Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 57 Microkernel Operating Systems

The game engine of "Jian Wang III" in the previous life was supported by the national 863 plan. Compared with his programming language, the technical content is much higher.

This plan is to select 7 fields such as biotechnology and information technology that have a significant impact on my country's future economic and social development, and establish 15 themed projects as key breakthroughs to track the world's advanced level.

And his programming language can be said to have achieved the world's advanced level of catching up, and it is even suitable for program development needs in the next few decades.

The benefits of receiving the support of national policies are also very obvious. At least the policy will give the green light all the way, which plays a very important role in recruiting talents for enterprises.

Especially for talents who stay in scientific research institutes, it is very difficult for him to recruit, not only money is enough, there are also many scientific researchers who don't particularly care about money.

After leaving the class teacher's office, he returned to the dormitory, but instead of continuing to program, he was thinking about the future development of Phoenix Software.

What he wanted was to find someone who was both technically competent and capable of managing the company so that he could be removed from corporate affairs.

Because his plan is far more than the software industry, he still has a lot of things to do, if he is occupied by the mundane management of the company, he will not have much energy to engage in other research work.

Now the programmer with a high reputation in the country should be Qiu Bojun, because with his own efforts, he wrote the first word processing software wps in our country.

But in his opinion, Qiu Bojun's technical ability is not bad, but his management ability is not so good. When he comes to his company, he can only be responsible for technical work.

And now he has joined Hong Kong Jinshan Company, and by virtue of selling 3 sets of wps with a wholesale price of 2200 yuan each, the company has made a lot of money.

Even if he wanted to buy this company, he didn't have that much money in his hand. Besides, if he had enough money to buy it, he might not be willing to sell it.

This reminded him of Lei Jun, another head of Jinshan Company. Lei Jun should not lack technology, and management has been proved in previous lives, so there should be no shortage.

The most important thing is that the three-color company where Lei Jun is now is not doing well and may go bankrupt at any time, because the Hanka they have placed high hopes on has been copied by a bigger company.

It's just that the current Lei Jun has just graduated, and whether he has the ability to serve as the head of Phoenix Software Company is still unknown.

However, he will definitely not let go completely in the early stage. He needs to wait until Phoenix Software has a strong revenue capability before gradually reducing his sense of presence.

After figuring this out, he asked Guo Dongsheng to inquire about the contact information and address of Sanse Company. After figuring this out, he would go to Wuhan in person to see if he could be recruited.

But now he has to do some design work for the writing of the operating system. Whether the work in this area is excellent will directly determine the speed of subsequent programming and the overall performance of the operating system.

The current operating system basically adopts the macrokernel, but what he plans to adopt is the microkernel architecture. The most fundamental difference between the two is the division of the functions performed by the kernel.

Of course, there is no absolute good or bad between the two. It should be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of the macro kernel is that the kernel code is large, and the kernel function modules are strongly involved, the stability is poor, and it is difficult to reconstruct.

However, due to the strong involvement between the modules of the macro kernel, their execution efficiency is much higher, and the disadvantage of the micro kernel is precisely that their execution efficiency is lower.

Conversely, the disadvantages of the macrokernel are the advantages of the microkernel, but with the current level of hardware technology, the macrokernel is actually more usable.

This is also the reason why the two major operating systems, windows and linux, became the most widely used operating systems in the previous life, while the microkernel operating systems circulated in the market are lacklustre.

The reason why he wants to use the microkernel is mainly because of its stability and the small size of the kernel, which is conducive to its application on smaller electronic devices.

The reason why he is not worried about the shortcomings of the microkernel is mainly because he is more confident in his own technology and is convinced that he can balance the shortcomings and advantages of the microkernel so that the overall operating efficiency of this operating system is even higher than that of the current operating system. high.

The architecture design of the entire operating system is a macro work that does not involve details, and it is done very quickly. It only took two days to complete the entire system design architecture.

However, this is only the overall architecture. If you want programmers to complete their assigned programming tasks step by step, you need to refine each module of the system.

It is even necessary to provide more details for the key technologies of each module, and some need to design new algorithms to solve the problem. These are all follow-up work.

Just when he finished the overall structure of the operating system, the head teacher finally informed him that the school had started to organize relevant experts for this inspection, and they would come over tomorrow to see his results and make him ready.

Hearing the news, he put down his work and began to prepare related documents. He needed to clearly explain the design concept of this programming language, as well as some design details that could be made public.

In addition, a help document is also needed. Through this help document, this programming language can be better applied and understood.

Schools can also design teaching courses for this new programming language through help documents, and even write related technical books, so the existence of help documents is of great significance.

Fortunately, when he was writing the language, he had already designed an automatic documentation function, which didn't require him to write it word by word, which would take too long.

After preparing these necessary text descriptions, he waited for the expert group to come to check and accept, while he himself took the time to write the development tools.

The quality of a development tool has a great impact on development efficiency. He must pay attention to this matter, and the existence of good development tools is equally important to the promotion of the language.

When a company uses a language, it mainly depends on the benefits. Among them, the labor cost is the largest. In addition to the number of talents who meet the requirements, the labor cost also depends on whether the development efficiency is high.

What's more, the tools used by oneself, in order to complete the development of the operating system as soon as possible, it is necessary to improve the convenience of development tools and improve the development efficiency of programmers.

As a software development tool, the most basic functions need to have coding, debugging, and testing functions. In the future Internet era, it also needs to have publishing functions.

On the basis of these functions, he wants to achieve a certain level of intelligence, further improve work efficiency, and save programmers the workload of writing code.

It is estimated that it will take half a month to fully write the development tools he wants, so he is currently focusing on basic functions.

As for more advanced functions, we will add them later when we have time. Now we need to solve the problem of availability, rather than aiming too far to get some more advanced functions.

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