Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 534 Everything is Satisfied

The standard school construction scale can accommodate 8000 students. Obviously, this enrollment scale is not yet full, which shows that everyone still has many concerns about private vocational schools.

If it weren't for the package distribution, it is estimated that the number of people who came to study would be even fewer. These students are Weipei students, and their self-payment is quite low. They only need to pay 300 yuan a year.

If it was a few years ago, the tuition fee was not low, but now, most families with working parents can afford it.

In fact, most of the tuition fees are borne by the company that appoints them. Students like them are trained by Taiji Group. Each person needs to pay 3000 yuan a year for tuition.

The reason why students need to pay part of their own expenses is that these funds need to be used to pay for their daily expenses, such as dormitories, meals, learning tools and so on.

That is to say, as long as 300 yuan is paid, the other parts of the students basically do not need to spend money, and each student will be equipped with winter and summer school uniforms to avoid comparisons within the school, so that students can study with peace of mind.

Originally, he thought that only students with poor academic performance would come to study. After all, technical secondary schools and junior colleges are more promising in this era.

Unexpectedly, there are still some students with very good grades in high school or junior high school. Although these students have not been admitted to university, they are still considered a good situation.

Ye Zishu looked through the study records of these students in this school, and the overall situation was beyond his expectations. They generally got A-level evaluations, and it was completely impossible to see that these students had poor grades in the past.

According to the people in the educational administration team, those who can come to study here are more willing to learn subjectively, but they haven't found a learning method before and can't keep up with the learning progress.

Hearing this explanation, he felt that it made sense. If he really had no interest in learning, coming here to study would be no different from going to jail.

The teaching here is very strict, even much stricter than ordinary high schools. If you don't have any motivation to study, it must be very uncomfortable to study here.

In addition, they are the losers of the college entrance examination or the high school entrance examination, and their mentality is different from that of ordinary schools. In addition, the tuition fee is not cheap for them, and it is impossible to justify not working hard.

Ye Zishu even found their exam papers. He wanted to see their exam questions. He couldn't see the quality of teaching and students' learning outcomes just from the evaluation.

If the questions were all very simple, there would not be much reference for these data. Fortunately, after reading it, he felt that the difficulty of the test questions was moderate, but he didn't do anything about it.

What made him more pleased was that recently, the grades of students had improved more significantly than before, so Ye Zishu asked, "Is it because of the role of smart teachers in this situation?"

Although I really don't want to admit it because I can't realize the abilities of these teachers, I still said: "It is indeed the case. The application of smart teachers has greatly improved students' learning attitudes and grades."

Hearing this conclusion, Ye Zishu was actually very happy in his heart. You must know that the smart teacher application has only been used for a few months, and it has such good results.

If they are accompanied by intelligent teachers from an early age, then every student can achieve good academic results as long as they have normal intelligence, but will this make them more introverted?

If the senior high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination are still aimed at selecting talents rather than universal education, if the quota is stuck, no matter how good the overall score is, there will always be quite a few people who will not be able to successfully enter higher-level schools.

This is inconsistent with his educational philosophy, but he doesn't have a particularly good way to deal with it. Although he does have some energy, he still can't affect this kind of thing.

Ye Zishu asked them to call up the self-study status of these students. The intelligent teacher system has perfect statistics and records in this regard, which is very convenient to check.

Looking carefully at the statistical results, Ye Zishu is more satisfied with the effect of the smart teacher. With so many students, the average self-study time exceeds two and a half hours a day.

The most exaggerated thing is that there are still 10% of the students who use smart teachers to study for up to 5 hours a day, so in addition to studying at school during the day, they also have to study until after 11 pm every day.

When developing smart teachers, he pays special attention to the guidance of learning interest, turning boring knowledge into interesting knowledge, and at the same time can guide students step by step to have the motivation to continue learning.

Moreover, the longer students and smart teachers get along with each other, the more they will understand the students' personalities, preferences and other related characteristics, and at the same time, they can also enlighten students on the problems they encounter in life and work.

It is equivalent to providing students with a friend and a psychiatrist at the same time. The purpose of this is not only to enable students to grow healthier, but also to make students and intelligent teachers a good teacher and friend for life.

When they leave school and enter the society, they will have the possibility to continue learning. Whether it is to enrich their brains, improve their salary levels, or make their careers go more smoothly, it will be of great help.

Of course, New Oriental Education Group can also earn due benefits from this project, as they basically cannot make money in this regard at present.

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The school equips each student with a smart education terminal, and there is no charge for it. The smart education terminal is only rented out to the students. When they graduate, they need to be returned to the school for other students to use.

When these students get used to the company of smart teachers, they will most likely continue to purchase smart terminals and smart teacher services when they get to work.

New Oriental will keep their learning information and related data for a long time. No matter when they log in their identity information, they can meet the smart teachers who accompany them at school.

Every smart teacher is unique and tailor-made according to the students. The purpose is to let the smart teacher establish a different relationship with each student.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu inquired about the situation of the school's teachers, and learned that the teacher resources are fluid and will be allocated according to the overall situation every year, not fixed.

At first he felt that this was not good, as it would make teachers feel less attached to the school, but after thinking about it later, such a solution might be the best.

First, there are quite a number of vocational schools in New Oriental Education Group, but there is a slight shortage of qualified teachers, and there is not enough money. We can only use this dynamic balance method to solve the problem.

The second is to increase the sense of belonging of the teachers to the head office. Everyone must have emotional sustenance, even in the place where they work.

Since schools may change every year, teachers can only entrust their sense of belonging to the company headquarters, not individual schools.

In fact, not only teachers will face turnover, but also the school's management team will also undergo regular transfers. This approach is affirmed by Ye Zishu.

First, it can prevent group corruption. Compared with the strict management of enterprises, the management of schools is relatively loose. This kind of regular transfer is one of the preventive measures.

Second, it is conducive to bringing advanced management experience to every school. Vocational education in our country is not particularly standardized and is in the exploratory stage.

Of course, the transfer of the management team is at least a three-year cycle, and it will not transfer all the management of a school. It will be transferred in batches to avoid affecting the normal teaching order of the school.

The school currently has 280 faculty and staff. Although this ratio is still not satisfactory to Ye Zishu, it is already their limit in the current state.

The minimum degree is undergraduate, the highest degree is master's degree, and there are no teachers or managers with doctoral degrees at present. This situation will change with the increase of the number of people receiving higher education.

To be honest, Ye Zishu thinks that a bachelor's degree is a bit low in such a school, because there are many deep-seated problems that people with a bachelor's degree may not be able to explain clearly.

Unless it is after graduating from a bachelor's degree, he has worked for many years and has rich practical experience. Unfortunately, he saw that some of the work experience is only five years, which is actually a bit short.

Although he is not an academic hero, he can indeed explain a lot of problems. Not everyone is like him. If he is a real genius, it is impossible to only get a bachelor's degree.

After reading this, it was already noon, and Ye Zishu planned to have lunch here to see how the food in the cafeteria was.

Ye Zishu followed the school management to the cafeteria, and he was more relieved that no one asked him to open a small stove, and he didn't even mention it, which meant that maybe there really was no small stove here.

He also took a closer look at the setting of the cafeteria. People who looked like teachers and students looked like they were cooking and eating together, it didn't look like it was specially arranged.

What Ye Zishu is holding is a temporary card, which contains his basic information. After swiping the card to eat, the consumption records will be uploaded to the management system for storage.

In addition to this kind of free meal card, there are also paid meal cards, which are mainly used by school personnel to entertain relatives and friends. As long as the fee is paid, it is not considered public or private use.

Compared with restaurants outside, the price of food in the cafeteria is undoubtedly much cheaper. Ye Zishu ordered the food, and the quantity is not small, enough to feed a person of his age.

He is also very concerned about the amount of food. Many students are currently growing up, and lack of food may affect their development. The school cannot make money on this, and even subsidizes part of it.

There is one meat and two vegetables in total, and the menu changes every day. The staple food is mainly rice, but there are also a small amount of pasta such as steamed buns, but not many.

The taste is not bad, at least much better than what ordinary families eat now. Ordinary families, especially rural families, basically only see meat during the Chinese New Year. Usually, it would be nice to have lard for cooking.

After lunch, Ye Zishu went to the school's financial department to understand the situation. Generally speaking, the school's income and expenditure can only maintain a balance. If there are any special projects that need to be carried out, special funds from the headquarters are needed.

He is already very satisfied with being able to maintain a balance of daily income and expenditure. If it weren't for the high proportion of the company's payment, he would have faced a huge loss.

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