Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 7 manuscript fee?

"This is really a longing-for life scene!" At this time, Han Pei finally finished reading Chapter 1 of this book, and said with emotion.

"How do you feel?" Director Ma asked.

"It's really shocking. If the scenes in this book can really be realized, the people should be very happy, right?" Han Pei replied.

"This is not necessarily the case. Happiness is closely related to people's desires, and it is also related to the pressure on individuals from all aspects of society."

Ye Zishu on the side continued, "happiness is a sensory word, and it cannot be judged simply by the superiority of material life, but by the general feeling of people at that time.

He had a deep understanding of this feeling in his previous life. Although material things are indeed much more abundant than before, happiness is getting farther and farther away from people.

This situation is caused by various reasons, and it is not easy to explain it in a few words, and it is not easy to solve it, otherwise it would have been solved long ago.

"I agree with Ye Ye's statement!" Director Ma firmly supported Ye Zishu's point of view.

"Well, the material base is always one aspect of the source of happiness, isn't that right?" Han Pei said with a smile.

"That's true, but it also depends on the difficulty of material acquisition and social fairness, because happiness has certain comparative attributes.

Don't look at the fact that everyone's monthly income does not exceed 100 yuan, but it is basically at this level, and resources will naturally not be excessively concentrated, and there is a premise of fair enjoyment.

If some people's monthly income reaches 1 yuan and another group's monthly income reaches 10 yuan, then there will be serious differentiation in the ability to compete for social resources.

At that time, although the monthly income will be higher than now, the ability to compete for social resources will be far weaker than it is now. Will these people be happy?

I think the high probability is that happiness is weakened, not enhanced, which is why the distribution of key social resources must be fair, and even relatively even to some extent. "

"This is contrary to the marketization trend that everyone is talking about now!" Director Ma said with a serious face while looking at Ye Zishu.

"Marketization does have unique advantages in allocating economic resources, but it is not a panacea. There has never been a theory that can conquer the world, nor a method that can pass the world.

We need to see the advantages of marketization, but we also need to have a clear understanding of the shortcomings of marketization. Only in this way can we use the tool of marketization well. "Leaf Book said.

Director Ma was very surprised to hear his arguments. These are definitely not the insights that students who have just graduated from high school can have.

This is not to say that current economists cannot see this, but that in order to promote their own ideas and theories, some of them deliberately ignore the other side of the matter.

Because they know very well that there has never been a perfect sociological theory in the world, and it can only be a trade-off of interests. As long as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, it is a feasible method in their view.

From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with advocating only marketization, because in many respects, marketization does have certain advantages and functions.

"Have you ever thought about writing a book about marketization?" Director Ma asked.

Because there are different opinions about marketization in China, and there is no conclusion yet, but the game between all parties is going on all the time.

As the leader of the publishing house, he can still clearly feel the shadow of swords and swords, so he has another angle to explain the idea of ​​marketization.

Ye Zishu, as a student who has just graduated from high school and entered an institution of higher learning, has absolutely few interests involved. The economic theory explained from his pen must be relatively objective and neutral.

It is rare that at such a young age, he already has such a profound knowledge of socioeconomics, and even has a certain amount of thinking and observation about human nature.

"Director Ma is joking, I am a fledgling boy with little talent and learning, how dare I have such delusions!" Ye Zishu immediately denied and refused.

This is not a joke, this occasion is not for him to intervene, even if he thinks his level is not bad, he would not dare to do so.

The danger here is even more dangerous than a battlefield with real swords and guns. Without background and strength, I dare not get involved at all. This is courting death.

His current goal is to make money, and then realize his ideal step by step. This is much safer and more realistic than flaunting his words for a while.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Director Ma didn't continue this topic, and not only didn't underestimate Ye Zishu who knew how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages at such a young age, but actually agreed with him very much in his heart.

"Then let's go back to this book. As a newcomer, the salary is generally lower, because the risk is greater." Director Ma said.

Hearing what Director Ma said, Ye Zishu sat upright. This was about to start talking about benefits, and he had to pay attention to it, because that was the purpose of his coming.

"If you have anything to say, Director Ma just say it!" Ye Zishu said.

"Well, we'll give you 20 yuan per thousand words, what do you think?" Director Ma asked.

Hearing Director Ma's words, Ye Zishu's mind was a little confused. Shouldn't the money be paid according to the percentage of the selling price, commonly known as royalties.

If it was only 20 yuan for a thousand words, this 20-word book would only cost 4000 yuan, which seems like a lot, and it would definitely solve his current predicament.

But the situation is far from what he imagined. According to this standard, even if he writes to death, he will not be able to gather enough capital to develop other businesses.

Seeing that Ye Zishu hadn't spoken for a long time, Director Ma reminded: "This is already a fairly high standard for manuscript fees in our industry, even higher than some old authors."

Hearing Director Ma's words, Ye Zishu came to his senses. The current domestic publishing industry is like this. Everyone is paid for manuscripts, and there is no such thing as royalties.

Just as he didn't know how to lead the topic to royalties, Han Pei next to him said directly: "The manuscript fee paid by Director Ma is indeed not low.

Moreover, this book runs counter to the current mainstream novels, and the market response is still uncertain. Our publishing house has taken a lot of risks. "

The current mainstream novels are indeed dominated by the dark side of the following society. It seems that if you don't write about darkness, you are not worthy of being a writer.

From this point of view, his novel is indeed different from the mainstream trend of thought, and naturally it has not been tested by the market, and the risk is much higher than the novel of the mainstream trend of thought.

But he believes that ordinary people look to the dark side of society with hope, which can make people reflect, but they are also full of longing for the bright and future, because this is what people want.

This is also the reason why he has more confidence in his novel. If he doesn't have confidence, he can honestly get the manuscript fee. Why bother to fight for royalties?

"What Sister Han said is that I believe everyone has heard the term royalties, which has become the mainstream payment method for publishing and distribution abroad.

We will follow the way of royalties. If the sales of the books are not good, you can reduce the loss. If the sales are good, I will not feel disadvantaged. This is also a practice of marketization! "

They were still discussing the issue of marketization just now, but as soon as they finished talking, they began to adopt a market-oriented approach to solve the problem of payment of remuneration, which stunned both Director Ma and Sister Han.

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