Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 546 2000 billion yuan is not enough to spend

Although this is the headquarters of the Phoenix Special Effects Company, most of the huge headquarters office space is occupied by the Kirin Industrial Group, and the space they use for themselves is less than 20% of the total.

What's even more speechless is that the Kirin Industrial Group occupies such a large office space, but they didn't pay the Phoenix Special Effects Company a penny of rent. If they were not all the same boss, it would be difficult to get along in such a harmonious way.

Ye Zishu noticed that the two companies are not clearly distinct, but they are like employees of the same company. If they meet each other, they will greet each other warmly.

It's not that the Kirin Industrial Group is just playing around like this, but that the funds of the Kirin Industrial Group are too tight. In order to save money, they did not pay rent to the Phoenix Special Effects Company.

Just like when Qinglong Technology Company was working in the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company, it did not pay rent, because Qinglong Technology Company did not make any money at that time.

In the same way, Kirin Industrial Group is still in the stage of pure investment and has not generated any revenue. At this stage, brother companies need help.

When there is official income and the company's revenue exceeds the funds needed for business operations, then the rent should still be paid, otherwise it will not reflect the company's operating costs, and it will be difficult to do in the accounts.

At the end of last year, Ye Zishu invested an additional 2000 billion yuan in Kirin Industrial Group. In addition to developing energy and electrical businesses, this money was used to expand the production capacity and business lines of Kirin Industrial Group.

For example, there was no paper-making industry before, but now the paper-making industry has been added, and this industry is closely related to their capabilities, so it would be abnormal if they don't do it.

Kirin Industrial Group already has a business of artificially synthesizing natural fibers, and the manufacture of paper is an important application field of plant fibers, so the degree of closeness can be seen.

At present, my country's papermaking industry is not big. When it really develops, in fact, it will not be until 2000 when Kirin Industrial Group entered this field, and there are not many competitors.

In addition, their papermaking industry is not affected by the traditional pulp industry. They neither need to cut down domestic trees nor import pulp from abroad, and their industrial advantages are even more obvious.

Regardless of the fact that cutting down natural resources to obtain raw materials is cheaper, it is actually not the case. If natural resources are to be used in the industrial field, a very complicated process is required.

The cost of this process is not low. At the same time, in the process of mining natural resources, a lot of human resources are consumed, especially the tree felling industry, which has a high demand for human resources.

However, Kirin Industrial Group can remove many upstream links, and the cost is naturally unnecessary. In addition, they can produce wood fiber on an industrial scale.

Naturally, there is no need to deal with the process of traditional wood fiber papermaking. When wood fiber is produced, paper can be directly produced, which is completely different from traditional paper manufacturing.

This process not only requires less water resources, but also does not cause serious pollution to the environment. More importantly, the production efficiency is high, and the types of paper products that can be produced are more abundant.

With their unique paper production technology, the cost of paper production will be greatly reduced. The cost of a ton of pulp for others is 5000 yuan, plus processing costs, the cost of a ton of paper is about 5500 yuan.

However, the energy consumption of Kirin Industrial Group to produce one ton of paper is 2000 kilowatt-hours. If calculated at 0.5 yuan per kilowatt-hour, the cost is only 1000 yuan. The cost gap between them is clear at a glance.

Although the energy content of different wood fibers is also different, the cost of Kirin Industrial Group is much lower regardless of the type of wood fiber.

In terms of cost alone, Kirin Industrial Group can overturn the world's paper industry, not to mention their production methods can produce more high-quality paper products with higher added value.

For example, traditional rice paper can only be produced in a very traditional way due to poor industrial technology, resulting in a very high price of rice paper, which is difficult for ordinary people to afford.

However, judging from the production method of Kirin Industrial Group, the cost of making rice paper the same as the traditional method is not much different from that of toilet paper.

With such a huge technological advantage and cost advantage, how could Kirin Industrial Group turn a blind eye to this market, which is a trillion-dollar industry anyway.

Moreover, Kirin Industrial Group's entry into the paper industry can also play a role in protecting forests. When everyone feels that this industry is unprofitable, naturally they will not cut down forests.

In addition to the paper industry, there is also the wood industry, which is also a major trade category in the world and an indispensable raw material for the furniture industry. With the improvement of environmental protection awareness, the price of wood will also increase.

Moreover, Qilin Industrial Group can also produce very valuable wood, such as yellow rosewood, golden nanmu, etc., in their eyes, it is no different from ordinary wood.

These are the woods that exist in nature, and there are many woods that are impossible to have in nature. Kirin Industrial Group can also produce them, and their characteristics are even more outstanding.

For example, they plan to produce wood specially used for small-scale villa construction, which not only has the effect of heat insulation, but also has better water resistance and a longer service life, which can reach the level of not rotten for a thousand years.

When the time comes for rural people to build houses, they don't need to use reinforced concrete at all. They can quickly build a small villa by directly using these woods, and the living experience is very good.

Moreover, it will not cause too much industrial waste, and the raw materials can be reused without causing huge waste. In this case, even if the cost is much higher, there is still a great market prospect.

This is still considered from the perspective of industrial raw materials. Kirin Industrial Group is planning to enter the furniture industry, relying on the advantages of raw materials and industrial production technology.

Their entry into the furniture industry can be said to have unique advantages. First, they can continuously produce valuable wood. The wood that only royal nobles could afford in the past will enter the homes of ordinary people.

The second is that they have highly automated and advanced production technology and equipment, which can realize large-scale furniture production, further reduce the cost of furniture, and can also produce complex furniture products that can only be produced by hand.

These are industries with relatively large classifications. There are still many industries that look small but have extremely high profit margins. When Kirin Industrial Group has the energy, it will gradually enter.

This is the power brought by technology. It can be said that more and more industries will be subverted by Kirin Industrial Group in the future, but at present they can only focus on these major industries.

The advanced carbon industry is not just talking about it, it can free our country from dependence on many natural resources. This is the most important significance of the existence of the carbon industry in his opinion.

Although our country has a large land area, it has a large population and per capita natural resources are not abundant. If we want more than one billion people to live a good life, the constraints of natural resources must be resolved.

Otherwise, the limitation of natural resources will always be a knife on our heads, making our industry subject to others everywhere, earning a little bit of profit, and others will swallow a lot of raw materials if they just increase the price.

It can be said that the development of the carbon industry and the development of the new energy industry have removed at least half of the restrictions on natural resources in our country.

With the support of these two industries, our country can sit back and watch the ups and downs of the global situation, and no longer feel controlled by others like in previous lives.

This is also an important reason why he is confident that my country's per capita income can be raised to the ranks of advanced developed countries, because in doing so, per capita resources will be endless.

With the establishment of a whole set of high-tech industrialization systems around these, it makes no sense that the people of our country cannot live a good life. In his view, it is difficult not to become rich.

In addition, a considerable part of the 2000 billion yuan investment has to be invested in the new energy industry and the electrical industry. It looks huge, but it is actually stretched.

This is still not considered to enter the field of grain production on a large scale this year. If it enters the field of grain production in an all-round way, the investment scale may even be larger than the current investment in all industries.

Although industrialized grain production can't make a lot of money, the scale of investment is not low. If you want to build an industrial industry that can meet the food consumption of the people across the country, the total investment scale needs to be at least trillions of yuan.

However, in the field of grain industrialization, it does not need to be completed in one step. This process may last for eight or nine years. First, the people of the whole country need a process of acceptance.

Especially in our country, which pays attention to natural ingredients, many people may have certain concerns about industrialized food, and it will take time for the public to change their concepts in this regard.

The second is that other domestic industries need to be developed to accommodate enough people for employment, so that farmers who have lost their advantages in growing food can also find a job that is safe and secure.

If these prerequisites are not done well, industrialized grain production can only be used as a supplement to domestic grain production. Naturally, it is impossible to dominate the world, and he will not allow it to do so when the conditions are not met.

The current Phoenix Special Effects Company doesn't care about the rent of Kirin Industrial Company. They were unknown before, but they have been in the limelight recently.

With the establishment of the digital advertising platform, the film and television dramas they produced have filled the major TV screens across the country, bringing them huge profits.

In less than two months, their income from advertising share has reached as high as 100 billion yuan. According to this income situation, this year's operating income may reach the 1000 billion yuan mark for the first time.

It turned out that just doing special effects business, the annual income was only a few hundred million yuan. In comparison, they are now a real big company.

In addition to many of their brother companies, they are definitely the leading companies in front of other companies, and they have surpassed Shengshi Film and Television Company in one fell swoop and become the largest film and television company in the country.

And their development potential is definitely more than that, there is also a vast international market waiting for them, and I believe that the income they get is several times that of the domestic market.

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