered incense and worship, but Very few people are loud and noisy.

On the other hand, small vendors not far away shouted loudly selling paper money, incense candles, gold and silver ingots, which seemed extremely noisy.

Zhang Xiao and his classmates bought joss stick paper money and began to worship Confucius.

Just when Zhang Xiao and his classmates finished paying their respects and were about to leave, a voice rang in his mind.

"Dissociated energy is found, is it absorbed?"

Not only that, but a progress bar was displayed floating in front of it.

Meta chain energy: 01000.

Zhang Xiao stopped in his tracks, the necklace that caused his rebirth and headache finally reacted at this moment, he was so excited in his heart, he couldn't help saying: "Absorb!"

With Zhang Xiao's voice, everything disappeared again, as if it had never appeared.

"Zhang Xiao, what are you talking about, absorbing what absorbing?" Li Xiaobo patted Zhang Xiao's shoulder and asked.

"It's nothing." Zhang Xiao was not afraid of arousing the suspicion of his classmates, so he just said something casually.

"The cafeteria will open soon. I heard that the food here is delicious." Wang Guozheng said with a smile.

"Eat more if it's delicious!" Zhang Xiao rang out the slogan of later generations, and couldn't help imitating it, but the students all responded flatly, and didn't even know that this well-known advertisement made Zhang Xiao The performance turned into a dry sentence.

"Zhang Xiao, you're talking so strangely today, maybe it's the sage Kong who showed you the spirit!" Li Xiaobo looked at Zhang Xiao with some doubts, as if he wanted to know what he was thinking.

"It's nothing, let's go back, clean up and eat." Zhang Xiao couldn't wait, he wanted to know what the Yuan Chain in his mind was.

"It's only 10 o'clock, and it's still early. Do you want to go around the county?" Li Jun said ostentatiously, playing with the mechanical watch on his wrist.

"No, I feel a little tired from the car ride. I'll go back and rest for a while. You call me when you're eating!" Zhang Xiao waved his hand, said goodbye to his classmates in a few words, and walked quickly towards the room where he lived.

After returning to the room, Zhang Xiao locked the door from the inside, took off his clothes, and went into the bathroom.

Looking at himself in the mirror with his eyes, he said silently in his mind: "Yuanlian."


Nothing happens, it doesn't seem to exist at all.

Zhang Xiao whispered silently again: "Yuanlian."


Still no response.

Zhang Xiao was a little disappointed and scratched his head. Suddenly, he remembered the voice in his mind just now, and couldn't help but say, "Stop absorbing!"

Sure enough, as he expected, the progress bar reappeared, showing:

Meta chain energy: 1.31000.

At the same time, two buttons appear below it, one is to end and the other is to continue.

Zhang Xiao clicked to continue, and the progress bar disappeared again, as if everything just now was illusory.

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood that it should be Yuanlian who regenerated him, but he also ran out of energy, so he needs to replenish enough energy first, and his headache should also be related to the exhaustion of energy, as long as he replenishes enough Energy, then the true face of Yuanlian will eventually appear in front of him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao was a little excited, but felt melancholy when he thought that the progress bar of Yuanlian energy was progressing so slowly.

Since his rebirth, he thought that he was just lucky, so he was reborn once. In fact, this was not the case at all, but because of that necklace——Yuan Chain, he had the chance to be reborn.

That being the case, then the Yuan Chain must be a treasure, and it will also be my reliance. As for replenishing energy, it is necessary to find the place where the energy is, and the Yuan Chain will replenish energy by itself.

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