Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 78 Film and Television Special Effects

If the domestic film and television industry wants to usher in great development, of course the people need money, so as to expand the size of the domestic film market and bring more opportunities for the film and television industry.

But he believes that the most important thing is the technical capabilities of the film and television industry, and special effects technology is a topic that cannot be avoided anyway. He naturally wants to solve this problem.

Now that he has established Shengshi Film and Television Company, he naturally doesn't want to make small troubles all the time. He also wants this film and television company to be able to compete with the top international film and television companies on the international stage.

And there are also practical reasons that forced him to pay attention to special effects technology, because in a short period of time, the scale of the domestic film market is very limited, and it is already very good not to lose money, and there is no way to make money.

This is also the main reason why he didn't dare to mention making a movie at all in the early stage. As for the movie license, he can completely buy the factory label to solve it.

But this is not the way to go. You can't wait until 10 years later to start filming. As a reborn person, he doesn't have that much patience.

The scope of special effects technology is very wide, and it is not necessary to use computer special effects technology, and it is also possible to use only models and other means to complete the shooting of special effects.

But there are no talents in this field in China, and foreign talents in this field are basically monopolized by major special effects companies, and it is very troublesome for him.

He can only use his own strength in software and hardware technology to use computers to complete the production of special effects throughout the process, and this is also the path he thinks is most likely to be realized.

The software part can be done by himself, but it is not enough to rely on the software to be excellent, and it needs strong hardware to support it.

Now most computers are sold as complete machines, and the graphics chips are arranged by the computer manufacturers themselves, and individual components are not sold to the outside world.

Ati is the only one that sells graphics chips separately, so he plans to use ati's ega graphics card to complete the hardware construction.

They also have a series of vga graphics cards with more powerful performance, but the interface of this graphics card is an analog interface, and the graphics card above is a digital interface.

In addition, the hardware he wants to build does not use one or two graphics chips, so the performance of a single graphics chip is not the most important thing.

After thinking about this, he designed the overall architecture of the super graphics rendering server he wanted, and then entrusted Lenovo to purchase these spare parts.

And he himself asked Guo Dongsheng to help register a Phoenix special effects company under the Phoenix Technology Company, which is specially used for film and television special effects business.

When he returned to the company, he arranged for the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company to help find people with computer graphics skills and solid art skills, and temporarily recruited them under the name of Phoenix Software Company.

And besides managing the technical department of Phoenix Software, he himself is writing the special effects software system, which is currently the only one in China that he can do well.

The film and television special effects software system is directly built on the basis of the newly written Phoenix operating system kernel, not on the dos system.

An operating system, with a kernel, already has the ability to direct the hardware work. He builds film and television special effects software on this basis, and there is no problem at all.

But it's not just ready to use. The previous operating system kernel is only for personal computers, and the hardware machine he is going to build this time can be called a supercomputer.

Because he entrusted Lenovo to buy 10 graphics chips, 1 CPUs, and other accessories, etc., to build this set of hardware requires an investment of about 800 million US dollars.

If he hadn't just made a lot of money, and it was in US dollars, he wouldn't have dared to invest in this way, otherwise, even if he held RMB, he might not be able to get so much foreign exchange quota.

To support such a huge hardware facility to work together, it is not something that the previous Phoenix system core can handle. It must be modified to become a veritable supercomputer core system.

However, modifying on the original basis can save a lot of time for him. It only took 10 days to complete the kernel part, and on this basis, some terminal functions were added.

Then he started to write the film and television special effects software system on this basis. In order to reduce the time and cost of special effects production as much as possible in the future, he added a lot of intelligent technology to it.

Since we have invested so much cost, we must want to obtain excess returns, and reducing the cost of special effects production is to make money for ourselves, so adding many smart technologies for this has become a matter of course.

Because he wanted too many chips this time, plus other accessories, it took Lenovo a month to complete all the accessories, and then sent them all to the computer room of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

During this month, Ye Zishu also finished writing all the special effects software for Phoenix Film and Television. The actual effect will not be known until the hardware equipment is completed and the computer is tested.

In order to speed up the hardware assembly, he directly asked 100 newly recruited employees from the personnel department to assemble this super graphics computer with him.

It took a week to finally assemble the super graphics computer. In a room of 500 square meters, there is such a super graphics computer.

Then install the film and television special effects software prepared by myself on the super graphics computer. Since this system itself contains the underlying components such as the kernel, there is no need to install an additional operating system at all.

After the installation is complete, as long as the super graphics computer is started, the functional interface of the film and television special effects software will appear on the monitor.

On this super graphics computer, he directly produced the special effects scene of Wan Jian Guizong in the movie "Legend of Shu Mountain" in his previous life, and the effect was completely within his expected range.

And this special effect took less than half an hour to complete, and the efficiency can be said to completely kill the limited special effects production technology, which will become the trump card of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

Just after they completed the construction of the entire special effects system, the crew of "Legend of the White Snake" finally completed all shooting tasks after two months of shooting.

The rest is post-production. He plans to personally direct the staff of Phoenix Special Effects Company to complete the special effects production part, mainly because he is afraid that they are inexperienced.

There are 100 people in the technical department of Phoenix Special Effects Company, who are mainly responsible for the later research and development of the Phoenix Film and Television Special Effects software system, making this system more and more powerful.

The special effects production department has 50 employees, all of whom have very good art skills and are graduates from formal art colleges, and many of them are old employees from domestic animation studios.

Now domestic animation production is basically in a semi-abandoned stage, and many animation production factories are in a state of being unable to make ends meet. It is naturally difficult to refuse the high salary of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

Although there are so many talents, Ye Zishu still asked the HR department to continue poaching people, at least expanding the number of people in the special effects production department to 100 people, or even more the better.

There are actually not many special effects in "Legend of the New White Snake", and they are all too simple. Under the guidance of Ye Zishu, it only took one day to complete all the special effects.

The rest of the dubbing and other work will be handed over to the director to arrange someone to complete, and he himself will not participate in such things.

Although the special effects of this TV series have been produced, the machine cannot be idle, otherwise it will be a huge waste. In order to keep the machine running, the employees are also kept busy.

He decided to start the production of a special effects animation film, returned to Phoenix Software, watched the development of the operating system, and solved the problems they encountered.

He immediately settled down and wrote the script of the animated film. The script he prepared this time was the script of the animated film "The Lion King", which was purely caused by his bad taste.

In the original time and space, Disney began to produce this animated film in the middle of next year, and it took two years to complete the production, and the project has not yet been approved.

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