Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 99 Healthcare Industry

In the quiet night, all the employees had already left work, and Ye Zishu was sitting alone in his office, still busy working with the help of the light.

This is almost his daily state when he is working, and the later in the night, the more energetic he is, it may be an additional state brought about by his previous life.

Just as he was devoting himself to his work, completely forgetting the movement around him, he was pulled back from his state of ecstasy by a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, he found an employee from the administration department standing outside the office, so he asked suspiciously, "Pei Qing, why haven't you come home yet?"

"Boss Ye, I've been working overtime for a long time. I just came back from a party at Grandpa's. When I passed by downstairs, I saw that the company's lights were still on, so I went up to check on the situation." Pei Qing explained.

"Oh, go back early if you have nothing to do!" Ye Zishu sat back in his seat and said to Pei Qing.

"Boss Ye, it's so late, why don't you go back?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

In fact, Ye Zishu was always busy until midnight, but he always stayed at the end, so the employees didn't know how late he was working.

"Are you still worried about me, a big man? It's getting late, go back early, or the road will be unsafe!" Ye Zishu said to Pei Qing while looking at the computer screen.

"Boss Ye, aren't you going to participate in the Spring Festival Gala performance tomorrow night? Will you be in a bad mood tomorrow if you work so late?" Pei Qing asked after reading Ye Zi's book and starting to get busy again.

Almost everyone in the company knew Ye Zishu's star status, but he had said in the company before that in the company, he was not a star, but a relationship between the boss and his colleagues.

In addition, everyone can often see him, so they don't have the feeling of facing other stars. On the contrary, in the eyes of technical staff, he is a master of technology, much better than stars.

"It's okay, I know what's going on, if it's okay, go back quickly, it's not safe if it's too late!" Seeing that Pei Qing hadn't left, Ye Zishu raised his head and said in a stern tone.

Now it is not decades later, the night in the city is not peaceful, especially the other party is a girl.

Seeing Ye Zishu, Pei Qing didn't want to talk much, so she closed the door tactfully, and then turned off the outside lights, leaving only Ye Zishu's own office light on.

When Ye Zishu saw that Pei Qing had closed the door and went out, he stopped paying attention to this matter. He stared at the screen, his hands kept jumping on the keyboard, and wrote the software system architecture design to be developed in the future.

When Ye Zishu went to the bathroom because of urgent urination, he found that there was still a light on in the public office area. When he walked over to take a look, he found that Pei Qing, who thought he had already left, had fallen asleep lying on the desk of the staff station .

If it wasn't for the indoor heating in the capital, sleeping like this in the southern winter would definitely make her sick. He quickly woke up Pei Qing and asked, "Why didn't you go back?"

"I'm not afraid that Boss Ye will have some orders later, so I just wait here. What time is it?" Pei Qing asked with sleepy eyes.

"It's two o'clock in the morning, and I usually work until four o'clock in the morning, so don't do it in the future!" Ye Shu said.

Hearing Ye Zishu say that it was already two o'clock in the morning, Pei Qing immediately stood up and shouted, "It's already this late?"

"Now you know you're afraid? Hurry up and move your body. I'll go to the bathroom and take you home later!" Ye Zishu said.

"Oh!" Pei Qing responded obediently.

Ye Zishu went to the toilet, and when he came back, he saw Pei Qing standing at the door of the company. He also returned to the office, picked up his coat and put it on, and then went downstairs with Pei Qing.

In winter in the north, there are two worlds outside and inside. Just wearing a cotton sweater is enough when you are in the house. When you go outside, wearing a thick down jacket, you can still feel the cold wind blowing from the collar into the clothes. .

Glancing at the road outside, there were no pedestrians in sight, Ye Zishu asked, "Where is your home?"

"It will take half an hour to walk from here, just follow me." Pei Qing said.

"Okay then, let's go!" Ye Zishu said hastily.

It was really cold outside, especially when he just came out of the warm room, he wanted to go back, if the other party wasn't a girl, he would really suggest that he just sleep in the office and forget about it.

Pei Qing walked a little ahead, and Ye Zishu was a little behind. The two walked on the deserted street, and they had nothing to talk about for a while, but the atmosphere also made Ye Zishu a little embarrassed.

So he took the first half step, walked side by side with Pei Qing, and asked, "How did you find the company?"

Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu ask this, thought for a while, and said: "At that time, Manager Liu from the HR Department came to our school to recruit people, and the salary was very high, and he also advertised that he would be the first operating system in China, so I was fooled by" 'coming!"

"What major do you study?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

Logically speaking, Pei Qing should not have studied computer science, otherwise she would not have worked in the administration department, but she seemed to be very interested in developing the first operating system in China, which made Ye Shu feel a little awkward.

"My undergraduate major is Chinese medicine, and my postgraduate major is business management." Pei Qing said.

The professional span is a bit large, so I asked: "Did you know what an operating system was at that time?"

"I don't know!" Pei Qing replied very simply.

"Then why are you willing to come to the company?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"At that time, the publicity was the first operating system in China. I thought the first one should be very powerful, at least in China. Of course, I want to see its development. After all, I studied enterprise management and have a strong Curiosity." Pei Qing said naturally.

"Then what do you think of the company now?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's very good. I have also read our company's operating system. It is much better than the current operating system. I believe this operating system will shock the world.

However, in order to achieve this, a lot of application software support is needed, I hope Mr. Ye will not ignore this point. "Pei Qing suggested.

Being able to see the key points from the advanced operating system surprised Ye Zishu, which shows that his business management is not learned in vain, at least he has a more accurate vision for seeing problems.

In order not to distract the technicians, he didn't mention application software development at all. He planned to wait until the operating system was almost developed, and then began to arrange related application development tasks.

"You didn't study in vain, why didn't you choose to work in a pharmaceutical company, plus you have studied management, it should be easier to get promoted, instead of being a small employee in the administration department here!" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's words, she smiled and said, "I believe I can be reused in the company!"

She was quite confident, but Ye Zishu still asked: "Just choose a pharmaceutical company, and you should be able to give full play to your expertise."

"In fact, there are companies that come to our school to recruit students, but they are health care products companies. When you look at their propaganda, you know it is fake, and they are just deceiving ordinary people who don't understand the situation." Pei Qing said.

"Are there health supplements now?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

He had heard a lot of health care products in his previous life, such as Sanzhu Oral Liquid, Sun God, Chinese Turtle Essence, Brain Gold, etc., all of which were popular health care brands in his previous life.

"You're asking a layman's question. According to relevant statistics, the turnover of the domestic health care product market reached 100 billion yuan last year," Pei Qing said.

"So much?" Ye Zishu was surprised. It was only after 1991. Has the health care product market been so developed?

"This is not too much. In 1984, my country established the Health Food Association. In 1987, Hangzhou Baoling Enterprise launched ginseng and royal jelly, which opened the prelude to the development of health products in my country." Pei Qing explained to him.

"You understand it in detail!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"No way, it's because of professional habits. Although health care products are not medicines, they are closely related to medicine, so I learned more information." Pei Qing said.

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