Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 885 Transferring 2 Brothers and Sisters and Inspecting Wancheng Foundation

"You will be in charge of Wancheng Foundation for two years soon, which has fully proved your management ability. In addition, your brother has devoted himself to studying during this time, and he should have gained something, and his body is well maintained.

I want to let your brother continue to be in charge of Wancheng Foundation next year and let you be the president of Kirin Industrial Group. Do you think this arrangement is acceptable? "Leaf Book asked.

Guo Dongmei was a little surprised to hear that, but at the same time it was a reasonable thing. In terms of asset size, Kirin Industrial Group is actually quite different from Wancheng Foundation, but its importance is definitely higher than Wancheng Foundation.

It can even be said that the importance of Kirin Industrial Group is higher than that of several other companies. Not only do they control important industries such as food and energy, but they also control a large number of top technologies. Universal robots are in their hands.

This kind of enterprise that possesses both strategic resources and the world's top technology, did not expect her to manage it, which shows how much Ye Zishu trusts their family.

In the past, the two brothers and sisters thought they were lucky enough to be able to manage a company, but they never expected to have the opportunity to manage the Kirin Industrial Group. The consequence of doing so was that the status of the two brothers and sisters was much higher, which she did not expect.

Although the companies managed by their managers are all giants, their income is much lower than that of the presidents of the world's giant companies. It's just that they have reached this point, and they don't care about simple salary levels.

What I really care about is the status improvement brought about by this. If you are in charge of such a giant, you will be supported no matter where you go. If you are in charge of two, you can imagine.

Ye Zishu personally served as the president of Kirin Industrial Group since its inception, but they did not carefully manage the group. These presidents actually had a premonition that Kirin Industrial Group would definitely be handed over to others for management.

It's just that they thought that one of the presidents under Kirin Industrial Group should be selected as the president of the group. They never thought that they would take over, not even Guo Dongmei.

If you really want to choose personnel management from among the existing first-level presidents, in view of the importance of Kirin Industrial Group, you really have to choose someone who is trustworthy enough to be in charge.

Unless the family members of Ye Zishu are in charge, it is really more appropriate for only members of their Guo family to be in charge. At least in the hearts of everyone, the Guo family and Ye Zishu are already connected with each other and share the same interests.

Of course, the loyalty of the two of them will definitely be guaranteed when Ye Shu is around, and it is hard to say whether this loyalty will continue if one day is gone.

People's hearts are very complicated, not to mention such huge interests are involved, no one can really be indifferent, and the older a person is, the more he will think about the future of his children, while the younger is less likely to think about it.

"Has Mr. Ye told my brother?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"Not yet, I don't think your brother will object, in fact, I have long wanted you to take over as the president of Kirin Industry Group, but you were only the president of Shengshi Records at that time.

The ability is temporarily unable to convince the public, and it is impossible to prove whether you have the ability to accept such a challenge. The experience during this period is enough to prove your management ability. "Leaf Book said.

Now that Ye Zishu has already mentioned this, Guo Dongmei naturally has no reason to refuse, but after all, this matter still involves his brother, and she can't make the decision for him.

So he said: "Personally, I am willing to accept such an arrangement, and I have the confidence to manage Qilin Industrial Group well. It's just that my brother still has to ask, and I can't give you an answer for the time being!"

Although these words are a bit ignorant, he also knows the character of the Guo brothers and sisters, and there is nothing wrong with being cautious before they are fully confirmed.

"Well, should you talk to your brother, or should I communicate with your brother in person?" Ye Zishu asked.

"How can I trouble Mr. Ye with this matter, I can just communicate with my brother myself, but I don't know when Mr. Ye plans to transfer next year?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"If there is no accident, you will be transferred after the Spring Festival. Before the Spring Festival, you must do a good job in the handover work here. After the Spring Festival, you can go directly to the Kirin Industrial Group." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

There are not many jobs at Shengshi Records, and Guo Dongsheng can get out of them at any time, while Wancheng Jiye's jobs are very complicated and take a long time to hand over.

Therefore, Ye Zishu didn't specify the timing of the handover and job transfer, it was completely up to the siblings themselves, so he didn't have to worry about it.

After talking about this, his mission of coming to Wancheng Jiye has been completed. When he was about to leave, Guo Dongmei invited him to inspect the related industries of Wancheng Jiye.

Now that she proposed it, Ye Zishu couldn't refuse, and he didn't have any important things to do right now, so it's okay to take some time to get to know Wancheng Jiye.

Wancheng Jiye's industrial scale is too large and the system is too complicated. It is impossible to inspect all of them. Let alone him, it is estimated that Guo Dongmei did not pay attention to all the details of the company.

If you really do this, you probably don't have to do anything, and the time spent on the road will take up all your time. Such a large industrial system has this drawback.

It is precisely because of this that he is not sure whether there is any problem under the flag. He can only say that the problem is not big on the surface, and it is hard to say whether there is a deep-seated problem.

In order to plug such loopholes, the monitoring work of Universal Robots is very important. With monitoring, even if the president does not pay attention to the details below, things will not be out of control.

From here, Guo Dongmei's management ability is highlighted. Other enterprises are basically factories, and the management can actually be very standardized, and derailment is not easy to happen.

However, the work of Wancheng Foundation is different from the factory assembly line. Whether it is standardized or not can not be achieved by relying on the regulations alone, and the issue of corruption is less likely to occur, and the management is much more difficult.

The reason why so many real estate companies outsourced the construction business in the previous life, and then the construction companies outsourced layer by layer, was not that they didn't want to make more money, but that they couldn't manage too many people.

Of course, this also involves a major disadvantage of the construction industry in the previous life, that is, advance capital, which will not be discussed here. The fundamental problem is actually the management difficulty.

Only by distributing the business layer by layer, each can have a specific person in charge, and this person in charge does not need to be supervised by the upper level, and only needs to see whether the results are qualified.

It is difficult for them to even manage a team of tens of thousands of people. Wancheng Foundation has already had more than 1 million employees. Not to mention the employees in other business lines, the number of employees in the construction business alone is 8000 million.

The number of employees in the real estate business has also exceeded tens of millions. If you add construction materials, construction machinery, construction supporting equipment and other business employees, the number will reach hundreds of millions.

If someone else were to be the president, he would not know how to proceed. If he wanted to do it himself, he would pay attention to every detail, and hundreds of Zhuge Liang would be powerless.

Therefore, Ye Zishu's inspection must be to a representative business inspection, such as their design and planning research institute, which is responsible for the national real estate development planning and architectural design.

There is also their real estate operation center. There are not as many people here as people imagined. In fact, there are very few people. The main work is done by artificial intelligence and supercomputers.

This is the key to the orderly conduct of its real estate business and construction business. Any employee's work tasks and content are all issued from here, and the tasks are directly assigned to the front-line employees.

At the same time, each project also has its own operation team. The project operation team mainly plays a supervisory role, and at the same time inspects and supervises project quality and management specifications to avoid fraud.

The operation center will also randomly check the operation of the following projects. If the facts and reported information are found to have too many outlets, the entire operation team below will be laid off and replaced.

In this regard, there is no reason or excuse to mess around. If you want to manage hundreds of millions of people and let them have their own jobs, sometimes you need an iron fist to achieve the purpose of imitating others.

Then he went to the landscaping company. This was his first visit, and he saw the endless green plants, turning the whole place into a forest.

They were able to form such a large-scale green plant base in a short period of time, and they also benefited from the growth-promoting pharmaceuticals of the Kirin Agricultural Development Group, which can increase the growth rate of plants without affecting the plants.

The scale of this greening base has reached 50 square kilometers, and it mainly supplies the needs of urban greening and community landscape greening in the Yangtze River Delta region. There are many greening bases of this size in the country.

Ye Zishu finally saw the potted plants that Guo Dongsheng's mother liked, and the area it occupies here is not small. Compared with other green plants, landscape potted plants are much more delicate and require a lot of labor.

Then I went to supporting industrial factories not far from Shanghai, such as architectural glass production base, architectural ceramics production base, elevator manufacturing factory, decorative lamp manufacturing factory and so on.

Naturally, the anti-shock device production base was not missed. The security work here is relatively strict, and the base occupies a very large area, and all supporting industries are put together.

Just when Ye Zishu was going to continue his inspection, he received a call that changed his itinerary. The boss wanted to see him and said he had something important to discuss.

Although he didn't ask what it was, he also knew what it should be. The only major issues related to the economy that he needed to deal with in person.

It is now September, and Tidal Investment Company has begun to operate according to his requirements, and the global financial market is in a very strange atmosphere.

If it is just a pure financial crisis in Southeast Asia, in fact, although it has a certain impact on our country's economy, it is not too great, but now it seems that the situation is getting worse.

At this time, everyone has realized what he said at the beginning, the East Asian economic crisis triggered by the Southeast Asian crisis, and then spread to the world, forming a global financial crisis.

There are already signs of this. Although we still don't know how serious the global financial crisis will be, some things need to be done as soon as possible to avoid worse outcomes.

Although Ye Zishu knew that it was an economic issue, he didn't know what he was asked to do. The amount of things he could do depended entirely on the degree of trust in him.

To be honest, on any one person, seeing the scale of his industry is a little apprehensive, but the economy has developed to the point where it is difficult to do without him.

Fortunately, he also kept his duty. Apart from doing research, he even seldom took care of the specific operation of the company.

The most important thing is that he only cares about scientific research and industrial development, and has no contacts with any political figures, not even contacts, let alone close contacts.

It is this kind of approach that makes it a relatively special existence and allows it to develop smoothly to the present. Moreover, unlike in the past, its leading force in the domestic economic and industrial fields is getting stronger and stronger.

The inspection of Wancheng Jiye ended halfway, and she flew back to the capital directly with the security personnel that day. Pei Qing saw him coming back early and asked the reason.

"I have a meeting with the leaders tomorrow, so I came back early!" Ye Zishu responded.

"Whether it is an economic issue or not, this topic has been discussed almost all these days. It seems that a global financial crisis is inevitable." Pei Qing said with emotion.

Everyone was not so pessimistic in August. At that time, the financial crisis was limited to Southeast Asia and other countries. The countries that were seriously affected were Japan and South Korea, and the country was generally relatively stable.

It's just that after entering September, the situation has confuse many people. There has been a wave of rise in the global financial market, and it seems that there is still a rising trend.

This abnormal phenomenon, on the contrary, makes people uncertain whether these financial markets have risen because of the harvest of a wave of financial capital backflow, or because of other reasons.

However, most people think that this is the reason. After all, if you want to promote the rise of such a large-scale financial market, you must need a lot of funds, which is difficult for small-scale financial capital.

Some people also think that international hot money, which has won a big victory, is preparing to impact these major financial markets. Regardless of the current rise, it may fall sharply in a short time.

This is what Tidal Investment Company wants. For ordinary people, they may be cautious in the face of this situation, but for international hot money, seeing this situation is like a shark smelling blood.

However, as the regulators of these financial markets, they are very optimistic, because in their view, this is a proper return of capital, which is absolutely beneficial to their financial markets.

It is also this kind of good news that further promotes the rapid entry of international hot money into the market, allowing Tidal Investment Company to withdraw funds from the financial market smoothly and quickly.

No matter how optimistic the outside world is, for the various professional managers under him, they remember what he said and prepare according to what he said.

You can doubt anyone, and don't doubt the judgment made by the boss. This is basically the consensus of his presidents. All they can do is to prepare according to this judgment to avoid greater losses.

"Maybe." Ye Zishu responded.

In the global financial crisis, Taiji Group should suffer the least loss among enterprises with a large proportion of foreign trade. People can buy less other things, but they will definitely not be cured.

As long as everyone needs to see a doctor, it is basically difficult to leave Taiji Group's products, so although Taiji Group has made some adjustments, the changes are not significant.

For example, Kirin Textile Industry Group, since June, has been optimizing its personnel structure, reducing global personnel expenses, and preparing to survive this cold winter.

Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company have also made major adjustments and began to increase their domestic market development efforts. If they want to maintain their huge personnel system, the market cannot continue to shrink.

In the case of the global financial crisis, we can only rely on the domestic market to survive the crisis, not to achieve greater development, at least to maintain the current situation.

Of course, if the company is really unable to maintain so many employees, Ye Zishu will also ask Tidal Investment Company to help them get over it, because the more layoffs in the financial crisis, the easier it is to fall into economic contraction.

In order to survive the crisis, the people in the country must earn a high income instead. Moreover, Tidal Investment Company has made so much money, and there is still no pressure to spend a little to pay wages.

"I think you are so relaxed, we should not lose a lot in this global financial crisis!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"In times of crisis, who is less bad than anyone else!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

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