In the afternoon, he is still working in his study. In addition to continuing the work at hand, he also has to select management for this project and set up the company structure.

Now it is different from the past. In the past, it was very troublesome to form a team, and everything had to be helped by the personnel department. With the extensive use of intelligent management systems, the situation has fundamentally changed.

He only needs to log in to the personnel system of the entire group, and he can view the personnel information of each group at will. In addition to the basic information, the most important thing is the ability assessment of each personnel.

The employee ability assessments of each group are not scored by personnel from the personnel department, but are automatically generated by artificial intelligence, and the data base comes from the work conditions of all employees.

In order to be able to digitize the behavior in enterprise management, Honghu Software Company has invested a lot of energy, and Ye Zishu has also contributed a lot of algorithm support.

It’s just that the degree of intelligence was not as high as it is now, and a lot of data has not been well reflected, and even a lot of data is in a state of collection to support the establishment of evaluation models, which is not very mature.

Now the scale of his industry group is very large, there is enough data to support the establishment of the evaluation model, and the evaluation system that is now online is very mature.

Of course, the evaluation model is based on the evaluation of the ability of employees in enterprise management based on the leaf book, and may not be applicable to other enterprises.

The bosses of some companies like to play tricks with their employees, but the group under Ye Zishu doesn't use it. Apart from some considerations in the moral evaluation, the employers are basically evaluated according to their work ability.

There must be no lack of flattering employees under him, and Ye Zishu didn't think there was anything wrong with it. As long as such people were placed in suitable positions, they could still create huge value for the company.

The evaluation system will evaluate and score employees from various dimensions. When personnel are appointed, they will also give job matching data. If they seriously deviate from the system recommendations, they will be included in the supervision.

Therefore, he believes that the workload of the employees working under his banner may not be easy, but they should be relaxed physically and mentally, because their promotion and salary increase do not need to consider too complicated situations at all.

They don't need to build relationships, stand in teams, or form small groups. They just need to complete the assigned tasks with high quality as much as possible.

When Ye Zishu logs into the personnel system, he only needs to enter the job requirements according to the requirements of a new company, and the personnel system will automatically recommend many suitable candidates for him.

It can even be filtered according to special requirements, such as arrival time, departure impact index, etc., which can minimize the inconvenience caused by the transfer of manpower to the original unit.

And his industries are different from the past. In the past, there were two pits to be filled for one carrot, but now there are a lot more personnel, and many positions have certain redundancy.

It only took half an hour for Ye Zishu to determine the management position personnel needed by a new company, but there are still many steps to be truly determined.

Now it is the requester who provides the personnel transfer requirements, and the personnel to be transferred need to agree to confirm later, and after the consent, the department leaders need to agree to release.

If the leader is unwilling to release, he must give a relatively sufficient reason. If the person concerned has an opinion on the leader's refusal to release, he can lodge an appeal on the system.

Anyway, the intelligent management system will not listen to one side of the story, everyone needs to be responsible for what they say, because these will be kept in the system.

False statements are likely to become a stain on these people in the future, and may have a major impact on their promotion, salary increase, transfer, etc. If serious, they may be fired.

Although the intelligent management system is very intelligent, all of this is based on the fact that the data is as real as possible. If the data is not real, the results will naturally be accurate.

Therefore, there is a saying under his banner that the company does not care whether employees are honest or not offline, but the data in the system must be true, and many punishments are aimed at dishonesty in this regard.

Any falsified data is difficult to achieve seamlessly. The intelligent management system has its own set of powerful data verification system, which will make a comprehensive verification of any data.

In addition, the system will release anonymous questionnaires from time to time to ensure that the data is further authentic and reliable, and those who accept the questionnaires must also take responsibility for the data provided.

Now it is the Chinese New Year period, and all employees are on vacation. After Ye Zishu submits the selected candidates, it may not be possible to get a reply until after returning to work after the year.

After dealing with these, Ye Zishu began to write the project plan, which was too simple before, so that the villagers could understand it.

The purpose of writing a formal project plan now is to show it to the management who are about to come to work. Many of them may not be familiar with this industry. A complete plan will help them start their work as soon as possible.

Throughout the afternoon, he was writing the project plan. After writing the hundreds of pages of the project plan, he read it carefully to make sure that there was nothing missing, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Opening a lo-mei shop is just a small business of this project. Around the lo-mei food, Ye Zishu gave all the categories he could imagine in the project proposal, trying to be as detailed and operable as possible.

It was Ye Ziqi who called him to have dinner. After dinner, he went back to the study and started busying himself with artificial intelligence upgrades until 10 o'clock in the evening.


Then study in the virtual classroom and virtual library. Now you don’t have to race against time as before, and you can arrange a certain amount of time every day to enrich yourself.

The next morning, Ye Zishu didn't go to the ancestral hall to attend the investment meeting. He asked his father to go and register the investment amount of each household. The funds can be collected later in the year.

The purpose of giving this time slot is to allow them enough time to raise some funds, and there may not be such a good opportunity in the future.

Judging from the amount of investment they registered, no one planned to raise money, but basically planned to invest the money Yeshushu gave them.

But it’s also true to think about it. How can there be so much money for them to borrow in rural areas now? Although they earn some money from part-time jobs, the money needs to be used to improve their lives at home.

Some young men have also reached the age of marriage and need a sum of money in their hands to marry a wife. There are old and young in the family, and they also need some money in their hands for family expenses.

According to their investment scale, they account for 9.5% of the total capital share, but the formula provided by Ye Zishu also needs to be converted into shares.

Since the number of formulas is still uncertain, it is difficult to make an evaluation. In order to let everyone have no opinions, each formula will be converted into a certain amount of shares, and the shares will change at any time.

However, Ye Zishu did not intend to convert the formula into a high-value share. According to him, the formula will account for about 5% of the shares. Unless the formula provided involves high-tech content, the conversion rate may be very high.

Maybe it was because the Chinese New Year was only a day or two away, the county government didn't discuss with Ye Zishu about the development of Xingmiao Lake, but just talked to the natural villages along the lake.

It will take several years to really enter the substantive stage, and it is best to be fully determined before the Lantern Festival. Everyone has no time to waste too much on this matter.

Ye Zishu may go out for a trip after the Lantern Festival. People in various villages may go out to work after the Lantern Festival, and the time everyone stays at home is getting shorter and shorter.

Ye Zishu had a relatively easy life this year. Except for the necessary family sacrificial activities, he didn't have to worry about other things, so he could go about his work with peace of mind.

Until the first day of the new year, visiting relatives became the main theme. No matter how busy he was, every relative had to visit, especially uncles.

The gifts for New Year greetings are simple, except for the gifts brought over from Wuhan, every relative, elder and child, Ye Zishu has wrapped red envelopes.

The amount was not too much for him. The elders ranged from 500 yuan to 1000 yuan according to their seniority. The children were very uniform, and they all paid 200 yuan.

As for peers and relatives of the same generation, there are no red envelopes. They only give red envelopes to older elders and children who have not been out of society.

Because his time is really tight, each relative basically stays for less than three hours, and then goes home to be busy with work.

He hopes to complete the research and development of the intelligent education system before the Lantern Festival. The workload is very heavy, and he must race against time. There is not much time for him to relax.

Because he hopes to use the intelligent education system in the vocational school established by New Oriental Education Group first, which can be regarded as an actual test of the system to see how it works.

Moreover, students who can go to vocational education schools do not have particularly poor home conditions. Smart education terminals are generally affordable, which is more beneficial to the actual effect test.

During this period, the county government finally launched the start-up meeting of the Xingmiao Lake aquaculture project, convened representatives of natural villages along the lake and leaders of the village committee, and held a general meeting.

Then we communicated the results of the meeting with Leaf Book. Everyone had no opinion on this project. Anyway, this water area did not create huge economic value for everyone before.

However, when it comes to the distribution of benefits, there are different opinions. Ye Zishu has long known that this will happen, and he is not disgusted. It is not normal not to fight for the distribution of benefits.

Ye Zishu only participated in a meeting, and then asked his father to go over to discuss it. He told his father the bottom line in advance, and he himself had no time to waste on this.

After 5 days of tugging and tugging, a consensus was finally reached. Ye Zishu needs to invest 500 million yuan in this project, and each natural village along the lake will get a total of 40% of the shares.

The county government did not choose to take the contracting fee at one time, but took 10% of the shares. It can be seen that they are still very optimistic about the future development of this project and attach great importance to the later benefits.

The remaining 50% of the shares belonged to Yeshu, but Yeshu requested that the management be given dividend shares in the future, and all parties agreed.

After the matter came to fruition, the rest was Ye Shu's responsibility. He had to consider how to do a good job in this project and earn more money.

If it is conventional aquaculture, the water area of ​​Xingmiao Lake seems to be very large, but in fact it cannot create much value. It is estimated that the annual income is only a few million yuan, which is not particularly outstanding.

Ye Zishu hopes to expand the income scale of the aquaculture industry in Xingmiao Lake to tens of millions of yuan, and the long-term goal is to reach hundreds of millions of yuan, otherwise it will be regarded as a relatively failed project.

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