The expert group agrees with what he said. They are well aware of the current technology shortage in the country, and the operating system is absolutely indispensable as the basis.

But the writing of the operating system is not an easy task, especially since almost all the hardware is in the hands of foreign companies, it is even more difficult to write the operating system.

In addition, what he said just now is the establishment of the ecology. There are too few domestic software companies, and the level is also very average. Compared with foreign countries, they are not at the same level.

Even if a usable operating system is developed in China, it is difficult to establish a robust system ecology. This is why the country has been afraid to develop its own operating system for a long time.

Even many so-called domestic operating systems in previous lives were only built on the basis of the Linux kernel, and even most of the functional modules used open source code.

He also realized this, and must be the first to develop our own operating system, the sooner the better, because the later it is, the harder it is to break the ecology established by other operating systems.

And now it is in the process of changing from a text interface operating system to a graphical operating system, which is an opportunity to overtake on a corner.

Just having a graphical operating system does not mean that it will be successful, and no application software is available, which means that no user will use such an operating system.

At present, he does not seek to improve all the operating system ecology immediately, at least to allow users to carry out daily work, the necessary software still needs to be equipped, and it is more powerful than the current software.

Only in this way can new users willingly use a new software and be willing to pay for it, otherwise they will not be willing to replace frequently used software because of the operating system because of habit.

"The experts are all seniors in the industry. There must be many students and colleagues. If they want to challenge more difficult technologies, I hope you can introduce them to my company." Ye Zishu said.

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu took out a stack of business cards from his pocket and distributed one to each member of the expert group, even the principal and dean.

"The main business of this Phoenix software company is to focus on the research and development of difficult system software and application software, with the purpose of building a complete software system for our country and reducing our dependence on foreign related technologies.

It’s just that this idea is very good, but if it is to be realized, talents are indispensable. Now the company is in the establishment stage, and I strongly look forward to more talents joining in to conspire for great things! "Ye Zishu said passionately.

"You have such lofty ambitions at such an age, which is the luck of the country, and with the skills you have demonstrated so far, you should have the foundation for success.

If there are colleagues who want to challenge a new job, we are naturally willing to introduce them, but can your company bear such a large cost? said an expert in the expert group.

"Although the funds may be a little tight, it should not be large in general. The initial capital of this software company is 500 million yuan, and there will be additional investment in the future." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

In this day and age, labor costs are actually not high. He offered Guo Dongsheng a salary of 2000 yuan, which is already very high, usually only 200 yuan a month.

The main cost is still in the hardware equipment. Each programmer must be equipped with a computer, and the price of a computer is tens of thousands of yuan. There are also some other office equipment, which are expensive in this era.

And his current main source of income is record income, and he basically didn't get much money for his first album, which was used as the initial capital of the record company.

Every time the second album is sold, he can get 1 yuan in income. So far, 500 million copies have been sold. The income from overseas distribution has not yet reached him, and there should be about 200 million copies.

And the third album, which is currently on sale, may eventually bring him 1000 million yuan in income, and the total income will be about 1700 million yuan.

But the personal income tax is not low. After paying the tax, only more than 900 million can be used by him, including the income that has not yet been obtained.

So the 500 million basically put all his current personal income into it. If he wants to continue to make money, he must continue to release albums.

When the expert group heard that the initial capital was 500 million yuan, they were immediately relieved. On the one hand, investing so much is definitely not just talking about it. If it is not successful, these investments will be in vain.

On the other hand, this fund is used to develop the operating system, which is basically enough, and the difference will not be much different, which is in line with the experts' own estimates.

As long as there are no repetitions in technical adjustments and the development continues smoothly, it is very likely that the 500 million yuan will not be used up. With him, the project will definitely proceed smoothly.

After the expert group left, the principal, dean, class teacher, and Ye Zishu, an unusual student, were left on the scene. The four sat around the table.

"I heard from your class teacher that you want to recruit a large number of interns from the school?" the principal asked.

"There is such a plan. The operating system is written in a new language. The recruited students must have certain self-study ability. The students from Tsinghua University definitely meet this requirement.

Moreover, the development of an operating system is not only about being familiar with a language, but also allowing participants to get more technical training, which is definitely much more useful than just learning knowledge from books.

As a member of Tsinghua University, I am naturally the first to think of Tsinghua University, and I hope to use the human resources of Tsinghua University to help me achieve this goal together. "Leaf Book said.

"You have such a heart, all the teachers and students of our school are very happy, for this reason I discussed with your dean, and the school intends to fully support your project.

Not only does it allow you to recruit interns in the school, but we will also allow some teachers who do not have scientific research tasks to participate while completing teaching tasks. "The headmaster said with a smile.

Hearing what the principal said, he was naturally very happy. To recruit students, he must first conduct the necessary training, and even spend energy and time leading them during work.

If these teachers join in, although many things also need to be relearned, such as the use of new programming languages, their experience is much richer after all.

Learning new things is faster than students. With these teachers leading project development, he can leave a lot of energy and focus on solving core problems.

At present, the company's office space is being renovated, and the relevant machinery and equipment have not been purchased, so he discussed with the leader that students and teachers who want to come to his company for internship and work can go to his dormitory to register first.

After the office space is decorated and the machinery and equipment are purchased, you can go directly to work, which can save a lot of time.

Then there is the issue of remuneration. Interns are paid 200 yuan a month, while teachers are paid 300 yuan a month for part-time jobs, and 500 yuan a month for full-time teachers.

Although this salary standard is already considered a high salary in this era, in his opinion, it is still outrageously cheap.

It's just that the funds in his hands are limited at present, and he doesn't have any more sources of profit, so he can only give this treatment. After the future is on the right track, it will not be too late to increase the salary.

The school leaders are still very satisfied with the salary standard he offered. Even the salary of the interns is higher than that in the market. The salary of a regular worker for two years is [-] yuan.

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