Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 533 Is it a coincidence or a foreknowledge?

Ye Zishu drove to the vocational school. This place is slightly different from the previous one. It was relatively desolate before, and there was only a single school here.

Now there are many commercial facilities outside, and there are also small vendors selling things here. After all, the students here are also a major consumer.

Ye Zishu parked the car far away, got out of the car and walked over, and asked about the selling price of the things here, which was more expensive than he imagined.

These things also depend on the place of origin. If it is a local or homemade product, it will be much cheaper. The most typical thing is food, which is really cheap in this era.

The price of goods from afar is more expensive. One is that the transportation cost is higher, and the other is that the merchants take advantage of the information difference to make money, and the second point occupies a much larger factor.

With the popularization of the Internet and the rise of online shopping in later generations, it will become more and more difficult to do business relying on poor information. This is also one of the main reasons why many brick-and-mortar stores are becoming less and less profitable.

When I came to the guard room, I was stopped by the guard just like last time. It was strange that the guard still remembered him after such a long time.

"Did you come here last year?" the doorman asked.

"You have a good memory. I did come here last year. This time I came here to see if the school's actual teaching situation is good." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, the uncle's memory became more perfect, and he also said with a smile: "Then your brother has been delayed for a year, and the next enrollment will not be until the second half of the year."

"No, I want to see what skills can be learned here. I just came here and saw excavators on the construction site. The salary is quite high. See if I can learn here." Ye Zishu explained.

Hearing him say this, the uncle may have seen him driving over. In this era, apart from the driver, everyone who owns a car is a big boss. It is difficult for ordinary people to afford it.

So the uncle said: "You are so rich, you still want to learn excavators?"

"Look at what you said, I have made a small amount of money now, but the world is unpredictable, and I don't know when I will lose my capital. This is a way for me to pursue a lot of skills without overwhelming my body, and I will have a way out in the future." Leaf Book explained.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with these words, but the doorman is not a fool, he doesn't believe his words at all, but he doesn't expose it, but asks: "Then you may be disappointed, this school doesn't teach excavators."

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu pretended to be disappointed, and said: "I thought I could learn it in our county, but if I went to other places, it would be a waste of time, and it's not safe. You also know that the world is not very good. Peaceful."

"You, don't pretend to be in front of me. If you can afford this kind of car, you can buy one and go home to play." The doorman felt that acting like this was boring, so he directly exposed him.

This made Ye Zishu very embarrassed. Fortunately, he quickly adjusted and said, "Master, you are very interesting. In fact, this school is also my property. I came here this time to see how the teaching and management work is doing."

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu took out a pack of Zhonghua from his pocket, and handed one to the doorman, but the doorman didn't dare to answer because of what he said, obviously he didn't take his words seriously .

Lighting the fire and taking a breath, the uncle said with a smile: "Young man, his words are getting more and more unreasonable. You think there is only one school, and there are dozens if not hundreds of schools under the company.

I see you are young, even if you earn money from the womb, at your age, you may not be able to earn so much money, do you think I will believe you? "

He thought the doorman was very interesting, but he didn't intend to continue wasting time here, so he said, "Isn't it, just call your school leaders and you'll know.

Let’s say that a young man named Ye Zishu, who is the owner of the school, came to see the school’s management and teaching situation. I believe your leaders should know how to judge. "

When the doorman heard what he said, he didn't want to fight at first, but seeing that he was so sure, and he didn't mean to be joking just now, he still said, "That's fine."

After finishing speaking, he entered the sentry box and made a call on the internal phone. Ye Zishu didn't hear clearly outside, but he came out after a while and said, "Are you really our boss?"

"Look at what you said, won't you know after a while?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Seeing his calm look, the uncle felt that it might be true, so he didn't have the finished cigarette in his hand, and he didn't feel like throwing it away, let alone continuing to smoke, a little uncomfortable.

Seeing the uncle's performance, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about it, as long as you do your job well, you still smoke this cigarette."

After finishing speaking, he directly handed the remaining cigarettes to the doorman. Although it caused him trouble, he did not forget his job, as long as he can achieve this level.

In fact, his requirements for grassroots employees are not high, as long as they do their job well, extra work should not be required by the employer unless additional remuneration is paid.


Those who want employees to take charge of the company are simply unbelievable. Employees get fixed wages, and the working hours are the national legal working hours, and they are not the group of people in the company who get annual salaries and dividends.

When the doorman saw him doing this, he immediately felt relieved, but he didn't dare to pick up the cigarette anymore, so Ye Zishu had to stuff the cigarette directly into his pocket.

And said with a smile: "You can smoke at ease, just control the amount, smoking is not good for your health, it is best to quit if you can."

In this way, the doorman finally took the cigarette, and he seemed to think of something suddenly, and said, "You can't be Ye Zishu from Xuhuwan Ye Village, are you?"

Ye Zishu nodded when he heard what he said, and said, "You guessed right."

Just when the uncle was about to speak, the principal of the school came with a few leaders, leaving him no chance to speak, and Ye Zishu actually knew what he was going to say.

His name is now well known in all villages and villages. In the past, it may have been limited to a radius of more than a dozen miles around his village. After all, there are too many relatives here, and any troubles can be spread quickly.

It took so long for the uncle to think of it, so it can be seen that it is not from his family, otherwise as long as you know the name, you will immediately think of him.

However, as his industries began to invest in the county, his name spread more widely. Many people like to ask who owns the investment, and many people are also related in the county.

It is actually not difficult to get news. Although the county has a large population and a large area, it is actually not large. Important things can be spread all over in two or three days.

Ye Zishu didn't know the principal's name, but he didn't look very old, about 40 years old, wearing a pair of glasses, and the other leaders were about the same age.

With too many properties under his umbrella, he would not pay attention to the management of a school at all, but the headmaster recognized him, and that was enough.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, Ye Zishu explained the purpose of his visit, which was actually very simple, to see the school's management and teaching situation.

After the management's introduction, this vocational school does not have any majors related to machinery. I don't know if it is a coincidence or it was arranged in advance. Many majors are related to medical and health care.

For example, the major of medicine, although it is not aimed at cultivating pharmaceutical R&D talents, after finishing this major, one can become a qualified pharmacist.

Have the qualifications and ability to work in a hospital pharmacy, or in a pharmacy, or even in a pharmaceutical company to engage in work related to drug quality inspection.

If it was predicted in advance that Yeaf Book would invest in the medical industry here, it means that the management of New Oriental Education Group has talents and has insight into his ideas.

If it is a coincidence, it would be interesting. Since Tianwen Medical College is located here, many of the jobs here in the future will deal with the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and most of the industries will revolve around these.

Cultivating these talents in this school can, on the one hand, transport talents for these industries, and on the other hand, do not have to worry about the employment of these talents, and the nearby employment can also save students a lot of cost.

Ye Zishu first went to the school to look at the various majors, and felt that it was similar to high school study, not as loose as ordinary colleges and universities, and the study atmosphere was relatively tense.

This is also understandable. A major like this usually takes three years to study. If you don't pay close attention, you won't learn much, and you may not be able to graduate.

Leaf Book is quite strict about this area. It implements the model of easy entry and strict exit. To enter, you only need to meet the basic education qualification requirements, but you need to pass the assessment for graduation.

Although this graduation certificate may not be recognized by the whole society, it is still very recognized in his companies. The strict requirements are actually to increase the gold content of the graduation certificate.

Otherwise, if the checks are not strict, it will only make this graduation certificate less and less valuable, which will damage the interests of all students. If they fail to graduate, they can only continue to study and extend the study period for one year.

If you can’t graduate in the end, you can only issue a certificate of graduation. Such students actually don’t put their minds on their studies, and no matter how much they teach, it’s useless.

After walking around, he didn't find anything bad. The students were more focused in class, and the teacher's level of explanation was not bad.

Then Ye Zishu came to the Academic Affairs Building and checked their management regulations, curriculum arrangements, teaching plans, etc. He really guessed right that these students had to attend classes for eight hours a day.

It's not entirely theoretical courses, practical courses account for about half, but it needs to wait until the second half of the second grade to start, and the early stage is mainly theoretical education.

At present, the total number of students in this school is 4000, some of them are students from this county, accounting for 40%, and the remaining 60% are students from other places. In the county seat.

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