Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 5 "Madman Lies"

At present, I only need to write a song as a stepping stone. The rest can be written temporarily after Zhou Lianpeng confirms the matter.

Compared with writing songs, the book he wants to write next is the most important thing, and it will definitely consume more energy because he has no plan to copy the book.

As the reform has just entered a new decade, although reform and opening up are in full swing in China, confusion is still common.

Those who have different views on reform not only exist among the people, but also many people in the government, and there have even been many major incidents.

Like the "fool melon seeds" incident that is often brought up by later generations, after several years of controversy, it is no surprise that its founder Nian Guangjiu will be sentenced next year.

Knowing that the old man made the southern tour, he completely strengthened his confidence in domestic reform and opening up. Nian Guangjiu was released afterward, and our country's economy has been on the fast track since then.

He does not intend to explain the importance of economic development from a theoretical level, because he is not qualified enough, and the writing is not very convincing, and it does not match his current status.

So he wrote a book about his imagination 20 years later, from the protagonist's perspective, to experience the protagonist's affluent and stable day-to-day life.

Compared with obscure theories, experiencing the tip of the iceberg of future life from the perspective of the protagonist is more able to arouse the resonance and yearning of the public.

Moreover, such a book can be understood by anyone who can read, which means that it has a broader market and has a high economic value.

The most important thing is that even if someone has an opinion on him, it won't affect him. Isn't it that others are not allowed to imagine the future?

This will extract yourself from the possible vortex, not only make money for yourself, but also point out the direction of the future for many people, and make more people firm in their current beliefs.

Thinking of this, he solemnly wrote "Madman's Lie" on the paper. The reason why he chose this name was because the scene described in the book was unimaginable at present.

Taking such a name, even if the content expressed in the book is a bit shocking to others, it can be forgiven, at least the title of the book has already said.

Anyway, he wants to write something now, to improve his sense of existence in this era, and he doesn't want to bear too many troubles, so he can extract himself and avoid being involved in it.

Chapter 1 is named Morning, and the content tells everything from the protagonist Xiao Ming getting up in the morning to going to work, focusing on the modern elements displayed in it.

Chapter 2 is named on the way to work, and it mainly tells about the modernization of transportation in the city after 20 years, reflecting the future urban transportation management and related content of urban governance.

Chapter 3 is named Work. Through this chapter, the scene of future office modernization, the use of various high-tech, and the display of communication means are described.

Of course, it also shows the relationship between people in the future. The reason for writing this is that the relationship between people in the future is very different from the present.


There are a total of twenty chapters in the whole book, and each chapter uses about 20 words to describe the scene inside, which means that the whole book has about [-] words.

It shows the use scenarios of various high-tech electronic products, and also shows various entertainment methods for human beings in the future. These contents are very conducive to the country's emphasis on the electronic semiconductor industry.

Regarding the content in this aspect, it can be said that it is reflected everywhere in the book, because in the future, no one can do without various electronic products.

Then there is the development of our country's transportation. This is what he feels the most, because he has just experienced a long journey of 4 days and 3 nights, and he has a deep nostalgia for future transportation.

For example, in a chapter of his book, he describes the scene where the protagonist is on a business trip. After get off work, he directly takes the high-speed railway to Tianjin, and the whole journey only takes half an hour.

This seems incredible now, but in the future, this will become a commonplace scene in people's daily life.

Although it is handwritten, the speed is much slower than computer typing, but he does not pursue how artistic the writing is, and basically maintains a writing speed of about [-] words per hour.

But even so, it still takes a lot of time to finish writing this book, and he is racing against time now, and he can't delay for a moment.

Because it's not just the time for him to write. After he finishes writing, he needs to submit the manuscript to the publishing house. After it is approved, it needs to be verified before it can be published.

The time spent here is much longer than the time to write a book, so I can feel at ease when I finish it one day earlier, hoping to get the royalties as soon as possible.

Therefore, an ordinary person has 10 hours of writing time a day, and he plans to use 20 hours, especially the period before military training, which is the period when he has more free time.

Because he didn't have much time to write when the freshmen were in military training, and it was already great to be able to write for 10 hours a day.

Since he got the talent training system, he has not really slept more than 4 hours a day, and the rest of the time is being trained by the system and doing experiments in the virtual laboratory.

That's why people in the village can always see him sleeping, and that's how he got his reputation as a "lazy man".

He has lived this kind of life for 10 years, and he has developed a habit. He does not feel tired or have any resistance to working 20 hours in a row.

That night, after the dormitory lights went out, he borrowed Zhou Lianpeng's book lamp, sat quietly on the desk, and silently wrote his own dreams, the dreams of the people, and the dreams of a country.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the roommates in the dormitory started to wake up one after another, especially the roommates from the countryside, who had no habit of sleeping in at all, and got up early.

When they saw that Ye Zishu was still in the same posture as before going to bed, lying on the desk and writing vigorously, the whole dormitory could only hear the rubbing sound of the pen tip and the paper.

"Ye Shu, you haven't slept yet?" Lin Feng asked after he got up in a low voice, patted his shoulder.

"What time is it?" Ye Zishu asked without stopping the pen in his hand.

"Looking at the sky, it should be already 6 o'clock." Lin Feng said in a low voice.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu also raised his head and looked out of the window. It was already completely lit up outside. In this season, the dawn is relatively early.

Seeing that he didn't intend to go to sleep, Lin Feng became a little anxious, and persuaded him, "Rome wasn't built in a day, so we should rest."

"Thanks, I'll finish this chapter right away, and sleep when I'm done!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu buried his head in the book again, and finished writing the last paragraph of Chapter 1. After half an hour passed, he finally finished the first paragraph, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Now is the time for new students to enroll. Due to the inconvenient transportation, the time left for new students to register is much more generous than in previous lives, so today is still a day of free activities.

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