Zhang Xiao fell asleep amid wild thoughts.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao got up early. After all, it is a custom in Xinglin County to have five watches together on the New Year's Eve.

At this time, the sky was still dark, but the snowflakes continued to fall, and there was no sign of stopping.

Looking at the thick snow, Zhang Xiao started to pick up the shovel and broom to clean, at least to clear a road.

After a while, Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping also got up, and they also started cleaning.

Mother Yang Lan began to cook dumplings, and there were four dumplings with small money inside. This is also a northern custom, called Gengsui dumplings. Whoever can eat dumplings with small money means good luck in the new year, yes Symbol of good luck.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about this, but Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping were very thoughtful about it, and rushed into the kitchen to fill the dumplings as soon as the dumplings were cooked.

After a while, Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping happily showed off the small coins they got to Zhang Xiao, because Zhang Xiao didn't get any, but Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping got two coins.

In fact, Zhang Xiao knew that the mother had already divided the dumplings when she divided them, and it was just to make Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping happy.

After eating the dumplings, Zhang Xiao led his younger siblings to visit the New Year's greetings. On the morning of the first day of the new year, he would visit all the elders' homes.

After the New Year's greetings, the family started to go to the ancestral graves with their grandparents. Because the snow was heavy and the weather was cold, the snow hadn't melted yet, so the road was much easier.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao began to visit relatives with his parents. What the relatives asked the most was Zhang Xiao's academic performance. Xiao has also completely become what they call someone else's child, so as to educate her own children.

Zhang Xiao has become the top student in the eyes of all relatives and children, and has become the object of their envy and hatred. Zhang Xiao is a little helpless about this, but his father Zhang Hongjun is very happy, after all, it is a matter of long face.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, Zhang Xiao's family came to his grandpa's house to pay New Year's greetings. Both grandpa and grandma are in good health now, which made Zhang Xiao feel very relieved.

After talking with grandma and grandpa for a while, Zhang Xiao walked to the intersection and saw Tong Yao, his wife from the previous life, at a glance.

Tong Yao was wearing a light yellow coat with a turtleneck sweater inside. When she saw Zhang Xiao, she couldn't help but smile slightly, and the instant smile combined with the beautiful figure in Zhang Xiao's memory.

"Tong Yao!" Zhang Xiao subconsciously called out.

"Zhang Xiao, come to worship the festival." Hearing Zhang Xiao's shout, Tong Yao walked over unnaturally and said softly.

"Yes, come to my grandma's house today." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile, "Didn't you go to worship?"

"I went to my grandma's house yesterday, so I don't need to go out today." Tong Yao also said with a smile at this time.

"It's time for you to take the high school entrance examination this year. How about it? Is it okay to take the No. [-] middle school?" Zhang Xiao knew that Tong Yao's previous life was No. [-] middle school, but Tong Yao told him that she went to No. [-] middle school because she made a mistake in the exam and failed to pass the exam. .

"It should be fine, but my grades are still not stable. Do you have any good ideas?" Tong Yao couldn't help asking the school legend for help.

Tong Yao's reaction did not meet Zhang Xiao's expectations. She is the kind of person who dares to ask for help, which is why she was able to advance to a mid-to-high professional title at the age of 37 in her previous life.

"I have a solution. I will give you a set of study materials tomorrow. As long as you do it carefully, you will be admitted to the county's No. [-] Middle School." Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing. He had prepared the study materials for Tong Yao a long time ago. , there are not only learning methods suitable for Tong Yao, but also several exam questions for this year, which were mixed in the learning materials by him. He originally wanted to find a chance for her, but he just happened to meet it today, which saved a lot of money. trouble.

"Then thank you very much, I will wait for you at home tomorrow morning." Tong Yao's pretty face was flushed with excitement, and she pointed to the house not far away and said.

"Then I'll look for you tomorrow." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile. This is actually a big thing in his heart. After all, he hopes that he can still get together with Tong Yao in the future, and continue the good relationship in the past life, so as to make up for his love for her. owe.

Tong Yao nodded excitedly, then waved goodbye to Zhang Xiao.

Looking at the back of Tong Yao hopping away, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud, she was still that cute silly girl, but he would never let her suffer again in this life.

After returning home that night, Zhang Xiao took out the study materials she had prepared from her desk, put them in her schoolbag, and prepared to send them to Tong Yao tomorrow morning. After all, this may be the best gift for Tong Yao at this stage up.

Early the next morning, although the heavy snow started to fall again, Zhang Xiao still braved the heavy snow and rode a bicycle to send the learning materials to Tong Yao.

"Thank you, Brother Xiao." Tong Yao said excitedly after taking the study materials in Zhang Xiao's hand.

"You're welcome, study hard, and strive to be admitted to No. [-] Middle School." Zhang Xiao looked at Tong Yao, and couldn't help showing tenderness in his eyes, and his words were more gentle.

"Don't worry, I will work hard." Tong Yao stretched out her fist and waved it twice excitedly.

Looking at Tong Yao's appearance, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, that's how she felt, and she couldn't help but feel a little throbbing in her heart.

Later, Zhang Xiao was pestered by Tong Yao to ask a few more physics questions, Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking that Tong Yao was still so rude.

However, Zhang Xiao still chose to leave at ten o'clock. Many things still need to be done slowly. After all, he can't be too obvious, and he has to return to school today.

"Zhang Xiao, it's really troublesome for you to come here under such heavy snow, let's have dinner at home at noon." Tong Yao's father Tong Mingshun said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao looked at her father-in-law in her previous life, smiled and shook her head and said, "I still need to see if there is a bus to the provincial capital. I start school tomorrow, and I have to go to school today, so I won't eat."

"It's snowing so much, there may not be a car." Tong Yao said worriedly, "Is it okay to be late for school?"

"It's okay, but if I have a car, I still have to go there. After all, I don't know when the snow will stop. If the road freezes, it will only be more difficult to walk, and the car will really be gone by then." Zhang Xiao still I tend to go back to school today, after all, it is already February [-]th, and the college entrance examination is only five months away.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao left Tong Yao's house and rode a bicycle towards the house.

Since the graduating class of the provincial experimental middle school's third grade started on the sixth day of the new year, Zhang Xiao had to take the bus to the provincial capital on the afternoon of the fifth day of the new year.

Although it was still snowing heavily today, the bus was still open today. Zhang Xiao and his uncle Zhang Xinhai boarded the bus to the provincial capital together.

Zhang Xinhai works in the design institute in the provincial capital, and he also has to go to work on the sixth day of junior high school, so he has to rush back to the provincial capital today.

The relationship between Zhang Xinhai and Zhang Hongjun is pretty good. Zhang Xinhai usually asks Zhang Hongjun for a drink when he gets home. Zhang Hongjun also asks Zhang Xinhai to take care of Zhang Xiao before getting in the car.

"Xiaoxiao, I heard from your father that you are going to take the college entrance examination this year. You have to study hard and try to get into Peking University or Huaqing." Zhang Xinhai and Zhang Xiao sat together and said with a smile after the car started.

"I will work hard, Uncle." Zhang Xiao agreed with a nod.

Zhang Xinhai sighed, and said with deep emotion: "It is really important to know that education is very important only when you leave the society. If I graduated from a prestigious school such as Beijing University or Huaqing, I can stay in the capital as soon as I graduate. I am from Shangcheng University. Yes, although it looks good, compared with students from prestigious schools, the gap is still very obvious."

Zhang Xiao naturally knows the difference. The gap between prestigious schools and ordinary undergraduates will become more and more obvious in later generations. Even graduates with master's degrees are not as good as graduates from Peking University and Huaqing University. This has been recognized by many people.

And this is still on the surface, the deeper level is the difference between the connections, which makes people's scalp tingle.

"Don't worry, Uncle, I will study hard." After Zhang Xiao promised, he changed the subject and said, "Uncle, do you study architectural design?"

"Yes, I majored in Architectural Design at Shangcheng University. What's the matter? Do you have something to do?" Zhang Xinhai asked curiously.

"It's like this. Didn't my family negotiate two house bases, so I'm going to build a house soon. I don't think the structure of our house now may conform to the future architectural style. See if you can help design it. , after all, you are a professional." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It's ok. I'll use the computer to draw it for you after work. Anyway, there's nothing to do at this time of work." Zhang Xinhai said with a smile.

"Then thank you very much uncle." Zhang Xiao didn't talk about the money. At this time, it is taken for granted that relatives help each other, and talking about money will turn their faces.

Due to the heavy snowfall, it was already past [-] o'clock in the evening when we arrived in the provincial capital. The original four-hour journey took six and a half hours, and many buses had stopped running, because the design institute and the provincial experimental middle school were not located In the same direction, Zhang Xiao and Zhang Xinhai took taxis and left separately.

Zhang Xiao went back to school first, and found that there were not many students arriving at school, and he was the only one in his dormitory.

Zhang Xiao put the things back in the dormitory, and walked out of the school on the snow, because he was really hungry at this time.

Except for the school, Zhang Xiao searched for restaurants along the street. After walking a long distance, he found that none of the restaurants were open. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but patted his head. He also forgot that it was only the fifth day of the new year, and there were no restaurants open at all.

Zhang Xiao sighed, bought some snacks at a small shop by the side of the road, and headed towards the school.

It was already 08:30 at this time, and there were few pedestrians on the street, and occasionally some pedestrians were in a hurry.

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