Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 593 conducts a broad and profound discussion

As far as grain production is concerned, the principles of the two sides are the same, that is, orderly production, and farmers must be given time for orderly transformation, and they should not be rushed.

Prior to this, Leaf Book spent a lot of space explaining in detail the details of the grain production process, as well as the cost of grain production, etc., which was affirmed by all the participants.

Although this technology has not yet been demonstrated, just rely on his mouth, but everyone did not doubt the truth of what he said, because the truth will always come when it is verified.

Then there were also discussions on grain storage and sales. According to Ye Zishu's thinking, he naturally hoped to do it all by himself, so that he could control the initiative of the entire industry.

But this idea has not been realized. According to the results of the negotiation, the grain production can be in charge of the Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group, after all, the technology is in their hands.

However, in terms of grain reserves, it is handed over to COFCO. COFCO will reserve grain according to a certain amount every year. As for the excess grain, Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group can sell it by itself.

In terms of domestic grain management, the general grain sales business is handed over to COFCO, while the improved grain sales business is still in the hands of Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group.

Then on the price of grain, the two sides started a principled negotiation, because it has not been produced yet, and the cost is still not very sure. Ye Shu only mentioned an approximate figure.

But in principle, it is agreed that the ex-factory price of each catty of grain is between 0.8 yuan and 1 yuan, so that the terminal sales price can be guaranteed to be around 2 yuan.

Just considering the current income situation of the domestic people, Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group was required to sell at a low price in the early stage, and the ex-factory price of grain per catty was set at about 0.5 yuan.

Selling at this price, Qilin Grain and Oil Industry Group would not only lose money, but also suffer losses, but Ye Zishu agreed because it was a practical need.

The ex-factory price of grain is too high, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of living of the people, and grain is a basic consumer product that cannot be replaced, and he does not have much opinion on operating at a loss in the early stage.

When the per capita monthly income of residents exceeds 2000 yuan, the ex-factory price of grain can be raised to 0.8 yuan per catty. If the per capita monthly income of residents reaches 4000 yuan, the ex-factory price of grain can be raised to 1 yuan per catty.

Afterwards, no matter how much the income of domestic residents increases, Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group can only supply grain at a maximum price of 1 yuan, and cannot continue to raise prices.

Of course, these are all for ordinary grain prices, such as improved grain prices, which fully follow the market-oriented principles. As long as the Kirin Industrial Group has the ability, it will be no problem to sell tens or hundreds of yuan per catty.

Because these improved grain products are not aimed at ordinary consumers, they are all aimed at high-income groups, and countries with high prices can still collect taxes and fees from them, because the country is not prepared to collect taxes and fees for ordinary grain.

This involves the issue of agricultural tax. With the obvious improvement of the national economy in recent years, the rapid increase of industrial and commercial tax revenue, and the lower and lower proportion of agricultural tax, it is considered unnecessary to continue to collect agricultural tax.

Then, relevant principled discussions were held on agricultural transformation and agricultural technology development. Everyone realized that agricultural production can no longer continue the traditional model, and must be transformed to high-quality, high-efficiency, large-scale, and controllable.

In order to achieve all these standards, it is necessary to work hard on technology, among which advanced variety breeding technology and advanced cultivation technology are the key.

In the past, agriculture was dependent on the weather and was greatly affected by the climate. The instability of agriculture would have a certain impact on domestic economic life.

Therefore, controllability has also been specifically mentioned to reduce the adverse impact of climate on crop production and increase the coverage of stable crop production.

In this regard, Leaf Book also introduced his advanced crop production technology, which has played an important role in the field of medicinal planting.

It’s just that the current cost is relatively high. If it is used in the production of ordinary crops, it will lead to an increase in the cost of ordinary crops. Considering the current domestic per capita income level, it is not possible to promote it on a large scale.

However, this part does not mean that it cannot be done at all. The low income of the people is temporary, and the export business of high-end agricultural products can also be done.

It’s just that these are small businesses, and Ye Zishu only mentioned it, and didn’t discuss it in detail, but he also said here that through the development of high-end agriculture, it will drive exploratory research on advanced agricultural production.

After all, he is very confident in the development of the domestic economy. As long as the per capita monthly income reaches the level of 1 yuan, high-end agricultural products will have great market prospects in China.

In these respects, the state encourages its industries to provide technical support and participate in the wave of advanced agricultural development and reform.

Ye Zishu also agreed in principle, but he is very clear that it is useless to work hard on his own. Agriculture is not a business that he can manage alone. He must cooperate with all parties and need more policy support.

And at present, he hasn't put too much energy into the technology of biological cultivation, because there are many things he thinks are more important to do, and he doesn't have time for the time being.

In any case, he is very happy to be able to reach a consensus on agricultural reform and development. As long as he realizes the importance of this area now, good development will happen sooner or later.

During the meeting, everyone also highly affirmed his industries, such as Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company, Taiji Group and other enterprises.

This is what it should be, because these companies not only make our country a world leader in these fields, but also earn a lot of wealth for the country.

However, Ye Zishu took this opportunity to explain his ideas and plans for the development of the domestic economy and industry. For example, he explained in detail why the industries under the Kirin Industrial Group should be placed in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei.

Which provinces and regions will be developed in the future? For example, Tai Chi Group has put its cosmetics business in Sichuan, and it may also put the airliner manufacturing industry chain there in the future.

There are many other examples like this. Among them, he specifically mentioned Huanyu Group, a small and transparent group company, which made the leaders realize the importance of this group.

Around the transportation industry, an industry worth several trillion yuan can be born. If it develops well, it may break through the 10 yuan mark. It is an industry that cannot be ignored.

At present, Huanyu Group is in the accumulation stage, and the reason why he specifically proposed it is to let everyone present understand his thoughts on the development of the domestic transportation industry.

In fact, transportation development has always been highly valued by the state, but before that, firstly, the funds were not enough, and secondly, the technology was not strong. If Huanyu Group can solve the technical problems, it is equivalent to solving half of the problems.

As for the funding problem, with the rapid development of the domestic economy, it will be gradually resolved. He thinks it is necessary to start a reasonable plan from now on.

In particular, he proposed an integrated technical solution for maglev rail trains on the spot, which can directly increase the speed of my country's rail transit to a theoretical value of more than 900 kilometers per hour, and a stable operating speed of 850 kilometers per hour.

If such an efficient rail transit network is built, the efficiency of domestic personnel exchanges will be much higher, and the speed of commodity logistics will also become faster.

There is also the development of the aviation industry. Ye Zishu explained in detail the timetable for the development of the aviation industry of Huanyu Group, which will help all parties to prepare in advance.

The development of the aviation industry must have an airport, and the construction time of an airport is not short, at least two or three years, and it needs to be planned and developed in advance.

If the domestic aviation industry is to be developed, on the one hand, of course, it must rely on advanced aviation technology. In this regard, Ye Zishu can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem.

On the other hand, supporting facilities are needed, and the airport is the top priority, as well as an advanced aviation management system, a relatively open aviation environment, and a certain level of national income.

At the same time, Ye Zishu also talked about the development plan of Huanyu Group's automobile industry and shipbuilding industry. Shipbuilding has not yet started, so it is not particularly detailed.

But on the development of the automobile industry, Ye Zishu explained in more detail, because Huanyu Group is already doing this, and it will not be long before there will be results.

For the rapid development of the automobile industry, in addition to economic factors, the most important thing is the development of transportation infrastructure. Ye Zishu proposed to vigorously develop the hardening construction of expressways and rural roads.

In this regard, the state agrees with the participation of private enterprises and the use of private capital to vigorously develop highway construction, which is conducive to the construction of a nationwide highway network as soon as possible.

Of course, Leaf Book's capital is also allowed to participate, but Yep Book really has no time to take care of it at present, because many funds have specific uses.

The construction of the expressway network has the characteristics of large investment, long payback period and long construction period, which are not the industries he likes at present.

Whether or not to get involved in this investment, Ye Zishu can only make a decision after looking at the annual financial reports of his industries. If he has enough funds, he is naturally willing to invest.

If he is asked to borrow money for construction, he will not be willing. According to the bank's loan interest rate, it will take a long time to pay back the cost of most expressways after they are completed.

Finally, Ye Zishu talked about the White Tiger Technology Company, which is currently only engaged in satellite technology research and development and satellite production. He wants to further expand the company's business scope.

At the meeting, Ye Zishu believed that the rapid economic development of our country is gratifying, but the development of advanced military technology should not be ignored, otherwise it will easily cause covetousness.

Regarding the development of Baihu Technology Company's involvement in military technology, Ye Zishu also proposed its own plan. This company provides integrated technical solutions and the production of various components.

However, it is not necessary to use the name of Baihu Technology Company. On the one hand, a compromise is required to do so, which will make it easier for Baihu Technology Company to carry out related businesses.

On the other hand, he is unwilling to show his face. After all, this company still belongs to him, and showing his face may implicate his other industries.

Therefore, the obvious business of Baihu Technology Company is only satellite R&D, manufacturing and operation. As for other businesses, they just do not talk about it, and they will not mark the logo of Baihu Technology Company on any products.

This model is actually not unfamiliar. Xuanwu Technology Company is actually like this. They are only responsible for production, but the name is given to Qinglong Technology Company.

Although it is not exactly the same as the model of Baihu Technology Company, the two still have a lot in common. This cooperation model has caught the eyes of many people, and they have conducted more in-depth discussions on these issues.

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