Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 595 Planning to Personally Invest in the Agricultural Field

In addition to these important things, we also talked about many topics, including artificial intelligence technology. I didn't expect everyone present to be interested in it.

It is no secret that Phoenix Technology has artificial intelligence technology in its hands. Anyone with a little analytical ability can guess something, but Phoenix Technology has not responded positively.

Adherence is an application of intelligent technology. Whether the outside world believes it or not, I can believe it anyway, and the outside world has no good way.

In the last hacking incident, the ultimate goal of the mastermind behind the scenes was actually to obtain technical information in this area, because obtaining artificial intelligence technology is tantamount to standing on the same level.

On other occasions, he might not admit it, but on this occasion, he can't be careless, and can only admit that Phoenix Technology has a not-so-advanced artificial intelligence technology.

At the same time, it also briefly explained the basic principles of artificial intelligence technology, which can dispel some doubts, fearing that it is artificial intelligence with personal consciousness.

Of course, he also briefly introduced the field of artificial intelligence use, basically using the actual use of his companies as examples, such as the use of artificial intelligence technology in the enterprise management system.

Now that we have talked about this topic, Ye Zishu also used the artificial intelligence technology in Baihe Software's government affairs system as an example, in order to help Baihe Software develop more e-government markets.

Another example is the artificial blood synthesis production technology of the Taiji Group. This news is no longer a secret. The business of the Taiji Group will be officially put into production soon, and relevant approval procedures need to be completed.

Moreover, by disclosing the news to major medical institutions in advance, more units can come to order, mainly hospitals, followed by scientific research institutes and other scientific research units, so that after a predetermined order is made, mass production can be carried out after production.

It seems that someone has some information about this technology in advance, and they don't care about the technology itself, although this is also very remarkable.

But they are more concerned about whether there are more complex technologies, such as organ culture technology, which is a huge breakthrough for medical technology.

Although Ye Shu did not admit that it can be realized now, he still said that it is very likely to be realized in the future, and he also proposed more advanced meat product production technology.

But these are just future prospects. When it will be realized depends on what he means. At least he is so busy at the moment, so the priority is definitely not particularly high.

In addition to these questions, there is another very interesting question, that is why he did not publish related papers. This should be a place where people who know him feel very puzzled.

For example, artificial blood synthesis production technology, if he published a paper, he would definitely win a Nobel Prize-level honor, but he didn't publish any papers.

There are many others. It can be said that as long as he is willing, he will get soft hands even if he has a clone. For young people, this is an extremely honorable thing.

Of course, the same is true for the country. If there is a super master in the country, it is also of positive significance to attract many top scholars.

In response to this problem, Ye Zishu also gave his own explanations. There are two main reasons. One is that there is no time. It may not take long to write a paper, but it is very annoying if there are too many, and it has no practical significance for him personally.

The second is that it is not the right time. The domestic economy is relatively low, and many top talents have gone out. In addition, the domestic education system is not perfect enough, and the nutrition that China can absorb from it is definitely less than that of foreign countries.

To sum up, the current priority is not to publish many papers, but to improve the country's technical and economic strength. Anyway, the relevant technologies have registered patents and cannot be taken away.

For his statement, many people are noncommittal, but they also respect his wishes. Everyone has their own views on something, and sometimes there is no right or wrong.

There are also people who are more interested in him. His life trajectory is actually very clear. He grew up in the countryside and did not leave the county until he entered college.

When he was in his hometown, apart from good academic performance, he didn't have a particularly outstanding performance, and even the music he relied on to make a fortune didn't show much talent.

However, since entering university, it seems that he has been cheating all the way, creating such a big situation in just a few years, it has blinded the eyes of many people, and it feels a bit unreal.

To their curiosity, Ye Zishu also gave some simple answers, focusing on explaining his way of thinking, so as to explain why he was able to come up with so many technologies.

Although the theory of the way of thinking he talked about feels like a fantasy, because what he expresses is to think from the most basic principles and principles, and gradually build up his entire knowledge framework.

This means that almost all scientific principles have to be thought through by himself. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is no different from the Arabian Nights, and it is difficult for anyone to do it.

But in the face of his statement, no one raised any objections, because it is this unique thinking ability that can produce different results. Of course, this also depends on his powerful brain.

No matter what, no one would think that he has cheats by his side. Even if cheating online novels are popular, no one would doubt that as long as they are rational people, they can distinguish the difference between reality and fictional stories.

The whole process of the talks was actually quite smooth, and some issues were temporarily unresolved, but at least he expressed his thoughts, which was enough.

After thinking about the entire meeting process, Ye Zishu didn't find anything wrong, so he started the car and rushed home, and it was already seven o'clock when he arrived home.

Pei Qing had already prepared dinner. When she saw him coming in, she hurried over, took the bag in his hand, and said, "Hurry up and eat, the food has just been prepared."

Ye Zishu took off his coat and said with a smile, "You can smell the aroma as soon as you open the door. Your cooking skills are getting better and better."

"Eat as much as you like, and you won't be able to eat it after you leave here." Pei Qing said.

Taiji Group has no business in Xi'an, so even if Pei Qing finds an excuse to go and see him, there is no chance. This time we parted, and I don't know when we can meet again.

Seeing Pei Qing's depressed mood, Ye Zishu touched her face with his hand and said, "Don't be so unhappy!"

"En." Pei Qing didn't say much, but simply responded.

Ye Zishu didn't know how to comfort her, so she picked up her rice bowl and started to eat. Pei Qing might have adjusted her mood, so she also started to eat, and then asked, "Is this meeting going well?"

"It's not bad. We have reached consensus on some issues, and some issues have no clear results. I actually don't have high expectations for this meeting. I just need to express my thoughts clearly." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing didn't ask for details. Some things are inconvenient to inquire about, but Ye Zishu still talked about his statement about medical treatment.

Regarding this issue, there is actually no clear result, but it can also be used as a reference by Pei Qing, which is very helpful for adjusting its business.

As for other issues, there is no need to talk to Pei Qing, but Ye Zishu suggested that the agricultural business of Tai Chi Group should be gradually transferred to Qilin Industrial Group.

Anyway, the development of this business is not smooth, it is a rather weak business in the whole group, and it doesn't fit well with the business of the whole group.

He intends to set up a Kylin Agricultural Development Group under the Kylin Industrial Group, specializing in the research and development of agricultural production technology, the cultivation of crop varieties, and the construction of agricultural sales channels.

The main thing is to provide technology, planting and sales channel services for agricultural production, so that many problems can be avoided.

If the state allows, in order to accelerate the development of advanced agricultural industries, he can also provide certain financial services, even lower interest rates than banks.

And this part of financial services can be obtained from the money he earns from the financial market. After all, he has to spend all the money he has earned, and it is impossible to put all of it in a bank account.

It is actually unrealistic to use all the funds for financial securities investment. With tens of billions of funds, you can move forward and retreat freely in the securities market.

Once it exceeds hundreds of billions or even trillions of yuan, it will be difficult to come and go freely, so his investment strategy is that the overall investment funds should not exceed one trillion yuan.

Once it is exceeded, the profits must be cashed out and transferred to his personal account, and the remaining funds will be used for investment, adopting this model of ants moving to make money from the financial market.

With the money he earned, what he most wants to do is agricultural investment. Unlike industrial investment, many people are unwilling to do agricultural investment, resulting in too little capital entering the agricultural industry.

If he doesn't pay attention, it will take more than ten years for my country's agricultural investment funds to be abundant. When the funds in the capital market don't know where to invest, they will pay attention to agriculture that they have not paid attention to for a long time.

And the government's financial funds will not be invested in advanced agricultural production on a large scale in the short term, because these funds will be invested in places they think are more needed.

That being the case, he can only invest by himself. The profits generated by his industrial industries still need to continue to be invested in the industrial field. The investment in the domestic industrial field is not saturated, and the demand for funds is also great.

He can only use the profits he earns to support the development of domestic agriculture. He may not make much money in the early stage, but he thinks it is possible to make money in the later stage.

When others think that it is not making money, he will not have so many people competing with him. By the time others notice that he is making money in this area, he has already occupied the entire track, leaving no chance for others.

What's more, these agricultural investment funds still entered his industrial system in various ways, and most of the money still entered his own pocket, so he didn't suffer a loss.

"When will you turn around?" Pei Qing asked.

She didn't feel bad about giving up this business at all, she thought it was not suitable, but Ye Shu asked them to do this, and they could only do this.

"Let's wait until the end of the year. I don't have the energy to do this right now, and Kirin Industrial Group doesn't have much money." Ye Zishu said.

In the second half of the year, some industries of Kirin Industrial Group will start production one after another, which may generate good profits, and will be able to accept this business by then.

"I don't have a problem here, just transfer over there when the time comes." Pei Qing said.

After this matter was finished, the two of them ate with peace of mind. After the meal, Pei Qing cleaned up the table, Ye Zishu washed the dishes, and then went straight to the study.

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