Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 545 Sensational talk at dinner

It's fine if he doesn't hold this meeting, but once this meeting is held, it's like stabbing a hornet's nest. There are so many problems that he feels a little overwhelmed.

This is not treating him as an outsider at all, as if he has been prepared for a long time, just wait for him to come over, and let him explain or solve all the problems encountered at once.

The meeting started at 11:30 pm and lasted until [-]:[-] pm. He was hardly allowed to take a break in the middle, and everyone didn't even bother to eat dinner.

There were more than 50 difficult questions answered on the spot, and there were hundreds of unresolved questions. The notebook brought by Ye Zishu was filled with several pages, and he was going to take it back to solve it.

The problem mainly focused on the high-precision manufacturing equipment. Among the technical materials that Ye Zishu took out, many of them actually involved new theoretical knowledge, and what he gave were only technical materials.

The new theoretical knowledge has not been clearly explained, which makes many researchers feel a little confused, and naturally feel at a loss when doing it.

Especially for those scientific researchers who have a strong thirst for knowledge, it is also a very uncomfortable thing. Many of them can succeed by following the technical information step by step.

Some of them did it according to the data, but did not succeed at one time as expected, and even tried many times, but all ended in failure, and it was difficult to find the problem for a while.

Among these problems, Ye Zishu will give theoretical explanations for some problems, and some problems will be solved from a technical point of view, which involves his little Jiujiu.

The current domestic environment is indeed not as good as that of developed countries abroad, and the desire to go abroad is still quite strong in China. He is afraid that he will explain the key theories clearly and be suspected of being an enemy.

This is why he obviously has a new scientific theory, but he doesn't show it, but chooses to use the technology derived from the theory, because it is safer.

Deriving theory from technology is actually very difficult, but from theory to technology, the difficulty is much lower, and there is also the possibility of self-development.

Now he does not seek to immediately raise the level of domestic scientific research to the same level as advanced countries. That is unrealistic. The economic value of the theories he puts out may not be as much as others.

Especially when the education is not solid enough, and when a large number of talents immigrate, he is very cautious about this matter. He would rather let the scientific research personnel focus on technology than let them understand too much.

In addition to this factor, there is also the fact that his personal energy is limited, and he has been a little exhausted by producing so many skills in a short period of time.

If he comes up with scientific theories, he will be completely overwhelmed. Regardless of the fact that the scientific theories are put forward to write a few papers, in fact, there are still very complicated things waiting for him in the middle.

So now the scientific research personnel under his banner only know what some technologies are and don't know why. As a result, although the technical information is already complete, the research is still not so smooth.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu and the participants ate a late dinner in the cafeteria. The cafeteria of the R&D center usually doesn't close until 12:[-] in the morning, just to take care of the work and rest time of these scientific researchers.

During the meal, Ye Zishu said to the project leaders: "I know how busy you are, and this is what happens in the early stages of the company's development.

After passing this stage, the overtime situation will not be so serious, and maybe you can also live a normal life of commuting to and from get off work. This period of time has really worked hard for you. "

"Mr. Ye is serious. We also get high overtime pay for working overtime. To be honest, we never thought before that technology can make so much money.

In the past year or so, the money I earned was not as good as the money I earned before. We also have to thank the company for its emphasis on scientific research and its generosity to scientific researchers. ’ said one project leader.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu smiled knowingly. Such a scientific researcher is really cute, but what he said is basically the truth.

As mentioned earlier, ordinary scientific researchers can get at least 3 yuan a year in salary under such high-intensity overtime conditions. In this era, it is definitely a huge sum of money.

And project leaders like them get even more money, at least 20 yuan in annual income, and project leaders with very high ratings may even get more than 40 yuan.

We must know that the house price in the core area of ​​Shanghai is only 3000 yuan per square meter. Their annual working income can buy a house of more than 100 square meters in the core area of ​​Shanghai.

Most of the executives of listed companies in the previous life would need many years to buy such a house in Shanghai. They have never experienced the excitement of suddenly gaining huge wealth, so they naturally cherish it.

It is only in this special period that the company will let the scientific research personnel work overtime continuously. If it is a normal period, the overtime work will have to be reported, and it will be approved only if it is necessary for the project.

Ye Zishu does not advocate working overtime. First, it will seriously consume the employees' bodies. He is very opposed to exchanging their bodies for money, because when the health really goes wrong, the money earned before will also be used.

The second is that doing so will lead to a reduction in the number of employed people. Two people can do the work that originally required three people, and one job will disappear out of thin air. This is not conducive to the employment-led industrial development goal he advocated.

He is not worried about overstaffing. The intelligent management system plays an important role in this area, and the management cost will not increase much if the number of people is large.

"If you think about it this way, I am naturally happy as the boss, but this situation can only exist for a short time. You look young, but if you really have physical problems, you have to pay for the money you earn.

In addition, the goal of life is not only to make money, but also to consider family harmony, spend more time with parents, wives and children when you have time, so that they can fully experience family affection while living a worry-free life.

Moreover, this kind of high-intensity work actually consumes your existing knowledge reserve. When it is used up, there may be little room for improvement. If you want to make greater progress, you need to set aside enough time to learn new knowledge.

What I hope to see is that the company can grow together with you. After you are 50 years old, you can still become the backbone of the company's development. After you retire, you can still be healthy and enjoy your old age.

Life is short, and the ultimate goal is to make your life happier. Money is only part of happiness, definitely not all. "Leaf Book said.

No matter whether they agreed with his words or not, his affectionate words still moved everyone present.

Some of them have also participated in the work before, and they also have a little understanding of other enterprises in the society. The boss wishes that the employees only work without getting paid, eat grass and milk milk.

Compared with these corporate bosses, Ye Zishu is definitely an interesting boss. He never lets employees pay for nothing, and at the same time, he thinks so much about the future of employees.

Ye Zishu saw that someone was so moved by these words that his eyes were moist. He didn't know the specific reason, but he felt that it was completely unnecessary.

"Actually, I don't need your brains. Enterprises and employees should be a partnership. If the enterprise and employees cannot grow together, it will be difficult for the enterprise to last.

I hope that all my businesses can become century-old stores, and even continue to operate and develop along with the country and nation. This is also a small thought of mine.

And to realize this small idea, it naturally requires the joint efforts of all of you employees. From this perspective, as the boss, I should be most grateful to you.

Before, I had too many things on my hands, and I didn't pay enough attention to you. Under such circumstances, the company is still developing rapidly, and your contribution cannot be ignored.

Now we can sit together and talk about the future. This should be something to be happy about. It shows that there is a fate in the dark, and we should make this fate last as long as possible.

At that time, don’t blame me, the boss, for not even giving you the chance to earn overtime pay. Short-term stimulation is inevitable. In the long run, it will not be a good thing for you personally, your family and society. "Leaf Book said.

After he finished speaking, a project leader took up the conversation and said, "We understand the truth. This is like taking a stimulant. It can indeed achieve good returns in the short term, but in the long run, it has obvious side effects."

After hearing this, Ye Zishu nodded, and said, "That's the truth. All climaxes must come down, and the mediocrity is the main theme of things."

Later, Ye Zishu stopped talking about these practical and sensational things, and started chatting with them about interesting things in the research and development process, and helped them solve some minor problems along the way.

After eating, it was already twelve o'clock, Ye Zishu told them to go home quickly, while he himself went back to the dormitory next to the office to rest.

Compared with staying in a hotel, he feels that living here is more comfortable and feels like being at home, while staying in a hotel feels like he is always on a business trip.

The plane was at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and he still had time to stay here the next morning, so he went to the headquarters of the Phoenix Special Effects Company to see what was going on there.

The office space here in Wuhan was originally built by Phoenix Technology Company for Phoenix Special Effects Company. When choosing the location of the headquarters, in addition to taking care of the needs of regional development, it also solicited the opinions of these companies.

In the past, the staff of the Phoenix Special Effects Company headquarters had always worked in the Phoenix Software Company, and only the Kirin Industrial Group was using it here.

It's different now. The number of employees of each subsidiary of Phoenix Technology Company is getting bigger and bigger. The headquarters of Phoenix Software Company, which was originally relatively ample in office space, has become more and more crowded.

In addition, the business of Phoenix Special Effects Company is no longer limited to the production of film and television special effects, but has developed into a new type of film and television enterprise with virtual film and television dramas as its main business.

The scale of personnel has increased a lot compared to before, and the personnel are no longer limited to the production of special effects technology. The market and the number of supporting personnel are increasing rapidly, so it is very necessary to move here.

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