Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 56 Results reporting

After talking with Zhang Guoli, he signed an employment contract with Zhang Guoli on the spot, hiring Zhang Guoli as the director of Shengshi Film and Television Company, and temporarily receiving a fixed salary.

Then he asked Guo Dongsheng to help register Phoenix Technology Company and Phoenix Software Company. Phoenix Technology Company is the parent company of Phoenix Software Company.

Immediately, the new programming language will be fully written, and at that time, it will be necessary to start writing the operating system. If you want to complete it as soon as possible, you must hire a large number of programmers.

This requires the establishment of a company to handle this matter, and it just takes a certain amount of time to register a company, so it is always right to prepare in advance.

When he returned to school, he planned to completely retreat and practice during this period, and complete the writing of the new language as soon as possible. During this period, some trivial matters took up more of his time.

When the time came to April 4, he finally finished writing all the functions of the new language gradually. It took another two days. After systematic testing, no problems were found.

The biggest feature of this language is not the high efficiency and high-performance ability to write images and windows, but that it can write the operating system as ordinary application software.

Because this language does not need to depend on the operating system to exist, it is built on the hardware itself, which is the biggest feature of this language.

But this is because he feels that doing so will make writing the operating system easier, and it will also make the operating system very adaptable.

But after the operating system is developed, he will not just push this language to the outside world, but build a virtual machine on the basis of the system, and let this language run on this virtual machine.

The reason for this is mainly because the current version is too powerful, which weakens the presence of the operating system, which is very unfavorable for the promotion of the operating system and the monopoly of the market.

Now that the language has been completely completed, the next step is to recruit new recruits. The first thing he thinks of is the students and teachers of Tsinghua University.

Although the overall level of the domestic software industry is not high, the computer department of Tsinghua University is still ranked first in the country's one-third of an acre of land.

Ask Guo Dongsheng to find a larger office space next to Tsinghua University, which can accommodate at least 200 people to work at the same time, while he himself is thinking about how to recruit talents.

He first went to the head teacher. Although he didn't meet several times a year, the head teacher still had a fresh memory of him, except for his maverick behavior.

The most important thing was last year's final exam. He undisputedly won the first place in the whole year with full marks in all subjects, which also made him a legend on campus.

"Hey, rare guest!" Sitting in the office, the homeroom teacher teased Ye Zishu when he saw Ye Zishu open the door.

He didn't take it seriously, he directly pulled a chair from the side, sat in front of the head teacher's desk, and said, "I need help with something from the head teacher!"

Seeing his serious face, the homeroom teacher who originally wanted to make a joke said directly, "Tell me, if you can help, I will help you."

"I just finished writing a new programming language, which has the same high efficiency as C language, but realizes the cross-platform properties that C language does not have.

The most important thing is that this language is much more convenient than C language in terms of grammatical structure and programming design, and it should be regarded as a more advanced language.

Now I want to promote this language in China, and as a leading university in China, I hope my alma mater can help me in this regard. "Leaf Book said.

"You mean you want to start a new programming language course in Tsinghua?" asked the head teacher.

"The teacher in charge understands well, that's what I mean!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Whether or not the new language is as magical as you say it is, to be able to do it all by yourself is quite an achievement.

But it is not an easy task to make a new programming language appear in college classrooms as a course, and it is not up to me to decide. "The head teacher said seriously.

"Of course I know it's more difficult, so I just want to ask the class teacher to help me contact the relevant school leaders and organize an expert verification to see if this language is as good as I speak it.

If it does have obvious advantages over the programming languages ​​currently in use, I don't think it should be better to use a foreign programming language that is more difficult and inconvenient instead of using a better domestic programming language? "Leaf Book asked.

"That's fine. I'll help you report it to the school. As for the future, I can't guarantee it." The head teacher said.

"It's fine with your words, but I hope that the time will be faster, because I still have a lot of plans and it will take a lot of time to complete." Ye Shu said.

"Oh, what other plans do you have?" the head teacher asked curiously.

"Since we have our own programming language, how can we not have our own operating system, as a country with a large population, we cannot put the fate of our information technology industry in the hands of others.

Has the head teacher read my "Kyrogan Lie Yu"? Many of the scenes described in it are inseparable from the support of electronic equipment, and various systems run on electronic equipment.

If we cannot master the operating system, it means that our prosperity is built on the foundation of others. As long as they remove the foundation, all the buildings on it will collapse instantly.

Since I think I have the ability to complete the writing of a domestic operating system, it is naturally my duty to build this foundation for the country. "Ye Zishu said generously.

"You have this heart and ambition, and I am happy for you as your head teacher, but you should also know that the workload of writing an operating system cannot be completed by one person." The head teacher reminded.

"So I registered a Phoenix software company, and this company recruited enough programmers to jointly complete the writing of the operating system." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"You still start a company?" the head teacher asked in surprise.

"It seems that the head teacher still doesn't care enough about me. I have already started several companies. Shengshi Records Company, Shengshi Advertising Company and Shengshi Film and Television Company are all companies I opened.

It's just that these companies are in the entertainment and advertising industry, and they don't have much to do with high technology. My real ambition is to improve the level of domestic technological development as soon as possible. "Leaf Book said.

The homeroom teacher was a little speechless when he heard his words. He has only been here for more than a semester, but he has already started so many companies. How did he do it.

It is impossible to say that all his energy is spent on company affairs, because writing a new programming language takes a lot of time and energy, and most of the time should still be spent on programming.

Does anyone really know it?

"Can you manage so many companies?" the head teacher asked curiously.

"I don't need to do the daily management of these companies, I just need to formulate the company's development strategy, and leave the rest of the implementation to the talents hired by the company.

Besides, the existence of these companies is to provide me with the funds to start a technology company. Without funds, a software company cannot be started. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, the class teacher could only give him a thumbs up speechlessly.

"Okay, I will report this matter to the school as soon as possible!" The head teacher said simply.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem for my software company to recruit interns at the school?" Ye Zishu asked.

"As long as you don't delay your studies, there will be no problem!" The head teacher said angrily.

The main purpose of asking the school to organize experts to verify the programming language he wrote is to obtain the support of the National 863 Program.

Funds do not need state support, and it is not so easy to get state funds. What he wants is to obtain policy support, which will bring him great convenience.

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