"Zhang Xiao, didn't you guys leave school long ago? You haven't left yet?" Liu Qing knew he was done the moment he saw Zhang Xiao. He dared to bully Zhang Kai this time because Zhang Xiao came home from school. Xiao didn't even go back, and couldn't help saying with a little panic.

"Liu Qing, why do you keep bullying Zhang Kai?" Zhang Xiao felt that he had to figure out the reason. After all, he was leaving school soon, so it was impossible to protect his brother all the time.

"He owes me the money?" Liu Qing said with a stiff neck.

"How much does he owe you?" Zhang Xiao didn't know how much his younger brother borrowed, and he wanted to settle the matter.

"One piece and five!" Liu Qing shouted loudly.

"I just lent him a piece, and I have already paid it back to him, but he keeps asking me for money!" Zhang Kai said in tears.

"That's interest!" Liu Qing's voice was a little quieter, after all, this matter is not visible.

Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment. Like a father, like a son.

"Lend you one yuan, and the interest will be one yuan and five dollars. Why are you more ruthless than your father!" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but kicked him again.

Liu Qing was not stupid at this time, and he didn't dare to talk back, let alone fight back. He was not Zhang Xiao's opponent, and he was afraid that Zhang Xiao would hit him.

"Then tell me, if you pay back your money, will you still trouble Zhang Kai?" Zhang Xiao lifted Liu Qing from the ground with his left hand, and asked him while patting his face with his right hand.

"Don't look for it, don't look for it anymore." Liu Qing was a little afraid of Zhang Xiao, after all Zhang Xiao had beaten him twice in a few days, and he didn't have the courage and strength to resist at all.

Zhang Xiao threw Liu Qing to the ground, took out [-] yuan from his pocket and threw it on Liu Qing, kicked him again and said: "I hope you can remember what you said today, today is the last time, in the future If you dare to bully Zhang Kai again, I will let you know what you regret!"

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao pulled Zhang Kai away from the classroom.

After Zhang Xiao and Zhang Kai left, Liu Qing got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, put the one five dollars in his pocket, and was about to leave.

"Could it be that we won't trouble Zhang Kai anymore?" A small boy said unwillingly.

"What are you looking for? I haven't seen that Zhang Xiao can beat him? I weigh 150 pounds, and he lifted me up with one hand!" Liu Qing was a little scared. He was really afraid of Zhang Xiao this time, because he felt that he In front of Zhang Xiao, she was as weak as an ant.

"He's graduating soon, and he should leave school after graduation, I'm afraid!" the little boy couldn't help but said.

"Then you go, I won't fight against Zhang Kai in the future, save trouble." Liu Qing picked up his schoolbag, ignored the little boy, turned and left the classroom.

The little boy ran after him, although he yelled fiercely, but he knew that he couldn't even beat Zhang Kai, let alone the fierce man who could lift Liu Qing with one hand.

"Xiao Kai, don't borrow money from now on. Tell me what you want in terms of money, or ask your mother. Borrowing money is a very bad habit." On the way home, Zhang Xiao said to Zhang Kai.

"Understood, brother." Zhang Kai said in a low voice.

"Study hard in the future, don't be mischievous every day, the summer vacation is coming soon, study more during the summer vacation, and you will be in the second year of junior high school soon!" Zhang Xiao began to tell Zhang Kai, but he also knew that Zhang Kai might not listen .

After returning home, Zhang Kai was scolded by Yang Lan again. From Yang Lan's point of view, he must have caused Zhang Kai to be mischievous since childhood. Feeling wronged, Zhang Kai ran to the bed and couldn't help crying.

After Zhang Kai finished crying, Zhang Xiao said: "What's the use of crying, a man, if you don't want to be bullied, you can hit him back with your fists. From now on, you will continue to exercise every day to make your body strong and powerful. Naturally, no one will be bullied." Dare to bully you!"

Zhang Kai nodded vigorously and agreed. As for whether he can do it, Zhang Xiao is skeptical.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao couldn't stay any longer after reading in the room for a while, because the room was too hot, and there was no wind at all today, not only that, but also a stuffy feeling.

Zhang Xiao walked out of the house a little bored, and came to the intersection not far from the door of the house. Finally, there was a cool breeze, and it was cooler.

"Zhang Xiao, you are enjoying the shade here!" A pleasant voice came, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help turning his head to look to the side.

I saw a tall and handsome girl in a long white dress standing not far from him, looking at him with a smile.

Zhang Xiao remembered that this was Xiao Yun, the niece of his neighbor Zhao Tianhe. She had an extremely beautiful face and a good figure. She was also the person Zhang Xiao had a crush on for a long time in her previous life, but as time went by, the two had no intersection. , I didn't expect to see her not long after I came back from rebirth.

"Xiao Yun, come to your uncle's house to play." Zhang Xiao was not surprised at all, after all Xiao Yun would come to her uncle's house to play sometimes.

"My mother is away on a business trip. I came to my uncle's house after school. I plan to stay here for a day. I will go directly to school to register for the senior high school entrance examination from here the next morning." Xiao Yun explained with a smile, "I heard from my cousin that You scored 557 points in the three-mode test this time, and you are No. 1 in our county. You are really good at this test."

Xiao Yun and Zhang Xiao are not in the same junior high school. There are three junior high schools in the town, the first middle school, the second middle school and the third middle school.

Xiao Yun was in No. [-] Middle School with better conditions, while Zhang Xiao went to junior high school in No. [-] Middle School where his father was. However, the teaching level of the three junior high schools was similar, and the number of people admitted to high school was about the same every year. Support, so the strength has surpassed No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School to become a key junior high school.

"How many points did you score this time?" Zhang Xiao asked Xiao Yun, because Xiao Yun was directly admitted to the county No. [-] middle school in his previous life, and his grades should be very good.

"516, I'm 31 points behind you!" Xiao Yun's words were both showing off and comparing. After all, 516's score is not low, but she didn't look so good when she met Zhang Xiao, which made her a little frustrated.

"Not bad, you are No.1 in your school, right? You can get admitted to the county's No. [-] middle school." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, Zhang Xiao didn't show off his achievements, because it was not the result of his two lives .

"There shouldn't be any problem in the first-year exam, but it still depends on the performance on the spot. After all, you have learned everything you can learn. As for the result, it can only depend on God's arrangement." Xiao Yun said nonchalantly.

Zhang Xiao nodded, didn't say much, but remembered all the memories about Xiao Yun in the previous life.

Xiao Yun is different from Zhang Xiao. After being admitted to the county No. [-] middle school, he has been studying hard. Later, he was admitted to Fudan University in Shanghai. After graduation, he continued his master's and doctoral studies. He became an outstanding scientific research talent and the pillar of a research institute. , but I heard that the marriage did not seem to be going well, and she divorced with a child.

"What are you planning to do after the high school entrance examination? Do you have any plans?" Xiao Yun asked Zhang Xiao.

"I have nothing to do, I should help at home!" Zhang Xiao actually wanted to earn the first pot of gold in his life during the summer vacation, but he hadn't figured out what to do.

"I'm going to Shanghai during the summer vacation, to spend a few days at my father's place." Xiao Yun said ostentatiously.

Zhang Xiao didn't expect that Xiao Yun's father used to work in Shanghai. Even in his previous life, he didn't know what Xiao Yun's father did. He only knew that her family was in good condition. Zhang Xiao's deputy mayor, but Zhang Xiao never saw him again, so he must have been transferred away.

Zhang Xiao and Xiao Yun walked and chatted along the dirt road in the village. After a while, the topic turned to study. The two suddenly had a feeling of seeing each other late, especially Xiao Yun, who thought that Zhang Xiao's test results this time It was luck to get a high degree. I didn't expect that some of the questions I was puzzled by were not a problem at all with Zhang Xiao. Not only did he have his own way of solving the problems, but he could also describe all the detailed steps.

Xiao Yun immediately admired Zhang Xiao.She was originally a relatively proud person, who would have thought that meeting someone more powerful than herself this time would immediately attract her attention.

Zhang Xiao was deeply impressed by Xiao Yun's extraordinary knowledge. Many of his knowledge have advanced consciousness. This should be due to the different environment in which he grew up, so his vision is naturally different.

"I'll go back quickly, it's going to rain heavily!" Zhang Xiao looked at the heavy raindrops falling on her body, and quickly said to Xiao Yun.

"Yeah, hurry up, it looks like it's raining." Xiao Yun didn't hesitate, and hurried back.

The two were still walking, but there were more and more raindrops, and they both started running immediately. Even so, when they ran back to the gate of Zhang Xiao's house, their clothes were soaked, and by the light of the gate, Zhang Xiao was immediately attracted by Xiao Yun's already small and sizable figure, especially the dress that stuck to his body after his upper body was wet by rain, which made his already tall and straight figure stand out even more.

"Ahem, what are you looking at, let's go." Seeing Zhang Xiao's dazed eyes, Xiao Yun suddenly felt ashamed, turned around and ran towards her uncle's house.

Zhang Xiao looked at Xiao Yun's leaving back somewhat unnaturally, and shook his head, what's wrong with him, he was actually seduced by a little girl.

Zhang Xiao went back to the room and quickly changed his clothes, and wiped off the rain on his head with a towel. He didn't want to get sick and catch a cold at this time, which would have a great impact on the exam.

Zhang Xiao ignored Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping who were still doing their homework, and lay on the bed alone. Although the room was still a little hot, it was much better after the rain. Zhang Xiao covered his body with a thin blanket, I fell asleep after a while.

Zhang Xiao, who usually doesn't dream much, had a strange dream tonight.

He dreamed of a wedding, and the whole process was almost exactly the same as when he got married in his previous life, but when he entered the bridal chamber, the bride changed and became Xiao Yun.

"Xiaoxiao, I'll wash your clothes for you later, where are you going to put them for dinner!" Yang Lan poked her head out of the kitchen and shouted to Zhang Xiao.

"I'll wash it in a while." Zhang Xiao replied, and quickly put the clothes on the clothesline at the front of the house.

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