He thought this meeting would only be held for one day, but it turned out that the place was full of bosses. What's more, it took everyone three days to finish the meeting.

This is the longest meeting Yeshu has ever attended. In fact, there are not many participants, and there are only more than 20 people in total, but there are many things.

In addition to economic issues, it also includes a series of issues. Ye Zishu talked so much during the live broadcast, so I wanted him to clarify many issues.

He was allowed to participate and speak in many meetings that he should not have participated in originally, and he is a straightforward person, and he had to debate many points of view.

So this meeting could not be said to be a perfect ending, but it still made people feel uncomfortable. On the surface, it seemed that he had won a big victory, but no one knew whether he lost behind it.

However, there is a problem before him, that is, there are a large number of half-dead state-owned enterprises in the country. If he wants to take over, this is a big problem for him.

In his opinion, some enterprises will disappear after they disappear, and they are not strategic enterprises. If they really cannot continue to operate, they will go bankrupt directly, and there is nothing to consider.

However, there are quite a few such enterprises. It is easy for enterprises to close down, but the employees of these enterprises will face unemployment, and the number of people involved is quite large, at least tens of millions.

Ye Zishu mentioned other methods, the method in the previous life is also feasible, the overall economic situation is much better now than in the previous life, even if some people are laid off, it is easier to find a job.

It is a pity that most people do not agree with this. The reason is that the impact is too great. Unless it takes five or six years to deal with it step by step according to the plan, it is a pity that now is the outbreak of the global financial crisis, and the foreign trade business has been greatly affected.

Most of the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country are mainly engaged in export trade. In such a difficult period, it is basically impossible to expect these enterprises to absorb more people for employment.

The industry volume of Ye Zishu is relatively large, but it is also affected by the global financial crisis to some extent. If it does not lay off employees, it has assumed a lot of responsibility. It is also difficult to increase new jobs on a large scale.

Most of the employees in his industries are rural population, and the proportion of urban population is relatively small. The reason is very simple. Except for some urban population, they are unemployed, and most of them work in state-owned enterprises.

Although the management of these state-owned enterprises is not very good, compared with private enterprises, people who are used to state-owned enterprises still look down on them a bit. Before the iron rice bowl is broken, everyone still recognizes it very much.

In fact, he mentioned the problems of some state-owned enterprises last time, but they were not so bad at that time, and the economic development was not bad, and some funds could be raised to support them.

The main purpose of this meeting is to deal with this matter. The country is really determined to deal with it, and it can no longer let poorly managed state-owned enterprises suck blood. It can be said that it has reached the point where it must be dealt with.

According to their statistics, the bad debts of state-owned enterprises across the country are as high as 2 trillion yuan, which is much higher than in previous lives. The reason is that the cost of living has risen, and employee salaries will naturally also increase.

Moreover, with the rapid rise of domestic overall wages, the scale of bad debts is still showing a trend of expansion. These are still bad debts of banks, and the financial funds invested by the government have not been included.

The domestic private economy is thriving, while the debt of state-owned enterprises continues to expand, and their competitiveness has not increased but weakened. There is a stark contrast between the two.

These bank bad debts have begun to affect the normal operation of state-owned banks. Most of the bank funds have not been used to create value, but have been filling holes.

If this situation is allowed to continue, a huge financial risk is likely to erupt, and not only the company will not be able to survive, but even the bank will be greatly implicated.

There are two ways to deal with this matter. The first way is to privatize the management of state-owned enterprises, or take part of the shares, so as to increase the enthusiasm of the management of the enterprise.

Many state-owned enterprises did this in the previous life, some were very successful, the employees received dividends from the development of the enterprise, and some the management got rich, but the employees didn't get any benefits, and on the contrary, they were worse than before.

The second way is to allow external funds to acquire. There are also some problems in this. The first problem is that the employment stability of employees cannot be guaranteed after the acquisition of capital.

The second problem is that it is difficult to guarantee that the capital will operate these enterprises with peace of mind. If after a series of capital operations, they get the benefits, but leave the mess behind, the problem is still not solved.

Especially in the case of a possible global financial crisis, it is not easy to find capital even if they are looking for capital. Apart from land worth a little money, many of these state-owned enterprises are outdated and do not have a high net worth.

To be honest, from the perspective of economic interests, Ye Zishu is also unwilling to acquire. In his opinion, the market, products, technologies, equipment, etc. are of little value.

If these skilled employees were still valuable before, now that a few years have passed, he has trained a large number of skilled employees under his banner, and there is no shortage of manpower in this area.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Zishu was silent the whole time when discussing this issue, and he did not speak, but he did not speak, and he could not do "it has nothing to do with him, and hang on high".

Looking at the whole country, and even the whole world, there are really not many people who have both capital and management ability, except for Ye Zishu. This is a generally accepted evaluation.

Some people say that he is rich, which is true, but those who know him a little more appreciate his business ability. It is beyond the reach of ordinary people to develop the industry to such a scale in just a few years.

If he wants to solve the problems of these state-owned enterprises, he is naturally the best choice, and only he has the money to buy these state-owned enterprises and the ability to run these enterprises well so that a large number of employees will not lose their jobs.

Although the idea was good, Ye Zishu didn't agree, which obviously took him seriously. Let alone spending money to acquire these assets, even sending them to him would make him detest the trouble, and it would cost a lot of money to deal with them.

If he wants to spend several trillion yuan on the acquisition, even if he is willing to throw money away, it is not the way to do it. Since it is an economic solution, it must be done according to business rules.

Few of these state-owned enterprises have net assets, and some of them are doing well. They only have some brand awareness in the local area, but it is only limited to the local area. When they leave the local area, the brand awareness drops rapidly.

Moreover, there are better alternative products and brands on the market, and the value of these local brands is also greatly reduced. Except for some elderly people, it is difficult to win the hearts of young people.

Facing a group of companies with negative equity, he still wanted him to help repay the bank debts. He would definitely not agree to such a condition, and he refused very simply.

And bluntly, if it was a few years ago, it was of great value to him, but now it is basically worthless to him. From a commercial point of view, he does not want to acquire it at all.

"Didn't Mr. Ye often say that with great power comes great responsibility? Only Mr. Ye can handle this matter well. This is our trust in you!"

"The leaders may not know that I have perfect marks in all subjects in the college entrance examination, and I am not stupid! Cooperation needs to be based on a win-win situation. If it breaks away from this foundation, it is not cooperation!"

This actually happened at that time. He still remembers that there was a sudden silence at the scene. Many people did not speak, and the sound of needles falling could be heard quietly.

"If I am asked to donate money, as long as it is within my ability, it is fine to donate hundreds of billions or even trillions of yuan. As long as the country needs it, I will not blink at all.

But business cooperation is business cooperation, and everything is based on interests, without any personal feelings. Otherwise, if you do it today, you have to do it tomorrow, and sooner or later there will be problems.

And the money is not my own, it is all the hard work of the employees under the banner. Although I am the boss, I can't just squander the hard work of the employees under the banner.

If I agree, I will indeed show my responsibility, and I can gain a good reputation for myself, and even gain a large number of political contacts, but it will damage the interests of my employees.

As I said before, if I have tens of millions in my hands, I can control the money freely. When the assets in my hands reach tens of billions or more, every sum of money will no longer belong to me.

I think the leaders should understand my current state. I am no longer an individual, and I cannot act on my own feelings. This is irresponsible to the employees under my company, and problems will arise sooner or later. "

When Ye Zishu said these words, everyone had a deep understanding, and instantly resolved the embarrassment at that time. From Ye Zishu's perspective, it is the responsible attitude to weigh every penny.

The next thing is much easier. Ye Zishu proposed two plans. The first plan is to buy useful assets, such as brands, land, etc., which are still somewhat valuable.

At the same time, it is also responsible for the employment of these employees. It is just necessary to break the iron rice bowl and obey the overall arrangement while taking care of their abilities as much as possible.

In this plan, the worthless assets and debts have nothing to do with him, and whether these enterprises continue to operate has nothing to do with him.

The management of the enterprise needs to compete for the job, and there will be no special treatment. If he thinks it is not suitable, he has the right not to hire, and the local government will be responsible.

This kind of plan implements the overall acquisition, that is to say, they make a list of companies, and he will be responsible for the acquisition of all companies on the list, so the processing speed is much faster.

The reason why we only need brands and land is because the evaluation of other assets is too troublesome, the acquisition cost is too high, and most of the companies in the list are estimated to be in very bad situations. This is to avoid being cheated.

The acquisition process is a process of interest game, and all parties want to get more benefits from it. There are too many wrangling matters, and one or two companies are fine, and too many companies will consume too much energy.

The second solution is that, in addition to not assuming debts, the assets of the enterprise are acquired as a whole according to the appraised value, and employees and management are all recruited through competition, which is no different from the previous one.

But what kind of company to acquire is entirely up to him. He has the right not to acquire companies that have no value or have complicated relationships. This is a purely commercial operation model.

The two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The first method is actually packaged as a whole. The advantage is that it can deal with many companies with particularly poor conditions.

The disadvantage is that many of the assets in it will have no value, such as factory buildings, machines, etc. These actually occupy the bulk of the fixed assets and will be wasted. It is not yet known whether they can be sold separately.

The second method is complete commercial acquisition. Only valuable companies are selected for acquisition, and worthless companies are left to fend for themselves. The advantage is that they can be sold at a better price.

The disadvantage is that the problem cannot be solved fundamentally, and what is left is even more distorted. It is more difficult to deal with, and it is difficult to fully satisfy the interests of all parties.

This issue was discussed for most of the time afterwards, and Ye Zishu avoided it for a while. After deliberation, he felt that the first solution was more appropriate.

No matter what plan they choose, Ye Zishu will accept it. A considerable part of the reason why they worked so hard to develop the industry at the beginning was to avoid a large number of unemployment.

These enterprises themselves do not have much value, but they can quickly penetrate the lower-level industries under his umbrella and quickly establish an industrial system covering the whole country.

Leaving aside other things, as long as these acquired companies develop and grow, they can greatly increase the size of the economy. Compared with his racking his brains to think about the industry, this is a very labor-saving approach.

Later, the specific details were discussed, mainly about the list of corporate restructuring, he had to make detailed regulations, and he could not accept it without thinking.

If you don't limit the details in this regard, it is estimated that the companies in the list are industries with no technical content at all, and all the burdens will be thrown on his head.

It's just that it's difficult for the two parties to discuss all the details, because no one knows the details of the restructuring list, and it's not clear which enterprises need to be reformed.

We can only reach an agreement on issues of principle, and stipulate the proportion of enterprises in various industries and the proportion of high-quality assets, so that we can avoid accepting all enterprises with no value.

After this matter was discussed, the issue of education was discussed at the meeting. It had nothing to do with him, but New Oriental Education Group has a very high degree of participation in the domestic education field.

Not only has the world's largest online education platform, but also has a large number of basic education schools in China, as well as a large number of vocational schools.

In addition to ordinary technical vocational schools, these vocational schools also have a large number of vocational schools that train engineers and high-end service personnel, and the teaching level cannot be ignored.

These are temporary, to meet the current needs of domestic talents, and when the country no longer needs a large number of ordinary skilled talents, these vocational schools will transform and specialize in cultivating high-end talents.

This is a long-term vision. Unless general-purpose robots fully intervene in domestic industrial development and replace most ordinary jobs, it is obviously difficult to achieve in the short term, which involves a series of institutional reforms.

In this regard, Ye Zishu still insists on its own philosophy. It is necessary to include high school education into the scope of compulsory education as soon as possible. As for kindergarten, it can be postponed.

Regarding the reform of educational subjects, he believes that foreign language should not be used as a subject for entrance examination, but only as an elective subject. If it is really necessary to study, foreign language ability assessment can be conducted separately.

This ability assessment is like a certificate issued to prove the level of the student's foreign language proficiency, which can be used as a bonus item for students' employment, and is useful for positions that require foreign language ability.

Regarding the types of foreign languages, he believes that there needs to be more diversification. It is not compulsory to learn English, but students can choose by themselves, so as to improve the national awareness of the whole world, not just concentrated in a few western countries.

There is a lot of controversy in this regard. Some people think that the current economic center and technological center are still in the West, and we still need a long time to learn. It is very necessary to include English as a compulsory test.

But Ye Zishu believes that our goal is to make ourselves the center of the global economy, science and technology, and politics, and our vision should not be limited to a certain region, but global.

And with the intensification of international economic competition, we need to find more markets. The diversification of foreign languages ​​is of great help to the development of the global market, and it can also broaden our international horizons.

The reason why foreign languages ​​are not taken as a compulsory subject for further studies is because not being able to speak a foreign language will not affect communication, at least for most of them.

Now that intelligent translation is so advanced, and its translation ability far exceeds that of ordinary foreign language talents, there is no need for students across the country to spend a lot of energy on this.

With this time to strengthen traditional cultural education, he even pointed out that many students cannot even write a fluent article, which is a serious cultural retrogression.

Even if we do not strengthen traditional cultural education, we can still have more time to study mathematics and science subjects. We must move from the previous imitation and introduction to the direction of creativity.

What's more, with intelligent translation, it's not that they can't understand other people's papers, and there are no obstacles to regular communication. It is a waste of time to force all students to study.

Of course, he did not say that foreign languages ​​should not be taught, but he just wanted to give students more choices, and at the same time choose the direction of study according to the students' interests. If you don't like foreign languages, it will delay the students' potential.

We are slowly transforming from the industrialized era to the post-industrialized era. What we are pursuing is no longer uniformity, but to enable every student to fully develop their own potential and have the ability to innovate, which is in line with the needs of the times.

Regarding the inclusion of high school in compulsory education, the main focus is on the issue of education funding. In his opinion, it is not the lack of money, but how to spend it. There is always a squeeze.

He definitely wouldn’t be so tactful at the meeting, just write this chapter and it’ll be gone. Anyway, he’s outspoken about some issues, and it doesn’t make sense to hide them. This is not a dinner party, but to see and solve problems.

Anyway, the leader at the meeting had a bad face after hearing what he said, but he couldn't refute it. His business is all over the country, and there are many things he encountered, all of which are recorded.

In addition, the meeting also talked about some views on future social development, and he also put forward some ideas of his own for the reference of leaders.

In short, this meeting was more in-depth and more intense than the last time, and he was willing to go all out. As for the impression he left on everyone, it all depends on the individual.

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