But if you don’t have money, you can earn more. At worst, you can work harder, but you can’t do without talents, so what is urgently needed now is to solve the problem of talent shortage.

There are not many ready-made programming masters in China, not to mention now, even in five or six years, if they can run the simplest program, they will be hired by a software company.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu notified the administration department and the personnel department to hold a joint meeting, the main discussion being the follow-up talent recruitment.

When everyone arrived in the meeting room, Ye Zishu sat down and said directly: "Recently, the HR department recruited a large number of talents for Xuanwu Technology Company, you have worked hard.

But we can't relax yet. As the Phoenix graphics operating system is about to be completed, there are still more software development tasks waiting for us, so the company's current staff is far from enough.

Next, the HR department needs to formulate more intensive recruitment actions. My meaning is very clear. There is no limit to the number of people recruiting this time, and there is no limit to how much you can accept! "

The person in charge of the personnel department was surprised when he heard Ye Zishu's words, and asked cautiously, "Can the company's finances support this?"

He knew that the person in charge of the personnel department was concerned about the company's operations. After all, when the company ran out of money, not only would the company go bankrupt, but the employees who came to the company would suffer unwarranted disasters, including themselves of course.

"You don't have to worry about the money, but you must take care of the talent and don't let me lose the chain!" Ye Zishu said.

"What kind of professional talent does the company want to recruit?" the person in charge of the personnel department asked.

Ye Zishu thought for a while, and then said: "I know that the number of professional software talents is limited, and the company will also need to develop a lot of industrial software in the future, so it needs a lot of talents who understand both industry and software development.

So when you are recruiting this time, we need all the talents of science and engineering. In addition, we also need to recruit talents who are proficient in various languages ​​for software translation. "

There may be a lot of people who understand Chinese and English, but for other minor languages, you need to go to a professional foreign language school to find them, which is not something they can handle.

After hearing his request, the person in charge of the personnel department wrote down the key information, saying that their personnel department would never let him down, and guaranteed to complete the task with quality and quantity.

After talking with the personnel department, Ye Zishu said to the person in charge of the administration department: "The personnel department has recruited a large number of new personnel, and your administration department needs to do a good job in logistics.

For example, you need to rent office space, and prepare the tools needed for new employees to work, etc. Your HR department must do a good job. "

When the person in charge of the administrative department heard this, he quickly agreed. They didn't feel too much pressure, and it was relatively easy to find an office space in Zhongguancun.

It's just that it's better to be in the same building, so that communication is much more convenient. Before, they rented office space on the upper and lower floors of the original office.

After explaining this matter, Ye Zishu went to the technical department, found several skilled technicians, and asked him to prepare technical training for new employees.

He used to do this work himself, but now that he has a group of trained technicians, this matter can be handed over to the people below, and he doesn't need to go into battle in person.

In the training of new employees, in addition to regular lectures and training, the training is basically based on the model of old and new employees. Old employees lead new employees, and projects drive the growth of new employees, so that the training speed is faster.

The closer the Chinese New Year is, the fewer people there are in the company. Although the state stipulates that the Spring Festival holiday is only 3 days, it is impossible for him to really give employees only three days off.

His company is not a state-owned enterprise. Many young people's parents are away from home. They have to go home for the New Year all year round.

So he added 7 days of holidays on top of the holidays stipulated by the state to make up 10 days of holidays. If he didn't want to take the extra 7 days of holidays, the company would compensate employees for overtime pay.

In this way, employees whose hometowns are in the capital will not be psychologically unbalanced, and employees from other places can also go back to celebrate the New Year in a down-to-earth way. The reason why the extra 7 days of vacation is given is because it is not easy to go home in this era, so we don’t give more. They can't stay at home for a few days.

In addition to continuing to sort out relevant materials on the electronics manufacturing industry, Ye Zishu also has another task, which is to design the architecture of the office software suite and browser that will be developed soon.

Although these old employees participated in the research and development of the operating system, they said that they can handle the architecture design of these two softwares, but they do not have the strength yet.

Especially the web browser, the browser he brought out must have a very mature architecture, and it directly supports h5. As for whether others will use it, it is another matter.

The research and development of the browser is very complicated. It is said that the number of lines of code of Google Chrome in the previous life was as high as 2400 million lines, which is not lower than the number of codes of the current operating system.

The problem is that many people don't know what the future of the browser is like. They add their own ideas little by little on the basis of the predecessors, and use iterative methods to push the browser to maturity.

There is no uniform standard for browsers yet, and what he wants is to make Phoenix Software's browser the de facto standard for global browsers.

When everyone is using the Phoenix browser, even international organizations can only formulate relevant standards based on the Phoenix browser. It is impossible to deviate from reality and independently formulate a standard without public support.

As long as it becomes a standard, it means that it has mastered the vital door for global users to access the Internet. With this set of standards, Phoenix Software can obtain huge benefits.

In fact, not only browsers, but also many softwares, he wants to turn them into standards, which requires achieving a large lead and occupying more market share.

How to occupy more market share? He believes that it is to take the lead by virtue of functions, while other software companies cannot do it for a while, so the gap is slowly widening.

Just like the Phoenix graphics operating system currently being developed, once such a graphics operating system goes on the market, even if other operating system R&D companies want to copy it, they may not be able to copy it.

Because the current hardware level is here, it is impossible to realize an operating system that exceeds the carrying capacity of the hardware based on the existing hardware.

If Yeshu had not come up with a lot of algorithms to solve the limitations of the hardware, and at the same time built a system from the underlying architecture, all of which were optimal, it would have been impossible to realize such a leading operating system.

It is impossible for him to slowly occupy the market by following other people's buttocks, because it is difficult to grow big if he does so, he can only follow behind and eat ashes, and then slowly be dragged to death.

Therefore, the project research and development in the company also requires him to provide advanced technology in terms of infrastructure and key algorithms to achieve leapfrog development, so that it will be the pinnacle of the industry as soon as it comes out, and competitors will not be able to catch up in a short time.

However, the work in this area is not particularly urgent. It is just a job for him to change his mind after sorting out electronic manufacturing related materials.

He didn't learn much about electronic manufacturing before. Although he only copied the materials now, it took a lot of effort. He needed to learn while copying, not just copying the gourd.

On the contrary, he is an absolute expert in software. It is not difficult to design these architectures and algorithms that are very difficult for outsiders. It is very suitable for relaxation.

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