Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 58 Applying for 863 Program Projects

Early the next morning, the class teacher came over and said that a group of 6 experts would come to verify it later, and hoped that he would bring his new programming language and go with him first.

Follow the head teacher to the conference room, where a computer has been prepared. There is no projector, but there is a movable blackboard in the corner.

He first installed his new programming language on the computer. Due to the existence of the underlying intelligence, it can be used directly without debugging, which is very convenient.

Then copy the relevant materials that have been used to the computer. When the experts are willing to read them, let them read them. If they don’t want to, he can just tell the key points on the blackboard.

When the time came to 9:6 am, six experts arrived one after another. Even the president of Tsinghua University and the dean of his school came here, which shows how much they attach importance to this matter.

After the meeting started, Ye Zishu first came to the blackboard and began to explain his original intention of designing this language and what problems he aimed to solve. This is a question that a programming language must ask.

Then I started to explain how to design this language to achieve the purpose of solving the problem, followed by the advantages of other aspects of this language.

Just explaining the content of this aspect, it took a full three hours, the morning passed like this, and everyone went to the cafeteria for lunch at noon.

There was no break at noon, because the expert group was already very interested in this and urgently needed to see the actual effect, so everyone returned to the meeting room immediately after eating.

The lowest-level modules are all encrypted, such as hardware smart probes, and even hardware virtual machines, they are all encrypted.

The content of this aspect will not be publicly displayed to the expert group. The part shown is the compiler and the language itself, and only these two are enough.

In the beginning, Ye Zishu sat in front of the computer and began to give a general explanation of the language he wrote, according to the functional modules, etc., mainly explaining some difficult-to-understand structural designs.

After finishing this part, the experts in the expert group strongly urged themselves to operate the machine themselves, and even wrote a small program in the text editor through the help documentation.

In fact, to use this programming language, you only need a text editor, and the compilation process can be compiled through the language's own compilation tool.

It's just that this kind of efficiency is too low, and it also tests the programmer's memory. Unless you are a genius, it is very inconvenient for ordinary people to use.

Through a few simple procedures, the expert group has a general understanding of the process of using the language, which at least shows that the structure and modules of this language are relatively complete, enough to complete most of the software development work.

Then there is the performance test of this language, which is not a particularly prominent requirement in the case of powerful hardware performance in the previous life.

But in this era, saving hardware resources is almost one of the language requirements of all programmers, and he just said that the purpose of this language is to replace the c language.

So in terms of efficiency, even if it can't reach or exceed the c language, at least it should be almost the same, especially the language he wrote, which is more advanced.

It stands to reason that the more advanced the language is, the more user-friendly it is, but the lower the execution efficiency is, which is basically a common law of programming languages.

Although the leaf book only roughly explained how to achieve this goal, the specific technology was rejected on the grounds of commercial confidentiality.

Therefore, the expert group is very serious about the efficiency test. It is not a matter of saying whether it is good or not. Only after the real test can there be a clear conclusion.

Even for reference, on this computer, a c language programming tool was installed, as a control experiment object of this new language, and some tests were carried out.

Throughout the afternoon, the expert group basically tested the performance of all important modules of this programming language in detail, very meticulously.

After the test, the expert group exchanged opinions, and everyone agreed that the true level of this language has reached the goal that Ye Zishu himself said, and it has a world-leading level.

This conclusion is not easy to come to, especially in this era, all domestic technologies, especially programs and semiconductors, are basically imitated from foreign countries.

This made a considerable number of people highly respect foreign technology. Although he didn't know whether the experts in the expert group were also like this, but with such a superior performance, any prejudice could be automatically hidden.

The leader of the expert group, speaking on behalf of the expert group, said: "The excellence of this language has far exceeded our expectations before we came here.

Compared with existing programming languages, it has made a qualitative leap in terms of execution efficiency, elegance of coding, and convenience of large-scale program development.

Most importantly, this language keeps up with the needs of the times, adding a very practical network programming module, as well as a very good graphics and window programming module.

These two points will become crucial with the popularization of the Internet and the popularity of computers for non-professionals. Obviously, this language has very good forward-looking thinking when it is designed.

Therefore, our expert group agreed that this language is sufficient as a programming language for software and informatization needs in the new era, and hopes to promote teaching and use in major domestic universities. "

The principal and the dean were very happy after hearing the opinions of the expert group. The principal said: "With the excellence of this language, can we apply for the results of the 863 program?"

When Ye Zishu heard this, he felt that the principal was very kind and knew how to fight for more benefits for his students. Of course, if the application was approved for the results of the 863 plan, the school would also get the benefits it deserved.

"This is a bit difficult. The projects that join the 863 plan are generally unfinished projects that require the support of national policies and funds. Obviously, this language is very complete and fully meets the requirements for commercial use.

Under such circumstances, applying for the 863 program seems a bit redundant, and it seems to put money on one's own face, and the possibility of passing is very low. " said the leader of the expert group.

"In this case, this programming language does not apply for the results of the 863 project, but I will use this language to write a new operating system.

At present, the company has been established, and the next step is to recruit a large number of programmers to jointly complete the writing of our country's independent operating system.

I want the operating system research and development project to apply for the 863 program, is there any problem? "Leaf Book asked.

The expert group thought for a while and said: "If other people told us to develop an operating system, we would definitely not believe it, because the technical content in it is not low, and it cannot be completed by ordinary people.

But if the research and development of the operating system is led by Ye, I think the possibility of success is still very high, after all, his technical level has been verified.

If the operating system research and development project is to apply for the 863 program, I think the possibility of passing is still very high. We are also optimistic about the project approval and research and development work of this project. "

The last sentence of the expert team leader shows that he is a little blindly confident in Ye Zishu's technology, and is even willing to provide more help when applying for the 863 project.

"I am very grateful to the experts for their recognition of my technical level, and I am also very grateful to all the experts for their support in applying for the 863 program for the operating system research and development project.

In fact, the reason why I want to apply for the 863 project is not a matter of money, but to get more policy support, so that more outstanding software R&D talents can join us and complete this work as soon as possible.

Because the research and development of the operating system is only part of the construction of informatization, in order to make the operating system popular, it also needs the support of many application software.

This is part of building an operating system ecosystem. Without application software, no user will use the operating system no matter how good it is, so time is tight and tasks are heavy. "

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