Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 6 Contact Publishing

In the following days, he basically stayed in the dormitory. As the writing progressed, he gradually controlled the rhythm of the whole book, and he wrote it much faster than before.

During this period, he took the time to hold the first class meeting of the new semester, and met some students from the computer department, as well as his own instructor.

It's just that during the class meeting, unless it's time for him to speak, he basically writes at his desk, basically ignoring the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

After working hard all night and day, it took 10 days to finally write down the last word on the manuscript paper, and a breath of foul breath finally came out from his chest.

Finishing the book does not mean everything will be fine. I spent 10 yuan to make a photocopy, and then began to look for a suitable publishing unit to publish the book as soon as possible.

Among the many publishing houses here, he still chose Tsinghua University Press. In his opinion, as a Tsinghua student, it should be easier to communicate.

Moreover, Tsinghua University Press is on campus, so there is no need to travel too long, which is why he chose to go to university.

The more famous a school is, the more resources it has. Not only can it get support at the policy level, but it also has rich intellectual resources. It is much easier to do anything.

Since he was on campus, he directly brought a copy of his manuscript to the office of Tsinghua University Press.

"Student, who are you looking for?"

A 30-year-old elder sister stopped Ye Zishu who was looking around.

"I have written a book and am going to publish it in the school's publishing house, who should I contact?" Ye Zishu asked generously.

"Are you a student of this school?"

"My name is Ye Zishu, I just entered school this year."

"My name is Han Pei, you can call me Sister Han, I've heard of your name!" Sister Han became more enthusiastic when she heard his name.

There is only one reason why a person who has never met him has heard of his name, and that is that his college entrance examination results are too impressive.

In so many years of college entrance examinations, no candidate has ever achieved full marks in all subjects, which also made his name appear in the eyes of some people.

"Hello, Sister Han!" Ye Zishu called out politely.

"I'll call you Zishu. Come with me. I'll take you to meet our director. He has also heard your name before, so we can definitely talk."

Before Ye Zishu could speak to her after speaking, Sister Han walked directly to the corridor on the left, and Ye Zishu followed closely behind.

Come to the door of an office with the sign of the director on it, push the door in, and there are two huge bookshelves on both sides of the room, which are full of various books.

Sitting behind the desk is a middle-aged man about 50 years old, wearing thick glasses, who is concentrating on reading the books spread out on the table.

Seeing someone knocking on the door and coming in, the old man looked up at them and said, "Xiao Pei, what's the matter?"

"Director Ma, this is Ye Zishu, a candidate with full marks in all subjects of the college entrance examination!" Sister Han pulled Ye Zishu to her and said with a smile.

"Oh..." Director Ma took off his glasses and looked Ye Zishu up and down several times.

Ye Zishu was not nervous about this, but looked at Director Ma in a generous way, with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, he is a good-looking talent!" Director Ma couldn't help saying in admiration when he saw that his scrutiny didn't make him feel cramped.

Although this doesn't reveal too much, it at least shows that Ye Zishu is a person with an extremely strong heart. Only with a strong heart can he not be afraid of external pressure.

After speaking, Director Ma stood up, asked Sister Han to ask Ye Zishu to sit down, and then made a pot of tea herself, and Sister Han tactfully poured a cup for Director Ma, Ye Zishu, and herself.

After the three of them took a sip of tea, Director Ma asked, "I don't know why classmate Ye is here this time?"

Hearing that he wanted to talk about business, Ye Zishu quickly took out a copy of his manuscript, handed it to Director Ma, and said, "This is a book I wrote, and I want to find the school publishing house to publish it."

Director Ma heard that he wrote the book, and with an interested smile on his face, he stood up and took the glasses on the desk, put them on, and began to read carefully.

As a person who has been in the publishing industry for many years, the theme and tone of a book can be seen at a glance just by looking at Chapter 1, so it doesn't seem to take much time.

"Your book is quite interesting, it's about futuristic fantasy, but why did you give it the title 'Kyrogantry'?" Director Ma asked.

Some things are not good in front of the public outside, but in private space, you can still say it freely, especially in universities, where tolerance is quite high.

So he didn't intend to hide it, and said directly: "I don't think this book is fantasy, but some predictions for the future.

Although the subject matter is a novel and has not undergone strict logical argumentation, I think it is the direction of our country's development, and it will definitely be realized! "

Director Ma handed the manuscript to Han Pei who was sitting next to Ye Zishu, and said, "You can read it too."

Then he said to Ye Zishu: "You speak quite loudly, and you are full of confidence in the development of the country, but where does this confidence come from?"

"Because of our unwillingness to be poor, unwilling to be left behind, and the national mission and responsibility endowed by historical glory!" Ye Zishu said loudly.

Hearing what he said, Director Ma didn't speak immediately, as if he was thinking about something in silence, the room was completely quiet except for the sound of Han Pei flipping the manuscript paper.

"Can you tell me the reason or original intention of writing this book?" Director Ma finally said.

"There is nothing to say about this. Although our country has long established the basic national policy of reform and opening up, many things have not been smooth sailing.

The more it is at this time, the more we must strengthen our beliefs and move towards our goals unswervingly. If we repeat it, it will be detrimental to the country and the people.

It's just that I'm a soft-spoken person now, coupled with insufficient knowledge reserves, I can't make a more reasonable statement that is acceptable to many parties in theory.

So I wanted to write a book to describe the daily life of an ordinary person 30 years after my country's reform and opening up, so that it can play a certain role.

The pursuit of a better and happy life is the basic right of every citizen. Through this book, readers can have more vision for the future and be more persistent in their present efforts. "

In fact, there is still one thing he didn't say, that is, when the whole people reach a consensus, a torrent will form, and no one or force can stop it.

This is public opinion, and this is the torrent of history. In a certain era, it forms an unstoppable momentum, and will not give up until the goal is achieved.

Director Ma was very shocked when he heard his powerful and deeply political and ethical words, and it was difficult to connect with the young man who was only under 20 years old in front of him.

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