Since Zhang Xiao got up early in the morning, it was only six o'clock when he finished washing his clothes, so Zhang Xiao started running along the path by the village.

This is also Zhang Xiao's habit since his rebirth. He used to be too lazy to run for morning exercises, but now that he has come back to life and knows the importance of his body, he naturally pays more attention to physical exercise. In addition, Zhang Xiao's body has changed a bit since his rebirth. Not only his strength It has grown a lot bigger, and the speed of his body has also increased a lot. Coupled with his reaction speed, Zhang Xiao needs more time to get familiar with his body.

After running until she felt a little tired, Zhang Xiao jogged home.

"Morning, you go for a run too, I've already run back." When Zhang Xiao ran to the door of the house, he met Xiao Yun running over, and couldn't help but said.

"No, I'm going to buy some things." Xiao Yun blushed slightly and ran over, but his posture was a bit awkward.

"No way, my aunt is here." Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, with a strange expression on his face.

After breakfast, both Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping went to grandpa's house to do their homework. Zhang Xiao walked around and went home. After looking at the test supplies he had prepared, he found that there was nothing missing, so Zhang Xiao walked Headed towards the Xinhua Bookstore in the town.

There are two reasons why I didn’t ride a bicycle. The first is that the distance is only about 1000 meters, and it doesn’t take long to walk. The other reason is that bicycles are easy to lose.

In less than 10 minutes, Zhang Xiao came to Xinhua Bookstore, which was still open on Sunday at this time.

Zhang Xiao began to look for some books that were useful to him. After all, he was about to take the high school entrance examination. After the high school entrance examination, he had to determine the way to earn the first pot of gold. Only in this way could he implement his future plans.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, the importance of the first pot of gold is self-evident, and it is also the most difficult.

The first thing Zhang Xiao looked for was some books on casting materials, because he worked as a technician in a foundry for a period of time in his previous life, and he knew the ratio of all alloy materials in the foundry at that time. At this time in 1996, I don't know how many times advanced the technology of these small foundries.

The most important thing is that there are two small foundries in the town, and some simple alloy ratios can be sold to them. Of course, this is just an experiment. Sell ​​them all at the right time to get more benefits.

Of course, first of all, he needs to find a suitable reason and explain the source of the alloy ratio. As for the proof of the alloy, it is easier to handle.

After Zhang Xiao read all the books on materials in Xinhua Bookstore, he gradually came up with an idea, and maybe he could get the first pot of gold in life soon.

Then, according to the memory of the previous life, Zhang Xiao looked through some materials about the production of the automatic hatching mechanism that was not yet available in the market.

After checking all the information, Zhang Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief and prepared with both hands. As long as one of them can be successful, then he will be considered to have earned the first pot of gold in his life.

When Zhang Xiao left the bookstore, he saw the back of a person, and he couldn't help shouting: "Teacher Gao."

It was a middle-aged woman, not tall, but she gave off an amiable feeling. It was Zhang Xiao's elementary school teacher Gao Qin, who also cared for him the most during elementary school.

"Mr. Gao, it's really you, I'm Zhang Xiao!" Zhang Xiao ran two steps, came to Gao Qin, and said with a smile.

"It's you, Xiaoxiao. Two days ago, someone said that you did well in the exam!" Gao Qin obviously didn't forget who Zhang Xiao was, but said happily.

"Mr. Gao, where are you going?" Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, but he had something to warn Mr. Gao.

"Go to the pharmacy to buy some stomach medicine. My stomach feels a little uncomfortable these two days!" Gao Qin said indifferently.

Zhang Xiao's face suddenly changed slightly, but then returned to normal, and said seriously: "Mr. Gao, you have been suffering from stomach problems for a long time. I think you should go to a big hospital. Don't take stomach medicine all the time. It's good for your stomach. Very bad."

Gao Qin's complexion was a bit ugly, but he also knew Zhang Xiao's intentions were good, so he said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, the teacher's illness is fine, and I'll go back to the hospital for a check-up this summer, don't worry!"

Zhang Xiao nodded, and didn't try to persuade her. He knew that it was not the time yet, and there was still time. Teacher Gao's illness would not show up for a few years, and he was just giving Gao Qin an inoculation.

"Well, Mr. Gao, you must pay attention to your body. You have been suffering from stomach pains, so you should pay attention to nourishing your stomach." Zhang Xiao asked worriedly.

"Boy, when you grow up, you know how to care about people. But the high school entrance exam is coming up the day after tomorrow, so you have to study hard, you know, this is a crossroads in life!" Gao Qin also started working with Zhang Xiao.

After the two parted, Zhang Xiao's face showed a hint of worry, that is, when he was in his sophomore year, Mr. Gao Qin found out that the gastric cancer had advanced stage, and it had already spread. Even after surgery, he didn't live for three months It just won't work.

Zhang Xiao only found out about the news when he returned home during the winter vacation, and he was very surprised. You must know that Teacher Gao was only 52 years old at the time, and he died in the end.

When Zhang Xiao returned home, seeing her grandparents at home, she smiled and called, "Grandpa, grandma."

"I'm back, where did I go? Don't go swimming by the river on such a hot day." Grandpa Zhang Weilin was concerned about Zhang Xiao's whereabouts, so he couldn't help asking.

"I went to Xinhua Bookstore and checked some study materials. I met Teacher Gao on the way, and she suffered from stomach problems again." Zhang Xiao answered truthfully, but there was nothing to hide.

"Is that the teacher Gao who asked you to go to her house for dinner when you were in elementary school?" Zhang Weilin asked.

"Yes, it's her. I met her in the town today. She is going to the pharmacy to buy medicine."

"After the high school entrance examination, go to her house to see her, after all, she was so kind to you!" Zhang Weilin instructed.

"Let's eat, it's getting late." Yang Lan called everyone to eat inside.

Today's lunch was good. I bought some meat and cooked a few dishes. Zhang Xiao knew what his family meant and couldn't help being moved.

After eating, grandpa asked Zhang Xiao to come out with him, handed him 50 yuan, and said, "I'm going to the county seat tomorrow, so I must eat well when I eat out. Don't be afraid to spend money. It won't cost much to eat and drink." Pay attention to your health."

"I see, Grandpa, I will definitely take the exam well and live up to your expectations of me." Zhang Xiao knew his grandfather's hopes for him, so he solemnly agreed.

"Don't put too much pressure on you. It's no problem to go to the No. [-] High School at your level, just perform normally!" Zhang Weilin has great hopes for Zhang Xiao.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao didn't go anywhere, but wrote the alloy ratio and casting process description in the memory of the previous life under the shade of the tree in the yard. There will be detailed process and instructions in the plan, which should satisfy the town The needs of these two small foundries here.

After writing the plan, Zhang Xiao proofread and revised the content to make the plan look more professional, which is also conducive to the implementation of his plan.

In this regard, he is not afraid of any future troubles. After all, at this time, all companies cherish these alloy ratios. Companies that have obtained alloy ratios will hide them as secrets and will only reveal them when needed.

After finishing these, Zhang Xiao hid them in the notebook on the desk, not afraid that anyone would find out.

After finishing all this, Zhang Xiao saw that it was still early in the sky and felt a little lonely. She couldn't help thinking about some things that happened at this time in her previous life.

Zhang Xiao knows that in 1996, many ways to make the first pot of gold are useless to him, a poor student in the countryside with nothing, no matter how many ideas and opinions he has, let alone others who speak lightly, it is difficult to let People easily believe that Zhang Xiao is very clear about his own shortcomings. Although he may lose many opportunities, the victory is safe. Even if he can't earn the first pot of gold, he can make his academic performance better and faster. to the forefront of the times.

The future development direction is already clear, the process is not important, what is important is that he knows the result and can participate in any foreseeable success when he has the capital. This is the greatest confidence in his rebirth.

As for why he wanted to be the No. [-] in the senior high school entrance examination, Zhang Xiao just wanted to make his future development smoother and more confident to face future challenges.

And learning more knowledge is also on the agenda. Based on the abnormal memory and analysis ability, Zhang Xiao has already started to recall the high school courses of the previous life, and recalled the college entrance examination papers of the previous life as much as possible to increase his background.

Zhang Xiao doesn't want to live step by step. He only plans to spend two years in high school, which requires him to get better grades to prove that he can. He has seen too much about the reality of society in his previous life, so he can only shape himself Become a genius, and the current shortcut is to become the number one in the high school entrance examination.

With the recollection and sorting of the memories of the previous life during this period of time, he has actually answered many of the test questions completely, and all that is left is to go to the examination room for a walk.

Zhang Xiao suddenly felt a bit of a headache, and the headache came without warning, so he couldn't help but put his hands on his temples on both sides, steady his breathing, and try to calm himself down as much as possible.

But the headache didn't seem to ease at all. Zhang Xiao gritted his teeth and dared not speak out, even if there was no one at home today, because he had a terrible guess that the secret about his rebirth was about to be revealed. , and this is his deepest secret, and he is afraid that anyone will know.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the headache has subsided slightly, but Zhang Xiao's whole body is full of weakness, and the sweat not only soaks his clothes, but also keeps dripping downwards, even the place where he sits is already covered with a large area of ​​water.

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