After pretending to be coercive once, Zhang Xiao resumed his quiet study state, as if nothing happened, but how could this be possible, his speech just now has been over-interpreted by the students.

But Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, and with the halo of a top student, things like asking for leave would become much easier in the future.

For the next day and a half, Zhang Xiao took the exam quietly, and between the exams, she continued to consolidate and study some of the content encountered in the exam.

After the college entrance examination, there is no holiday for the graduating class of the third year of high school, and classes will continue until the 25th of the twelfth lunar month.

The first and second grades of senior high school were already on vacation after the exams, and only the third grade was left in the school, which seemed much empty.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, all the students are not in a good state of study, and even the teachers are arguing endlessly over the salary and bonuses for the New Year.

But this morning, just as the preparatory bell rang, all the students sat quietly in the classroom, because the results of the entrance exam had not been announced yet, but the waiting days were the most painful.

Sure enough, in the first class in the morning, Li Yuliang walked into the classroom with a thick math test paper in his arms, and the first sentence he spoke made everyone focus on Zhang Xiao: "This time, Zhang Xiao from our class The classmate has a perfect score in mathematics, and it is also the only perfect score in mathematics in our class."

"It's a real animal, let's not let people have a good New Year." Some students have already begun to discuss in a low voice.

"Quiet!" Li Yuliang shouted angrily: "Look at Zhang Xiao's grades, and compare your own grades, how dare you talk?"

The classroom suddenly became quiet, only Li Yuliang's roar sounded: "The report card for this joint exam will be sent out. Parents will sign it during the Chinese New Year and hand it in after the year. Students with good grades should not be proud when their academic performance catches up, as the college entrance examination is only six months away."

Zhang Xiao sat quietly in the last row of the classroom and studied, ignoring the eyes of the students around him. After all, he was somewhat used to these envious eyes.

And the next day was Zhang Xiao's highlight moment. She was ranked among the best in every subject, and her total score was not only the first in the school, but also No.1 in the provincial senior high school entrance examination.

Zhang Xiao was also surprised by such a result. After all, he did not expect that he would get such a result when he took the senior high school entrance examination for the first time, but it also showed that his efforts were not in vain.

However, Zhang Xiao also discovered his shortcomings, especially in physics and chemistry, where no less than 10 points were deducted. The reason for the deductions for many test questions was that the answers were not standardized. This is also the reason why he did not review systematically. .

Today is the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month, and there are still four days before the holiday. Zhang Xiao also received a call from his master Mo Wenxin, asking him to go to his home a year ago. Obviously, Mo Wenxin has returned to the provincial capital.

On the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, the third year of high school is on holiday in the morning. After all, many students need to go home by car.

Zhang Xiao packed up her things, left the school with her suitcase, and took a taxi to the home of her teacher, Mo Wenxin.

"Master, Master." As soon as he entered the room, Zhang Xiao shouted with a smile, and at the same time put aside the gifts such as cigarettes and wine bought on the way.

"Come on, come on, buy something." Xing Yulan said with some complaints.

"Master, I can't come here empty-handed. I should buy some gifts during the Chinese New Year, although they are not worth much." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Are you going home today?" Mo Wenxin asked, looking at Zhang Xiao's suitcase outside the door.

"Yes, the school is on holiday, and today is the 25th of the twelfth lunar month. I want to go back today." Zhang Xiao poured himself a glass of water, sat on the sofa opposite Mo Wenxin, and said with a smile.

"That's all right, let your wife cook two more dishes at noon, let's have a good drink, and at noon your brothers and sisters will come back, just to get to know each other." Mo Wenxin said happily.

"Okay, master." Zhang Xiao has no objection to this. After all, he knows that the master has three sons and one daughter, so it's good to get to know him at this time.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao heard the sound of the door opening, and saw Mo Boqi leading a group of people walking towards the house.

"Big Brother." Zhang Xiao helped Mo Boqi open the door, and shouted with a smile.

"Little brother, you're here too, are you on vacation?" Mo Boqi said as he entered the room.

"I just had a holiday this morning." Zhang Xiao stood aside, watching a group of people enter the house, while chatting with Mo Boqi.

After everyone entered the room, Mo Boqi pointed to a man wearing a leather jacket and introduced to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "This is your second brother Mo Boyuan."

"Second senior brother, hello." Zhang Xiao saluted quickly.

"Hello Junior Brother, I've heard my brother talk about you for a long time." Mo Boyuan said with a big smile.

"This is Mo Boxing, your third senior brother." Mo Boqi introduced another man in a well-fitting tuxedo suit.

"Hello third brother." Zhang Xiao saluted.

"Little brother, you're welcome." Mo Boxing said happily, "I've heard of your name for a long time, and this time you are No.1 in the senior high school entrance exam! Amazing!"

Although Zhang Xiao was surprised how Mo Boxing knew his academic performance, she still said modestly: "It's all luck, I still have a lot of shortcomings."

"Don't be modest, it's not easy to be the number one in the joint entrance examination, but you have to keep going, and try to get a number one in this year's college entrance examination." Mo Boxing said a little excitedly.

"Your third senior brother is the director of a foreign language school, so he knows your academic performance very well." Moboqi explained at this moment.

That was the case, but Zhang Xiao was still surprised why Mo Boxing chose to be a teacher instead of going into business, of course he couldn't ask this.

"This is your senior sister, and your only senior sister, Mo You." Mo Boqi pointed to the woman in her 30s who started busying herself as soon as she entered.

"Hi, Senior Sister." Zhang Xiao walked to Mo You and called.

"Hi, Junior Brother." Mo You seemed a little taciturn, and after greeting Zhang Xiao, he continued to tidy up the house.

As for the other women in the room, Mo Boqi didn't introduce them, but through the relationship between them, Zhang Xiao can guess that they are not bad, anyway, it is right that they all call sister-in-law.

"Zhang Xiao, come here." Mo Fangfei, who had been watching for a long time, couldn't help shouting seeing that Zhang Xiao was fine.

"Uncle Master, no big or small." Mo Boqi couldn't help but lightly tapped Mo Fangfei, and said with some pity.

"He's not as old as me. What kind of uncle is he?" Mo Fangfei muttered dissatisfied.

Zhang Xiao is also a little helpless. After all, he is indeed not as old as Mo Fangfei, but his seniority is a generation higher than Mo Fangfei, so it is a bit troublesome to call him.

"Don't mess around, tell your grandpa to blame you when he hears it." Mo Boqi was also a little helpless with this precious daughter, so he could only move the old man out.

"Grandpa won't." Mo Fangfei didn't care about Mo Boqi's threats at all, and said coquettishly.

"What's the matter with you calling me?" Zhang Xiao opened his mouth, and if he didn't address him, there would be no problem of addressing him.

"It's like this. My teacher and I found an ancient tomb near Sunset City. It is currently being excavated, but there is a strange stone in it. Although there are not many, we can't find out what it is. Do you want to look at it?" Look." Mo Fangfei said with a smile.

"Then let's take a look." Zhang Xiao's curiosity was also aroused. After all, the things found in ancient tombs are considered as cultural relics. Even stones may have certain value.

Mo Fangfei took out a box from her handbag, handed it to Zhang Xiao and said, "Look, the shape of this stone is also a bit weird."

Zhang Xiao carefully opened the box, but found that inside was a dark stone without a trace of luster. However, when Zhang Xiao touched it with his hand, he found that the stone was full of energy. Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little surprised that a small stone contained more than 4000 yuan of energy.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't let the chain of life absorb the energy contained in the stone, but observed the material of the stone, only to find that the material of the stone was very ordinary, that is, limestone, but the color was completely different.

"I can't tell. The material looks like limestone, but I don't know why it's black." Zhang Xiao put the stone in a box and returned it to Mo Fangfei. After all, it's an archaeological discovery. Mo Fangfei It's just borrowed.

Mo Fangfei took back the box and said with a smile: "Isn't limestone supposed to be white? Why is this stone black? It's so strange."

"Yes, but there are too many strange things in nature, and this is just one of them." Although Zhang Xiao was curious about why this stone was rich in energy, but now he was not short of energy, so he was very concerned about this stone. Stones rich in primordial energy were no longer taken to heart.

Mo Fangfei nodded, put the box into her handbag, and said with a smile: "You are right, but I always feel that there is something wrong with this stone, and I always feel very comfortable when I hold it."

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "I don't have this feeling, maybe it's your illusion."

Mo Fangfei immediately became suspicious, and then said dejectedly: "Maybe you are right."

At this time, Zhang Xiao had to drink with the three senior brothers again. As for the master Mo Wenxin, just as Zhang Xiao made a toast, his wine glass was put away by his wife Xing Yulan.

Mo Wenxin licked his lips helplessly, but he was too embarrassed to compete for the cup in front of so many people.

Zhang Xiao took this opportunity to get acquainted with the second senior brother and the third senior brother. The second senior brother did not do business, but was the director of the provincial government. admire.

The third senior brother Mo Boxing became the director of the School of Foreign Languages ​​purely out of interest, while the senior sister Mo You who spoke silently was a doctor in the People's Hospital, and is now the deputy chief physician.

After drinking and eating, Zhang Xiao offered to leave, and Mo Boqi immediately arranged for a driver to drive him home, saving him from having to squeeze the bus.

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