During this period of time, he had been staying in Hong Kong, but the company's personnel department was recruiting personnel from major universities across the country. As a result, they called and told him that there were many people willing to work in the company, and there might not be enough space.

This kind of good thing, of course, the more the better, if the space is not enough, let the company's people rent the space, anyway, the current rent is not expensive, there is no need to save in this regard.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he went to the company to see it was full, he asked the old employees of the company and told him that there were people from them downstairs and upstairs.

Hearing this situation, he immediately ran to the personnel department. The person in charge of the personnel department was in the office and asked why so many people were willing to come to the company suddenly.

At first he thought it was because of the high salary, but when he asked, it was not all because of this reason, and quite a few of them came to their company because of their girlfriends.

It is normal to fall in love in college, which is not uncommon in this era, but it also faces a problem, that is, graduation is tantamount to breaking up, unless you get a share.

Now the country is assigned by package, but it is difficult for me to determine where it is allocated. There is a high probability that I will not work with the target. This is a very troublesome thing for them.

At the beginning, the recruitment of the personnel department was not particularly smooth. Although the salary of state-owned enterprises or national units is low, it is very stable. It is not just a casual talk.

In order to solve this problem, the personnel department analyzed that if people want to come over willingly, they must hit their vital points.

Although young people like money, but money is not the first, the daughter-in-law is the first, so they made a recruitment strategy without authorization.

That is, as long as they come, their target's job will also be hired. Although the salary is lower than theirs, it is definitely much higher than that of state-owned enterprises.

As soon as this strategy came out, the effect was immediate. Originally, they were still worried about breaking up, but now they finally found a chance to stay together after graduation.

To be honest, although the personnel department is a bit pretentious, it has indeed solved the problems faced by the company, and the graduates who come to the company to work are all well-ranked in the country.

"Then how are their targets arranged?" Ye Zishu asked.

"They are all arranged in functional departments, such as the personnel department, administration department, etc.," said the person in charge of the personnel department.

"These two departments shouldn't be able to accommodate so many people, right?" Ye Zishu asked suspiciously.

"If they are majors in science and engineering, arrange for them to learn programming as well. Although they are girls, their logical thinking is not bad, and some even learn faster than boys." The person in charge of the personnel department said.

Hearing what he said, he felt the same reasoning. Although there were many more male programmers than female programmers in his previous life, the main issue was whether he could endure hardship.

In this day and age, girls are not pampered, plus they graduated from science and engineering, and their logical thinking is not bad, so it shouldn't be a big problem to work as a programmer.

"How many people are there in the company now?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Now the company has a total of more than 1000 people, of which 700 are programmers, and the other 300 people can only be temporarily arranged in the personnel department and administration department." The person in charge of the personnel department said.

"It seems that the number of personnel in the personnel department and administration department has exceeded the standard." Ye Zishu said with emotion after hearing this.

What he said was not to blame the person in charge of the personnel department, but to express his emotion in view of the current actual situation, and it is also a problem that must be solved now.

When the person in charge of the personnel department heard what he said, he just nodded and didn't speak, because only he, the boss, could solve this problem, and the personnel department was only responsible for the company's personnel arrangements.

"In this way, you also know that I have Shengshi Advertising Company, Shengshi Film and Television Company, and Shengshi Record Company under my umbrella. You can contact the leaders of these three companies and arrange some people to work in their companies, and the salary will remain the same."

These three companies are cultural industries, and the demand for clerical personnel is much higher than that of Phoenix Software Company, so the arrangement in these three companies is just right.

No matter what, those who can come to Phoenix Software Company to do technology, the girlfriends they talk about at school will not be too bad, at least the education is enough, and the ability can only be cultivated slowly.

To be honest, he is not afraid of too many people being recruited by the HR department at all, but he is afraid that the number is not enough. Now he is willing to keep it for nothing.

Before, he would consider the lack of funds to support so many people, and he went to Hong Kong to return. Such issues are no longer what he needs to consider.

According to the new interest distribution agreement reached with Rolling Stone Records, they can get 6525 million US dollars, which is calculated at this year's exchange rate of 5.323 yuan, which is 3 million yuan in RMB.

In order to pay less tax, his personal income ratio is 5%, which is 1736 million yuan, and the rest of the income belongs to Shengshi Records.

Although the funds are in Shengshi Records, which seems to have nothing to do with Phoenix Software, the actual controllers of the two companies are the same person, and they are both sole proprietors.

In this case, he only needs to ask Shengshi Records to provide Phoenix Software with a free loan, which is in full compliance with the law, does not generate financial interest, and does not constitute a disturbance of the financial order.

Concerts belong to the cultural industry, and the tax rate is only 3%, which keeps most of the profits in their own company, and indirectly provides financial support to Phoenix Software.

As for the 1736 million yuan he personally obtained, he needs to pay 45% of the personal income tax. The money in his hands is only 954 million yuan, and he has to pay nearly half of the tax.

In fact, Shengshi Records itself does not need that much money at all. Record companies are low-funded industries, and the value is basically in copyright, and other fixed assets will not be very large.

When the person in charge of the personnel department heard his arrangement, he also nodded in agreement. Like personnel and administration, too many people are not easy to manage. Arranging them out is a good thing for the company.

"Although the number of people in the company has exceeded my expectations, you still need to continue to work hard, because our company is not only carrying out the project of the operating system, but there are many projects waiting for it.

It is definitely too late to recruit people when things come to an end. It is better to reserve more talents in advance, and to be familiar with new languages, so that you can undertake R&D tasks as soon as possible if you come in early. "Leaf Book said.

He was afraid that the personnel department would not continue to work hard to recruit when they saw that the task had been overfulfilled. Although it was already July, all the recruits had come, and the rest had basically been allocated by the state.

However, he still hopes that the HR department can recruit personnel from the society and even national scientific research institutes. At present, there are too many novices in the company, and there are only a handful of personnel who can really undertake core research and development.

The person in charge of the personnel department was a little surprised when he heard him say that. There are already so many people in the company, but during this period, most of them are studying, and the research and development have not really started.

In his opinion, raising so many people for nothing puts a lot of pressure on the company's funds, but since the boss said so, he will not talk too much, anyway, the people in the finance department know better whether the money is enough.

"I will continue to work with my colleagues in the personnel department to do a good job in this matter, and I will never disappoint Mr. Ye!" the person in charge of the personnel department promised.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu was very satisfied. Their current work exceeded his expectations, and he hoped that they would also bring surprises to him in the future.

After leaving the personnel department, he went directly to the administration department, gave them two Phoenix programming language tutorials, and asked them to find a printing factory to print a batch. Every software developer in the company handed out two copies.

Then he came to the finance department and consulted them about the company's free loan from Shengshi Records to see if there was anything wrong with doing so.

Sure enough, he got an affirmative answer. As long as there is no interest on the loan, such a loan is completely legal, which also made Ye Zishu heave a sigh of relief.

As for when to repay the money, it depends on when Phoenix Software will make money.

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