Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 97 Planning and Lack of Money

It will be New Year's Eve in a few days, and generally there will be no major adjustments to the program, so he was very surprised and asked why the adjustments were made.

The result made him dumbfounded. CCTV announced the program list of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and many viewers heard that Ye Shu was among the cast members of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

So many people wrote to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala preparation team, asking Ye Zishu to sing two more songs. If a few people said so, the Spring Festival Gala preparation team would have no need to respond.

But when such requests increased to a certain number, the preparation team for the Spring Festival Gala had no choice but to consider the audience's request, so they temporarily changed the program arrangement, wanting Ye Zishu to sing another song.

If you ask others to add a song temporarily, unless it is an old song, it is generally difficult, but Ye Zishu is a well-known fast shooter in the industry, with a short creation time and guaranteed song quality.

So the preparation team for the Spring Festival Gala was not worried at all that Ye Zishu would not be able to produce new songs in a short time, so they passed this decision to Shengshi Records, and there was a scene where Guo Dongsheng came over.

After listening to Guo Dongsheng's narration, Ye Zishu thought about it, and agreed. There was no need for him to "evil" CCTV in this matter. After all, it was really not difficult for him.

He asked Guo Dongsheng to wait for a while, and he wrote the song "Gong Xi Fa Cai" on the spot. This song by Liu Tianwang in the previous life is very suitable for singing in the Spring Festival Gala.

Then let Guo Dongsheng take this song and go to the CCTV program preparation team to confirm that if possible, Ye Zishu will take the time to record the sound, and then there will be no more.

Because all the rehearsals for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala have been completed, Ye Zishu went back to his hometown after a rehearsal by himself, and it is impossible to rehearse for him alone now.

The biggest possibility of this song is to sing it right next to the song in front of him, so that there is no need to make too many adjustments, just a little bit backward in time.

Guo Dongsheng was positive. He confirmed with the preparation team of the Spring Festival Gala on the same day, and then called Ye Shu to tell Ye Zishu that the song had been approved.

Ye Shu didn't record immediately, but was still copying the materials, but he felt more and more that such manual copying was a bit too torture.

The materials copied around him can already be packed in sacks. This was copied by hand recently, and the copied ones have been handed over to the scientific research department of Xuanwu Technology Company.

If you use industrial software to do this, it should be much easier, and it will be easier for researchers to understand the principles inside, which is much better than looking at these plane drawings.

If we go one step further and connect industrial software and industrial machines together, we can directly realize the connection from industrial software simulation to production link.

The final effect is that researchers only need to sit in the office to design products and mechanical equipment through industrial software, and the manufacturing factory can realize fully automatic production.

However, industrial software is not something that can be written at will, not to mention that it involves a lot of industrial knowledge. Although he doesn't learn much in this regard, he has a lot of information.

It's just that the writing of the code cannot be done by him alone. The complexity of the code is higher than that of the operating system, and the amount of code is also larger than that of the operating system.

In a word, writing industrial software is more difficult than writing an operating system. Even if he wants to write industrial software, he needs to wait until the Phoenix Graphics Operating System is completed before he can start.

Moreover, industrial software is not just a piece of software. Generally, a piece of software only solves the problems of a certain link in industrial manufacturing or design, so industrial software is a series of software collections.

The company's more than 700 programmers, after writing the operating system, cannot immediately invest in the research and development of industrial software, but must write the necessary application software.

As a new operating system, if you want to sell it on the market, you must let consumers have usable software. Without the support of application software, it is impossible to sell it.

It is impossible for Phoenix Software to develop all the application software by itself, but it must provide the most used application software on the market.

For example, for the office software mentioned above, Phoenix Software has contacted Kingsoft before, hoping that they can develop a version of office software for the Phoenix operating system.

However, they rejected it because Microsoft was encroaching on their market. They had to launch a new version as soon as possible against Microsoft's competition, and they simply didn't have the energy to take care of his unresolved operating system.

Moreover, the Phoenix graphics operating system is written in the Phoenix language, and the most suitable language for writing application software for this operating system is naturally the Phoenix programming language.

But at present, there are very few people in the world who can master the Phoenix programming language proficiently, and all of them are in their own companies. Although colleges and universities have opened corresponding courses, they can only be said to understand it with only one semester of study.

Don't look at Jinshan Company's income of more than 6000 million because of selling wps, but this is the total income, and Ye Zishu doesn't know how the company's internal finances handle the money.

Therefore, the capital of Jinshan Company is simply unable to take care of so many product lines. It can only focus on one end, and the cost of writing application software for the new operating system is much higher than that of the old operating system. It is not worthwhile.

For this reason, Ye Zishu didn't say anything. Since people don't want to, they don't want to. Anyway, after Phoenix Software's office software comes out, don't blame him for being rude. The opportunity has already been given, but they didn't grasp it.

In addition to office software, a browser must also be developed, as well as a front-end scripting language that needs to be built to cope with the development of the Internet.

The previous Internet content was basically written in hypertext markup language. Although it is very convenient, it is a static page, which lacks flexibility and cannot display content dynamically.

His browser and front-end programming scripting language are designed to solve this problem, and they are also important applications that rapidly promote the development of the Phoenix operating system.

These two tasks have a particularly high priority. One is to enable consumers to work normally after using the Phoenix operating system, and the other is to provide entertainment consumers with a new experience of surfing the Internet.

If Phoenix Software launches a new browser and a new front-end scripting language, it means that the speed of global Internet development will be accelerated.

It is impossible for him to hand over the opportunity of Internet development to others, but he wants to get the biggest cake in it, which means that he will soon establish a related Internet company.

These also require a lot of talents, not only technical talents, but also the recruitment of Internet operation talents around the world, and these labor costs are much higher.

However, there are not many ways for him to make money now. The quicker way to make money is through the release of albums. But in the past year, the number of albums he released has actually increased.

If new albums are released in such an intensive manner, it is still unknown whether the market can absorb them. Especially in the mainland, many people face so many favorite albums and can only choose their favorite ones, because they don't have that much money to buy them all.

So he thought about releasing an English music album. If the income is high, he might as well produce more English music albums in the future. After all, the unit price of English music albums is not only high, but also the market is bigger.

Then there are movies and TV series, which are currently limited in money, and the North American box office of "The Lion King" will not be available until April.

Finally, there is the income from the advertising business. Although it has earned hundreds of millions of yuan, this money cannot be manipulated casually, because the advertising company is building a large advertising strategy to realize the strategic vision of Ye Zishu.

Calculated in this way, Ye Zishu found that he seemed to be short of money all the time. Before, he was short of money for living, but now he was short of money for his own business development. Other businessmen should be the same as him, right?

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