Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 547 Unexpectedly Produced General Anxiety and Depression

When Ye Zishu came to their headquarters, the people here were very relaxed. Compared with the nearby Qilin Industrial Group, it was a completely different world.

Walking around with the person in charge of their company, I found that the employees gathered in groups of three or four, some discussing work, and some discussing gossip. Seeing the boss Ye Zishu, I am not afraid.

According to the person in charge, such discussions started last year and produced many interesting ideas, especially in their creative department, which produced more ideas than before.

It's just that before, because there was still a lot of practical work to be done, it was not as leisurely as it is now. This state was formed after the intelligent film and television content creation system was launched.

Because the content that originally required a lot of manual work is basically handed over to artificial intelligence, the work that requires them to do it themselves has become less and less.

This trend is what Ye Zishu would like to see. Once a person is busy and busy, it seems to be very fulfilling, but in fact a lot of work is not necessarily necessary.

Handing over a large amount of simple and repetitive labor to machines and artificial intelligence will be the future development trend, but the employees of his companies enjoy the benefits of doing so first.

These liberated employees are not without pressure. They also have assessments waiting for them, but compared to the previous assessments, the content has changed a lot.

They have entered the stage where content creativity is king, employees need to rack their brains for more ideas, and it is becoming more and more difficult to rely on manual labor to earn income as before.

At present, there are two main sources of creative content for the intelligent film and television content creation system. The first is the script creation adapted and processed by artificial intelligence itself.

These contents mainly come from the content created by the intelligent text content creation system, Internet information and digital content of traditional cultural products.

In view of the current real situation of Phoenix Special Effects Company, this kind of source of creativity currently occupies a dominant position, and it is actually difficult to change it in a short period of time.

The second is the ideas provided by Phoenix Special Effects' own employees. They have prepared in this regard before. Since the start of the virtual world project, they have specially recruited a lot of content creators.

The composition of this part of the staff is also relatively complicated, and there are many strange people. Whether they were engaged in text creation before or move bricks on the construction site, as long as they can tell stories, tell good stories and have new ideas, they may get the opportunity to join the company.

In the past, the degree of intelligence was not so high. Creators not only need to create the framework, but also need to fill in the details. The workload is actually not low, and they are also in a busy state.

The situation is different now. In most cases, they only need to provide a framework idea, and artificial intelligence will automatically fill in the details, and then they will filter out the ones that suit their wishes.

Sometimes a framework idea, filled with details by artificial intelligence, will give birth to hundreds of seemingly unrelated story scripts.

As long as they come up with a highly original story frame idea, it is possible that this year's performance will be completed, and the rest of the time can be done what they like.

Of course, this kind of situation does not happen often. Human civilization has developed for so many years, and the stories that should be told have already been told. Even if they innovate, it is only a small innovation, and the originality score will not be very high.

Therefore, if most of them want to complete the assessment performance, they have to come up with a reasonable creative story frame in about a month, otherwise they will face the pressure of assessment.

In order to relieve their pressure, although the assessment and evaluation will be done every month, the rewards and punishments for the assessment results will be carried out in the middle and end of the year.

During this period, if employees feel out of ideas, they can go out for a walk, or read some books for a period of time, in this way to find creative inspiration.

From this point of view, it is actually better to do some physically exhausting work, at least you don’t have to suffer mentally day after day, as long as you don’t work for a long time, your body can handle it.

But this is an inevitable trend of human development. Human beings will gradually abandon their physical advantages and begin to emphasize the advantages of their brains. This trend will not change for a long time.

Moreover, simple and repetitive manual labor does not earn as much as they do now. Only those who personally participate in it can fully understand which one is better.

"What is their assessment completion rate now?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The current completion rate is 60%, just reaching the passing line." The person in charge said.

Ye Zishu thought about it, maybe the employees are not quite used to this way of working. After all, it has only been implemented for more than a month, and everyone is still in the groping stage for this aspect of work.

"The completion rate is indeed a bit low. Employees who haven't finished should be under a lot of work pressure. Creativity is a difficult thing, and sometimes it's useless to worry." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The person in charge nodded in agreement with his words, and he said: "Boss Ye is right, many employees who have not finished are generally frustrated, and many employees even feel that they are not suitable for this position and request to be transferred. "

After Ye Zishu heard this, he felt that this matter was a bit big. These people were put in this position, which meant that they were already the best in this field. Even they didn't think they were suitable, and there were even fewer people who met the requirements.

Ye Zishu was silent for a while, quickly thinking about countermeasures in his mind. If they all have this mentality, the effect will be even worse, and the next assessment may be even worse.

He has no way to solve the problem of creativity, these tasks have to be figured out by employees themselves, but he wonders whether it can reduce the negative emotions of employees and become more positive.

So he said: "The ancients said well, 'Articles are made naturally, and skillful hands can get them occasionally', I can still understand the difficulties these employees are facing.

It's just that the spread of this kind of negative emotion will not bring them much benefit. Over time, no matter how optimistic the employees are, they will have some negative emotions.

I wonder if some systems can be changed to minimize this negative emotion. Anyway, your current main source of income is not an idea provided by them. "

When the person in charge heard what the boss said, he naturally didn't dare to refute it, and what the boss said was indeed true. It was only the first assessment, and if he failed to complete it several times in a row, the situation might become more serious.

You can’t change employees all the time, no matter how creative employees are, they will be squeezed out after a period of time, and they will have the same negative emotions after working for a few years.

Seeing that the person in charge listened attentively, Ye Zishu didn’t hold back anymore, and said directly: “It’s actually very simple, then lower the basic salary, for example, adjust the basic salary to 1000 yuan per month.

In this way, with the basic salary, their basic life will not be greatly affected. If they want to get more income, it depends on their performance. "

Hearing what he said, the person in charge hurriedly said: "In this way, of course, the pressure on the assessment can be reduced, but will it make them break their pots, and they can just receive their basic salary with peace of mind."

He didn't say this casually. In this era, a monthly salary of 1000 yuan can still allow them to live well. Especially for female workers, it is not a difficult choice to receive a basic salary with peace of mind.

At that time, a huge company will officially employ tens of thousands of people, but the company will appear empty in the end. This is unacceptable for a company.

"Things are definitely not that simple. To get this treatment, you must provide at least two creative stories with a B-level evaluation or one creative story with an A-level evaluation in a year, otherwise you will face the risk of terminating the contract in the next year.

I think this assessment standard should be much lower than it is now. As long as you don't just dawdle, it shouldn't be too difficult to complete this basic assessment.

And the income you earn from these creative stories is far more than the compensation you pay to employees. I think this business can still be done. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When the person in charge heard this, he nodded in agreement. This requirement is not high, at least for those with a little keen insight, it is easy to complete.

Above the B level is the A level, and above the A level is the S level. It seems to be very high, but in fact it is not. If you really want to, there are creative stories of B level evaluation everywhere in life.

It is rare for an evaluation above A level, especially an S-level evaluation, not simply to tell a creative story, but even to extract a philosophical summary from the story, which requires extremely high cognitive ability of employees.

"But in this case, we will still lack the creative stories we produce ourselves. Over time, this business may really become dispensable." The person in charge said.

This is not aimless, the standard has been lowered, but everyone feels at ease with the minimum standard assessment, this job will definitely not be particularly improved.

Ye Zishu thought for a while, and said: "This is not impossible to solve, then build your own story creation platform, get more ideas from the society, and at the same time give the talents in the society a chance to make money.

If a person has a lot of interesting ideas in a row, and can get a formal contract with the company, and is qualified to receive a basic salary, it can be regarded as giving them some hope. "

The emergence of these measures is actually a manifestation of Ye Zishu's inability to pursue the highest rate of return. If it really wants to pursue the highest rate of return, it can simply collect all of it from the society, and there is no need to sign a formal contract at all.

In any case, as long as employees provide two B-level creative story frames every year, it is actually profitable for the company. As long as the benefits cover the costs, this business can be done.

He hoped that more and more people would rely on the Phoenix Special Effects Company for income, so that their current model would not attract people's hatred in the future, and it was considered their future crisis during their heyday.

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