Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 592 A Profound Talk

When I got home, it was already 05:30 in the afternoon. Ye Zishu looked at the refrigerator and saw that there was no food in it, so he called Pei Qing and asked her to come back and bring some food.

Then I went directly into the study to prepare for tomorrow's meeting. Although I don't know what the specific meeting will be, I can guess the sevens and eights.

After all, these are the main areas he is busy with, and there is a high probability that he will talk about industrial development, economic development, and the areas he wants to develop in the future.

His value in the field of industrial economic development has been proven. To make the domestic economy develop faster, making good use of his talent is a relatively important issue.

The industrial system structure he built before is actually relatively rough, because the development time is still short, so he can only build the skeleton first, and then slowly enrich the entire system.

For example, in the field of electronic semiconductor manufacturing, he grasped the development idea of ​​taking personal computers and other products as the leader, so as to build the entire electronic semiconductor industry chain.

However, the field of electronic semiconductor manufacturing is not limited to these products, there are many more professional and less popular fields, which he did not take into account.

Another example is Kirin Industrial Group, which also builds an entire carbon industry chain based on bulk consumer goods such as textiles, grain and oil, paper, and energy.

On the one hand, of course, it is because he does not have so much energy to focus on more subdivided fields. After all, even if he has three heads and six arms, he is only one person, and it is impossible to cover everything.

On the other hand, I still hope that these subdivisions can be handed over to the subgroups themselves, so that they can have stronger industrial planning and development capabilities and not rely too much on him.

Generally speaking, as long as the entire industrial chain is established, it is not difficult to develop businesses in subdivided fields, as long as they have keen market insight and do a good job of market analysis.

As for the technology, it is basically in place. Even if some intermediate links are lacking, these problems can be solved by relying on the already experienced scientific research team.

Last year, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. had consciously developed this way, and it also gave him a big surprise. Up to now, their development outside the main business is actually not slow.

Therefore, the topic of this meeting will not involve details or subdivisions, so what he needs to do is the next development direction and ideas of the new main industry.

Others may also talk about the international economic situation and the development direction of emerging industries. One is an important factor affecting economic development, and the other is where the future economic growth lies.

While Ye Zishu was thinking about these issues, Pei Qing might have gone to buy groceries, and it was already 06:30 when she came back. Seeing that Ye Zishu was not in the living room, she knocked on the door of the study, and then opened the door to come in.

Seeing that Ye Zishu was sitting on the chair without doing any work, he just sat there and said in surprise, "What's wrong with you? Have you encountered a problem?"

Ye Zishu gave her a brief account of the afternoon's affairs, and then said: "Isn't it because I want to think things through in advance, so as to avoid unclear expression or unclear thinking at that time?"

"I think you still have a certain amount of pressure. In fact, there is no need. Judging from the leaders I have contacted, they are relatively easy to deal with." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Ye Zishu also didn't want to continue chatting on this topic, instead of continuing to answer the conversation, he asked, "Will you make dinner or should I?"

Pei Qing was also in Linglong's mind, and she didn't continue to dwell on the previous problem, but said with a smile: "Let me come, you can take a good rest here."

After Pei Qing left the study, Ye Zishu really felt that there was no need to worry about it, so he simply started the previous work and did these technical things to calm his heart.

Dealing with people is actually quite tiring, and it is not a pleasant thing to try to figure out, at least for him, technology is more to his liking.

Pei Qing's cooking became more and more efficient. In half an hour, she prepared two dishes and one soup. After serving it on the table, she knocked on the door of the study and said, "Come and eat."

Ye Zishu suspended the work at hand and came to the restaurant to sit down. Pei Qing was still wearing an apron, served him a bowl of rice, and sat down after him.

"The graduation ceremony is over, are you planning to leave the capital?" Pei Qing asked in a low mood.

Although Ye Zishu did not say when he would leave, Pei Qing could still feel that it was only a few days before he left the capital.

The two had just lived a gluey life for a few days, and they were about to separate. They didn't know how long they would be apart, and it was inevitable that they would be unhappy.

Women are different from men in that they are much more emotional. Even if she is already the president of a giant company, she still cannot escape the pain of parting, nor can she retain or stop her.

The man's ambition is all over the world, not to mention that he owns so many properties, it is impossible to stay at home all the time. Although I don't know what he is doing this time when he goes to Xi'an, it must be very important.

"I was planning to leave the day after tomorrow and stay with you for a day tomorrow, but now the situation has changed, I plan to postpone my departure until the day after tomorrow, and I will stay with you for a day the day after tomorrow, okay?" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing that he set aside a day to accompany her, Pei Qing finally got some comfort, she felt a little happier, and said, "You must count your words."

Seeing Pei Qing's appearance as a little girl, Ye Zishu couldn't help but smile, and then said, "Would you like to pull the hook?"

"Go, I'm not that boring." Pei Qing said angrily, did he really treat him like a child?

After finishing the meal, Pei Qing cleaned up the dishes and said, "Don't be too busy at night!"

Ye Zishu understood the implication behind these words, and could only agree, "Well, I'll go to bed at 10 o'clock, it's okay."

"That's about the same." Pei Qing said with a blushing face.

There is no need to talk about the following things. Ye Zishu got up an hour earlier the next day, saying that he would meet at nine o'clock, but he couldn't really step on it.

After washing up, I drove directly to the road, bought breakfast at a roadside stall, and continued driving after eating. I arrived at the place at 08:30. After some formalities, more than 10 minutes passed.

Originally, I thought that I would not be able to see the chief until exactly nine o'clock, but in fact, he was notified to come over at eight fifty, and it seemed that he did not arrive at the agreed time.

It is inconvenient to go into details about the meeting process. I thought it was just a meeting with a chief executive, but several people came to the scene, which made him feel a lot more stressed.

He was still a little restrained at the beginning, but as the topic continued to expand and deepen, he gradually lost this feeling and returned to his usual free and easy appearance.

The meeting was very long, much longer than he expected. After the morning talk, he had lunch here at noon and rested for half an hour. The talk continued in the afternoon and did not end until 5 pm.

After driving through the security check, he drove away for a certain distance, then stopped the car, and reviewed the meeting of the day in detail. In his opinion, it was a meeting with far-reaching significance.

This meeting was an open and candid meeting. Neither side made any secrets, and put their respective concerns on the table, which is more conducive to quickly reaching a consensus.

Generally speaking, the meeting was very successful, and many worries in his heart disappeared, and he even got a lot of support and promises, which he did not expect before coming.

For example, with regard to energy issues, Ye Zishu rarely disclosed the entire energy development idea to the outside world, and currently only develops solar power generation projects.

If it only stops here, it will not cause much disturbance. First, the outside world does not know the level of their solar power generation technology, so it may still be considered in a conventional way.

On the other hand, there are not many interests involved. Solar power generation is an emerging industry. Without the deep-rooted interest chain in the traditional energy market, naturally there are not many interests involved.

Therefore, although Kirin Industrial Group is actively deploying the solar power generation industry, it has not caused too much disturbance, and it has not attracted much attention in the energy industry.

However, if it is known that he wants to extend the solar power generation industry to the traditional energy industry, it may poke a hornet's nest, which will not only cause huge interests in the country, but also in the international arena.

In fact, he is relatively reassured in China, because my country's per capita energy resources are not rich, and the demand for energy will become stronger with the rapid economic growth and the improvement of people's lives.

Although it will damage the interests of some energy companies in China, it is generally controllable. At worst, part of the interests will be allocated and the energy sales end will be given up. Kirin Industrial Group will only focus on the production end.

The international market may be hostile to them. After all, before, everyone relied on God to reward them for food. It was all about whether there were mineral resources in the land, which was very fair.

Now he can produce it himself, which is terrifying, and it means that he does not have to worry about the depletion of large oil and gas resources, and it is also a green energy source, and its competitiveness is not bad.

According to his calculation, if the calculation is based on 0.2 yuan per kilowatt-hour of electricity, the cost of producing one cubic meter of natural gas is about the same as that of producing one liter of gasoline, both around 2.2 yuan.

This is calculated according to the cost of solar power generation. In fact, the electricity price Kirin Industrial Group has earned nearly 10 times the gross profit, which is quite profitable.

Based on this fossil energy production cost, plus reasonable profits, taxes, and transportation costs, the price of natural gas at the final sale end should not exceed 3 yuan per cubic meter, and the price of gasoline per liter should not exceed 4 yuan.

Although the fuel oil is relatively more expensive than the oil and gas countries in the Middle East, it is much cheaper than the import price. The most important thing is that it can get rid of the limitation of relying on external supply for energy and fully realize energy self-sufficiency.

If it is sold at this price, it will be much cheaper than the domestic sales price of oil and gas in the previous life, and there is no need for government subsidies to come in.

At the meeting, he also put forward his own point of view, that is, there are two ways of supplying energy at fixed prices and supplying at market prices. The supply of fixed prices means supplying at negotiated prices regardless of the international energy prices.

The advantage of doing so is that it can stabilize domestic energy prices and will not fluctuate with international energy price fluctuations, which is conducive to the stability of residents' and industrial and commercial costs.

If the price is dynamically adjusted according to the international energy price, the disadvantage is obvious, that is, the energy market fluctuates greatly, and the advantage is that if the international energy price is lower, the domestic price will also be cheaper.

However, after a comprehensive calculation, he believes that adopting a fixed negotiated price is more conducive to the domestic economy and people's livelihood, and then sets separate prices for industrial and commercial and residential energy prices.

In this way, residents can use natural gas at a lower price. After all, the current price is still very high compared to the income of domestic residents.

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