Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 535 Intertwined Time Chapter Memory

When Ye Zishu came out of the school, the doorman unexpectedly came out of the sentry box and yelled in a serious manner: "Mr. Ye!"

It made him a little uncomfortable. He always asked employees and management to be equal in personality, but with different abilities and division of labor. As long as they complete their duties, other things can be ignored.

If the company requires employees to complete tasks beyond the job requirements, if the time is long, additional remuneration will be required, and employees have the right to refuse.

The reason why he did this was not that he was too idle to make himself feel uncomfortable, but that he wanted to use this method to dismantle the authority of the management and build up the confidence of the employees.

Don't look at it as if it will make employees have no sense of belonging to the company. In fact, on the contrary, because of giving employees enough respect, it will make employees have a stronger sense of belonging to the company.

For a boss like him who has been away from the company for a long time, if he doesn't resort to some tricks, he will hand over his property to professional managers unsuspectingly, and he will definitely cry at that time.

Looking at the messy stalls outside, Ye Zishu originally planned to ask the school to regulate this area, but after thinking about it, it's fine, as long as it doesn't affect the school's operation, it should be ignored.

It is not easy to find a job now, as long as the products sold are not inferior products, it is considered as a convenience to the students. In fact, there is also a small supermarket in the school, but the vendors and their products basically do not overlap.

After getting in the car, Ye Zishu drove around the old town. The business atmosphere here has not been affected much at present, and it is no different from when he was shopping before.

Then I went directly to the urban complex of Wancheng Jiye. Compared with the general county urban complex which is mainly commercial, their complex here is a complex integrating business and residence.

If the scale of the first phase is not so large, it can be called a new city. The main purpose of the first phase is actually to focus on the construction of commercial facilities, supplemented by residential construction.

When Ye Zishu came here, earthworks were also going on here, but it seemed that it was coming to an end. The terrain here was relatively flat, and the amount of earthworks was not too great.

If it weren't for taking care of the residents near his village so that they could work in the industrial park in the future, building it here would save a lot of time and money.

Ye Zishu parked the car far away, and didn't intend to take a closer look. He just looked at the endless flat land, the busy figures of bulldozers and excavators, as well as the continuous mountains in the distance and the corner of Poyang Lake on the right. He actually had a feeling of being in another world.

I remember that when this place was developed in the previous life, it was already after 2015. Before that, the entire county did not change much every year.

Because of his existence, this process has been advanced by 20 years. I don't know what it will be like in the future. It is very worth looking forward to.

At least it won't be like the previous life, when it's Chinese New Year, it will become popular. After the Chinese New Year, let alone the countryside, even the county town will suddenly look a little empty, and most people will go out to work.

According to their progress, it is estimated that large-scale foundation laying will start in June, the first phase of commercial building construction will be completed in the first half of next year, and the entire first phase of construction will be completed in the second half of the year.

The time is actually very fast, mainly because many business plans exist around these commercial facilities. Without the support of these commercial facilities, many subsequent plans cannot be carried out.

For example, the high-standard movie theaters, department stores, etc. that he plans, Wancheng Foundation is also aware of this situation, so when formulating the plan, it shortens the time and deploys additional manpower to participate in the construction.

The investment scale of the first phase here is 40 billion yuan. Once the commercial center of the entire county is built, it will be transferred here. After the completion of the second phase, the people in the old city may migrate here as a whole.

Then all the old buildings in the old city will be demolished and rebuilt, and the next two phases will be built to the west, because the west has a larger population and can benefit more people.

The compensation given by Wancheng Jiye is actually quite high. If it is a house relocation, the compensation will be based on a minimum of 40 square meters per person, and the shortfall will be based on this standard.

If the area of ​​the original house exceeds, additional compensation will be given. You can ask for a house or cash. The government has already carried out publicity, and the resistance is not too great.

This compensation is given mainly because the houses in the old urban area are generally about three floors, and the population density is not particularly large. Otherwise, Wancheng Jiye would not be able to bear this kind of compensation standard.

The farmland occupation is compensated at 100 yuan per square meter, and 6.6 yuan can be paid for one mu of land. The government and villagers will get half of the compensation.

If the villagers' houses are to be demolished, they will be compensated according to urban standards. For him, it is a basic human right for the people to fully enjoy the right of residence, regardless of urban or rural areas.

For land-lost farmers, Wancheng Foundation promises to arrange jobs for them as much as possible. Anyway, after the construction of these commercial facilities, a lot of manual work will be required, and these land-lost farmers will be given priority.

It is precisely because Wancheng Foundation did not care about land acquisition that they completed the demolition of the first phase of the project in such a short period of time.

As for the forest land, if it is state-owned land, the government is more generous and gives it away for free, because the cost of leveling these mountain lands is not low.


If it is village collective land, the compensation will be 20 yuan per square meter, and all the money will be distributed to the village collective, such as the land used by Taiji Group's industrial park.

After looking at it for a while, I felt that there was really nothing to see, and then I drove directly to the County No. [-] Middle School, preparing to pick up Ye Ziqi and go home for the weekend. Today is Saturday, and tomorrow she has a day off.

Parked the car at the corner of the school gate, turned off the engine, sat in the car and waited quietly. It was more than an hour before school ended.

Looking at the old street outside the window, my mind is full of memories. This street should be the oldest street in the county, and the buildings on both sides are mainly wooden buildings, all of which are one-story buildings.

Judging from the current point of view, it is a bit messy and the streets are very narrow. Ye Zishu's car made a detour just to see this familiar street.

When the third phase of Wancheng Jiye's project is built here, these buildings and streets will no longer exist, and they will be replaced by modern buildings. Although they are clean and beautiful, they lack the vicissitudes of history.

Modernization is rolling forward, no matter how many feelings you have, you can't stand the footsteps of history, and even one that should be submerged in the dust of history can't escape.

What's more, this kind of street, which is only a few years old but has little historical value, is under the wheel of history and becomes a story in the photos.

He also saw the couple who often met who opened a restaurant, and his impression was that they were arguing. Every time they ate, they could hear them arguing, as if there was no quiet time.

There is also the small bookstore behind the car, with many students in their high school years, there are many pirated foreign classics, which are very cheap, and many students deduct some money from the meals to buy these books.

Going around the wall, you can see a corner of the campus. The teaching building behind it should have a history of several decades. The outer wall is already mottled and the color has become a little darker.

The building in front is relatively new, but it also has a history of more than ten years. There is also a big tree in the front, which is a place where many students escape the summer.

He still remembers that the vice-principal likes to sit there and play the erhu, which sounds pretty good, but unfortunately he can only listen to it for an hour a day under the big tree, and he can't even hear it for an hour, so he just ^_^ writes.

Further on, there is a small playground with muddy ground and a lot of stones on it, which reveals a "poor look". Only when you do morning exercises every day will it be very lively.

In a small corner farther away, there are two basketball hoops, and the ground is finally covered with a thin layer of cement, but if it falls, it will not be so beautiful, and it will be easy to get injured.

Across the campus, in front is the teacher's building, where most of the teachers live, and in front of it is the most scenic place in the entire county, Nanshan.

There is a temple on it. In this era, the incense is not strong, and people who are bored will go climbing. There are many celebrity inscriptions left on it, and Su Shi is one of them.

Climbing to Nanshan Mountain, standing under the TV signal tower, you can overlook the entire county, and at the same time, you can see Poyang Lake like the sea, with blue waves and misty waves.

As for the vegetable market not far behind his car, the only thing that impresses him is the fried pie. He can eat six in one meal, and he thought it was very delicious at the time.

There is also the earthen pot soup that makes the whole street fragrant, but I am too shy to taste it. I must try it when I receive Ye Ziqi.

Later, I started working and ate a lot of crock pot soup, but I can no longer find this kind of crock pot soup that is full of fragrance in the streets. This regret must be made up for.

Sitting here, looking at these familiar scenes and the impressions in his mind, he can't help but fall into the memories of the past at a young age.

He felt that it was necessary to keep some things after the construction of the new city, and planned to instruct Wancheng Foundation to take proper care of these merchants and include them in their catering business.

Of course, it depends on whether they are voluntary or not. There are still many special snacks in the county, which made him come out for many years in his previous life, and he still misses it very much.

After more than an hour, Ye Zishu finally heard the bell ringing after school, pulled him out of his thoughts, sat up quickly, rolled down the glass, and looked towards the school gate.

About 10 minutes later, I finally saw Ye Ziqi walking out of the school leisurely with his schoolbag on his back, saw Ye Zishu waving his hands vigorously, and ran over quickly.

"Brother, why are you here to pick me up when you have time?" Ye Ziqi said as he got into the car.

"I just finished my work, let's go to the county to relax and see how big the change is in your mouth." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqi chuckled and said, "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

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