Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 594 Environmental Protection, Resource Reuse, and Healthcare Systems

The last topic is environmental protection. This was specifically brought up by Ye Zishu, because the country doesn't pay much attention to it at present, at least everyone ignores it subconsciously.

Everyone must know the importance of environmental protection, but economic development is considered more important. Taking the path of pollution first and then governance has become the economic development idea of ​​many politicians.

Leaf Book put forward a different view on this, not to mention whether the cost of treatment after pollution is cost-effective, but the increase in the number of disease patients caused by pollution is also a problem that cannot be ignored.

At present, the construction of the domestic medical system is not perfect enough. If you get sick, you can only rely on family financial expenditure to carry it over. This is a devastating blow to the relatively poor family economy.

Poverty due to illness may occur on a large scale. Although his Taiji Group is in the medical industry, he is unwilling to make such unconscionable money.

With regard to environmental protection, he did not hide anything, and very openly described the business situation of Kylin Environmental Industry Group and their environmental protection technology.

In fact, the establishment of this group is not too early. Before the establishment of this group company, he had already provided a lot of environmental protection technologies to its industries, but it was relatively scattered and did not specialize in this area.

Enterprises such as Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in the manufacturing of electronic semiconductors, will produce a lot of pollutants and have a very high incidence of disease if they do not carry out environmental protection treatment.

After the establishment of Kylin Environmental Industry Group, he began to gradually gather the environmental protection technology and industrial talents he provided before into this group enterprise, specializing in environmental protection business.

The reason why he raised the topic of environmental protection is that he believes that it is not too early to pay attention to environmental protection. First, the amount of foreign exchange in my country has increased rapidly, and there is no longer a lack of foreign exchange as before.

In this way, my country's dependence on foreign trade will not be as great as before, and low-end manufacturing will not be the main source of foreign exchange earnings. Now there are only two roads in front of us.

One is to improve the technical content of the low-end manufacturing industry, at least to transition to the mid-end manufacturing industry, so as to keep up with the rapidly increasing labor costs.

According to Ye Zishu, the per capita monthly salary of his subordinates will reach 2000 yuan next year, and depending on the situation in the next year, if the development is good, it may reach 4000 yuan, and if the performance is normal, it will also increase to 3000 yuan.

Regardless of whether this is just the behavior of his subsidiaries, the impact is actually very large, because the number of employees in his entire industry is expected to reach 2000 million this year, and there will be more in the future.

The number of people affected has reached hundreds of millions, and this influence is very large. The salary increase of his industrial personnel will inevitably bring the salary increase of related positions in other enterprises.

With the current level of low-end manufacturing, it is difficult to cope with the next situation. It is difficult to increase the price to obtain international competitiveness. If there is no increase, there will not be many people to work for them.

Therefore, he believes that environmental protection can play an important role in this process. On the one hand, it can protect the environment and reduce a series of problems caused by environmental pollution.

On the other hand, it is to force the existing low-end manufacturing industry to transform into a mid-to-high-end manufacturing industry, so as to enhance the global competitiveness of my country's industrial industry, instead of simply relying on low human resource costs.

As for mid-to-high-end manufacturing technology, there is actually no shortage. His industries provide a series of related technologies and equipment support from hardware to software.

It’s just that everyone was used to the situation of low-end manufacturing before, and felt that it was not worthwhile to spend high prices to purchase these software, technologies and equipment. Only some far-sighted companies realized that they could not always struggle in the field of low-end manufacturing.

Of course, there are still many problems to be solved. A large part of the reason why these companies are struggling at the low end is because of insufficient funds. Even with the best technical support, there is no way to upgrade.

Therefore, related financial services must keep up, but this is not so easy to solve. State-owned banks still prefer state-owned enterprises, and it is very difficult for private enterprises to obtain financing.

Not to mention these small and medium-sized enterprises, even the enterprises under Ye Zishu, it is not an easy task to raise large-scale financing.

Regarding the issue of environmental protection, Ye Zishu only expressed his views and explained how to solve the problem systematically. As for how to do it, he didn't say much.

Anyway, the main source of profit of Kirin Environmental Industry Group is its industries and the soon-to-be-launched automobile industry. These industries are enough to support the group company.

One thing to mention here is the car exhaust gas treatment technology. Ye Zishu specially arranged an exhaust gas collection device, which can directly collect the carbon dioxide gas emitted by the car.

The reason why this device is used is because it can indeed make money. Even if a set of such a device sells for 5000 yuan, the number of cars in the world is in the unit of [-] million.

The income brought by the hardware equipment alone is as high as hundreds of billions, not to mention that the use of this device requires the consumption of consumables. Each car also needs to spend about 3000 yuan on consumables every year.

On the other hand, it is convenient to collect carbon industrial raw materials. Compared with separating carbon dioxide from the air, the carbon industrial raw materials collected by this device are cheaper.

The reason why the cost of exhaust gas treatment reagents is so high is that they want to pay a higher price when collecting these materials, so that everyone must be more active in selling these exhaust gas solids in order to recover their costs.

Then Ye Zishu talked about seawater desalination. At present, the water resources in the south are relatively sufficient, but the water resources in the north continue to decrease, which has attracted great attention.

Ye Zishu is going to let Kirin Environmental Industry Group build a seawater desalination plant in the Bohai Bay area to supply water resources for Central China and Northeast China.

If the government is willing to provide support, he is even willing to provide water resources for the Northwest region, but the water delivery route is long and the construction funds are relatively large. Without financial support, as an enterprise, he is not willing to do it.

Ye Zishu also explained the level of seawater desalination technology of Kirin Environmental Industry Group, so that everyone can judge whether seawater desalination is feasible.

In fact, he has not given the seawater desalination technology to Qilin Environmental Industry Group, because he has not used it for a short time before, and it will not be too late when he uses it.

Now it seems that to give them a whole set of cheap and efficient seawater desalination technology in advance, at least some demonstration seawater desalination projects must be built in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to promote this matter on a large scale with empty words.

The core technology of seawater desalination is the production of filtration membranes. The manufacturing conditions are already available, but it is not a simple matter to find out which filtration membranes are effective.

Now that we talked about seawater desalination, Ye Zishu naturally also talked about the treatment of urban wastewater and solid waste. Currently, the treatment of urban wastewater is chemical treatment plus physical filtration.

Solid waste treatment is basically directly buried, but Ye Zishu has more advanced waste treatment and wastewater treatment technology, hoping to let Kylin Environmental Industry Group participate in this business.

Someone at the scene suggested that Kirin Environmental Industry Group should conduct a pilot project in one city first to verify whether the technology meets the standard, and the cost is acceptable, and it will not be too late to promote it on a large scale.

Naturally, there is no problem with Ye Zishu. In fact, he really hopes to be able to participate in these industries. For others, this is a difficult business to do.

But for him, it is a very meaningful business. One is more environmentally friendly disposal methods to make urban life better.

Second, the relevant costs borne by urban residents will not be too high, and may be higher than the current processing methods, because many of them are simple and crude processing methods, but they are definitely cheaper than similar-level processing technologies.

The third is that he hopes to be able to recycle resources by processing these waste water, garbage, etc. In such a large country, if the people want to have sufficient supplies, resource recycling is an indispensable technology.

Take wastewater treatment as an example, through the filtration of hundreds of membranes, various minerals and organic substances in the water can be filtered out, and then treated and purified, so as to turn waste into treasure.

Everyone present highly affirmed Ye Zishu's concept of development. Our country's traditional concept includes diligence and frugality, not to mention that this is the road we have to take in the future.

With such a large population, it is not a long-term solution if you do not pay attention to resource reuse technology and blindly rely on imports. On the one hand, it is easy to get stuck.

In fact, in seawater desalination plants, attention will also be paid to extracting minerals from seawater. Although it is incomparable with large-scale mineral deposits, it is somewhat beneficial.

The most typical is food production, carbon-related proteins, starch, vitamins, etc., can be artificially synthesized, in addition to other trace minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, etc.

In the past, it was absorbed through chemical fertilizers or from the soil, but in industrial production, these trace elements must be artificially added to ensure the nutrition of food.

And these trace elements can be extracted from seawater. In addition, there are a lot of them in domestic wastewater, which can reduce the dependence on mineral imports.

After talking about environmental protection, Ye Zishu mentioned the necessity of establishing a basic medical insurance system covering all people in the country, and it is best to include major diseases in it.

This suggestion has been recognized by many people, but they have no idea whether it can be implemented, because the establishment of such a system requires huge financial support, and the public must actively respond to it.

If everyone does not participate in insurance, it will be impossible to establish a basic medical insurance system with wide coverage. If there is no financial support, there may be certain difficulties in its operation.

In view of these, Ye Zishu explained in detail the construction of Taiji Group's medical industry system, medical research and development, and disease prevention technology development.

He said all this to strengthen everyone's confidence, and proposed a proportional payment model to avoid an excessively high proportion of medical expenditure in gdp. He also cited the example of old m's medical system as a counterexample.

Leaf Book believes that it is more reasonable to control it within 10% in the end, and the medical services provided must meet certain standards so that the service quality and income can match.

He believes that Taiji Group can do the best in this regard, but it doesn't matter what it says, and it depends on how Taiji Group will do in terms of medical system construction, pharmaceutical research and development output, and disease prevention.

Therefore, it only proposed the concept of medical system construction, and did not directly push Taiji Group to the foreground. Whether it can be done or not depends on the future development of Taiji Group.

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