Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 77 Is it useful?

Now the technical department has no supervisor, and he has actually been leading it all the time, but except for a period of time when he was doing training, he stayed in Hong Kong for the rest of the time.

So although he was very happy to see the company gathering so many technicians in a short period of time, he was more worried about whether they would relax during this period of time.

In order to test their mastery of the Phoenix programming language, Ye Zishu wrote a test paper with 100 questions in it.

This set of test papers lists the core technical parts of all the modules of the Phoenix programming language. He can use this test paper to understand the technical staff's mastery of each module.

Mastering the ability of technicians is very important for the subsequent development of the operating system and assigning tasks. He does not ask them to fully grasp it now, as long as they master a few cores.

Send out the written test paper, ask the technician to finish answering within 2 hours, and tell him, if you can't, just skip it, and answer the questions you will get first, and you can't copy the answers of your colleagues.

Those who can go to college in this era are absolutely excellent in their studies. They also have their own pride. Since it is clearly stated that copying is not allowed, they will basically abide by it.

Two hours later, after all the test papers were collected, he completed the correction of all the test papers at a glance, and even memorized the technical points mastered by the answerers in his mind.

To his surprise, among these answerers, he found Lei Jun. He wanted to find a chance to look for it, but he was recruited in advance by the HR department.

Judging from the overall situation of the answers to the questions, the situation is very pessimistic, mainly concentrated in the employees who came here around July. The time to learn the Phoenix programming language is too short, and the depth of mastery is not enough.

As for the more than 100 interns recruited before, most of them joined his company after graduation, and the depth of their mastery is obviously much deeper than that of those who came later.

After knowing the technical staff's mastery of the new programming language, he was thinking how to improve the technical staff's level as soon as possible, at least to further deepen their programming language mastery.

In the end, he decided to set up a study group in the technical department, with more than 100 employees who had previously mastered programming languages ​​as the study group leader, and each person led 6 people to form a study group.

In addition to the two Phoenix programming language tutorials he has already written, if the old man leads it, the speed should be much faster than groping by himself now.

Before there were 100 people, he could still train them personally, but now there are more than 700 people, no matter how capable he is, he can't train them by himself.

After the people are divided into groups, they will take the list to the technical department, tell them what they think, and then start grouping.

In fact, this kind of grouping is not only a study group, but also a future function development group, because generally speaking, a study group generally has the same focus of learning, and jointly develops a function module with a certain degree of tacit understanding.

Judging from the current situation, these technicians are useless, and they are not even proficient in Phoenix programming language, let alone developing an operating system.

Mastering a language is only the most basic. Being able to use the language proficiently to develop programs is the second step, and the operating system involves many algorithms and architecture designs, which ordinary people really can't do.

Let these immature technicians study for half a month first, and he needs to complete the development of the kernel part as soon as possible. According to the current situation, it is more assured to develop the kernel part by himself.

Previously, he expected the part-time teachers in his school to play a certain role in kernel development, but the personnel department told him that not many people actually came to report, and they didn't stay in the company for a long time.

Although he didn't know what caused this situation, but he didn't expect these part-time teachers to be the backbone of the company. If they don't come, they won't come.

So he fell into the previous working state again. Except for taking a day off to go back to school and take the exam that the school set up for him alone, the rest of the time was almost all spent in the company.

During this time, Guo Dongsheng came back and told him that Zhao Yazhi had no role to play. In principle, he agreed to take the role, but he would make a final decision after reading the script. The other two leading actors also meant the same.

Then Ye Zishu went to the film and television company to find Zhang Guoli, and asked him if Director Yang Jie would accept the film, but the reply was that Director Yang Jie was still considering it.

Now time is waiting for no one, so he can't keep procrastinating, so he followed Zhang Guoli, visited Director Yang Jie in person, and was warmly received by Director Yang Jie.

Ye Zishu was considered a little famous before, but after the crazy concert, his popularity can be said to be in the sky, and when he was negotiating with Director Yang Jie, he was sincere and sincere, and finally got the approval of Director Yang Jie, and agreed to take over the play.

This made Ye Zishu heave a sigh of relief. To be honest, if he hadn't been really free, he would have wanted to direct himself.

But this can only be thought about, if he does everything himself, no matter how talented he is, he won't be able to handle it.

After the director is settled, half of the work of the TV series is done, and then Guo Dongsheng is asked to send the script to Hong Kong to show to several leading actors.

As a result, a few days later, Zhao Yazhi, Ye Tong and Chen Meiqi all agreed. Zhao Yazhi's salary was 5 yuan per episode, 1 yuan less than in the previous life.

For the other two leading actors, Ye Tong is paid 3 yuan per episode, and Chen Meiqi is paid 2 yuan per episode. The salary of the three leading actors alone is 200 million yuan.

With a director and a starring role, he hopes that the filming of this TV series will start as soon as possible. For this reason, he went to meet with Director Yang Jie again to explain the actual situation.

He was afraid that director Yang Jie would strive for perfection like "Journey to the West". He couldn't take a film that could be finished in two months, but he couldn't take it for half a year. The lead actor from Hong Kong probably couldn't take it either. .

After what he said, the preparation speed of the whole TV series has indeed been accelerated a lot. After only one week, the preparations for Fuhuadao have been completed.

The three leading actors and other actors are already in place, and the filming of "Legend of the New White Snake" officially started. The crew arrived at West Lake, Hangzhou, and started filming the first scene.

He took a look at the looks of the three leading actors. Although they were slightly different from the previous life, he still felt that the clothing image design in the mainland was better.

Abandoning the things here, he took the time to quickly write all the kernel parts of the operating system, and the time came to August 8th.

Then he began to decompose the various functional modules of the operating system and divide them into countless small tasks, trying to make it easier for technicians to get started.

He will write instructions and examples for difficult algorithms and designs, so this work took him 5 days to complete.

Then he gave the technicians another test to see how well each study group had mastered the new programming language, which included some algorithmic questions, among other things.

After reading their test papers, he had a good idea, and began to assign the task of decomposition to various groups in the company, so that they could start writing the functions of the operating system.

He hopes to release the first test version before the end of this year. In order to achieve this goal, he explained to the technical staff that if he can't figure out a certain problem for an hour, he can come and ask him.

If he is not in the company, first study the discussion within the group. If you still can't figure it out after the discussion, post the question in the technical department. Anyone who can answer the question will get points.

This point will be an important basis for the promotion and salary increase of these technicians, and certain points will also be deducted for openly seeking answers to questions.

This is done in the hope that they will try their best to solve problems within the study group, instead of seeking answers publicly if they have nothing to do, and it is also a measure to reduce his workload.

And he is mainly busy with the research and development of special effects software. For the post-production special effects part of "Legend of the White Snake", he hopes to use his own special effects software to complete the production.

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