Suddenly, looking at the figure not far away, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little dazed, he didn't expect to see Shen Biyu here.

Shen Biyu was wearing a white down jacket, kicking the snow on the side of the road and walking slowly, like a sulking child, casting a long shadow under the street lamp.

Zhang Xiao suddenly raised his head, saw Zhang Xiao who was walking towards him, and asked with an embarrassed smile, "Zhang Xiao, why are you here?"

"School starts tomorrow, and I'm going back to school today. The snow on the road is too thick. When I got back to school, the cafeteria was closed, so I went out to buy something to eat." Zhang Xiao raised the handbag in his hand and said with a smile.

"I heard from my friend that you have transferred to the third year of high school. I thought it was a lie, but it turned out to be true." Shen Biyu's face was still pale, and she looked a little haggard, no longer the high spirits she had when the school started.

"It's true, I'm taking the college entrance examination this year." Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile, and continued after a slight pause: "Long time no see, how are you?"

"It's okay." Shen Biyu nodded, indicating that she was fine.

Looking at Shen Biyu's pale face, Zhang Xiao sighed from the bottom of her heart, but said without changing her expression: "I heard from Liu Lu that you transferred to Shangcheng No. [-] Middle School, you should get used to it."

"It's not bad. After all, high school is all about studying, so there's nothing I'm not used to." Shen Biyu said with a smile, her complexion became a little better.

"That's good. Is your home nearby? Shall I take you back?" Zhang Xiao said.

"No need, I'm going home now." Shen Biyu shook her head, and then directly waved goodbye to Zhang Xiao, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Zhang Xiao waved to Shen Biyu and said.

After the two separated, Zhang Xiao sighed and walked towards the school without looking back.

Shen Biyu looked at Zhang Xiao's leaving back, couldn't help feeling sore in her heart, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and walked towards home.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhang Xiao took a thermos bottle of hot water in the hot water room, opened the snacks and ate them with the hot water, but felt a little restless, but Zhang Xiao also knew that Shen Biyu had nothing to do with him Relationship, but I still feel a little melancholy.

In the morning of the next day, the graduating class of the third year of high school officially started, and Zhang Xiao also started to study step by step, but most of the time he started to organize the study notes of high school courses. On the one hand, Zhang Xiao wanted to review comprehensively, on the other hand, Zhang Xiao After all, taking the college entrance examination this year, if he can still become the province's number one student in science, then these notes will create more benefits for him.

Of course, Zhang Xiao wouldn't think too much money, and Zhang Xiao would definitely not let go of the opportunity to make money, not to mention being able to make money while reviewing, what a beautiful thing it is.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, the graduating class of the third year of senior high school also had a day off, but many students did not go home, and they still stayed in the classroom to study, and the school cafeteria was open as usual.

Zhang Xiao went to the home of her master Mo Wenxin on the Lantern Festival, and it was considered to be a twilight visit, and all the cigarettes and alcohol she weighed were bought at a tobacco shop.

"Zhang Xiao, you are going to take the college entrance examination in a few months, and I didn't intend to disturb you, but this time your big brother wants to participate in the Jade Fair, do you want to go?" Mo Wenxin said after eating It was only after lunch that he asked Zhang Xiao.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao said, "Master, I won't go there. After all, the college entrance examination is coming soon. I still focus on the college entrance examination."

Mo Wenxin immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I'll talk to your elder brother when the time comes."

Zhang Xiao sighed. It wasn't that he didn't want to participate, but it was too difficult to ask for leave now. Li Yuliang had high expectations for him, and it was even more difficult for him to ask for leave.

After returning to school, Li Yuliang, the class teacher, announced the time for the one-model exam, which would be from March [-]nd to [-]th.

Everyone wailed at once, but it didn't help the matter. After all, the one-model exams were held in early March, and this year was no exception.

Under the supervision of the class teacher Li Yuliang, all the students began to seize the time to review. A set of mock test papers was consumed, and Zhang Xiao was no exception. He not only had to do a set of mock test papers every day, but also corrected mistakes, and became extremely busy.

3 month 2 day.

The one-model exam has officially started.

Half of the people in the class were assigned to the classroom of the first year of senior high school. Because of the one-model exam, the holiday time at the end of the month was changed in the first year of high school.

Zhang Xiao's seat was assigned to the northeast corner of the classroom, the last row.

In the morning, there is still a language test.

Zhang Xiao answered the questions very smoothly. She finished all the test questions in one go, and didn't even pause in the composition.

In fact, Chinese is a course that depends on daily accumulation. There are no other skills at all. It is not difficult for those who learn it, but not for those who are difficult. Many people think that Chinese is the easiest. In fact, they are wrong. Chinese is the most difficult of all subjects. high score.

After finishing the Chinese test paper, Zhang Xiao looked at the time, and there were five or ten minutes left, which made Zhang Xiao a little bored and had to start checking the test paper.

After another 10 minutes, Zhang Xiao checked the paper twice and found that there was nothing to change, so he handed in the test paper.

After handing in the test papers, Zhang Xiao was a little bored, and walked towards the playground, only to see a group of sophomore students playing football in the playground, so she sat in the open space beside her and watched.

To be honest, the two teams didn't play very well, but Zhang Xiao didn't pay attention here either, and looked into the distance with a little emptiness in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

It wasn't until the bell rang that Zhang Xiao came back to his senses, went directly to the school cafeteria, and started eating.

"Zhang Xiao, how did you do in the exam?" Guo Yaxin sat opposite Zhang Xiao and asked with a smile.

"It's okay, why didn't you go home?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking, after all, the first year of senior high school was on vacation for three days.

"Go back in the afternoon, I want to talk to you." Guo Yaxin bit her lip, then said firmly.

"Okay, let's go to the teahouse outside after dinner." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, and he himself felt that he should have a clear discussion with Guo Yaxin.

After lunch, Zhang Xiao and Guo Yaxin left the school gate together and came to a teahouse not far from the school.

After ordering a pot of scented tea, Zhang Xiao and Guo Yaxin sat facing each other without speaking to each other, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"Zhang Xiao, what do you mean by love?" Guo Yaxin asked with a bitter tone after taking a sip of tea.

Looking at the crowd of people coming and going outside the window, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook her head and said: "Love is the mutual liking between two people. You like me and I like you. This is love. But when one party doesn't like it , that's not love."

"Then do you like me?" Guo Yaxin looked into Zhang Xiao's eyes and asked seriously.

"I thought I liked you at first, but then I found out that I only like your beauty, and I don't want to accept your shortcomings. This shows that my liking for you is only for beautiful things." Zhang Xiao's gaze did not Instead of dodging, he said in a leisurely tone.

Guo Yaxin suddenly fell silent again. She was so naive to Zhang Xiao. Thinking about it, she was a little naive, so she continued after a long time and said, "I like it the same way. We are all so naive when we talk about it."

"Yeah, very naive." Zhang Xiao also shook her head helplessly and said, "Maybe when we really understand what love is, we will understand how naive our previous behavior is."

"Goodbye!" Guo Yaxin got up and said goodbye to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Goodbye!" Zhang Xiao also said softly.

Looking at Guo Yaxin's leaving back, Zhang Xiao felt a little bitter in his heart for a moment, but Zhang Xiao regained his composure in an instant, and his eyes became firm.

The exam in the afternoon continued, and the math test paper was as difficult as ever. Even Zhang Xiao spent half an hour on the last big question to solve it.

At this time, Zhang Xiao looked at the time, and it was only 10 minutes before handing in the test paper. Zhang Xiao started to check the test paper, and after finding that there were no mistakes, he sat quietly in his seat in a daze.

Soon, the bell rang for the end of the exam, and the invigilator put away the test papers and left.

As soon as the invigilator left, there was a buzzing sound in the classroom, like a swarm of flies, the sound of answering, arguing, and sighing was endless.

Zhang Xiao didn't participate. After all, after the exam, everything is meaningless. If you have this time, you might as well spend your time on subjects that haven't been tested.

The next day's exam was the same, with English in the morning and physics in the afternoon.

And the exam on the morning of the third day was chemistry.

On the morning of March 3, the chemistry exam ended.

All the students breathed a sigh of relief, the exam was over, and they had a two-and-a-half-day holiday.

Regardless of the results of the one-model exam, everyone started preparing to go home after the exam.

Zhang Xiao returned to the dormitory, packed up and saluted, in fact, there was nothing to clean up, just put a few sets of mock test papers into her schoolbag.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's mobile phone in the dormitory rang.

Zhang Xiao frowned, but still connected the phone.

"Junior brother, I am your senior brother." Moboqi's voice came from the microphone.

"What's the matter, big brother?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"The jadeite public sale will start on March 3th and last for ten days. Why don't you come and see it?" Moboqi said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao is really excited at the moment, and the Yimo exam is over, there is nothing to do for the time being, and this is also a good opportunity to replenish energy, if you take advantage of this opportunity, you may be able to accumulate more capital.

"I'll ask for leave for a try, and if I can ask for leave, I'll call you." Zhang Xiao finally agreed to ask for leave for a try, but in his opinion, the possibility of getting leave is unlikely.

Zhang Xiao put her schoolbag in the dormitory and headed towards the office of the class teacher Li Yuliang.

"Ms. Li, I want to take half a month's leave." Zhang Xiao saw Li Yuliang who was just about to go home in the office.

"Half a month? What's the matter? Something is up." Li Yuliang had a good impression of Zhang Xiao, mainly because of Zhang Xiao's good academic performance.

"I have something to do, I need to go out." Zhang Xiao hesitated for a while but still didn't say the specific reason.

"Okay, I agree, come back early after finishing the work." Li Yuliang readily agreed.

Zhang Xiao didn't expect Li Yuliang to agree so readily, and quickly said, "Thank you teacher, I'll come back as soon as I'm done."

Li Yuliang looked at the back of Zhang Xiao leaving in a hurry, shook his head, but didn't think much about it.

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