Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 100 New Year's Eve Chapter

It was already evening when Zhang Xiao returned home. Although Zhang Xiao left the driver to eat at home, the driver insisted that he did not stay overnight, but stayed in the guest house in the town.

After seeing off the driver, Zhang Xiao came to his grandparents' house with his parents, younger siblings. After all, it was the Chinese New Year, and the uncles all came back from other places. The whole family could finally be reunited. On the contrary, it was Zhang Xiao who fell behind because of going to school. At the end.

Zhang Xiao's second uncle, Zhang Guomin, and his family are working away from home, but they came back yesterday.

The third uncle, Zhang Guoqiang, just graduated from university this year and worked in a company in Pengcheng. He has been home for a week.

"Xiaoxiao is back, how is the final exam?" Zhang Weilin asked when he saw Zhang Xiao enter the door.

"It's still number one in the school." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, very good, keep it up in the future, it will be great if you can get into Peking University and Huaqing University during the college entrance examination." Zhang Weilin said with a cheerful smile, he was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's results.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, it's fine." Zhang Xiao was not modest, after all, this was his goal.

"I heard from your father that you plan to take the college entrance examination next year? Are you sure?" Third Uncle Zhang Guoqiang asked.

"Yes, there are still six months left. If you study hard, there should be no problem." Zhang Xiao replied with a nod.

"Amazing, much better than me." Zhang Guoqiang said with a self-mockery.

Zhang Xiao didn't know how to answer this question. He couldn't say that he was really better than his uncle. Although the truth was true, he couldn't answer it like this.

"Back then you didn't study hard, so who can blame you?" Zhang Weilin said angrily at this time.

Zhang Guoqiang stopped talking immediately, and his expression was a little unnatural. After all, his current education is a junior college, which is also the pain in his heart.

However, due to the large number of people, everyone chatted together, and the atmosphere became lively again after a while.

And Zhang Xiao became the object of everyone's congratulations. Zhang Hongjun and Yang Lan were also very happy. Their son's success is the best gift for them.

In the next three or four days, Zhang Xiao had to do a set of simulated test papers for the college entrance examination every day to keep in shape. Besides, Zhang Xiao began to take time to visit some elders before the festival. Although there were not many gifts, they were also Among his thoughts are his grandparents, uncles and aunts, and the primary school teacher Mr. Gao.

What the elders asked most was his academic performance. When they learned that his grades were the first in the school, they all expressed encouragement to him.

In a blink of an eye, it’s New Year’s Eve, and the sound of crackling firecrackers has been ringing since the morning, which also means that people’s lives are getting better and better, otherwise everyone would be reluctant to buy so many firecrackers and fireworks.

In the afternoon, the snowflakes began to fall, and the sky became drowsy, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little uncomfortable, because it was getting colder and colder this day, even though the heating stove was burning in the house, it still felt biting cold.

In the evening, after the lights were placed in front of the ancestor's grave, Zhang Xiao led his younger brother and sister to set off fireworks in the yard. Watching the fireworks bursting in the sky, Zhang Xiao felt more and more melancholy, because he hadn't seen them for a long time in his previous life. Such bright fireworks.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, gave the remaining fireworks to his younger siblings, walked out of the house alone, and walked along the path by the village.

The snow was falling and getting bigger and bigger. Zhang Xiao looked up at the snowflakes falling from the sky. This scene seemed familiar. He remembered that he walked along the path by the village for a long time on New Year's Eve in his previous life. Although the reasons were different, he was doing the same thing. things.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but burst out laughing. Is all this fate or the reincarnation of fate?

Zhang Xiao wrapped himself in the down jacket and went home, grasping the moment is what he should do most.

After returning home, Zhang Xiao found that her younger siblings had already gone to watch the Spring Festival Gala at her grandfather's house, and her father was called to drink by friends, and only her mother, Yang Lan, was at home.

"Where have you been? You're covered in snow." Mother Yang Lan asked Zhang Xiao as she took out a towel.

"Go around outside, it's snowing really hard." Zhang Xiao said while patting the snow water on her body with a towel.

"It hasn't snowed all winter, alas, it's so heavy during the Chinese New Year." Yang Lan said with a sigh.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good year, the wheat at home won't need to be watered after this snowfall." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, he knew that his mother couldn't let go of the meager crops in the field, although Zhang Xiao persuaded her, but Yang Lan obviously didn't Yes, for her, the crops in the field are also an income.

"That's true, you don't need to pay for watering." Yang Lan suddenly said happily.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, your uncle had to build a house some time ago and borrowed 3 yuan." Yang Lan then said.

"Mom, just borrow it, you don't need to tell me." Zhang Xiao said, "You and my dad are the ones to decide the family affairs."

"I mainly think that you earned the money back, so it's better to tell you to lend it out." Yang Lan insisted.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said: "Mom, the conditions at home will definitely get better and better in the future, and there will be a lot of people who will come to borrow money from the house. You can decide for yourself. Sometimes if you know that you can't get some money back Let’s borrow less, and even if they don’t pay back the money in the future, we won’t ask for it, so that everyone will not hurt their peace.”

Yang Lan sighed, and said helplessly, "Your dad wants to buy a car now. Once the 10,000+ yuan is spent, more people will come to borrow money."

Zhang Xiao also understands what his mother said, but since he is living a new life, he wants his family to live a better life, so he persuades: "Let my dad take the driver's license test first, and after getting the driver's license, he can buy a car. I pay."

Yang Lan hesitated for a while and said: "The car I bought at home will not be used at all. When the time comes, someone will borrow the car. If you don't borrow the car, won't it offend others? And if something happens to the borrowed car, it will be us Pay."

Zhang Xiao hesitated for a moment. He knew a lot of troubles caused by borrowing a car, so he couldn't help but feel a little headache. After all, this is not the era when every family in the future generations has a car. After buying a car, there will only be more bullshit. .

After a while, his father Zhang Hongjun came back, but he didn't drink much.

Zhang Xiao helped his father pat the snow on his body before sitting down to chat again.

Zhang Xiao was eating melon seeds, and listening to Yang Lan's persuasion to his father, he couldn't help but say, "Dad, you are in school all year round. If you buy a car and don't drive it, you might as well buy a few more house bases. Once the house is built, it will be more spacious to live in in the future.”

Zhang Hongjun said with a smile: "The house site has been negotiated, and it can be approved after paying the money after the New Year, and it is still next to the roadside, but it is a bit more expensive. A house site costs 3 yuan."

"Where is it on the edge of the land? How many did you say?" Zhang Xiao asked, because the housing base in the previous life was [-] yuan at first, and then it became more and more expensive.

"We have negotiated two housing bases, which are next to each other." Zhang Hongjun gestured for the approximate location.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "After the new year, I bought a house base, and directly contracted it to my uncle and they built the house, which also saved them from going out to work outside. I will have people draw the blueprint of the house."

"That's okay." Zhang Hongjun also knows that there is no need to buy a car now, but building a house can start earlier. After all, the price of both labor wages and materials will increase in the future.

"Dad, this is my report card. Please sign it. The teacher will collect it when you arrive at school." Zhang Xiao suddenly saw the schoolbag on the table, and quickly took out the report card for his father to sign.

Looking at the grades on the report card, Zhang Hongjun couldn't help asking, "Xiaoxiao, is this the report card from the third year of high school?"

"That's right, I transferred to the graduating class of the third year of high school years ago. After all, I have finished the course now. If I need intensive training, I won't gain much from taking classes in the first year of high school." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"That's not bad, but don't be careless. No one knows how difficult the test questions of the college entrance examination will be this year. Be careful."

"Don't worry, Dad, I know what to do." Zhang Xiao nodded and agreed.

After Zhang Hongjun signed the report card, he said again: "Xiaokai and Xiaoping have also made great progress in their academic performance. They are both in the top of the grade. You have to give them a good start."

"Dad, how is your special teacher? Has he applied yet?" Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of his father's promotion, and couldn't help but ask.

"There is no result yet. There should be no hope. Special-grade teachers are really rare. There are only a few places in the whole province a year." Zhang Hongjun didn't have any hope for this, but he was optimistic.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao and his parents started chatting. His mother, Yang Lan, talked about his family's troubles, and Zhang Xiao also talked about the situation of the Beijing company. His father also talked about the personnel relationship in the education system from time to time.

On New Year's Eve, everyone had to watch the New Year's Eve. Zhang Xiao also picked up the phone and paid homage to his master. After all, Mo Wenxin had helped him a lot. Without Mo Wenxin, his capital would not have grown so fast.

When it was past twelve o'clock, Zhang Xiao and his father Zhang Hongjun lit firecrackers in the yard and offered tributes. The New Year's Eve was over. At this time, the younger brothers and sisters also came back from the grandfather's house, and everyone began to go back to the house to sleep.

Zhang Xiao's current room was moved upstairs. Due to the snow, although there was a stove in the room, it still seemed a bit cold.

Zhang Xiao got into bed, and it took a while to feel better, and his thoughts were a little scattered.

It has been a year since he was reborn, and his life has undergone great changes. Not only has he passed the key high school provincial experiment in the province, but now he has also achieved No.1 in the provincial senior high school entrance examination, which shows that he has mastered If there is no accident in knowledge, it will not be a problem to be admitted to Huaqing University.

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