Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 887 Enterprise Acquisition and Water Vapor Adjustment Experiment

After the meeting ended, Ye Zishu directly held an online meeting, talking about the acquisition issue mentioned in the meeting just now, and let them prepare.

Although the number of companies acquired this time is unknown, it is certain that there are definitely a lot of companies. Some companies have a high degree of overlap with his business, but they are far behind in technology.

For this kind of enterprise, he has no interest in running it alone, so he directly lets his subsidiaries take over the past, transform these enterprises, replace them with the latest technology and equipment, and use them as a production plant.

There are also some brands, if they are useful, we will continue to use them and strengthen brand promotion. This strategy is very common under his banner, that is, there are more brands.

The more the product faces consumers, the more diversified the brand is. In addition to differentiated management, the most important thing is that consumers have a certain sense of freshness and feel that there are many varieties to choose from.

If consumers go to the supermarket to buy and find that there are only one or two brands for many products, even if the products are different, they will feel that they do not have much choice and have a rebellious mentality. This is especially obvious in the field of daily necessities.

As for the companies that are not very related to his existing industries, he intends to hand them over to artificial intelligence, and he certainly does not have the time and energy to manage them.

And he also wants to see how artificial intelligence will deal with such a situation. It is actually much more difficult to transform a company than to start a new one, and the problems encountered are much more complicated.

Newly established enterprises directly expand interests, and there are not too many old interests to deal with, while reforming enterprises requires breaking the original interest relationship and establishing a new distribution relationship.

In addition, how these companies upgrade their old products, how to break through technology, how to operate the market, etc., are more difficult to deal with than new companies.

The companies that want to merge into his industries will be funded by these companies themselves, so he doesn't have to worry about it. Although the international situation is not very good, his industries are still profitable on the whole.

As for the companies that cannot be merged into their industries, the funds will be provided by Tidal Investment Company, and the operation and management will be handed over to artificial intelligence. This is the fastest solution at present.

In fact, he has already made plans for these companies to make operating losses. If they really reach the point where they can't be recovered, he can only close these companies and arrange employees to other companies under his umbrella.

In just two days, Ye Zishu got the list of companies. It can be seen that the operating conditions of these companies have long attracted attention, but they have not made up their minds.

This time, it may be due to the great external pressure, which has reached the point where it has to be dealt with. Of course, there is also the issue of trade rules. The emphasis is on marketization, so I won’t go into too much detail here.

After getting the list, Ye Zishu immediately dispatched a large number of general-purpose robots to these enterprises to investigate their operating conditions, personnel composition, asset stock, etc.

It is impossible for him to do what others say. The list seems to be basically consistent with the principles stipulated at the beginning, but if he does not investigate, he will definitely be cheated.

It took a full month just to investigate these matters, not to mention the difficulties encountered during the investigation process, the concealment problem was serious, and there were some who resisted the investigation, and even employees who did not agree to be acquired.

This information is constantly being collected here, which makes him feel a headache sitting at home. Fortunately, he is not on the scene. If he handles it personally, he will probably plan to give up.

After collecting enough data, Ye Zishu still had to communicate with the relevant departments for discrepancies in the information. Another month passed.

Ye Zishu seldom did this kind of thing before. When he actually dealt with it, he found that it was very time-consuming, and he always felt that it was a waste of time, which made him very depressed.

Fortunately, it took two months, and finally it was basically settled. The number of companies on the list of companies to be acquired has reached nearly 8. This is to deal with all of them at once.

Among them, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises is as high as 65%, and the total number of employees is as high as more than 8000 million, which is much larger than he imagined, and much higher than in his previous life.

It can be seen that the domestic economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and fiscal revenue has increased greatly. Many companies that should have been restructured have been delayed until now.

Seeing these data, Ye Shu was also very troubled. With so many companies and so many employees, it was very difficult to deal with, and he also wanted to revitalize these industries, otherwise it would be a huge loss for him.

It costs a lot of money to acquire these companies. Even if they don’t need machinery and equipment, the land and brand value alone will add up to 1.5 trillion yuan in acquisition funds.

The government cannot get the money, and it is mainly used in three aspects: The first aspect is to pay the wages owed by employees. If it is not enough, the government has to make up the wages paid. Anyway, it is impossible for him to help pay the wages owed.

The second aspect is to make up for social security and medical insurance for these employees. If there is a shortage, the government is also responsible for making up for it. It is impossible for him to make up for social security and medical insurance for these employees.

Especially for pensions. In the past, some companies had to change their pension payments into a pooled pension. This part of the funds must be supplemented, and the amount is still very large. It is a headache for Ye Zishu to bear it.

The third aspect is to repay debts, but it’s hard to say how much money can be used to repay the debts. Anyway, after he bought it, all the debts have nothing to do with him, and all the debts will be taken over by the government.

The money is just the funds for acquisitions. In order to operate these enterprises, it is necessary to purchase equipment, develop new products, and re-establish enterprise development plans and market development.

To revitalize all these enterprises, he needs to invest at least 8 trillion yuan, and the average cost of each enterprise is as high as hundreds of millions.

According to the final list, Ye Zishu held another industrial meeting under its banner, and explained the basic situation of the list, and asked them to take it back to see which ones are suitable and let them acquire which companies.

The rest of the companies were handed over to him. After a week, his companies finally completed the work. A total of 3 companies were designated, all of which were related to their industries.

The remaining 5 enterprises were all left in his hands. In order to coordinate these enterprises, Ye Zishu established a starlight asset management group.

Then use the name of this company to acquire these companies, which is much more convenient to deal with, and he doesn't have to pay attention to so many small companies.

After the Starlight Asset Management Company was established, Ye Zishu hired 50 general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industry Group, and each company dispatched an average of 10 general-purpose robots to handle acquisition matters.

Then there is the problem of funds. It is estimated that it will cost 1 trillion yuan to complete the acquisition. In addition, it will cost 5 trillion yuan for re-operation, with a total cost of about 6 trillion yuan.

Ye Zishu would definitely not be able to come up with this money personally, and it would be inconvenient for him to use the funds of his subsidiaries to acquire it, so there are two sources of funds.

The first one is bank loans. Based on the land and brand value, you can apply for a loan from a bank under Tidal Investment Company, and you can probably get a loan of 8000 billion yuan.

The second is the funds injected by Tidal Investment Company, because all the shares of Starlight Asset Management Company are held by Tidal Investment Company.

To be honest, if Tidal Investment Company hadn't made a lot of money this year, it would be a bit overwhelming to invest such a huge amount of money. I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional.

These funds of Tidal Investment Company were still overseas before. Because they needed money here, they transferred a large amount of funds to China at once, which immediately attracted strong attention.

The figure of 6 trillion yuan cannot be ignored no matter where it is placed. Some people still knew that Tidal Investment Company was very profitable, but the details were not very clear.

Because the money is all earned from overseas, they also know the situation of the funds flowing back to China, and the foreign capital operations are not carried out in the name of Tidal Investment Company.

During this global financial crisis, Tidal Investment Company not only didn't lose money, but made so much money, which made some people's minds fluctuate, and they came to the door to ask Tidal Investment Company to help manage funds.

It's a pity that Tidal Investment Company does not carry out foreign fund management business, and has no plans to do so for the time being. It directly rejected their request for cooperation.

Tidal Investment Company originally wanted to make money from the rich. If they managed all the money of the rich, they could only make money from ordinary people. He was not interested in helping the rich make money from ordinary people.

In mid-October, Kirin Environmental Industry Group finally developed the high-altitude water vapor dispatching equipment and technology it provided, and began to conduct dispatching experiments in the Northwest.

In October, the water vapor in the south is low, but the rainfall in the north is relatively high. The cold wind from the Arctic Ocean and Siberia also brings a lot of water vapor, which is a very suitable place for experiments.

This experiment did not release any information to the outside world. They sent a team to the Northwest to conduct the experiment in a very low-key manner. This experiment has two main purposes.

Carry out dispersal operations on high-altitude condensed water vapor. At this time, it has begun to snow in parts of the northwest. Use dispersal technology in snowy weather to see if it can prevent snowfall.

Then use weather satellites to detect the flow direction of the dispelled clouds, and then use fast heat-absorbing equipment to conduct condensation experiments on the re-formed clouds to see if it can form rain and snow.

In order to be able to catch up with the clouds in time, a large military helicopter was specially rented to transport equipment and personnel, and someone from the official weather bureau also followed the whole process.

To do this kind of experiment to change the environment, it must be reported to the meteorological department. They are also very curious about how Kylin Environmental Industry Group can do this.

In November, the results of the experiment came out, and the effect was very good. It fully achieved the expected effect. Not only did the clouds disperse and water vapor condense, but also the precise linkage between the weather satellite and the ground operations was realized.

It’s just that the operating range of one piece of equipment is relatively limited. To achieve large-scale water vapor regulation operations, a large number of equipment is required, and it is not possible to drag these equipment around all day.

Especially in the period of heavy rainfall in the south, mobile operation equipment cannot solve the problem at all, and a large amount of fixed operation equipment must be installed, and the cost is very high.

The maximum operating range of one piece of equipment is about 300 square kilometers. If all of them are equipped with fixed operating devices, about 30 units are needed to cover the whole country.

In fact, it does not need to cover the whole country, it only needs to be installed on the routes with high water vapor density in the south and north, and the operation time is mainly concentrated in the areas with abundant rainfall in the south.

The second is that in other periods, when necessary, it is necessary to adjust the water vapor from the ocean to the mainland to solve the problem of insufficient rainfall during drought periods, and it is also necessary to establish a feasible mechanism for regulating sea and land rainwater.

According to their calculations, the country needs a total of about 10 such devices, and each device is calculated at 1000 million yuan, and the investment is as high as 1 trillion yuan.

The one-time investment scale is very large. Fortunately, the service life of the equipment is relatively long, it can be used for 25 years, and the annual cost of the equipment is only 400 billion yuan.

In fact, the annual cost is still much higher than that of dry ice rainfall. The only advantage is that it can truly achieve high air-conditioning water, which is relatively more active and achieves better results.

If energy costs, labor costs and supporting system costs are added, it will cost about 500 billion yuan per year. Who will pay for this money is a big problem.

Since Kirin Industrial Group built a large number of seawater desalination plants in Bohai Bay and other coastal cities in the north, there is actually no shortage of drinking water in the north.

After drinking water and sewage treatment, most of them will still flow to the natural world to form ecological replenishment, which is very helpful to supplement the expensive and scarce groundwater in the north. The amount is very large, and the overall balance of ecological water resources can be maintained.

In the northwest region where there is a real water shortage, the cost of transporting fresh water from the sea is very high, and a small amount of water transport will not make much difference, it can only be said to play a certain positive role.

So Kylin Environmental Industry Group explained to the relevant departments the climate and environment management plan of the Great Northwest, hoping that the government can spend money to build a water vapor transportation channel from the south to the northwest, and from the coast to the northwest.

It's a pity that the government has just spent a large sum of money to deal with domestic debts. At the same time, it has to compensate the employees of these enterprises, which costs a lot of money.

In addition, Ye Zishu mentioned that compulsory education should be extended to the high school level. Although the language of the two parties was not polite at the meeting, everyone argued based on reason.

Although no decision was made on the spot, the country is seriously considering his suggestion. The previous compulsory education was only suitable for the era of large-scale industry. In the post-industrial era, such an educational foundation is no longer able to meet the requirements.

Just to do so, the government has to pay more money for education, and the quality and quantity of the previous compulsory education have to be improved, and strive to be completely free, which will also increase the education expenditure.

Coupled with the current peak period of national defense security being built, and the tax policy incentives that need to be provided in response to the economic crisis, money needs to be spent everywhere.

Although the annual cost of the water vapor adjustment project is not too much, the one-time payment is too high, and it is difficult to see the effect in the short term. It will take more than ten years to completely change the climate of the Northwest.

In a word, there is no money, which makes Kirin Environmental Industry Group very depressed. With such advanced technology and equipment in hand, it cannot create value.

Since these devices are relatively sensitive, it is impossible for them to export these devices. If the government does not adopt them, it means that these technologies and devices can only be left ashes in the corner.

When the incident was reported to him, he thought for a while and asked Qilin Environmental Industry Group to talk to relevant departments to see if he could contract them for free as much as he could renovate the desert and desertified land in the northwest.

If there is no special reason, the lease of these transformed lands will be automatically renewed free of charge. If he agrees to this request, the funds for the aerial water transfer project will come from his properties.

At that time, the Qilin Agricultural Development Group will be asked to pay the money, and the Qilin Environmental Industry Group will be responsible for implementing the climate transformation. As for the soil transformation, the Qilin Agricultural Development Group will be responsible for it.

Although the government does not obtain land rent in this way, it can greatly improve the climate and environment in the northwest, making other valuable land more valuable, and the population of the northwest will grow faster.

After the land is reconstructed, it must be engaged in agriculture or other economic activities, and the government can also get more taxes, which will also have a positive effect on employment in the Northwest, and everyone will not suffer.

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