Zhang Xiao, who had left Li Yuliang's office, returned to the dormitory immediately, dialed Mo Boqi's phone, and said with a smile, "Brother, I've already asked for leave, where can I find you?"

"You just wait at the school. I'll send someone to pick you up in a while. You go to the capital by car first. Everyone we're going this time is in the capital." Moboqi said.

"Okay, I see." Zhang Xiao said.

Zhang Xiao began to pack up her clothes. After all, the place where the Jade Fair was held was in Yangon, Myanmar, where there is no winter.

Just after Zhang Xiao finished packing, she received a call from the driver Li Feng. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao pulled the suitcase and walked out of the school gate, and saw the driver Li Feng waving to him at a glance.

After Zhang Xiao got into the car, she asked, "Brother Li, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, how about we eat first?" Li Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, or I'll starve to death when I arrive in the capital." Zhang Xiao didn't want to eat on the road either, the food in the high-speed service area was really unpalatable.

The two ate at a restaurant near the school before driving towards the capital.

There were very few vehicles on the highway, and the speed was kept at 120. It was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Beijing.

It was already dark at this time, Zhang Xiao got out of the car, stretched, carried the suitcase and walked into the courtyard of master Mo Wenxin, and the driver Li Feng drove away after seeing Zhang Xiao get off the car.

As soon as Zhang Xiao entered, she heard Mo Wenxin's voice in the room: "Boqi, you really pulled your little junior brother here, I thought he wouldn't go."

"Hey, isn't this unsure, one more person means more strength, isn't it?" Moboqi said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao pushed open the door and walked in, only to see masters Mo Wenxin and Mo Boqi drinking tea and talking in the room, so she put the suitcase aside and said with a smile: "Master, senior brother still hasn't let me go Ah, I just ran over after finishing the exam today."

"Who asked you to agree to him, but since you are here, then prepare well and see how much you will spend this time, and you will need to pay in US dollars when you get there." Mo Wenxin instructed with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded. He knew that the subsequent settlement would be in euros, but the euro has not yet come out, so the settlement should be in dollars.

"I don't have foreign exchange, where can I change it? A bank?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Don't be so troublesome. About how much US dollars do you need? You can directly exchange for US dollar promissory notes at the meeting tomorrow. You can just transfer the equivalent amount of national currency to him, but there will be a 5.00% handling fee." Moboqi said with a smile .

"I'm going to exchange for 100 million U.S. dollars. Brother, please tell me in advance." Zhang Xiao figured it out on the way. This time, he would spend at most 1000 million U.S. dollars in the jadeite public offering, and it would only be more than 100 million U.S. dollars in U.S. dollars.

"Okay, but when the time comes, you still have to help me look at some bids. As long as the emerald wool you like is cut up, I will give you 20.00% of the profit." Moboqi said with a smile.

"Yes." Zhang Xiao did not refuse this, after all, 20.00% profit sharing is already quite a lot.

While the three of them were chatting, the nanny had already brought out some exquisite side dishes, and Mo Boqi unceremoniously opened a bottle of Moutai.

The three chatted while eating, and Mo Boqi also said who the people who went together this time were.

It turns out that the one who received the invitation this time was the National Jade Association, and Mo Boqi, as a director, is naturally also within the scope of the invitation. They will fly to Yangon, Myanmar tomorrow afternoon to participate in the Myanmar Jewelry Fair, which is commonly known as jadeite. Public offer.

The current Myanmar Jewelry Fair is held three times a year, and this one in March accounts for about 40.00% of the annual jadeite mining volume, and the trading volume is extremely huge.

The reason why Mo Boqi participated in the jadeite auction this time was because of his desire for high-quality jadeite. But in the end, he was stimulated by Zhang Xiao's betting on stones last time, and he also wanted to be a part of Zhang Xiao's good luck. Xiao pulled over and reported Zhang Xiao's name early. Due to the unified action of the association, the passports for going abroad were all ready.

"Eldest brother, you are really good enough to sign up without my consent." Zhang Xiao shook her head helplessly and said.

"I punish myself with a drink, which is considered an apology." Moboqi said with a smile after drinking a glass of wine without blushing.

"Don't be careless. There are a lot of people going to the Jade Fair this time. Gu Tianxin must be going. Be careful that he makes things difficult for you. In addition, the situation in Myanmar has not been very stable. Although the security personnel have already gone ahead of schedule, but Be careful, there is no big mistake, if something happens somewhere, it will be a matter of life and death." Mo Wenxin said in a deep tone.

"I understand." Zhang Xiao didn't dare to be careless, after all, it was Burma, where the situation was unstable, and the most chaotic country in Southeast Asia.

Moboqi also nodded in agreement.

That night, Zhang Xiao stayed in Mo Wenxin's courtyard, while Mo Boqi went back to his own home.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao got up, and was exercising in the yard when she saw Mo Wenxin get up too.

"Hey, you got up early enough, you didn't sleep a little longer." Mo Wenxin said while washing his face.

"I'm used to getting up at this time." Zhang Xiao wakes up at 05:30 every morning, and he rarely stays in bed, so he naturally wakes up early.

"It's good to be young." Mo Wenxin couldn't help sighing while watching Zhang Xiao exercising.

Zhang Xiao smiled and did not speak, and continued to exercise. After all, this is a habit he has developed now, and it is not time to stop.

After breakfast, Mo Boqi walked in and said to Zhang Xiao, "Let's go and meet other people."

When Mo Wenxin sent them out, he told them: "Myanmar is more chaotic. If you can cut stones, don't cut stones. Everything will be discussed after returning home."

Zhang Xiao nodded, after all, he was also afraid, at most he would lose money if he cut the stone, but once he cut out the precious jadeite, he would be in trouble.

Mo Boqi also agreed, after all, he also understands the truth of not revealing money.

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi got into the car and left. Mo Wenxin looked at the direction of the car and sighed, but he also knew that even if it was his own son, he would not be able to escort him all the time. After all, it was up to them Go yourself.

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi sat in the back row, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but asked, "Brother, why do you want to go to the public market this time?"

"I can't help it. Too many high-quality jadeites have been sold recently, and people will buy them as soon as they are put on the shelves. This is because someone deliberately targeted me." Moboqi sighed and said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood that fine jadeite is the most profitable project of a jewelry company, but it is also the project that is most likely to be targeted by people. Once the fine jadeite is sold out, if there are no new products on the shelves, it will not be far away from failure.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that the current price of jadeite is actually not high, and it is still in the initial stage of rising. In the 21st century, the price of jadeite has risen astonishingly, and as the Myanmar government controls the rough jadeite, the crackdown on smuggling is getting stricter. The price of fine jadeite has doubled and increased.

"Brother, didn't you raise the price?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"It's increased by [-]%, but the supply is still in short supply. It's really worrying." Moboqi said with some melancholy.

"Then didn't you go to other jewelry stores to buy some finished products and sell them back?" Zhang Xiao was still puzzled, after all, this is a business where you can make money with your backhand.

"You don't understand, every jewelry store has a different style of making jadeite. Once I do this, it will be exposed soon, and it will be difficult to do business in this industry." Moboqi turned over Rolling his eyes, he said in a speechless voice.

Zhang Xiao really doesn't understand, but he also understands that someone is targeting Mo Boqi, or Mo Wenxin, so this time the jadeite public offering will definitely not be peaceful.

The car stopped at the door of a hotel, and Mo Boqi led Zhang Xiao directly upstairs.

Taking the elevator to a large conference room on the third floor, I saw that there were already many people sitting in it, and Moboqi and them all exchanged greetings.

Zhang Xiao's knowledge has also increased. All the people present here are big bosses in the jewelry business, and everyone is well-known. However, among so many people, Zhang Xiao only knows one person, and that is Liu Haijun.

"Brother Jun, why are you here? You want to go too. Aren't you in real estate?" Zhang Xiao sat next to Liu Haijun and asked with a smile.

"Business is not doing well recently, so I just went out to relax." Liu Haijun couldn't help but brighten his eyes when he saw Zhang Xiao coming, and said with a smile.

"I heard it's quite chaotic over there, so it's okay this time." Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"No problem, it's a serious business after all, and we were directly invited by the government this time, so we don't have to worry about safety," Liu Haijun explained.

Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile, but he was skeptical about this kind of guarantee, after all, most of the time, emergencies are the ones that kill people.

This meeting can be regarded as a safety meeting before leaving. The main emphasis is on discipline, and the other is to pay fees. The funds used in the auction must be exchanged in advance. Zhang Xiao also paid 880 million national currency in exchange for 100 million after the meeting. US dollar promissory note.

Holding a $100 million promissory note, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head. The handling fee was almost 50, which made Zhang Xiao sigh a little. Trouble, there is an association as a guarantee, and it can stand the test.

Liu Haijun also exchanged the $200 million promissory note. After all, he was going to buy rough stones, not high-quality jadeite.

Moboqi exchanged a promissory note of 1000 million US dollars this time, which made Zhang Xiao wonder how many rough stones Moboqi wanted to buy.

One knife is poor, one knife is rich, one knife is shocking, and one knife is the end of the world.

In a simple sentence, the charm and thrill of betting on stones have been exhausted. I don’t know how many jewelers died on betting on stones, but even so, betting on stones is still fascinating.

Zhang Xiao was skeptical that Mo Boqi used so much money to participate in the public offering this time, but because he was not familiar with the jadeite public offering, Zhang Xiao didn't know how many rough jadeites he could buy.

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