After figuring this out, Zhang Xiao took a shower, put on his own clothes, lay on the bed, and waited for the Yuan Chain to absorb the energy.

As for when the yuan chain can absorb the energy, Zhang Xiao has no idea in his heart. As for what free energy is, Zhang Xiao is even less clear.

Until the students came back and were going to eat, Zhang Xiao didn't disappear when the yuan chain was absorbed.

"Zhang Xiao, the county town is so lively today, much more lively than our town, and there are many interesting things to do, you will be at a loss if you don't go." Li Jun showed off to Zhang Xiao as soon as he came back, describing it vividly .

Zhang Xiao never thought that Li Jun had such good expressive ability, and said with a smile: "Li Jun, if your expressive ability is used in the composition, it will definitely improve a lot!"

"That's right, why didn't I think of it, thank you, Zhang Xiao." Li Jun was stunned and then suddenly realized.

"Haha." The rest of the students all laughed.

"Xiao Lizi, Zhang Xiao is joking with you, you can't tell!" Wang Guozheng whispered to Li Jun after laughing a few times.

"No, I think the words I used just now are very accurate. If I use them in my composition during the exam, it will definitely improve my writing." Li Jun firmly believed that Zhang Xiao was encouraging him.

"Then do whatever you want." Wang Guozheng saw that Li Jun seemed to be serious, so he didn't say any more, because he didn't know whether Zhang Xiao was telling the truth or irony.

"Zhang Xiao, you are not joking with him, are you? Li Jun is serious this time." Wang Guozheng walked a few steps to catch up with Zhang Xiao and asked in a low voice.

"I'm not joking. He actually has good Chinese skills, but he just doesn't know how to use them. If he uses more idioms in the exam, he can get extra points." Zhang Xiao didn't joke with Li Jun, but really thought that way, and the exam is coming soon, Nor would he joke in this way.

"That's good, by the way, do you think I can get into high school?" Wang Guozheng asked seriously.

"Of course, as long as you perform normally, there is no problem in being admitted to high school. I remember that you applied for the third middle school, so there is no problem." Zhang Xiao remembered that Wang Guozheng was in the third middle school in his previous life, but he repeated the first year. Years, it turned out to be one class lower than Wang Guozheng.

"It's fine if I can go to high school, alas, my grades are much worse than yours." Wang Guozheng said unwillingly.

Zhang Xiao smiled and didn't speak, but he had a completely different opinion in his heart. In his previous life, he was really arrogant. If he could recognize his position, maybe the result would not be so tragic.

His heart is higher than the sky, and his life is thinner than paper. Maybe it is a true reflection of his previous life, so even since he was reborn, he has always positioned himself very accurately. He knows that even if he lives a new life, he may not be comparable to those real A genius, he can neither be arrogant, nor should he belittle himself. Only by finding his own position can he develop better.

After lunch and a short rest, Zhang Xiao and his classmates were going to visit the examination room.

Zhang Xiao's examination room is No. [-] Middle School, a junior middle school, not far from the second guest house, if not, it only takes a few minutes.

There were only five students in the second class who were also taking the exam in No. [-] Middle School, Zhang Xiao, Li Jun, Wang Guozheng, Li Xiaobo and Cheng Hao. Among the five, only Cheng Hao and Zhang Xiao were not easy to deal with, so Zhang Xiao walked in front, Cheng Hao and Cheng Hao. Individuals follow.

After coming to No. [-] Middle School, they first looked at the schematic diagram of the examination room, and then entered the examination room to observe the seats, and it was considered complete.

The five of them were not in the same examination room. After seeing the schematic diagram of the examination room, they all separated and headed for their respective classrooms.

Zhang Xiao's 17 exam room is in the westernmost classroom on the second floor. Zhang Xiao's seat number 04 is in the northwest corner of the classroom, which is relatively good, at least there is no need to worry about the sun exposure.

Zhang Xiao stood here, looking at the playground outside the window, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Nothing has changed, whether it is the examination room or the seat number, the only thing that has changed may be himself.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao walked downstairs. As for whether everything he experienced in his previous life can change from the beginning, he just depends on tomorrow's exam and relives his life. I don't know if everything can change his destiny.

For this, Zhang Xiao didn't have too many scruples, and everything had to be changed by himself. As for the result, he hoped that everything would be good.

After seeing the examination room, the only thing left is the examination, Zhang Xiao thought so.

There is no difference between the appearance of the Seventh Middle School and the memory, Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, he just hoped that with his own efforts, it would be enough to make up for the shortcomings of his previous life, but the existence of Yuanlian made him pay more attention, because he was afraid that Yuanlian would Play tricks during exams.

After a while, all five of them finished watching the examination room and gathered under the agreed poplar tree.

"Zhang Xiao, I will try my best to surpass you in the high school entrance examination!" Cheng Hao said something to Zhang Xiao, then turned and left.

"Zhang Xiao, Cheng Hao was really irritated by you, that's right, he was always No.1 in grade before." Li Jun said with a strange smile.

"Well, Cheng Hao is not a bad person, but he has no self-knowledge. You are more than 40 points higher than him, so I don't believe he can surpass you!" Wang Guozheng also said with a smile, "Zhang Xiao, take the exam well this time, try to pass the exam." Show him the champion."

"The number one in the high school entrance examination is said to be paid by the county. Last year, Li Gu from Xiangkang Town was the top scorer in the county high school entrance examination. The town rewarded him with 1000 yuan, and the county rewarded him with 5000 yuan!" Li Xiaobo said as if he was well informed about such news.

"Is what you said true?" Zhang Xiao didn't understand this before, but now he couldn't help but his eyes gleamed.

"Of course, my aunt works in the County Education Bureau. She told me that yesterday." Li Xiaobo said with some pride, "And the first middle school is free of miscellaneous fees, and directly entered the special class."

"That's really awesome, but it's right to think about it, if the county's top student in the college entrance examination goes to the city to go to school, he is also eligible!" Wang Guozheng said with a smile, "The teaching level of the city's No. [-] middle school is higher than that of our county No. [-] middle school. "

"In fact, the teaching level of the schools is similar, and the academic performance of high school students depends more on whether the students work hard. If you don't study hard, even if you are in Huaqing High School, you may not be able to get into a good university." Zhang Xiao said to The school's basic training does not have much desire, but has some expectations for the school's training conditions for students in all aspects other than learning.

Because it doesn't want to study high school courses step by step, he wants to enter university early, so that he has more time and energy to fulfill his dream in his previous life.

"Hey, what's the use of talking so much, let's talk about it after being admitted to high school!" Wang Guozheng was very clear about his position, and he didn't get excited by everyone's words.

"Xiaobo, you shouldn't have a problem with the No. [-] middle school exam!" Zhang Xiao paid a lot of attention to Li Xiaobo, because Li Xiaobo's grades in the school exams in his past and present lives were not outstanding, but his grades in the middle school exam were excellent, and he was admitted to the county No. [-] exam. It also surprised many people.

"Work hard for the exam, who knows." Li Xiaobo said as he walked, "My dad said that I was admitted to the county No. [-] middle school and gave me a big red envelope!"

Zhang Xiao knew that Li Xiaobo's family was in good condition. His father worked in engineering and had made a lot of money in recent years.

Just when they were about to return to the guest house, Guo Tong ran over and said to Zhang Xiao and the others, "Would you like to go to the billiard hall to play? I have found a place."

"Don't go, the exam is coming soon, after the exam, I don't want to play as I want." Zhang Xiao persuaded Guo Tong.

"After the exam, I have to go back. The billiard hall in the town is broken and shabby. What's the point of not scoring the ball that should be scored, and scoring the ball without improvement." Guo Tong is still unwilling to give up, and he himself has no guts. Going to play alone, after all, he also knows that the billiard hall is mixed with fish and dragons, it is more chaotic, and there are more classmates, and he will be more confident.

However, Zhang Xiao, who knew something about the previous life, would never agree with Guo Tong to go to the billiard hall again, because they almost had an accident when they went to the billiard hall in their previous life. Unable to participate, even so Guo Tong suffered some minor injuries.

"Guo Tong, listen to me. After the exam, you can play however you want. Before the exam, don't mess around. If you don't pass the exam, how can you explain to your family?" Zhang Xiao pulled Guo Tong toward the place where he lived. Go, while speaking.

"Oh, I wouldn't have called you if I knew it earlier. I'll go in and play a few games by myself." Guo Tong said with his head downcast.

"The billiard hall is too messy, it's not suitable for us, if something happens in the county, how can you tell the family." Zhang Xiao was still a little worried, and couldn't help but reminded.

"I see, I see, why are you becoming a mother-in-law now?" Guo Tong said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhang Xiao frowned, but didn't say much. After sending him to the house, he returned to his residence.

When having dinner, Zhang Xiao felt relieved when he saw that Guo Tong hadn't gone out.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao went directly back to his room to go to bed, but he didn't go out to watch the night scene with his classmates. After all, he was tired of watching it in his previous life, and now there were only street lights and few street lights. What catches your eyes.

Waking up early the next morning, when Zhang Xiao went to eat, he felt that the atmosphere of the restaurant was a bit wrong. There were many people in the cafeteria, but there was no voice to speak.

After finishing the meal, Zhang Xiao and Li Jun sat together and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, you don't talk."

"Guo Tong went to the billiards hall yesterday and was beaten. He is in the hospital now. I don't know if he can take the exam." Li Jun said in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly, Guo Tong would still go to the Internet cafe. If he failed to take the senior high school entrance examination, he would have to repeat the exam for another year. This was too cruel for Guo Tong.

And the atmosphere in the cafeteria is not right now, it will definitely affect everyone's mood for the exam, which is also a loss for the school, no wonder the atmosphere is so dignified.

Zhang Xiao blamed himself a little at this time, after all, he knew that going to the billiard hall would definitely cause trouble, even so, he still couldn't stop Guo Tong from going, it seemed that he was still too self-righteous.

Could it be that the power of fate is so powerful?

Zhang Xiao was deeply worried about this. Even if he lived a new life, he still had no way to change many things, which made him feel powerless.

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